Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 112 Fire the Air Cannon!Qin Feng died?

Chapter 112 Fire the Air Cannon!Qin Feng died?

"Wipe his wife's neck first! Let him know how powerful it is!"

"I really don't see any blood, do you think we dare not?"

Zhuyeqing dared to do it.

One command.

The emperor's wife.

was thrown into the sea.

After all, Zhuyeqing was from the Dragon Empire, and he showed no mercy to the people from the Sun Empire.

The last time I misunderstood Erika in the casino to help Bitian cheat Qin Feng's money, and almost killed Erika. It is conceivable that she hated the people of the Sun Empire.

And Zhuyeqing also thought about it, old couples must have weak feelings, and for Emperor Haogong, the status of sons must be higher than that of wives.

Let's start with the wife first.

In the end, he kept his second son, the most expensive bargaining chip.

The woman who lost him, Emperor Haogong, always believe that they have the courage, right?

Otherwise, do you think playing peek-a-boo with him?
"My lord! Your wife...she."

"Emperor, take a look for yourself! This is the video from the Green Bamboo Gate, please watch it."

The emperor's subordinates were a little trembling.

He never expected it.

This Green Bamboo Gate is for Qin Feng?How can it be so crazy?Are they not afraid of being wiped out?

Killed the Emperor's wife?
Seeing the expressions of his subordinates at this moment, Emperor Haogong probably guessed what happened. He took the video with a slightly trembling hand and watched it!

"Bastard! Bastard! Green Bamboo Gate! I want you to disappear from this world!"

Emperor Haogong roared angrily, and threw away the video data in his hand.

Eyes are red.

"These female killers, after I finish handling the matter here, I will let their entire sect be buried with them!"

"Keep hitting me!"

"It's all this Huaxia monkey! I will catch him no matter what today!"

Emperor Hao Gong's wife is gone.

He can't calm down now either.

Things are going in an uncontrollable direction.

In a word.

Things went a long way today.

"My lord, they said, if we don't stop, they will kill the second prince!"

"Hao Gongnan, my second son."

Emperor Haogong called his youngest son's name, he loved this youngest son very much, although this son, like his elder brother, was promiscuous everywhere and caused many things, but he was still his own son.

He began to hesitate.

"Tell them, don't touch Hao Gongnan! We'll be right back!"

Emperor Hao Gong compromised.

"Listen to my orders! Fighter planes! Battleships, retreat!"


In the sky, the about 12 fighter jets that participated in the battle and hadn't been shot down began to retreat in the direction of the Sun Empire.

Those warships also began to turn around and return.

Seems like it's all starting to fade away.

"Prince Haogong, there is some bad news, sorry for you!"

"The emperor's wife, she was killed! It was done by the killer of Qingzhumen!"

"This green bamboo gate is also the person behind Qin Feng!"

"They wanted to threaten the emperor to retreat! But the emperor thought they didn't have the guts, so he ignored them."


But Hao Miyamoto heard that his mother was killed.
He was completely insane.

"Qin Feng. There is the world's number one killer organization behind this dog!"


"Why can he have so many people helping him!"

"I want all the Green Bamboo Gates to disappear!"

For Emperor Haogong, a yellow-faced woman without blood is naturally nothing. After she dies, she can find a younger one.

For Hao Gongben, that was his biological mother.

"JAA stealth frigate! Kill me! Kill me! Catch up with Qin Feng's speedboat!"

"Your Highness, we only listen to the emperor because the emperor has already ordered to retreat! After all, the second prince is in the hands of Qingzhumen, and there is nothing the Emperor Haogong can do!"

The captain hadn't finished speaking yet.
Hao Gongben directly killed this person
"Idiot! Go to hell! I don't want you to care!"

"Now listen to the rest of the people, whoever dares to disobey me, this is the fate!"

"Come with me a few warships! Point at Qin Feng's speedboat! Give me direct."

Hao Miyamoto paused.

I still have fantasies about Sano Hinako in my heart.

But soon, his eyes turned cold.

"Fire me the missile directly. Overturn Qin Feng's speedboat!"

"Qin Feng! You are going to die for me!"

