Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 119 Shocked!Powerful features of psych phone!

Chapter 119 Shocked!Powerful features of psych phone!
He took out the phone.

The exterior of the phone was as black as black.

A cell phone like a cell phone.


This is a black elderly phone.

Anyway, I can't see anything special.

It is exactly the same as the ordinary elderly machine.

But Qin Feng noticed a place.

There is a picture on the dial key of this mobile phone, which is a dead man's bone.

"What is this?"

Qin Feng pressed it immediately.


The phone actually rang.

"Welcome to use the psychic phone! You are the No. 001 VIP customer of Jifu!"

"Recharge Yangshou, please press 1!"

"Press 2 to reduce Yangshou!"

"Press 3 for resurrection service!"

"Press 5 to check lifespan!"

"For manual service, please press the star key!"

what's that?
What is this Nima?

Is this a psychic phone?

Call the hell directly?

"Lao Tzu's manual service!"

Qin Feng immediately pressed the star key.

dong dong dong.

A gloomy background music sounded.

Five seconds later.

"Crooked! Hello! I am Bai Wuchang, customer service lady No. 001!"

"Welcome to call the VIP customer service number of Jifu. Do you have any instructions?"

Immediately, a female voice with a very royal voice came from the opposite side.

Don't say it.

It's really nice.

Is it because you have been single for a long time, and the voice of female ghosts is so nice?

But Qin Feng is not single.

There are still many beauties.

Anyway, Qin Feng feels a little creepy, is this opposite Bai Wuchang?

"You are Bai Wuchang?" Qin Feng said tentatively.

"Yes, sir!"

"Then your psychic phone, can you increase your lifespan?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"Yes, all VIP customers are welcome!"

"If you increase your lifespan, you can only do it once a year! You can recharge for three months!"

"The life-span reduction business can be done once every 10 years! It can be reduced by up to 100 years!"

"For the resurrection business, it can be done every five years! But the physical body must be intact! People who died of death will live for five years after being resurrected! People who died violently will return to normal life after returning to life!"

Qin Feng quietly listened to the introduction of the customer service lady.

Also the vest is sweating.

Still playing like this?

Qin Feng asked weakly: "Why can I only recharge three months of life every year? Can I recharge one year of life every year?"

"I said the customer service is great, do you want to live forever? This VIP hotline does not support such services for the time being."

"Uh, alright. Then the life-span reduction business? Up to 100 years? I'm really willing to give it up! Why don't you change your name, it's the ecstasy business!" Qin Feng spit out a sentence, but this business can only be used once every ten years Whoever is not open-eyed provokes Qin Feng, and will be killed directly at that time.

"How about? Check my lifespan first?" Qin Feng said, and pressed the No. 5 button.

"Dear customer, now is the period of manual service, no button is needed!"

"Well, how long is my lifespan?" Qin Feng twitched his lips.

"Unless there are no variables, you are 85 years old when you die! But if you recharge yourself with three months of life every year, then you can live an extra 14 years!"

"Then these 14 years! I can still recharge for three months every year, so I can live for another 3.5 years! In 3.5 years, I can continue to recharge for nine months of life."

"It will be gone if it continues to circulate!" Bai Wuchang laughed softly.

"Oh? Is that so? Isn't there a dead man who handles the resurrection business and adds 5 years to his life?" Qin Feng really laughed. People in this underworld are math wizards, right?Handle the resurrection business every five years, and then add five years to the life span?Isn't this an infinite loop?

Really TM evil pen.

"Yeah? What's the matter?" Bai Wuchang still had a naive tone of knowing nothing.

"Oh, it's nothing. I understand your set menu!" Qin Feng thought for a while, he won't die now, right?Let's do a resurrection business for this girl first.

Anyway, what a pity that such a beautiful woman died.

It may not be possible to save it at that time, but it will come again.

The little girl has nothing in return.

I would like to make a promise with my body.



Qin Feng has a girlfriend.

Just save people, okay?
"I'm going to handle the resurrection business now!"

