LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 193 Bad news!

Chapter 193 Bad news!
Soon, Chen Ge saw everyone from EDG and IG.

The three teams began to greet each other. In the competition area, everyone was an opponent.

But when it comes to the arena of the S game, everyone is a comrade-in-arms.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng!"

"Wei Shen, why don't you play Heavenly Knife recently, the Tang Sect can't do without you."

"Taobao Quan, why haven't I seen you come to play two games recently, you must be quitting."

The team members are still relatively close, and they have contacts in private, and everyone jokes with each other.

Under the supervision of Chen Ge's Brother He Feng, Wei Shen, Taobao Quan, and Imp are relatively honest now, and they have basically done what Chen Ge said.

However, when everyone in EDG and IG noticed Chen Ge, the atmosphere changed instantly.

The people who were talking and laughing at first fell silent.

Chen Ge didn't have such a gap that the atmosphere was not right. He walked past the two teams, and first came to IG to hit the road and stood in front of him.

Chen Ge originally wanted to take the initiative to say hello, but when he saw the posture, he found that the gaze of the posture actually actively dodged.

Now it's hard for Chen Ge to say anything, the other party seems to be a bad person, so he can't put a hot face on a cold ass.

As a result, Chen Ge wanted to walk over, so he said in a gesture: "Chen... President Chen... Brother Chen."

While speaking with gestures, he did not forget to nod and bow, as if seeing the leader.

Chen Ge stopped, turned around and looked at Gesture, only to find that Gesture didn't even dare to raise his head, and stood upright, as respectful as he could be, as polite as he could be!

"You... okay..." Chen Ge was stunned, he didn't know how to respond to the gesture.

After the posture took such a head, others started to follow:
"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

"Good song god!"

"Hello Brother Chen!"

No one dared to know Chen Ge's name, they only dared to use various honorific titles instead.

The style of this painting changed suddenly, people who didn't know it thought it was a gangster gathering here!
Chen Ge did not expect that his status in the hearts of everyone would be so high.

He thought that it was only in the game that others were more afraid of him, and generally the top laner was afraid of him.

This is the case in real life as well.

After saying hello, the three teams started to shoot.

This time, Chen Ge became the protagonist of the audience!

The LPL official seems to want to praise Chen Ge intentionally, and put him, a rookie, in the C position!
Whether it's standing position or the number of times of leaving the country, Chen Ge is definitely the first.

This is what Chen Ge did not expect, of course, the hard work involved is also what he did not expect.

He thought that to shoot this kind of thing, he only needed to pose a few poses and say a few harsh words.

In fact, the shooting process is very laborious, because most of the material will be thrown away, and the essence must be selected from it.

In this way, a very large base is needed as a support. The larger the base, the more perfect the selected essence.

So, the shooting process went from morning to midnight!

The entire promotional video lasted only 2 minutes, but Chen Ge was exhausted to death.

After the filming ended, everyone in LGD got on the bus and returned to the training base. Chen Ge fell asleep in the car, and they didn't know how to get back.

Early the next morning, Chen Ge was called up to start training.

At the beginning, it was a training match in the competition area.

Because the other teams are on vacation and can't make an appointment, so only the three teams of LGD, EDG, and IG can practice with each other.

Chen Ge is quite familiar with the top lanes of IG and EDG, so it can be said that he can easily catch them.

So LGD went smoothly in the training match.

Half a month before the S game, Brother Feng wanted to make an appointment with teams from other divisions.

He even proposed the idea of ​​going to OGN for training.

The main reason is that Brother Feng heard that the version of the S game has been greatly changed this time, which is completely different from the version of the summer game.

The teams from the LCS and LEC divisions have already gone to OGN to participate in the training camp.

If the LPL team doesn't go, they will definitely fall behind in version understanding!
In fact, judging from past experience, the results of each team in the S game are not positively correlated with the results of the summer game.

The reason is that the version of the S game is generally changed, which is different from the summer game.

For all teams, it is a new start. Whoever understands the new version quickly can get better results.

Teams in the same competition area will always have the same understanding of a new version.

Different competition areas look at the version from different angles, so various styles of play and routines will be derived.

Playing against teams from different regions, you can improve yourself by learning the opponent's style of play.

Now the teams in other regions are learning from each other. If the LPL does not join in, it will be easy to be left behind.

When it comes to the S game, there will definitely be problems.

Brother Feng communicated his thoughts with the coaches of EDG and IG.

The coaches of the three teams agreed that they need to go to OGN to participate in the training camp.

So Brother Feng, on behalf of the three teams, submitted an application to OGN.

As a result, to everyone's surprise, the application was rejected!

After being rejected, Brother Feng tried a few more times, and even communicated with the LPL official to ask them to mediate. This matter is very important to the LPL.

In the end, the LPL official came forward, but the ending didn't change, and it was still rejected.

Brother Feng is in a panic now, if he can't go to OGN to participate in the training camp, this year's S game, the LPL may have nothing to gain.

No matter how strong the hard power is, if you don't understand the version, you can't play it.

In desperation, Brother Feng could only worry about the members of the three teams to discuss this issue together.

So, all three teams came to LGD's training base.

Nuoda's conference room was overcrowded, and everyone didn't know what happened, and they were discussing in low voices.

Chen Ge didn't know what was going on, he just heard that there was going to be a meeting.

After coming to the meeting room, I found a corner and wanted to sit down, but was called to the front row by Brother Feng, and sat directly next to Brother Feng.

Seeing that everyone is almost here, Brother Feng said, "Today, I have some bad news to tell everyone."

Hearing this, the people who were still discussing immediately quieted down.

Brother Feng continued: "Our application to OGN for training camp was rejected."

"Even after the LPL official came forward, it still didn't pass, so, we may have to study the version ourselves."

Hearing this, the people below were in an uproar:
"Why did you refuse? Isn't this normal? All other divisions have gone!"

"I don't understand. Could it be that we haven't completed any procedures?"

"If there is no way to go through the formalities, it will be fine. It feels inexplicable."

"We study the version by ourselves... I feel like we won't be able to keep up, this year it won't be... the whole army will be wiped out..."

The team members were quite disturbed. They knew very well that it would take a lot of time to thoroughly understand a version.

(End of this chapter)

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