LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 202 Only for the Champion

Chapter 202 Only for the Champion
On this issue, Imp is naturally the most vocal.

Because South Korea's e-sports industry is very developed and highly professionalized, he has much more knowledge than others.

After the three said this, Hirano Ling and Taobao Quan also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Before they played professionally, they were just teenagers with severe Internet addiction, without any special skills.

Therefore, if you can't get grades on this road, then your life will be like this, and there is no other way to go.

"What are you all doing there? Come here quickly." As soon as everyone reached a consensus, they heard Brother Feng's voice.

Looking for the sound, he found that Brother Feng was standing at the door of the room, looking at this side.

So everyone came to Brother Feng's room together, and after closing the door, Brother Feng said:

"Now that the grouping has come out, we have to start studying the grouping and formulating tactics."

"In general, KT and TSM are more difficult to deal with, especially KT."

"The overall strength of this team is very even and sophisticated. It is not easy to beat them."

Seeing the serious expressions on everyone's faces, Brother Feng said, "Of course, as long as we can win against the other two teams, we will be able to advance."

However, as soon as Brother Feng's words fell, Wei Shen retorted: "It's useless to advance, you have to be the first in the group."

Taobao Quan echoed: "Yes, we must be the first in the group!"

Brother Feng was taken aback when he saw this. He didn't expect that his teammates' fighting spirit was so high.

Because they did not participate in the training camp, the coaches of the three LPL teams are actually quite pessimistic.

Although Chen Ge taught the road, what about the other two roads?
This is a five-player game, and it's useless to play well in one lane.

Originally, Brother Feng thought that the team members should be quite aware of this point, but unexpectedly, everyone seemed to not take this issue to heart at all, and they were quite confident.

Of course, this self-confidence is a good thing for Brother Feng. He also adjusted his expression and said:
"In this case, let's move towards the first place in the group!"

Everyone discussed until midnight before returning to their respective rooms.

Early the next morning, they all got up again and started targeted training.

Generally speaking, for practice, it is only done after entering the knockout round.

But this time the situation is different. In order to win the first place in the group stage, it is necessary to train for KT's style of play.

Time passed quickly, and the group stage began!

On the first day of the group stage, there were three games each in Group A and Group C, adding up to six games.

LGD is in Group C and is assigned to play second.

This order of appearance is basically arranged according to the popularity of the team.

As the most popular team, SKT was naturally assigned to the first game.

SKT's first opponent is EDG!

In the afternoon, the two teams of LGD and EDG met in front of the hotel, then got on the bus and headed to the competition venue together.

In the car, Chen Ge found that everyone in EDG was silent and their faces were heavy.

He could feel the pressure from a distance of several meters.

The pressure that OGN has brought to LPL in the past two years is obvious, especially SKT and Samsung.

Samsung is okay, after all, it has been disbanded, and SKT is still there, and it seems to be stronger than S3.

Just seeing SKT's team logo, many professional players in the LPL would tremble with fear, let alone play against them.

Soon, the bus arrived in front of the competition venue. At this time, the competition had not yet started, and the audience was entering the stadium.

The arrival of the bus has attracted the attention of many people.

But when they realized that it was the people from LGD and EDG sitting in the car, there was no movement.

However, just as the bus was about to enter the parking lot in the venue, another bus came galloping!

And on this bus, there is the SKT team logo!
Now those spectators who were about to enter the arena went crazy!

"Oh! oh! oh!"

The entrance of the stadium directly became a scene of execution, and many fans even started chasing the bus.

Everyone from LGD and EDG sitting on the bus in front was attracted, and there was a hint of envy in everyone's eyes.

You know, this is not South Korea, this is Europe.

It is hard for everyone to imagine that SKT can have such a big influence in Europe.

Ten minutes later, everyone from LGD entered the arena and went to the lounge to prepare for the competition area.

The first game was between SKT and EDG, and LGD had plenty of time to prepare.

And you can see how SKT plays first, maybe you can learn something, which is not a bad thing.

At this time, the atmosphere in the EDG lounge was much more depressing.

The factory manager was looking at his mobile phone, and various new news kept coming from the mobile phone, all of which were cheering for EDG.

However, for the factory manager, these are all pressures.

Now SKT is in the limelight. After EDG won SKT in MSI, many fans are a little swollen.

I think SKT is like this, and OGN doesn't seem to be very strong.

In fact, the factory manager is very clear that the current SKT and MSI's SKT are two completely different teams.

But fans don't know, they can only see very superficial things, even many people don't watch OGN games, don't know what happened at all, the concept is still stuck a few months ago.

The factory manager opened the Dou Sha live broadcast room and took a look, only to find that the popularity of the opening match had reached 3000 million!

So many people are paying attention to this game, if they lose, it will be a very big blow to EDG's image.

At this moment, Abramovich's voice came: "I know, you are under a lot of pressure now, and I can't deny that SKT is indeed very strong."

"However, I hope that you will exert your strongest strength and not leave any regrets."

Originally, Abu wanted to inspire everyone, but everyone immediately understood after hearing it.

Obviously, Abramovich also knows that it is difficult to win, so instead of chasing victory, he started chasing psychological comfort.

As a result, the pressure on everyone in EDG is even greater.

The game time is approaching, and it's time to play.

Everyone in EDG took their own peripherals and walked towards the stage together.

Meanwhile, in the commentary booth, Doll and Miller are getting ready.

I saw the baby explaining: "Okay, audience friends, the opening match of the group stage of this S game will be held soon, and the two sides will be EDG from LPL and SKT from OGN!"

"Hi everyone, my senior sister said baby."

Miller: "I'm Miller."

"Now the game is about to start, and we can see that players from both sides are on the stage."

"The first to appear is SKT T1's first five tigers, and the top laner marin!"

"Marin is a very strong player. Not only has he won the solo kill champion this season, but he also holds the record for solo kills in all positions on OGN, reaching a terrifying 31!"

"There is a considerable gap with No.2! It is enough to show how terrifying his strength is!"

(End of this chapter)

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