"Are you going to gg?" Bai Wuchang asked, "Aren't you alright?"

"I handle business for others!" Qin Feng was also speechless, this ghost can still understand what GG means?
"Report your name!"

"I don't even know the name of the girl by the river!" Qin Feng said.

"Take photos and send photos, we have face recognition here!"

"." Qin Feng was a little speechless, "With this technology, you won't catch the wrong person because of the repetition of names, right?"

"That's not it!"

"Okay" Qin Feng said, and took a photo with his psychic phone.

"Okay! The process is successful! Is there still business for Mr. Zhong, who is recalling the bull head and horse face that ecstasy?"

"It's gone! This year, just apply for a recharge with a three-month lifespan!" Qin Feng paused and said, "But the business of ecstasy? Isn't it from you and Brother Hei? What? You are laid off?"

"Brother Hei went to manage the financial department, and I was assigned as the new business customer service lady! I haven't developed many customers yet, and you are the only one, so it's easy."

"Just me as a client?" Qin Feng answered speechlessly.But for the business of this mobile phone, I really love it. I don't know what other functions of this mobile phone are.

Qin Feng will study it slowly in the future.

"By the way, customer service, you can turn on the camera of the psychic phone! You can see ghosts!" Bai Wuchang reminded.

"Oh? Did you also see the bull-headed horse face that came to seduce the soul?" Qin Feng asked.

"Of course! They are also ghosts!"

"Is it such a cow?"

Seeing this, Qin Feng immediately turned on the phone camera.

The phone camera swayed around.

The pixels of this elderly phone are really unblinking.



Qin Feng really saw the bull's head and horse's face in the camera, holding the iron chain.

Is this a bull-headed horse face for seduction business?

But they seem to be here to hook Nangong Mingyue's soul!But because I answered a phone call, I went back.

"Damn it, you still drive a Rolls-Royce?"

Qin Feng was speechless.

This bull head and horse face.


So this proves it?Can this girl survive?
Qin Feng walked to the middle of the crowd.

"Why hasn't this girl woke up yet?"

"Isn't it still a few mouthfuls of artificial respiration?"

Qin Feng didn't care anymore.

Stepped forward and blew a few more puffs.

Kissed her eighteen times.

At the moment
"Look quickly! This woman's hand suddenly moved?"

"Fuck! Are you awake?"

"Didn't you say you died?"

Nangong Mingyue opened her eyes slightly, and saw the face of a super handsome guy, only 1 centimeter away from her.

"(⊙o⊙)...Are you awake?" Qin Feng saw that she had opened her eyes, so he didn't kiss her anymore. No more artificial respiration.



That Nangong Mingyue sprayed Qin Feng's face with a sip of water.

"Damn it, the beauty's water smells so good" Qin Feng couldn't complain, I saved you anyway, right?You still spit at me?


Another bite.

"Cough cough cough" Nangong Mingyue coughed violently. She was in a daze and didn't know where it was. Anyway, the last second of memory was her struggling in the car. It seemed that someone knocked on the car window to save her. , She didn't know what happened later.

"Hey, is this girl alive?"

"It's really alive!"

"This man is going to be happy! Women won't promise each other with their bodies, will they?"

"I didn't see this girl so beautiful just now! Don't let this be my wife! Damn."

"I really regret my life! I knew I would go down to save it! Damn! It's a pity than losing ten 500 million yuan!"

"Don't force me, okay? You go down to save me, won't you be afraid that you will die together? Go to the underworld and be husband and wife!"

Several boys and passers-by around her felt a little regretful. If they knew that this woman was so beautiful, to be honest, they couldn't care less.

Because the face value is too high.

"Cough cough cough" Nangong Mingyue continued to cough a few times, and her expression recovered a lot.

"Miss Nangong, that's great, you're fine. Thanks to this little brother, I gave you artificial respiration, if it wasn't for him." Li Quan didn't go on, thank God, otherwise he would have committed a serious crime.

