Chapter 179

After realizing the strength of ONG in S3, LPL began to try to sign up, hoping to improve the strength of the team through signing up.

Even if you can't win the S Championship, it should be no problem to dominate the LPL.

The factory manager also thinks the same way, so when EDG has a fat general and deft, he feels that he has stabilized.

Not only the factory director, but basically, the whole competition area has the same idea, whoever has more Korean aid will be fierce.

Whoever's Korean aid is fierce will be more fierce.

But now, the factory manager sees a different result. Although LGD has Imp, it is obvious that Chen Ge is the biggest leg in the team.

This completely overturned his view of Korean aid. Obviously, the stronger the Korean aid, the stronger the team.

From this point of view, EDG has fat generals and deft. Korean aid is much stronger than LGD in this respect. Although deft may have a gap with Imp, it is not that big.

However, the winner is now LGD, and it is 3:0, which is already very telling.

The fat general sitting next to the factory manager naturally didn't know that the factory manager was thinking about this kind of question.

What the fat general is thinking at this time is that now he has missed the summer championship, and only by getting results in the S competition can he prove his worth.

At least he must reach the finals, otherwise he will be completely sorry for his current worth.

After celebrating, everyone in LGD lined up and came to EDG to shake hands.

Chen Ge couldn't care about the expressions of everyone in EDG at this time, even though everyone had ridiculed each other before the game.

But Chen Ge is not the kind of narrow-minded person. Many of these ridicules are for the effect of the show and cannot be taken seriously.

After shaking hands, everyone in EDG ran towards the long-dreamed trophy together.

In front of the trophy, Chen Ge was the first to hold the bottom of the trophy with both hands, and the others helped to lift the trophy together.

"LGD! LGD! LGD!" The moment the trophy was lifted, the passion of the audience was ignited again. Everyone cheered and screamed, witnessing this historic moment!
After the award ceremony, everyone welcomed the interview.

Everyone in LGD lined up, waiting for the host's interview. ,

Chen Ge's eyes swept across the auditorium, and he felt his blood surging. This was the first time he had witnessed such a scene in person.

The venue for the final is very large, with thousands of people crowded into one venue, and there are huge crowds of people.

But now, the eyes of these people are all focused on you alone. This feeling is indescribable.

While Chen Ge was enjoying the audience's gaze and cheers, the teammates around him became restless.

"I'll go, it's so beautiful!"

"It's not that who...that..."

"Rita, yes, it's Rita."

"Why is it him, she is not..."

Before Chen Ge could figure out the situation, the factory director beside him had already stabbed his arm, and then gave Chen Ge a look.

Chen Ge followed the gaze of the factory manager and saw the beautiful hostess slowly approaching.

The hostess was dressed in a cyan cheongsam and black high-heeled shoes, with graceful steps and a smile on her face.

This person is none other than Rita!

Chen Ge didn't expect that Rita would be in charge of the interview, because he had never heard Rita mention it.

This wave of Chen Ge's eyes met Rita's. After all, now that so many people are watching, Rita seems a little shy.

So he bowed his head for a while, and at the same time kissed and smiled, two red clouds had floated on his cheeks.

However, at such a moment, Chen Ge suddenly felt that something moved in himself, and Chen Ge suddenly couldn't grasp the nodding and lowering eyebrows!
Chen Ge hurriedly bent down slightly to adjust his standing posture.

And Rita took advantage of the trend and walked in front of the LGD crowd, facing the audience: "Let's congratulate LGD for winning the championship!"

The audience also cooperated quite well. When Rita said this, the fans continued to cheer.

At this time, in the official live broadcast room, the barrage is a completely different scene:
"Is this really Rita? She's so pretty?"

"I've hurt my brothers, Chen Ge is really not a person."

"Kill Chen Gou and grab Rita!"

"From today onwards, I will be a black fan, Chen Gou will die!"

"This is the winner in life, I will go."

"He is a man of talent and beauty, and is it your turn to object?"

"A beauty is only worthy of a champion!"

The comments were also polarized. Many people expressed that they were quite jealous, and there were many fans of Chen Ge among them.

Of course, there are also people who support it.

In their view, this is a matter of course, only Chen Ge is worthy of it.

While everyone was discussing, the interview had already begun.

The first interview was with Chen Ge. However, Chen Ge's attention was no longer on the interview, but on Rita.

The eyes of the two always meet together subconsciously, which can increase the density of the barrage several times each time.

At the same time, in OGN, SKT's training base.

Unlike usual, there was no one in the training room at this time, and ONG's summer finals hadn't finished yet.

It stands to reason that SKT should step up their practice.

However, at this time, everyone in SKT had already gathered in the meeting room.

In addition to the players, coaches and analysts also gathered together.

The staff at the training base are preparing for the projection. Coach Kkomma sits at the front, looking over everyone.

At this time, someone below asked: "Coach, what's the matter? If there's nothing else, I'm going back to play RANK."

Kkomma looked for the sound, and it was none other than Faker who spoke.

Faker's expression is quite indifferent, and his eyes are extremely sharp. Just looking at him, he will feel inexplicable pressure.

For faker, the game is everything, he is born for the game, so he doesn't want to waste a little time on other things.

Kkomma is also used to Faker's character, and he explained: "I called you here today to discuss the S game."

"Just now, the LPL summer finals have been played, and the champion has been produced."

Hearing this, everyone in SKT was not surprised, because they paid attention to the relatively strong teams in other divisions.

For SKT, winning the summer championship is like getting something out of a bag, so they have already started to study the opponents in the S game, and they have an understanding of other competition regions.

"LPL? EDG? They have nothing to study, we are already familiar with it." It was Bang who spoke.

Compared to faker, bang seems to be much easier to get along with.

Hearing the three letters EDG, Faker's expression became a little more serious.

Because in EDG, there is a faker who wants revenge, and that is the fat general.

For faker, the fat general used to be a nightmare.

Of course, the reason for this nightmare is not that there is a gap in strength between the two.

But in S4, the SSW where the fat general is located is obviously much stronger than SKT.

If faker wants to win the game, he must open a breakthrough from the middle.

The fat general is different from other mid laners, and there is no way to crush it from the operation.

On the contrary, Faker himself was in a hurry, showing countless flaws and was single-handedly killed by the fat general several times.

These are faker's history of humiliation, he naturally wants revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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