The captain was killed.

The people under these banners were naturally afraid.

They did not dare to do anything to Prince Haogong.

can only be seized.

Command of three warships.

Now it's in Hao Gongben's hands.

"Your Highness, the Crown Princess is on board with you."

"Nonsense! I know! This bitch! She caused everything! And this Huaxia monkey, you two die together!"

Now it's mother-killing revenge.

Hao Miyamoto completely lost his mind.

He no longer cared about Sano Hinako's life or death, the purpose was to kill Qin Feng.

As long as you don't care about the life and death of the princess.

So killing Qin Feng, isn't it easy?
The only thing waiting for Qin Feng is death!



The cannon immediately fired precisely at Qin Feng's speedboat.

This is an aircraft gun that can reach tens of kilometers.

And it's location tracking.

Basically aimed at the speedboat.

There is no chance of not being hit.

And above the sky, above the sea.

Stephen's self-defense force still has remnants of strength.

"Take the lead! Not good! There are several warships on the side of the Empire of the Sun, but they didn't leave, and one of them has already fired a long-range cannon! The target is Mr. Qin's speedboat!"

Seeing this, the boss immediately replied: "Fire me the anti-missile system! Intercept and shoot down the missile aimed at Mr. Qin's boat! Don't let Mr. Qin have trouble."

Stephen's Self-Defense Force saw that most of the opponent's warships retreated.

I thought it was over.

But I didn't expect that there were still a few battleships, and they still wanted to fight?

Of course, these warships were naturally the result of Hao Gongben losing his mind for revenge.


The two missiles met in the air.


A large energy fluctuation was generated.

Although Qin Feng's boat was not affected, there was a strong wind immediately on the sea.

"This dog prince, is he crazy? He is going to kill you now? He actually fired the cannon directly at us?"

Qin Feng can come out so smoothly.

The crown princess is the greatest credit for being on board.

They are neither deep nor shallow.

But now.

Hao Miyamoto, who had lost his mother, went completely insane.

"Damn it, Stephen's Self-Defense Forces! Still meddling in their own business! How dare you intercept Lao Tzu's cannons that hit Qin Feng! Let me wipe out their remaining forces first!"

Prince Hao Gong looked at the warships and helicopters of Stephen's Self-Defense Force.

Almost wiped out now?Still helping Qin Feng?
What kind of existence is this Qin Feng?So many global bosses?Help him like he's dying?

And the other side.

Zhuyeqing received the message.

How many battleships in the Empire of the Sun actually fired missiles at Qin Feng?
If it weren't for the anti-missile system Qin Feng on the battleship of Stephen's Self-Defense Forces, it would be over.

"Bastard! This Hao Gong father and son! Listen to me, let me deal with his second prince! Then you all come back!"

"What an unqualified father! Unqualified elder brother! He doesn't even care about his son and younger brother, right?"

Zhuyeqing didn't expect it either.

Emperor Haogong doesn't even want his son?Not threatened?

But what Zhuyeqing didn't know was that Emperor Haogong had indeed compromised, but Haogong was crazy.

The only thing that Hao Gong cared about was his mother. As for the younger brother, he was born to his father's concubine. Many years ago, he might have been established as the prince.

But in the end the fight was lost.

For such a younger brother?
How could he, Hao Miyamoto, care about his life?
It's better to die.

"Emperor Haogong! Your Highness seems to have killed the captain of the JAA battleship! Take the piloting right! Take a few battleships to fight Qin Feng's speedboat!"

"You son of a bitch! He's messing around again, and his younger brother is still in the hands of Qingzhumen!" Emperor Haogong's face was ashen, "Quickly, quickly contact the people in Qingzhumen and tell them not to do anything, this is not my order!"

Tiger poison does not eat children.

Emperor Haogong was naturally concerned about the safety of his second son.

Emperor Haogong regretted it unceasingly. He thought that the prince would not move around if he stabilized the captain, but he didn't expect the prince to kill the captain directly?
But the subordinates reported: "It's too late, the second prince is already gone. Those people left Sakhalin Island in a speedboat and landed in the direction of the Tsarist Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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