LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 190 Self-defeating and getting 3 kills

Chapter 190 Self-defeating and three kills
[-]-[-] and PDD go around to the back of the first tower on the opposite side.

Then directly kill it, and the next line of soldiers is also coming, and everything is ready!

"Head! Give me the head!" Wuwukai shouted in Mic.

This wave of Chen Ge originally matched up well in the top lane, but was suddenly taken aback by the loud voice of [-]-[-].

He looked at the small map, only to find that the middle and the wild were doing things in the bottom lane.

The most important thing is that the opposite middle lane is gone, and no one has sent him a signal yet.

For the sake of caution, Chen Ge walked directly down the tower.

The wave on the other side is very likely to come up to catch him, so of course we have to be careful.

In the game, Chen Ge was already used to being targeted, which made him develop the habit of being cautious.

This wave is exactly as he thought, the middle lane and the jungler on the opposite side really came together on the road.

However, halfway to the road, they found that Chen Ge retreated directly, obviously vigilant.

At the same time, if this wave wants to jump over the tower, it's too late. The pawn line is still in front of the Golem defense tower, and it will take time to push it over.

Although it is said that no one can support Chen Ge's troops in a short time.

But if it took so long to get on the road without success, the opponent Nakano would not be able to accept it.

So the two chose to give up this wave of actions against Chen Ge.

So this wave of Chen Ge skipped a catastrophe. On the other side, [-]-[-] and PDD got two heads.

"I'm invincible, brothers, from now on, I declare that I am invincible!"

Chen Ge laughed when he heard it. Playing games with Wu Wu is a kind of torture to the ears. This person is too good at talking, and he never controls his volume and tone.

I like to play with exaggeration, and I can exaggerate as much as I can.

However, when he found out that Chen Ge was safe and sound on the road, he was taken aback.

He didn't expect Chen Ge's consciousness to be so good this time, and he retreated to the tower consciously.

Generally speaking, in the game, if the person on the line disappears, it will send a signal to the teammates.

Only after seeing the signal will they retreat. This wave of [-]-[-] deliberately did not give the signal, trying to trick Chen Ge, but now it seems that the problem is too simple.

However, this wave is just the beginning, and he has plenty of opportunities to try.

Soon, the game time came to 5 minutes, and the [-]-[-] and PDD went down the road together again.

This wave of two people is going to cross the road again.

Moreover, the timing of this wave is very clever. Generally, it takes five and a half minutes for the wave of soldiers to advance to level six.

They stuck at the timing of Chen Ge's six-level promotion, just to give the opposing Nakano a chance to go on the road and jump the tower.

This [-]-[-] opening still didn't give a signal, and wanted to trick Chen Ge.

In this wave, while he was going down the road to do things, the opposite Nakano also went up the road again.

This wave of Chen Ge was unprepared. In the previous wave, he was frightened by the sound of [-]-[-], so he reacted.

This time his luck was not so good.

Moreover, the preparations on the other side are obviously more adequate, and the stone man on the other side has already pushed the line of troops ahead of time.

Instead, Chen Ge thought that the amount of mana inside was not enough, so he chose to control the line. In this way, the line of soldiers was successfully pushed into the defense tower.

In this wave of bot lane, [-]-[-] and PDD crossed the tower successfully again, and caught the opposite bot lane support to death.

However, the two are more concerned about the situation on the road.

Look at the small map, good guy, just push the pawn line into the defense tower on the opposite road.

On the opposite side, Nakano came out from behind the defense tower, as if he wanted to go up the road.

Seeing this scene, Wu Wu laughed. In his opinion, this wave of Chen Ge is doomed.

The top laner does not have flash, but has ignite and TP.

In addition, from the point of view of time, this wave of Chen Ge has no time to rise to level six.

Therefore, it is already possible to issue a death notice to Chen Ge.

However, just when it was [-]-[-], it was thought that this wave was finally about to succeed.

An unbelievable scene happened, the man suddenly rose to level six!
This wave of opponents had already started to fight, but as soon as the skills were handed in, this man and horse suddenly reached level six.

When this wave reached level six, Chen Ge made a big backhand move, controlled the three opponents under the tower, and then completed a wave of one-on-three counter-kills, directly reaping three kills.

"What are these people on the other side doing? Forced delivery?"

"I'll go? One hit three? It's so handsome."

"How dare the other side, don't they know that the horse is going to be promoted to level six?"

"Do these people on the opposite side really have the first level?"

The barrage in Chen Ge's live broadcast room exploded, and most people suspected that the wave on the other side was just sending it.

Obviously the people and horses are about to be promoted to level six, but they come on the road and jump over the tower like this.

However, what everyone didn't know was that this wave of opponents was always looking at their own experience bar on the road.

He is on the road and has not lost experience, so he can infer from his own experience that Chen Ge will definitely not reach level six this time.

This is the confidence to go up the road on the opposite side, but soon, the stone man found that he had overlooked one thing.

That is, Chen Ge came online with a human head and a blue BUFF!
This wave of Chen Ge's initial experience itself is higher than his own. Based on his own experience, he speculates that Chen Ge will not be able to reach the sixth level. This method itself is not valid.

However, the opponents of this wave have figured out what's going on, but they haven't figured out what's going on at [-]-[-].

"This wave... how did you get promoted to level six?" Wu Wu opened his mouth so loudly that he couldn't control it, and he actually asked this question in a very puzzled tone.

Chen Ge was stunned for a moment after hearing this. In his opinion, isn't this a matter of course?Because of the promotion to the sixth level, there is a reason for the promotion to the sixth level?
In Chen Ge's consciousness, there is no concept of the five-and-a-half wave of soldiers rising to level six. Naturally, he can't understand why he asks such a question.

So he replied: "What do you mean by this question? I don't quite understand."

Now that it was [-]-[-], he was stunned. He suddenly realized that asking this question was a bit stupid. As a teammate at this time, he should be happy. If you ask this kind of question, don't you reveal your inner thoughts?
Obviously, Chen Ge is a bold and careful person!Already in doubt.

So Wuwu faked a smile and said: "Haha, I just asked casually this time, brother, don't think too much."

"Just asking?" Chen Ge was confused by the [-]% discount, but he didn't bother to ask clearly, so let's leave it at that.

After this wave, [-]-[-] and PDD's plan to suppress Chen Ge during the laning period completely failed.

They can only start plan B, which is to trip Chen Ge when they are in a group.

Soon, the game time came to 10 minutes.

[-]-[-] and PDD, leading the bot to do things near Xiaolongkeng, wanting to take this Xiaolong.

However, there was no intention of letting it go on the other side.

So the [-]-[-] command said: "Brother, you are ready to TP to come to support at any time, and we will fight this wave."

"Okay." Chen Ge's answer was very short, just one word.

After the discussion, Chen Ge continued to develop on the road.

In the end, he was making up the knife, and suddenly a [-]-[-] voice came from the earphone: "Brother, TP! Here, there is an eye position, speed!"

(End of this chapter)

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