LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 184 Sudden Happiness

Chapter 184 Sudden Happiness

(The previous chapters are messed up, you can go back and read them)

Then, Yao Ji kept the distance between herself and the big tree while making up the knife, and let the E skill trigger the second-stage control.

Although Chen Ge is controlled by this E skill, he knows that he cannot retreat. Once he retreats, he will lose experience.

He chose to continue walking despite the demon girl's injury, and after getting close to the pawn line, he threw the E skill backhand onto the pawn line, and took the three little soldiers down.

However, the price is to be controlled by the demon girl's chain, and then chased all the way by the demon girl.

"It's a bit difficult, this pairing." Chen Ge muttered.

He didn't seem to lose much blood in this wave, but he knew that at the beginning of the laning, it would only be more uncomfortable later.

In the live broadcast room, after seeing this wave, the water friends brushed up one after another:

"The gap is still too big, it's not at the same level at all."

"You shouldn't choose a big tree. You might be able to fight a dozen other heroes."

"It's more like a hero, and no one chooses according to his hand, and other people's enchantresses come out first.",

"If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. What excuses are you looking for?"

In this live broadcast room, it is naturally impossible for everyone to be a fan of Chen Ge.

Among them are Chen Ge's black fans, or fans of OGN.

Naturally, they will not let go of the opportunity to humiliate Chen Ge, and now the opportunity has just come!

Chen Ge didn't care about what the barrage said, and now the pairing is already in hell mode.

There must be a way to change the status quo.

Although Chen Ge can't operate well, his brain is still relatively flexible, or he can adapt to changes.

Since it is impossible to beat the lane, then think of other ways.

Seeing that the enchantress continued to be stuck in front of the pawn line and did not give him a supplementary knife, Chen Ge retreated directly, and then circled from the side of the defensive tower to the river.

Seeing this scene, Faker didn't take any action.

In his opinion, Chen Ge just wanted to pretend to disappear and trick him into pushing the lane, so that Chen Ge could eat the lane.

All he needs to do is to continue to maintain the state of line control and suppression, so that Chen Ge will become more and more uncomfortable.

However, Chen Ge didn't think this way this time. After he walked to the river, he walked directly to the opposite blue BUFF.

This wave of Cheng directly glanced at the blue buff on the opposite side, and then threw another tree son casually.

At the same time, he sent several signals, wanting to call the jungler over.

He wanted to copy the tactics used to deal with the factory manager, starting from the wild area, and destroying the jungler first.

However, this wave of teammates ignored him, but continued to maintain their own wild route.

In the eyes of teammates, the level of the middle lane has fallen behind, and the pawn line is not good.

In addition, Chen Ge chose to be a big tree, and the combat effectiveness in the early stage was very weak.

If he went to invade with Chen Ge and didn't end the battle immediately, let Faker rush over.

This 2 vs 2 is the ultimate free, there is no angle of winning at all.

Therefore, this wave cannot be followed anyway.

Seeing that his teammates didn't come, Chen Ge despaired. This wave of old tricks failed.

So Chen Ge could only return to the middle lane and continue laning.

After returning to the middle, he found that the pawn line still hadn't been pushed over.

Enchantress has already reached two levels, and her suppressive power is only stronger than before.

Although the line of soldiers has a tendency to push this way, it will take some time.

Not only that, but now Faker is not satisfied with not letting Chen Ge eat the pawn line, this wave he directly comes up to W to pick up the consumption of Q skills, lowering Chen Ge's blood line.

"It's a bit difficult to fight." Chen Ge muttered, seeing that he couldn't eat the pawn line, he chose to use the tree son to hit the enchantress, thinking that there is no way to use it to eat the pawn line now, so it is useless.

Faker saw Chen Ge throwing the tree son at him, and didn't even have the intention of hiding.

Instead, he chose to fight hard. He did this because he didn't want Brother Chen to get close to the line of soldiers.

He felt that Chen Ge did this because he wanted to take the opportunity to get close to the soldier line and learn about his experience.

It's better to resist the damage of this tree son, so that Chen Ge can't get experience.

The laning in the middle lane became more and more anxious, and Yao Ji quickly rose to the third level.

At this time, Chen Ge is still at the first level, although there is a large wave of troops to enter the tower.

But even if he eats all of them, his level cannot catch up.

At this time, in SKT's lounge, kkomma, who was sitting next to Faker, frowned slightly.

He said, "Is this the only strength this person has? If this is all his strength, then it feels like that."

"Or, it's just because he switched to the middle lane, so he couldn't play well."

Faker shook his head after hearing this: "Switching to the middle lane will indeed greatly reduce his strength, but it shouldn't be so bad. I suspect that this is his real strength."

As the person who is facing off against Chen Ge, faker naturally has the right to speak. Chen Ge's movement and the release of skills are all under his observation.

Through this kind of observation, he found that Chen Ge's operations seemed to be very clumsy, and he didn't look like a person who could dominate the LPL top laner position at all.

Even if the LPL top laner position has always been weak, it will not reach this point anyway.

Thinking of this, Faker shook his head, and suddenly felt that his previous thoughts were ridiculous.

He thought before that LPL really produced a genius, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

Geniuses are not so easy to come by, even in OGN, which is full of talents, there are not many who can be called geniuses.

Thinking of this, faker stepped forward directly to W, and continued to consume Chen Ge.

Although this wave has reached the time when the junglers on both sides get double BUFF and can gank, but faker has no scruples about where to play.

How does a big tree with a level-[-] point E skill cooperate with the jungler?There is no way to cooperate.

Therefore, even in the case of no vision, faker did not consume it with W skills without any psychological burden.

However, after this wave of fakerW went up, the situation suddenly changed!

On Chen Ge's side, the jungler spider suddenly came over from the river, as if it wanted to help GANK.

Of course, this wave of spiders is not here to gank, but to put pressure on faker.

He saw that Dashu had been unable to gain experience and could not be promoted to two levels, so he wanted to come over and drive away the enchantress.

Now that the enchantress has no skills in her hands, this wave can only be retreated logically.

In this way, Chen Ge's big tree can gain experience and be promoted to two levels, so the enchantress can't be so unscrupulous.

For high-segment junglers, it is not necessary to have the certainty of GANK to go online.

In many cases, the jungler has to help push the line, help clear the siege, and do all kinds of dirty work.

The overall purpose is one, to make online teammates play comfortably.

But now, Chen Ge was obviously suffering from the beating, so he naturally wanted to come over to help.

After seeing the spider, Faker's heart was calm. This wave of spiders couldn't touch him at all, because the big tree couldn't make the first move.

However, just when faker thought that this wave would be fine as long as they retreated, the situation suddenly changed!
The big tree that was originally level [-] was inexplicably promoted to level [-]. Not only that, but a blue BUFF appeared on him!


This wave of fakers was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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