Nangong Mingyue slightly turned her head to look at Qin Feng, "Artificial respiration."

"I said beauty, don't look at me like that, it's because they don't do it for you, so I am..." Qin Feng was a little drunk, this woman's eyes are so sharp, do you blame yourself for the feelings?
"Did you save me?" Nangong Mingyue asked weakly.

"Well, isn't that right?" Qin Feng forced a smile, "Since you are fine, then I will go!"

Do good deeds without leaving your name.

Although it was a waste of Qin Feng's quota for the resurrection business.

But it's not bad that such a beautiful girl doesn't have a confidante.

"That. You wait." Now that Nangong Mingyue knew that the other party had saved her, she looked at Qin Feng with a kinder look, and said, "Thank you, don't go, can you take me to the hospital?"

Of course.

Naturally, Nangong Mingyue was sent off by someone.

It's just that she wants to keep Qin Feng, and she hasn't thanked him enough yet.

"Send you to the hospital, no problem!" Qin Feng rescued people to the end, sent Buddha to the west, stepped forward to give him a hand, his skin was so good.


He helped Nangong Mingyue onto the road.

At this moment, on the moat, a man in black was calling: "Miss, Nangong Mingyue is not dead, and was finally rescued by a passerby!"

On Nangong Mingyue's side, after getting into the ambulance, she changed into a set of hospital gowns.

Put the otherwise soaked clothes.

They all changed.

"Sir, Spyker is your car?" Nangong Mingyue glanced at the luxury car, over 400 million, right?He is actually a rich second generation?Can you go into the water to save someone?It is inevitable that I have a little more affection for Qin Feng.

"Yeah." Qin Feng also saw it from the eyes of the other party, she was probably surprised, the rich second generation can go into the water to save people?
"Can you give me a ride? Take me to the hospital." Nangong Mingyue asked.

"Isn't there an ambulance?" Qin Feng said straightforwardly.

"I have something to tell you!"

"Okay! You get in the car!"

Qin Feng knew that he had something to say, but it was just something to say thank you for.

This woman looks rich.

But Qin Feng is really not short of money.

"Thank you."

"Okay, I'll help you!" Seeing that she was still weak from drowning, Qin Feng stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

Nangong Mingyue didn't refuse either, and got into the car with Qin Feng's arm.

"Sir, what business do you do?" Nangong Mingyue murmured slightly after getting into the car, leaning on the co-pilot.

"I'm a college student, senior year." Qin Feng smiled, "I don't do any business."

Qin Feng really didn't do business.

rich things.

It's just the system's fault.

"Are you a senior? Have you taken the postgraduate entrance examination?" Nangong Mingyue turned to look at him.

"Tested! Passed." Qin Feng replied.

"The postgraduate entrance examination is in December, and it takes three months to get results. It's only January now, how do you know you've passed it?" Nangong Mingyue was perplexed, wasn't she very confident?Know that you can pass?
"No, I was admitted exceptionally!"

"Oh? What school accepted the exception? If you don't like it, I can say hello to you and go to the college you like!" Nangong Mingyue is the future queen. He who saved his life really wants to go to which school I chose it casually.

"No need, I think it's pretty good, it's the Dragon Empire's No. [-] Military University!" Qin Feng smiled lightly. Wasn't that the supreme celestial being who helped behind the scenes at the very beginning?At first, Qin Feng didn't know that he helped, but later he figured it out.

"You actually admitted to Dragon Empire No. [-] Military University?" Nangong Mingyue looked at Qin Feng in disbelief. It's very difficult for graduate students in this school. A rich second generation actually got recommended?

"By the way, what's your name?" Nangong Mingyue asked.

"My surname is Qin." Qin Feng asked back, "What about you?"

"My surname is Nangong!"

she answered.

See the other party's surname is Qin.

In an instant, I remembered Qin Feng, who my grandfather paid close attention to recently.

But Nangong Mingyue didn't think that this boy was Qin Feng.


