Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 107 Shocked!The world's No. 1 weapons dealer makes a move!

Chapter 107 Shocked!The world's number one arms dealer makes a move!
Emperor Haogong is not afraid anymore.

He was just shocked by the shocking scene in front of him.

A 160-kilometer-long fleet of ships?

Even him.

It's also the first time I saw it.

"Father, what's the situation? What's coming from a distance? A battleship?" Hao Miyamoto stared blankly at the invisible ship opposite, with a surprised expression.

"What kind of warship could this be? It must be a merchant ship or a freighter." Emperor Haogong smiled coldly, "Which empire can have so many warships?"

Even if it is the power of the Sun Empire.

There are only 4 aircraft carriers and 22 various Aegis ships.

18 destroyers.

36 large frigates.

39 light frigates.

26 frigates behind.

6 strategic missile nuclear submarines.

Attack type 9 ships.

57 conventional submarines.

There are no more than 300 warships of all types in the entire empire.

"Merchant ships and freighters? Where did this freighter come from? How could there be such a huge number?"

Prince Hao Gong knows, even if they are the largest shipping company in the Sun Empire: Merchant Lines Mitsui (しょうせんみつい).

Their merchant ships and freighters are only [-], right?

Opposite the big boat that blocks the sky.

No less than 1500 ships at all.

"It's the Sino-Ocean Group! Dragon Empire's No. 50.00 shipping company! The world's top three! This is an industry under the Su Group! The Su Group owns [-]% of the Sino-Ocean Company's absolute holding, and must be here to help Qin Feng!"

Emperor Haogong frowned deeply, and said angrily, "But these merchant ships of the Sino-Ocean Group should be all over the world, right? Why are they all gathered here now?"

"Father, I heard a few days ago that many merchant ships of the Ocean Company have received orders to rush back to the Dragon Empire from all over the world, could it be?"

Prince Haogong didn't say any more.

Emperor Haogong clenched his fists heavily, and said ruthlessly: "Bastard! So these people wanted to capture the princess! And the burning of the god toilet must have been premeditated! They came prepared!"

Qin Feng's side.

Those big boats lined up are finally getting closer and closer to Qin Feng's direction.

Soon came to a place tens of meters away from Qin Feng.

At this moment, Qin Feng's small boat, facing such a huge group of ships, is completely like an ant among thousands of troops on the battlefield, very small.

In the group of ships, a speedboat was released from the deck of a large freighter.

The speedboat broke through the waves and drove towards Qin Feng quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, I'm Qian Bojin, the general manager of the shipping department of the ocean company. It was Mr. Su who instructed us to come and pick you up! We're lined up now, resisting in front."

Qian Bojin said this.

Qin Feng interrupted: "Why are you fighting the battleship? You can't resist it!"

"It's okay, Mr. Qin, if they dare to beat us, they would be provoking the Dragon Empire. So many lives have been lost, if they really fight! I think they should give us the Dragon Empire an explanation!"

"Dare to attack our merchant ships! The Dragon Empire will definitely have a large army!"

Qian Bojin was right.

So many lives.

So many boats.

To be beaten by the Empire of the Sun.

Still haven't provoked a battle between the two great empires?
"These guys? So they came here to serve as a ship wall for more than 100 kilometers? Blocking the way? And then you expect the other party not to dare to do it?"

Qin Feng pulled the corner of his mouth fiercely.

Really a warrior.

These people underestimated the madness of Prince Haogong. Just this guy, he ordered to attack their own warship yesterday.

Anyway, this guy is going crazy.

I guess it won't matter too much.

But if Haogong and his son dare not hurt the innocent, then the "ship wall" of more than 100 kilometers.

It really can delay a lot of time.

"Qin Feng, if this is the case, it can delay the time for their warships to hunt us down, but what about the fighter jets in the sky?"

Although Hinako Sano saw some hope of escaping, she couldn't help but also looked at the buzzing fighter jets in the sky.

Could Su Xinghe still be able to send planes into the sky?Form a plane wall?

The sky is nothing like the sea.

Moreover, even if Dragon Empire is the largest airline, it can't find more than 1000 planes.

"Miss Sano, there is nothing wrong with your worry, but if you are on board, they would not dare to drop bombs or hurt people when they are afraid of throwing a mouse! They will only hit the power system of the paralyzed ship!"

