Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 101: Emperor Haogong Takes Action!Send 10 battleships!Hunt down Qin Feng!

Chapter 101: Emperor Haogong Takes Action!Send 10 battleships!Hunt down Qin Feng!

Seeing this, Qin Feng was naturally not polite, and kissed her red lips.


Zuo Ye Hinako offered that.
Little Tongue.
The two were intimate, so naturally no one dared to disturb them.

The Clippers have been heading in the direction of the Dragon Empire!

And the other side.

The royal guard of Emperor Haogong arrived at the Chiyo Hotel naturally.

The waiters here saw this situation.

Also startled.

"Sirs, what are you?"

"It's nothing for you, I'm here to arrest an important fugitive!"

The leading member of the Royal Guard.

Go directly to the last floor of the hotel.

Then smashed open the passage of the underground dark layer.


Below is a very private suite.

"Prince Haogong! No one!"

"Prince Haogong! No one!"

Searched around the suite.

Not a single ghost was seen.

"Baga! Let Qin Feng run away!" Prince Haogong kicked the coffee table hard, but quickly went to the bathroom, only to find a girl's clothes.

"Isn't this the clothes that Hina was wearing when she ran away? Could it be that Qin Feng has put it on?" Seeing such a situation, Prince Haogong's heart was bleeding.

Zuo Ye Hinako is such a world-class stunner.

If it is a man?
How come you have no idea.

He slightly picked up the clothes, on which was the faint body fragrance of Hinako Zuo Ye.

Prince Hao Gong thought of Zuo Ye Hinako's charming figure and appearance, and was lost for a while.

Immediately he shouted: "Search the whole city for me! We must catch this Qin Feng!!!"

The more Prince Haogong thought about it, the more angry he became.

After catching Qin Feng. ,
The first thing he has to do is to cut this guy across the board.


He was the woman of the crown prince Haogong, but someone was able to get there first.

"Prince Haogong, a passage has been found in this suite!"

"The passage is a mountain that runs through it! When you go out, you will be at the seaside!"

"And there's not only one passage!"

"A few other passages! Leading to the airport and several abandoned factories in the seaside suburbs respectively! What a big deal!"

Upon hearing this, Prince Haogong immediately issued an order: "Follow the passage and chase after me!"

"Under the Hao Palace, one of the passages seems to have traces of people passing by. This passage leads to the Miluo Seashore. The place is a cliff, and there are few people in general! Many underground forces often smuggle people out of the country from that place!"

"Have you gone to sea?" Prince Haogong only brought his father's Royal Guard, and if he wanted to transfer to the Royal Guard's Naval War Department, he had to say hello to his father.


Prince Haogong called his father and said: "Father, Qin Feng may have smuggled out with his young son! No matter how fast their ships are, they can't compare with high-tech fast warships! Shall we send the Naval War Department there?" Chase?"

"It's okay, I'll arrange it! As long as they haven't left the Sun Empire, I can get them back!" Emperor Haogong said confidently, then took a deep breath, and said: "Royal Marines of the Royal Guard of the capital, give me Send out ten warships! Do your best to hunt down Qin Feng, who is most likely the one who burns the toilet!"

Emperor Haogong continued to give orders to the Yokosuka base: "Everyone in the Yokosuka base listen, Qin Feng's ship is going to go out, and it will definitely pass through your gourd mouth. You guard it for me! Don't make a mistake!"

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor." As the person in charge of the Yokosuka base, Yuta Kamikaze naturally wanted to obey the Emperor, but he also had to obey the Minister of the General Cabinet.

Moreover, his god-ranked Yuta is actually the confidant of the Minister of the General Cabinet.

Of course.

At this moment, the Minister's Office of the Winter Beijing General Pavilion.

This is the villa of Yuta Norio, Minister of the General Cabinet.

When Qin Feng came out of the casino, he was intercepted by the people sent by Hita, and then the people from the Yokosuka Naval War Department suddenly appeared to rescue him, and the armed helicopter patrolled at the wedding.
and more covert help.

In fact, it was all done by Norio Tana.

In Empire of the Sun.

Emperor Haogong is the patriarch of the royal family, indeed the supreme existence.

But according to Yutian Jifu, he can be regarded as a prime minister level existence.

And because Emperor Haogong has been content with pleasure in recent years, his power is greater than that of any prime minister.

Many things are managed by Tian Jifu.

He is naturally also one of the ten big bosses who share tasks in the Qin Feng system.

Yuta Norio's first reward was naturally obtained.

But the second reward was not obtained.

For the third time, Qin Feng's mission was to burn the toilet of their Sun Empire?This made Ji Fu very tangled.

Is it to help Qin Feng complete the task and obtain anti-radar technology that exceeds a thousand years?
Or stop him?
After all, the second reward has not arrived yet.

What if there is no reward for the third time?

But think about it the other way around, what if the third reward is issued again?

Moreover, the recent side mission helped Qin Feng win 1 million US dollars. 100 points of appearance, strength, and 100 minutes, he naturally also got rewards.

The second side mission.

Helping Uesugi Hase to create a super stylish and prestigious wedding, the rewarded Swiss bank shares were also obtained.

Two consecutive side missions were rewarded, which made him have confidence in the system again.

However, 100 points in appearance and strength, as well as shares in Swiss banks, are meaningless to him.Does he still have money at this level relying on his looks and heads-up ability?At most, the ability is 100 minutes, which is a bit interesting.

Therefore, Ji Fu decided to help Qin Feng secretly no matter what.

Although it is said that burning the god toilet and taking away the princess, if this matter is known by Emperor Haogong, the emperor will definitely not agree.

But for the sake of the empire, he still kept things a secret.

Just use various excuses to help Qin Feng.

Norio Yuta has also thought about it. If you explain the system to Emperor Haogong, he will definitely not believe it.

But he helped Qin Feng complete the task, and when the time comes, he will come up with anti-radar technology that exceeds a thousand years. I believe Emperor Haogong will not blame him.

If this thing is obtained, Emperor Haogong will definitely have to say something more, saying: "Well done! Well done! After getting this thing, what is a princess?"

You know, the anti-radar technology of over 1000 years is enough to make any empire give up everything.

"Qin Feng, Qin Feng! Your ship should be faster! The Yokosuka base will naturally let you out of this gourd mouth! But the emperor's own royal guard, I have no right to interfere!"

"The emperor and the prince are so crazy that they sent more than 10 warships out to find you!"

Yuda Norio didn't know what to do.

If the emperor desperately wants to catch Qin Feng, he really can't help it.

I can only hope that Qin Feng will pass through the gourd mouth of the Yokosuka base quickly, and then he will let the people of the Yokosuka Naval War Department stop the emperor's royal guard.

At that time, when Qin Feng returns to China, Yutian Jifu's reward will arrive. Then he can give the emperor a reasonable explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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