Could it be the royal family?
Qin Feng thought about it secretly.

Maybe not.

After all, apart from the royal family with the surname Nangong, there are also many ordinary people with the surname Nangong.

But right now.
Qin Feng stared slightly.

He looked towards Nangong Mingyue and the couple.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Seeing her eyes, Nangong Mingyue followed Qin Feng's and lowered her head slightly.

Immediately gave Qin Feng a blank look.

It turned out that after Nangong Mingyue fell into the water, she changed into a hospital gown.

It's in a vacuum right now.

"I'm sorry." Qin Feng felt aggrieved, and looked a little bit, how embarrassing it was to be discovered by the other party.

Faced with such an embarrassing topic.

Naturally, Nangong Mingyue didn't pick it up.


Qin Feng drove her to the hospital.

At the moment, at the entrance of the People's Hospital in Beijing.

There are already rows of people standing.

Because it was raining a little.

The door is full of people holding umbrellas.

And all in work clothes.

But their eyes seemed to be all looking at Qin Feng's Spyker.

"They all came to see you, right?"

"En, colleagues in the unit!" Nangong Mingyue nodded.

"Are you an iron rice bowl? I thought you were a strong woman in some company." Qin Feng was surprised.

But suddenly.

Qin Feng saw a woman among the crowd welcoming Nangong Mingyue.

Looks like the city lord of the capital?
Called Zhang Lan?

"Fuck. Are you here to pick up this woman?" Qin Feng couldn't help being curious about this woman's identity.

"Miss Nangong, I heard that you fell into the water! We are all in a hurry, are you okay?"

"Miss Nangong, go to the hospital quickly! Take a good look!"

Many people with umbrellas are intellectuals.

And the city lord also respects Nangong Mingyue very much.

"This woman? The royal family? Zhang Lan is so polite to her?" Qin Feng can only understand it this way, after all, he knows her surname is Nangong.

But Qin Feng still didn't think about the identity of the future queen.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine." After greeting everyone, Nangong Mingyue looked at Qin Feng, "Come with me to the hospital! You also went into the water to save me. You have to go to the hospital to see if your eyes are infected, and if you have any symptoms on your body. No getting scraped by branches in the water or anything like that."

"Ang?. OK!" Seeing her say this, Qin Feng found that his back was a little hot. It must have been scratched by debris when he entered the water.


Nangong Mingyue did not greet these people too much.

Side by side with Qin Feng.

Just walked into the hospital.

"This young man? Is he the one who saved Miss Nangong?"

"Yeah, quite handsome!"

"It can be seen that Miss Nangong has a good impression of him?"

"Don't say too much, if you saved Miss Nangong, the generations of her family may not have to worry about it."

"It seems that this man is quite rich, and he drives a car worth millions!"

"What's wrong with being rich? Compared with Miss Nangong's status, no matter how rich you are, you can't compare!"

"This boy, anyway, in the Dragon Empire, he can walk sideways!"

The sick room of the hospital.

Nangong Mingyue and Qin Feng are in two beds.

Nangong Mingyue was naturally drowning and needed recuperation.

As for Qin Feng, his back was scraped by a branch, and there was a small wound, and his eyes went to the river, entered dirty water, washed it with clean water first, and then needed levofloxacin eye drops to drip into the eyes.

"Hey, Hinako? What's the matter?"


Qin Feng answered the call from the beauty Hinako Sano.

"Qin Feng, don't tell me, did you come to my place? Why haven't you come yet?" Sano Hinako was alone in the villa arranged by Qin Feng. After coming to the capital of the Dragon Empire, she stayed in the capital for more than ten hours. Alone, there is no (lonely) chat (lonely).

"Sorry, I had a problem on the way! I'm in the hospital."

"You are in the hospital!" Sano Hinako immediately became worried. She came to the Dragon Empire alone, and her only reliance was Qin Feng, and this was also the man she identified.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, just dive to save people."

"Which hospital are you in?" Hinako Sano must come to see Qin Feng.