Then Qian Bojin laughed lightly and said:
"That's why this is the case, but we have prepared a lot of speedboats for you along the way. If they break one, we will replace it. I don't think that Emperor Haogong would dare to kill people! Otherwise, two empires will be provoked. battle."

"Okay! The analysis makes sense, but."

Qin Feng didn't go on, the same sentence, they underestimated the lunatic Hao Gongben.

What if that guy ordered another missile launch?

But if so.

The Dragon Empire will definitely not let this matter die easily.

"Thank you! Then let's go!" Qin Feng said, and ordered: "Third brother, take advantage of the time, let's hurry to the Dragon Empire sea area!"

"Father, look quickly! They let Qin Feng's boat go! What should we do?"

Prince Haogong watched Qin Feng run away.

Immediately, I became angry.

"Damn it! People from this ocean company? Are you looking for death? A freighter with no weapons at all? Want to block our warship?"

Prince Haogong is not a fool either, he said viciously: "Could it be that they expect us not to dare to take action against them?"

"Don't tell me you still want to take action against the Dragon Empire's cargo ship?" Seeing this, Emperor Haogong glared at his son, "If this is the case, then we will turn our faces against the Dragon Empire and don't talk about it internationally. We don't care about it! Because of any big thing, it is impossible to take the initiative to attack other people's cargo ships! Unless they enter the waters of my empire without saying hello!"

Emperor Haogong hesitated for a moment, and shouted into the loudspeaker:
"The freighter of the ocean company in front, what are you doing? You Dragon Empire, don't you have regulations on maritime transportation? You deviated from the original route and gathered here? And we just arrested and burned my god toilet and Those who kidnapped my princess, you have no right to interfere with your best."

Emperor Haogong didn't say anything further.
Qian Bojin, the general manager of the shipping department of the ocean company, said:

"Emperor Haogong, hello, although we have violated the maritime transportation management regulations, we can accept fines and you, if you want to do something to us, you have to weigh the Dragon Empire behind us!"

"Damn! You ocean companies, don't even think about passing through the waters of my Sun Empire, and don't even think about doing business!" Hao Miyamoto said angrily.

"Hehe, since the relationship is already like this, we naturally didn't think about taking over the property of the Sun Empire. Now that the matter has come to an end, then I will open the skylight and speak out! If you want to move Mr. Qin, your warship needs to pass through us. This 160-kilometer ship wall! Or you can shoot at us directly! Repel our 1800 ship walls! Your warships can pass!"

Of course.

This ship wall.

It doesn't have to be rigid.

Their warships headed west.

The ship wall can also be moved.

It's okay to delay for a while.

"Father, what should we do! Is the chick not saved? If so, Qin Feng will send us back, and we are afraid that we will be laughed out of the mouth by the whole world!"

Emperor Haogong listened to his son's complaints.

His face was also full of anger.

These freighters are not fighting, nor are they not fighting.

It's also quite difficult.


After all, this is the high seas, and we cannot use the excuse of violating the sea to attack the other party.

"That's it! Let your speed-type warship break out! Let's attract these ship walls." Of course, Emperor Haogong never thought of letting Qin Feng and the princess go. As long as there is no war and no one is killed, then anything is easy to say.

Anyway, in the international arena at that time, they will have an excuse to reason, just to arrest the person who kidnapped the princess.

For this reason, no empire will come out to refute.

"Yes, father!" Seeing this, Prince Haogong immediately got bloody.

"Remember, don't be self-willed anymore! And the captain of your battleship, I have also said hello, if he dares to follow your orders to fire the aerial cannon indiscriminately, then I can only execute him!" Emperor Haogong naturally Knowing that his son is likely to commit a crime, but as long as the captain is held steady, there will be no problem.

"I know father! I'll go right away!"

After Hao Miyamoto finished speaking, he changed to the JAA stealth frigate.

Under the breakout of other warships.

The JAA stealth frigate bypassed the front and broke out from the side.

But more than 100 kilometers of ship wall.

It's really not an easy task.

In other words.

Get around this ship wall.

It takes just over an hour.

But the fighter jets in the sky can specifically attack the power system of Qin Feng's speedboat, slowing down Qin Feng's escape speed.

Qian Bojin, the general manager, faced with the idea of ​​their battleship wanting to break through, he also began to order:
"Attention everyone! Don't let those speedboats break out!"

"Speed ​​boats are small! Easy to run between boats and boats."

"Once a small speedboat comes! Close the gap!"

