Chapter 196
Coming out of the airport, everyone boarded the official bus and arrived at the hotel where they stayed.

This hotel has been booked out, and all teams participating in the group stage will live in this hotel.

The rooms of the three LPL teams are all next to each other.

Sit in the elevator and follow the staff to the fifth floor. Chen Ge took the key card and walked towards his room.

Brother Feng meant to ask everyone to settle their own things first, and then go to have a meal together.

As a result, before Chen Ge reached the door of his room, he suddenly heard a commotion behind him.

After Cheng turned around, he found a team of people approaching. Judging from the appearance characteristics, it should be the OGD team!
And some of them are very familiar, but Chen Ge didn't remember the names for a while.

Chen Ge quickly noticed the mark on their bodies, it was a tiger!

"KOO Tigers?" Now Chen Ge remembered, these people should be the players and coaching staff of KOO Tigers!
The KOO Tigers, commonly known as the Tigers, are one of the three representative teams of the LCK this time around.

As a rookie team, KOO Tigers is quite strong.

And it can be regarded as a legendary team. I heard that the KOO Tigers train in Internet cafes. They don't have their own training room, let alone a building.

And the relationship between the players is quite good, not so much as teammates, but as brothers.

It is such a team that only lost to SKT in the face of such fierce competition from OGN.

It can be said that it is quite inspirational to secure the second position.

Chen Ge watched the KOO Tigers walk by, and soon his eyes met one of them.

smeb, the first top laner of KOO Tigers, is also the top laner who can wrestle with marin in LCK now.

In comparison, smeb's ability to improve people may be a little stronger, but there is a gap between his teammates and marin's team.

After the eyes met, Chen Ge was not at all cowardly, and he had never been cowardly in this regard.

If you dare to stare at me, I will dare to stare at you.

However, this wave of smebs was a bit vain, their eyes drifted away, and finally they took the initiative to avoid it!
"Cut, that's it?" Chen Ge secretly said disdainfully.

Of course, his disdain is only for what happened just now. As for the technology, he dare not look down on the other party.

The top laner position is the position with the biggest gap between LPL and LCK.

In the middle, there is Wei Shen, there is broiler, and there is status.

On the road, Chen Ge was alone, and no one else could do it.

And Chen Ge still understands his own situation. It is all because of luck that he can secure the top order in LPL.

Therefore, Chen Ge hasn't swelled to the point where he looks down on Smeb.

Everyone in KOO Tigers seems to live next door to the three LPL teams. It can only be said that this is fate.

Chen Ge withdrew his gaze, inserted and let go and pushed open the door.

When he came to the closet, Chen Ge opened his suitcase, preparing to tidy things up a bit.

Because he doesn't usually do housework, Chen Ge is quite unfamiliar with these things.

Feeling too troublesome, I just grabbed the clothes and prepared to stuff them directly into the cabinet.

Rita helped organize these pairs and put them neatly in the suitcase.

As a result, just as Chen Ge grabbed his clothes, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the door!

When he came in just now, he opened the door and did not close it.

Chen Ge immediately stopped what he was doing, because he could tell that this person was wearing high heels, that is to say, this was a woman!
The sound of footsteps approached, as if they were coming towards this side, Chen Ge looked towards the door.

Soon, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Chen Ge.

"Rita, did you come? When did you come?" This person was none other than Rita.

At this time, Rita was wearing a knit sweater, a short skirt, and her slender white legs were dazzling.

"What? You don't welcome me?" Rita asked back.

"How come... But you... it seems that you didn't tell me in advance." Chen Ge was surprised and delighted.

In fact, because of the departure today, Chen Ge made a special trip home last night, intending to hand in his homework.

But because it was a special date, Chen Ge could only give up.

Originally, Chen Ge was worried that Rita would be bored and lonely at home alone, but she didn't expect her to follow.

Rita walked slowly in front of Chen Ge, her eyes fell on the ball of clothes in his hand.

"You! Why do you treat your clothes like this, come, give it to me!" Rita quickly took it.

Seeing the slightly wrinkled clothes in her hands, Rita gave Brother Chen a white look, and muttered: "Men are big pigs, let me do it, you sit and rest."

Chen Ge smiled awkwardly, then lay down on the bed, turned his head sideways, and looked at Rita's silhouette.

I have to say that Rita's clothes perfectly outline her curves.

Coupled with the up and down movements, Chen Ge's heart itch.

But, now it's the critical time, Brother Feng also said, pay attention to rest at night.

People in this foreign country are prone to acclimatization. If they are overworked, their bodies may not be able to bear it.

Chen Ge began to fight against his own evil thoughts, but who could completely resist the beauty in front of his eyes.

It didn't take long for Rita to put all the clothes into the cabinet neatly, then turned her head to look at Chen Ge.

"You... why are you staring at me?" Rita had already noticed that Chen Ge's gaze was unusual, and she immediately became a little shy.

Seeing Rita like this, how can Chen Ge hold back?The last bit of sanity was swallowed up.

I saw Chen Ge asking: "Did the door close when you came in?"

Rita nodded, she seemed to have thought of something, two red clouds floated on her face.

"Come on, wife, come to my side." Chen Ge said as he patted the edge of the bed, motioning for Rita to come and sit down.

"Who is your wife!" Rita said coquettishly, but although she said so, her body came over honestly.

"That's not my wife, do I have other wives? Why don't I know?" Chen Ge slicked his tongue.

After Rita sat down, Chen Ge stretched out his evil hands, just about to move, "Ding dong! Ding dong..." The doorbell rang.

"I...who, I'll go!" Chen Ge almost ran away on the spot, but was interrupted at such a critical moment.

"Go and open the door, what if something happens?" Rita also calmed down and urged.

"Hey, there is business in the end, or I'll cut off his head!" Chen Ge got up from the bed and walked towards the door.

When he came to the door, Chen Ge adjusted his collar a little bit, and then opened the door.

"Brother Feng?" It turned out that the person standing outside the door was none other than Brother Feng!
Brother Feng asked, "Have you tidied up your things? We're going to eat."

"Oh, so it's for dinner... It's all done." Chen Ge replied.

"Huh? Then... huh? What's the smell? Did you wear perfume?" However, Brother Feng soon noticed something was wrong!He leaned over and sniffed Chen Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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