Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 105 Battleship Ambush!Qin Feng can't run away!

Chapter 105 Battleship Ambush!Qin Feng can't run away!
"Norio Yuta, I want to hear it. You said that you did this for the sake of the empire. Please explain clearly what's going on!" Emperor Haogong shouted to the powerful loudspeakers in front of the two armies.

"My lord, this thing is a secret. It is not good for too many people to know! You believe me!" How could Yuda Norio tell so many people about this kind of thing? Naturally, there is no signal at sea, and it is impossible to make a phone call. He hasn't really considered whether to tell the emperor about this system thing.He just planned, when Qin Feng's radar technology reward comes, he will find an excuse to say that this is the technology developed by Qin Feng, and then stay in exchange for his life.

Under such circumstances, would the Emperor still blame him?

"Father, stop talking nonsense with him! Let's fight!" Hao Gongben hurriedly urged.

"But once there is a war! The loss may be in the trillions! And there are still many casualties!" Emperor Haogong never thought of going to war with the opponent, and he just persuaded him to surrender, although he really wanted his son to marry that Stunner, you can also get a piece of the pie.

But these costs are too high.

"Father, if you hesitate any longer, the Crown Princess will be taken away!" Seeing his father, Hao Gongben had no intention of going to war at all, and left directly.

"Listen! Captain of the JAA stealth frigate! I order you! Directly launch an attack on the warships of the Yokosuka Battle Division! Of course, you can refuse, but if I lose the crown princess this time, the moment when I inherit the emperor's status in the future , is your end! I know you are afraid that your father will blame you, but no matter what the result is, I will protect you!"

Hao Gongben couldn't control much anymore.

The current Qin Feng is heading towards the Dragon Empire from Calabashkou at a very fast speed. In a few hours or so, he will be able to leave the sea area of ​​​​the Sun Empire, and then it will be difficult to handle.

Hao Gongben knew that once Qin Feng went back, it would be very difficult to catch Qin Feng with his Rothschild family background.

"Prince Haogong." The captain of the JAA stealth frigate was speechless, how could he be so threatening?When he becomes the emperor, won't he let himself go?
"I said, what you do is what I ordered, and I can keep you with my father! Don't you need such an opportunity? To become a popular person next to the future emperor? And the other party just pretended, I expected that Norio Yuta would not dare to fire! He could only be beaten passively!"

The captain of the JAA stealth frigate began to think at this moment, if Prince Haogong tried his best to protect himself, then this is really an opportunity.

I am still young, and the celebrity next to the future emperor, the position of the minister in the general cabinet, I think I can also take a seat, right?
"Prince, I'm here to obey orders!" The captain of the JAA stealth frigate finished speaking, and immediately ordered: "Fire me! 4 SA-N-2 anti-aircraft missile launchers! Use them all! Fire!"

huh huh huh.
The sound of missiles launching.

First, at the beginning of the launch, there was a loud pop.

Then there is the sound of "swoosh" when flying.

When the missile accelerates to supersonic speed in the sky, it is the sonic boom sound of a supersonic aircraft flying, and the sound of the sonic boom is buzzing.

Finally, the missile hit the target, and it exploded with a bang.


A battleship of the Yokosuka War Department that was in the way of the opponent was hit.

Half of the more than 100 soldiers above were killed or injured immediately.

The battleship also began to sink.
"Who gave the order to fire? Why did you launch the missile?" Emperor Haogong's face changed drastically. Now that it is modern, is such a high-tech missile fired at will?
"Where is the prince? Where did Hao Gongben go?" Only then did Emperor Hao Gong realize that the prince was no longer by his side.

"The JAA stealth frigate fired? Did he order it?" Emperor Haogong immediately guessed that it was the prince.

After all, he is his own son.

He knew how obsessed Hao Miyamoto was with Hinako Zuoye.

Don't talk about your son.

I am obsessed with myself. ,
But as the emperor, he still has the rationality he should have.

huh huh huh.
Another round of missiles was launched.

Another warship costing tens of millions of dollars was hit.

"Master Sokaku! The Emperor fired missiles at us. What should we do now? Are we going to fight back?" Shenpin Yuta never thought that the Emperor would fire. After all, although Yuta Norio did not explain why he did it, he also said Clearly, he is for the empire, not rebellion.

"The Emperor, the Emperor actually opened fire on us?" Norio Yuta listened blankly to the sound of the explosion. For a moment, he began to wonder whether the Emperor he was loyal to had any meaning?For a woman?hehe
I have been thinking about the future of the empire on my side.

And they.
"Forget it. As the imperial family, you all have an indifferent attitude towards the empire. What else should I insist on?"