Qian Bojin is here, commanding 1800 freighters, delaying time so that Qin Feng can escape.

But at this time.

Someone complained: "Manager Qian! Not good! There is a battleship that is so fast! They are going from the left side, trying to bypass the ship wall! There are also many Sun Empire speedboats, Tianxing No. [-], also coming from the right side. And go! They are attacking left and right, trying to make us difficult to care about!"

"There is no way! We can only move the ship wall to the right to block those Tianxing-[-] speedboats! These speedboats are faster than the JAA stealth frigates!"

"Now we can procrastinate as long as we can!"

"Those speedboats and warships are too fast!"

Of course, fighter jets in the sky, naturally no one can stop them.

Ping Pong Pong.

Ping Pong Pong.

A fixed bracket machine gun on a fighter.

They are all aiming at the power system of Qin Feng's speedboat.

The place where it hit was only the propeller, and it precisely avoided the oil tank.

They were also afraid of blowing up the speedboat directly.

"It's so fucking aggrieved! It's not too deep, it's not too shallow! This task is really troublesome!"

"Only hit the propeller!"

chug chug.
chug chug.
The machine guns on fighter jets don't fire very fast.

After all, you have to hit it right.

Can't shoot.

If they want to hurt the princess, they are equally guilty.

face such a task.

It really hurt them.

"Fuck! These people are scoundrels!"

"Hit and paralyze a speedboat of Qin Feng!"

"The people from the Sino-Ocean Group sent someone over to transfer another ship."

"How shameless!"

"Hit me on the big boat they put on the speedboat!"

"TM, that big ship is all speedboats sent out for transfer!"

"Just paralyze the power system of this ship! I'll see how they change to a speedboat!"

to be frank.

procrastinate in this way.

It does look a little nonsense.

But the effect is still a little bit.

At least without them.

Qin Feng has now been taken away.

"Qin Feng, it's not good! The big boat that has been replacing us with speedboats! The current power system is broken! They can't follow us!"

Hinako Sano just finished speaking.

The fighter jets in the sky began to shoot at the power system of the brand new speedboat they had just replaced.

Ping Pong Pong.

Ping Pong Pong.

In about 1 minute, he was paralyzed.

Now Hinako Sano is not as afraid of the machine gun fire as she was at first.

After all, he was beaten a lot.

Also numb.

"I see you changing the speedboat again? Do you still want to change?"

The fighter pilot who hit and paralyzed the Qinfeng speedboat smiled triumphantly.

But the next moment.

It seems that there is a big ship sailing towards Qin Feng again.

The big ship sent out a speedboat to transfer to Qin Feng.

"Damn it! How many big boats full of speedboats are prepared?"

"Keep fighting for me! Hit the paralyzed boat with the speedboat first! Don't let Qin Feng change again!"

Of course.

They don't know.

In order to help Qin Feng escape.

They prepared ten large ships, each with 20 small speedboats.

Qin Feng's speedboat power system was damaged, so he replaced it.

If the mother body (the big ship with the speedboat) is broken.

Then change the mother body.

Moreover, these mother bodies came out of the ship group, and they didn't know which big ship was the mother body for the small speedboat.

"What the fuck! There's no end!"

"What a fucking rogue!"

If playing games.

Players must say, "Is this unaffordable?"

But although this method has been able to help Qin Feng continue to move forward.

But the speed of progress is too slow.

Each transfer takes time.

It will take time for the mother body to rush over from the fleet.

"Who are you to observe! What are the big ships in the fleet that are specially equipped with speedboats? We specially pick this kind of mother body to fight!"

"Sir! I can't see it! The big boat with the speedboat is mixed in the fleet! It can't be found at all! We destroyed a matrix here! They sent another one from the fleet!"

1 hour back and forth.

A Solar Empire fighter jet in the sky.

The 8 speedboats that Qin Feng was riding on have been broken.

That is to say, Qin Feng has changed to eight speedboats.

As for the "matrix" of the large ship equipped with speedboats, three ships were also launched.

You know, these speedboats are not cheap speedboats, and they are worth millions of dollars.

Destroy one.

That's a Ferrari.

Of course, if the Dragon Empire wanted to use this to accuse the teacher, the Sun Empire would just have to pay for it. They wouldn't hurt anyone anyway, and the other party would have no reason to seek trouble.

In other words, if the Empire of the Sun wanted to arrest criminals, they couldn't be stopped by others?Are you going to kill people?

At that time, the side they take advantage of will become unreasonable.