"No need? I'm fine! You don't even know the way."

"Which hospital are you in! Tell me quickly! I can take a taxi!" Hinako Sano said very strongly.

Qin Feng was a little dazed, and it was the first time he had seen her speak so toughly after being conquered by Qin Feng, but he didn't want to disappoint others' good intentions, and said, "At the common people's hospital! Wear a mask when you come!"

"Don't worry, I've been wearing a mask all the time!" Hinako Sano's beauty was really noticed by others, and she was about to cause trouble, because she was so beautiful.

Especially that figure.

Makes one want to commit a crime.

"Who is calling you? You seem to be very concerned about you? Your girlfriend?" Nangong Mingyue asked curiously from the bed next to her.

"I..." Qin Feng thought for a while, what is the relationship between himself and Hinako Sano?Maid?

"My friend, not my girlfriend." Qin Feng answered with a compromise.

"Are you friends?" Nangong Mingyue looked a bit disbelieving, but didn't ask further.


Sano Hinako, who hurried here, entered the ward.

A bumpy one.

Like a girl in anime.

It simply stunned many male doctors and passers-by.

"How are you? Is the wound okay?" Hinako Sano walked towards Qin Feng, looking around at Qin Feng's body.

"It's okay, it's okay, when I got into the water, I was hung on my back by a branch." Qin Feng chuckled.

"Let me see?" Sano Hinako said, and immediately lifted up Qin Feng's jacket. On the back, there was indeed a long mark hanging from a branch.

"Does it hurt?" Sano Hinako touched slightly.

"It's okay, the medicine is on." Seeing that she cared about him so much, Qin Feng felt warm in his heart.

A Luo Xiyan.

a her.

This life is enough.

"Who did you save?" Sano Hinako saw a beautiful woman next to her, her face seemed a little pale, "Is it this young lady?"

"Well, hello, thank you friend for saving me! Are you a Sun Empire girl?" Nangong Mingyue spoke Japanese and smiled slightly.

"Miss, you are so beautiful! As for thank you, you are too polite. It's okay, he likes to help others!" Sano Hinako smiled sweetly, her character is like this, she will have a kind attitude towards anyone.

"You are also very beautiful and friendly, let's chat! I'll go to the bathroom!" Nangong Mingyue doesn't want to be a light bulb either, the two of them must have something to say, so don't be an eyesore.

Sano Chiko saw that Qin Feng seemed to be fine, and saw that Nangong Mingyue went to the bathroom, so she threw herself into Qin Feng's arms and said, "You said you would come to see me? Why didn't you come? I'll wait for you one day."

"No, I went back to the capital and went to Xiyan's house for dinner." Seeing her throwing himself into his arms, Qin Feng put his arms around her slender waist slightly, leaned on her small head, and said, "I haven't planned to give Xiyan anything. Let me talk about your business, so you guys had better not meet each other recently, I hope you can understand. By the way, is the villa arranged for you okay to live in? Just tell me what you need, and I will ask someone to buy it. "

"It's okay, it's okay! I don't need anything." Sano Hinako raised her head slightly to look at Qin Feng, and said affectionately, "Will Xiyan accept me?"

Of course.

Hinako Sano passed a day of psychological games.

Already figured it out.

It is impossible for Qin Feng to leave Luo Xiyan.

Then accept reality.

She never wanted to leave this man for the rest of her life.

"She will accept you." Qin Feng said, while brushing the golden hair on her forehead, said, "You are so kind and kind, I will tell her well, but you must give me time, Give her time too."

"No problem, I can wait." Sano Hinako bit her lip, "It's you, don't leave me at the villa and not come to see me."

"What? Thinking about that? No way?" Seeing her say that, Qin Feng joked, "I've been hungry for a long time with your body."

"Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about?" Sano Hinako gave him a blank look.

"Let me kiss you." Seeing her cute and coquettish appearance, Qin Feng put his arms around her slender waist slightly and held her in his arms.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here! 】

(End of this chapter)

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