"The so-called cannon fire is a thousand taels of gold! These warships don't cost money? Missiles don't cost money? Are the casualties of soldiers sacrificed in vain?"

"Just for the princess? A woman?"

Yuda Jifu knew it in his heart.

If it were simply to burn the god toilet, the prince and the emperor would certainly not be so motivating.

"Minister, what should we do? If this continues, the fifth battleship of our war department will be sunk!"

General Shenpin and Yuda Norio are on the podium behind the battleship.

But the battleships in front have been suffering.

"General Shenpin, let's close the team! Such an imperial prince and emperor." Norio Yuta didn't continue, "You have been implicated, but I did it all, and I will give the emperor an account!"

Known by Tian Norio.

If you continue to fight.

I am afraid that there will be countless casualties on both sides.

His heart is dead at this moment.

From the moment the opponent opened fire
He began to have a big change of mind about the emperor he was loyal to.

"Bastard! The captain of this JAA stealth frigate! Why don't you distinguish between right and wrong? Let Hiromiya be messing around?" Emperor Hiromiya shouted, "Where is the prince? Where is the prince? Where are you going? Find me!"

"Father, I'm here! If I don't do this, the princess will not come back and will be taken away! Now that the Yokosuka war department has retreated, we can continue to hunt down Qin Feng!" Hao Gongben also After thinking about it, even if he is punished by his father, he will not regret today's decision.

"Bastard, you bastard!"

Emperor Haogong slapped him with a slap.

"Do you know how much economic loss the 10 missiles you fired would cause?" Emperor Haogong wanted the princess back, but he was not so irrational.

"It's not just a few hundred million dollars"

Hao Miyamoto hasn't finished yet.

Emperor Haogong slapped him more than once.

"You idiot! Is it just as simple as money? Do you know how many people will die? Do you know what kind of public opinion this incident will cause in the world? And you know what your people will think after this incident You? What will the people in the war department think of you?"

Emperor Haogong was really going to be pissed off.

If you set up a formation and don't fight.

That all makes sense.

If once the missile is launched.

What will the world think?
A prince, the future crown prince.

Since it was for a woman, he fired missiles at his own people.

When the time comes, will he, the future emperor, be accepted?
"Are you telling me now that it's just about money? You're so stupid!"

"Father." Hearing what her father said, Hao Miyamoto regretted her impulsiveness a little bit, but when she thought of the overwhelmed Zuoye Hinako, she immediately lost her thoughts, "Father, this is the end of the matter." , Regrets are gone. Now that the people from the Yokosuka War Department have left, let's hunt down Qin Feng quickly."

"Hey, let's hunt it down!" Emperor Haogong didn't say much, after all, the matter had already happened, and Qin Feng still wanted to hunt him down. Everything was because of this man.

At the beginning, the mysterious person informed him that someone might come to burn the toilet and snatch the princess.

He should be valued at the sss level.

Why just take precautions?
If he had taken it seriously, what happened today would not have happened.

On the other side, Qin Feng's speedboat is heading towards the Pacific Ocean.

That is to say, away from the direction of the Sun Empire.

The original route was not like this.

But now that he has been caught up, he must change his course.

Only by breaking away from the sea area of ​​the Sun Empire can it be safer.

Because of the obstruction of the Yokosuka War Department.

In addition, the boat sent by Tian Jifu was faster than the one just now.

Qin Feng traveled about 2 kilometers in 180 hours.

Although the distance of 180 kilometers is not too far.

But it is not easy for them to hunt themselves down. The ship has anti-radar technology. Their radar is hard to find.

Therefore they score many directions to find.

"Hinako, when you left just now, did you hear that they actually started fighting!"

"Hey, the prince and the emperor, I hate them more and more! They opened fire just to hunt us down. But these crimes are all caused by me!" Although Hinako Zuoye can't return to the Empire of the Sun in the future, she doesn't want to watch to the infighting of Empire of the Sun.

"You are not guilty, they are robbing! It's no different from robbers!" Qin Feng was very calm in his heart, after all, he really wanted to see these guys fighting each other.Qin Feng thought that for a princess, he wouldn't go to war with warships, right?I didn't expect the emperor and prince to be so awesome.

You know, such a large-scale battle and the firing of such advanced weapons are basically difficult to see in today's modern age.

"Don't worry, we will leave the sea area of ​​the Sun Empire soon! When we reach the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, everything will be much better." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he shouted, "Third brother, when you reach the high seas, drive directly to the direction of the Dragon Empire." , Try to reach the Dragon Empire as soon as possible, and when we reach the sea area of ​​the Dragon Empire, maybe we will be safe."

long night.