This kind of trick where the matrix keeps changing speedboats.

It did delay Qin Feng for a lot of time.

But over time.

The express warship sent by Emperor Haogong to bypass the "ship wall" and the speedy sea "Bolt" such as the Tianxing No. [-] speedboat, naturally also bypassed the ship wall.

Gradually began to hunt down Qin Feng again.

"Prince Haogong, Qin Feng's speedboat is just ahead!"

"Damn it, one hour and 35 minutes! Finally bypassed this hateful ship wall!" Prince Haogong looked into the distance, and there was Qin Feng's speedboat a few kilometers ahead.

And the fighter jets in the sky are still beating their propellers.

Qin Feng is still changing to the speedboat.

"What a fucking rogue! You actually prepared so many mother bodies hidden in the fleet! Advance in such a slow manner?"

"But since I bypassed the ship's wall! Qin Feng, your child's play is over!"

"Catch up with me! I have snatched the driving right of Qin Feng's speedboat!"

Fighter in the sky.

Has absolute sky dominance.

But they can only disable the power system of the Qinfeng speedboat, and cannot seize the driving right of the boat.

And the battleship that bypassed the ship wall.

Now the speedboat can be dispatched.

woo woo woo.
Battleship JAA.

Keep moving towards Qin Feng.

Getting closer.

Seeing this, Sano Hinako quickly said: "Qin Feng, they still came around! We were delayed by these fighter jets for a long time!"

The flame of hope in Sano Hinako's heart just ignited.

Now see that battleship.

It went off in an instant.

And right now.
In the western part of the Pacific Ocean, the sound of warships came humming.

And there was a sharp sonic boom in the sky.

"Look at the many fighter jets in the western sky!"

"There are also battleships! It also looks like dozens of ships!"

Prince Haogong stared blankly into the distance.

He really doesn't understand.

Why does Qin Feng still have someone to help him?
Is it a Swiss bank?Or the Rothschilds?

But can this Swiss bank and the family have a fighter?


Unless they ask the empire behind them to take action.

"Father, which empire sent this?" Prince Haogong immediately notified the matter through the walkie-talkie.

If it was a cargo ship of an ocean-going company.

They are some little sheep without fighter jets.

But now?

That is the big bad wolf that also eats meat.

F-16 fighter.

F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter.

F-22 Raptor fighter jet.

F-35 fighter.

P38 Lightning fighter.

Emperor Haogong notified his son by radio, saying: "Son, these fighter jets? Aren't they all... Aren't they all products of Stephen Martin Arms Company?"

Emperor Haogong is very clear about the models of various fighter jets.

These types of fighters.

It is the company's product.

And it sells well all over the world.

In other words.

These types of war machines are found in many empires around the world.

But people's empires usually buy it.

Then on fighter jets or battleships, the flag or logo of other empires will be posted.

And these products under the Stephen Martin Arms Company that do not have any imperial logos on them.

That means that this is a weapon that the company has not yet sold.

That's what the company sent!
And the chairman of this company, just like the company name, is called Stephen Martin.

Called Mr. Stephen.

This person is scary.

That is the person who controls the weapons and equipment of the underground forces or mercenary groups and other forces in the world except the empire.

Many small empires will also buy weapons from Stephen.

Of course, sometimes the Great Empire is short of some weapons, and will buy them for him, but they don't completely rely on them.

Let’s make an analogy.

If those forces other than the empire are the entire rivers and lakes.

Then Stephen is the biggest sword-making smithy in this arena.

Annual arms sales are $1295 billion.

Moreover, Mr. Stephen's weapons company ranks among the top in the world in the fields of aviation, aerospace, and electronics, and controls the production and launch of all military satellites of the Mi Empire.

The representative products are: hunter anti-submarine aircraft, E-3 early warning aircraft, B-2 bomber, Su-35 fighter, F-111 fighter-bomber and so on.

On March 2008, 3, Stephen Martin Company announced that it had defeated its rival Boeing and won a huge order worth 29 billion US dollars for the new radio communication system of the Empire State.

Stephen Martin Company has become the largest weapons purchaser for the air force of superpowers such as the Rice Empire, the Tsarist Kingdom, and the Sun Empire.

This weapons company, but the empires of the world, must respect it.

The field of certain weapons even exceeds the technology of the Mi Empire.

[Everyone who sees here, ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a monthly pass!Many thanks! 】

(End of this chapter)

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