LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 200 The Enmity Group

Chapter 200 The Enmity Group

To win the championship, you must win all your opponents. Everyone knows this truth.

However, in all fairness, absolutely no one would want their team to be in the same group as SKT, which would be hellish difficulty.

Although you don't have to win SKT if you want to appear, but you were beaten in the group stage, how will you play later?
While everyone was discussing enthusiastically, faker had already drawn the second team, H2K.

It's a team from the European Division. Seeing this scene, many people laughed:

"Isn't this the team Yue Lun is in? What a coincidence?"

"I'll go, did Yue Lun go to North America?"

"Who is Yue Lun, brothers."

"Yue Lun doesn't even know about the background panels of the two robberies."

"Then it's something to watch, maybe Yue Lun can take revenge on SKT."

"Then you think too much, the gap between teammates is not 01:30."

"H2K is not bad, but it is a bit difficult to beat SKT."

This so-called Yue Lun is Ryu, who used to be KT's mid laner, and was the one who was shown off in two robberies in the famous scene.

After losing to faker, he left OGN and came to the European LCS division.

His popularity is almost based on the two robberies. I heard that he wants to avenge Faker day and night, and now it seems that he has finally waited for the opportunity.

Chen Ge also knows these stalks, so when he saw H2K, he also laughed, it's not that enemies don't get together.

Soon, faker drew the third lottery, spread it out, BKT.

BKT is a team from the outer division, and Chen Ge has little understanding of it.

If he hadn't come to participate in this lottery ceremony, he hadn't even heard of such a team.

"It's only the last one!" Chen Ge's mood was more complicated at this time.

In fact, he is considered impatient. For him, if he can't win the championship, other rankings are no different.

Therefore, he really wants to have a touch with SKT in the group stage. If he can't win, then there is nothing to say.

But if Peng wins, he can basically lock the championship, at least the final.

However, this time is a bit different, because I didn't participate in the training camp, so in terms of version understanding, the LPL team has been decoupled from the world.

In this case, the later you encounter a strong enemy, the more beneficial it is, because buying time and multiple versions increases understanding.

Under this kind of ambivalence, for Chen Ge, whether he will be assigned to a group with SKT or not is acceptable.

Faker had already reached out and took out the fourth silver ball, the scene became extremely quiet, and everyone wanted to know which unlucky guy was put into this grievance group.

Faker slowly spread out the silver ball in his hand, and after spreading out, a black and white round team logo appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The host shouted: "EDward Gaming!"

"EDG! Isn't it? Such a grudge?"

"I'll go, this group is all grudges."

"SKT and EDG are in the same group? Isn't that about revenge?"

"It's over, it's a bit difficult for EDG to appear, and H2K is also quite strong."

In the Dou Sha live broadcast, the barrage was already boiling.

This EDG just won the MSI championship from SKT a few months ago.

Now that the king of SKT is back, the strength is not the same as before. EDG is assigned to this team, which is not good news.

How terrifying is SKT's dominance in the OGN Summer Split?
The faker in the middle lane can win even if he takes out the mid laner Juggernaut!
Basically, in this summer split, faker is working in the middle lane, and he can play any hero.

It doesn't even require him to play an advantage online, and his teammates can knock down the opponent.

This is completely different from SKT at MSI.

Therefore, anyone with a discerning eye can see how big the gap between EDG and SKT is now!

Seeing this scene, Chen Ge smiled and shook his head, which was a mixed blessing for him.

The bad thing is that EDG is in this group, and most of them want the group to appear second.

In this way, if the LGD team appears first, it is possible for the quarterfinals to fight a civil war.

The good thing is that after EDG and SKT have fought, with EDG as a reference, Chen Ge can know how strong SKT is.

After all, I haven't played a training match with SKT, and this version is very different from the version in the summer split. The reference for the summer split is already relatively low.

Finally, Chen Ge also has a little selfishness. In fact, he also looks like seeing Faker and the fat general in the middle lane.

What kind of sparks will be created when the great devil meets the Buddha? It is very exciting, and now it can be regarded as a dream come true.

Thinking of this, Chen Ge looked at Faker, and found that Faker had a smile on his face, and there was a ruthlessness hidden in this smile. It was obvious that Faker was serious!
After Faker drew four teams from Group A, Bilson played.

After 2 minutes, four teams in Group B were born: FNC, IG, AHQ and C9.

Then came Chen Ge.

Chen Ge is in charge of the draw for Group C. Among the remaining teams, there are two OGN teams.

From this point of view, no matter what, LGD will be assigned to an OGN team, it depends on who it is.

In contrast, Chen Ge still wants to meet KT more.

For him, since he can't meet the strongest SKT, he should meet the weakest KT.

In this way, we can buy as much time as possible to adapt to the version, and at the same time, we can stabilize the first place in the group.

Chen Ge walked to the center of the stage, and the situation was different from when Faker came on stage. There was no lively cheers from Zhang Zhenghe, only a few sporadic movements. Most people seemed to be unimpressed by Chen Ge's strange face.

"Scream, why are you quiet?"

"These white skins are really rude."

"Do you understand the strength of the LPL's first top laner?"

"It is estimated that they have never watched LPL."

"No way, after all, we haven't won the S championship yet."

"I hope to get one this year. In fact, LPL games are quite enjoyable to watch."

"Yes, LPL is much better than Europe, America and OGN, but no one knows about it."

While everyone was discussing, Chen Ge reached out and took out the first silver ball, and spread it out.

Unlike faker, Chen Ge's speed is very fast, he doesn't have the idea of ​​creating an atmosphere, he just goes straight.

The moment they spread out, the host shouted: "LGD-GAMING!"

"I'll go, old godfather!"

"Is the old godfather coming out?"

"Is this group interesting?"

"Don't draw the Tigers, please."

"Then it can only be KT, please draw a KT."

After seeing the LGD team logo, fans became anxious.

What they are most worried about is meeting the Tigers. The strength of this team is not far behind SKT.

The Tigers and SKT are considered to be the first teams in this S game, and it will not be easy to draw any of them.

Now I can only pray that Chen Ge's luck will be better.

On the lottery stage, Chen Ge himself became nervous. He didn't expect to draw LGD directly.

Destiny is now in your hands!

"KT! KT! KT!" Chen Ge began to mutter, and then reached out and took out a small ball.

(End of this chapter)

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