Qin Feng and Zuo Ye Hinako at sea naturally both rested.

But the speedboat did not rest, and kept moving forward.

Although the two already regarded each other as partners.

But at this moment, no one has that kind of thought.

It's just resting together at most.

After all, he was not out of danger yet, and it was already a tense moment.

If the current situation is safe, Qin Feng can't help it, this is really a goblin.

A woman who can make Hao Miyamoto not hesitate to launch a missile, how about this charm?

Gradually, the sky began to brighten.

The blue ocean can gradually be seen on the sea, and it is no longer pitch black.

When Qin Feng woke up, he found that there was no Zuoye Hinako in the room. He gently opened the door of the cabin and found Zuoye Hinako standing on the deck, staring in the direction of the Sun Empire in a daze.

"What are you thinking about? So preoccupied?" Qin Feng walked over and put his arms around her slender waist, "The waist is so thin, it's just like the adult Xiao Wu, the goddess of the Dragon Empire, in China."

Qin Feng said and rubbed it.

This girl's slender waist is kind of soft.

"Adult Xiao Wu? Who is this? Anime?"

"The Guoman of our Dragon Empire is called the Goddess of Guoman by many people. Your facial features and figure are really similar to her." Qin Feng leaned his head on her shoulder and kissed her side face. Whoever said that adult Xiao Wu was built according to your template, I believe it."

"Xiao Wu, Guoman?" Zuo Ye Hina slowly recalled, "I remember, but the Penguin company under Su Xinghe in your country approached me and said that I was a designer. They saw me a few years ago. , and then carved a template of a character according to the memory of me, and then my father didn't say anything."

"Ah You"

Qin Feng was suddenly surprised. Is this really modeled according to her template?

No wonder it looks like that.

This looks like a goddess of Chinese comics, and the live-action version is in front of her?

Really TM picked up the treasure.

For Xiao Wu who is an adult, the template is completely the whole Empress Xuanji, meticulously crafted, and now the original version is here?

Miss that her so much.

This woman is poisonous.

"Mr. Qin, Ms. Zuo Ye, we are about to enter the sea area of ​​the Dragon Empire!" The third brother said with a happy face, "We will enter the East Sea of ​​the Dragon Empire about 60 kilometers ahead!"

"Very good!" Qin Feng also felt as if he was in a desperate situation, "Xiaozi, as long as you enter the Dragon Empire, you will be fine! I finally came to my hometown, and I feel that the air is much better!"

Just when Qin Feng and the others were overjoyed.



There are several planes flying over the sky at this moment. These are not supersonic fighter jets, but unmanned reconnaissance planes.

"Reconnaissance plane? Is this Hao Gongben still chasing us?" Qin Feng looked up. The reconnaissance plane was not too big, a few meters long and less than one meter wide. This thing is basically equipped on battleships.The main purpose is to conduct reconnaissance, intelligence collection, tracking and communication, and it plays a very important role in modern warfare.

"Isn't there someone from the Yokosuka War Department blocking it?" Hinako Zuoye, who had been letting go, immediately became worried again.

"Damn, it's really difficult!" Qin Feng complained, and said, "Third brother, speed up and enter the sea area of ​​​​the Dragon Empire!"


The reconnaissance plane found Qin Feng.

Then Emperor Hao Gong and Hao Gong Ben naturally approached at a very fast speed.

On the high seas of the Pacific Ocean.

Take Qin Feng as the center point.

Many destroyers, frigates, sea aviation aircraft, helicopters, early warning radars, submarines, aerospace radio and other maritime combat machines have all approached one after another.

Of course, Emperor Haogong was naturally unwilling to fight the Yokosuka War Department for the sake of a crown princess, and the price would be too great.

But if there is no obstruction from the Yokosuka War Department, he will definitely chase the princess back. After all, he has activated the royal guards, and the matter has already become serious. If he can't chase the princess back, the whole world will laugh at him. Bar.

In other words, if you don't chase at the beginning, nothing will happen.

But since he chased him, he still had nothing to do with him, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

"Mr. Qin! To the northeast, there are warships approaching us!"

"Mr. Qin! To the southeast, there are fighter jets approaching!"

"Mr. Qin, due east, there is a large destroyer!"

After all, it is daytime.

No better than last night.

You can use a telescope to see far away.

The war machines coming from all directions are all moving towards Qin Feng's speedboat.

That visual experience is completely ambush from all sides.
Just this battle?I'm afraid it's a mosquito, so I can't fly out, right?

It is terrible!

ps: Everyone who sees this, can you vote for the author, after all, this thing is too important, can I waste a few seconds of your time?Monthly voting points, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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