Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 124 The national treasure that shocked the world?

Chapter 124 The national treasure that shocked the world?
"What the hell is this shit?"

"So many things? Cultural relics?"

"Where did it come from?"

Qin Feng at this moment.

Immediately remembered what the security guard told me yesterday.

It is said that there are a few sneaky people who are active around the villa.

Is it
"Are these real antiques?" Nangong Mingyue was stunned for a while, then walked up to a blue-and-white porcelain bottle, instead of touching it with her hands, she took a closer look.

But she doesn't understand antiques either.

"Mingyue, it's too messy here! Let's go to the study!" Qin Feng said with a haha, "I usually like to collect, so I just put it at home."

"Ang, then you have to put away these antiques. It's not okay to have such messy hair." Nangong Mingyue wanted to say that the two of them should clean up the antiques together, but felt that it was not good.

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he opened the study.

The living room is such a mess.

It must be better in the study.

"Why can't the door of the study room be opened?"

But once you open the study.

The two screamed in unison.

"What the hell? What's going on?" Qin Feng cursed silently.

This study?
Why is it full of toilet paper?

wrong. . .

Not like toilet paper.

It should be stacks of books.

The book looked very old, slightly flushed, and the cover looked like a martial arts secret book in a martial arts novel.

"Yongle Canon?" Nangong Mingyue picked up a copy and looked at it.

"What? Yongle Dadian?" Qin Feng didn't think he was fooling around, but he was indeed a graduate student. He still knew the name of Yongle Dadian.

"Yongle Dadian" was written by Zhu Di.

This is a collection of ancient Chinese classics.

It was originally named "Document Dacheng", but later changed to "Yongle Dadian".

Zhu Di's title of Emperor Yongle.

And all because of this book.

The book has 22 volumes (877 volumes in the catalog, totaling 60 volumes).

There are 11095 volumes, about 3.7 million characters, and a collection of seven to eight thousand kinds of ancient and modern books. (The past and present here refer to the past and present of Zhu Di’s period)

3.7 million words?

How much is this?

In other words, some writers who hit the streets write more than 30 words in a book, and they are eunuchs.

Then these words are the content of almost 1000 novels.

It can be said that this is a world-class cultural heritage.

Known as the largest encyclopedia in ancient and modern times.

Of course, at first it was 1.1 volumes, and as time went by, it became less and less.

In the Ming Dynasty, when moving these books, there would be a few fewer books.

By the Qing Dynasty, there were only [-] volumes left.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, because of the war, it disappeared even more.

Some said they were burned, others said they were exiled abroad.

Anyway, modern day.
The Dragon Empire itself has several hundred copies of the original Yongle Canon.

The Kingdom of Great Britain, the Kingdom of Fa, the Empire of the Sun, etc.

There will be dozens of volumes.

All over the world, there are less than 500 volumes.

The appearance of each volume is basically a price of tens of millions.

"Qin Feng, you Yongle Canon? Why is every book different?"

"And it seems to be an authentic work? Isn't it printed?"

Although Nangong Mingyue doesn't know much about antiques, she is also a talented student.

Could this be the real thing?
But is this too much?
Thousands of volumes?
Tens of thousands of volumes?

"Authentic works." Qin Feng was dumbfounded. If the hundred-square-meter study room was full of authentic works, it would be truly invincible.

"Well, Mingyue, in fact, these antiques, including the ones in the living room outside, were all given to me by my friends. Actually, I don't know their identity."

Qin Feng has a headache.

But he also understood in his heart.

Now that the task is completed, the various cultural relics in this room should be 105 national treasures, right?

It must have been sent by someone big.

Is your mission really known?

"Your friend gave it to you? You don't even know what they are?"

"It should be quite valuable, but I really don't know much about antiques." Qin Feng forced a smile.

"That's okay? How about Qin Feng, I'll find a professional to help you see these antiques one by one?" Nangong Mingyue naturally kept her mouth tight. The wind brings trouble, so she won't ask someone she doesn't trust to judge it.

"Well, okay!" Qin Feng also wanted to know what kind of national treasures these antiques were, and he also believed that she would not harm him.

"By the way, Mingyue, in your capacity? You won't persuade me to donate?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"Donate what? To put it bluntly, these things are just for those who are engaged in archaeological research. This is just a spiritual and cultural thing! It will not help the empire. If you want to donate, of course I welcome it. If you don't donate , and no one dares to ask you about your private national treasure. You want to have something high-tech that can develop the weapons of our empire. I would be more than happy for you to donate it."

Qin Feng listened to her statement silently, but he didn't expect her to be quite open-minded.

But high-tech weapons.

Qin Feng really has it.

But that thing, Qin Feng has already considered it, and set up a weapon company for fun.

After all, Qin Feng had long thought that he would have his own influence.

The last time I saw that the world's number one arms dealer brought in his own self-defense force and dared to fight the Royal Guards of the Sun Empire directly.

Since he is a cheating boy, he must have his own fighting power in his hand.

"I really didn't expect you to be so open-minded about these antiques."

"Then you are an ordinary person, why don't you give it a try?" Nangong Mingyue covered her mouth and smiled, but didn't continue.

"Ha. If I were an ordinary person, I wouldn't be able to keep it, right?" Qin Feng said haha, he also understood the meaning of the other party's words, if Qin Feng hadn't been valued by Mr. Nangong, and he wasn't Nangong Mingyue's lifesaver, That situation is different.

"By the way, don't you want to invite some experts?"

"I forgot, okay, I'll make a phone call right now, but please don't move, so I'll talk about it." Nangong Mingyue said, "But your thing is probably an authentic Yongle Canon, she should know interested."

"What? There are people you can't hire?" Qin Feng was curious, who is this character?Nangong Mingyue is at least the future queen, right?Please don't move what the hell?


Nangong Mingyue made a phone call.

And at the moment in the outskirts of the capital.

Here is a large attic.

The name is Wuqibuyoulou.

On that antique antique bed, there was a stunning beauty lying on the side at the moment.

Because of the barrier of the bead curtain.

But I can't see the terrific figure of the beauty inside.

If anyone opens the bead curtain at this moment.

You can see her red cheongsam and her beauty lying on her side.

Just because you lie on your side.

Those long legs overlapped, it was simply a visual treat.

Slender, fair, delicate, without a trace of blemish at all.

And the long legs go up.

Cha Cha's waist is surprisingly thin.

It's fully gripped.

Further up.

Naturally, the ravines are vertical and horizontal.

Plus the support of the thin waist.

Like a waterfall, it turns sharply down.

Formed the best figure that is hard to find in this world.

But although the beauty looks coquettish on the outside, her expression is very cold and calm, her eyes are slightly closed, as if nothing in the world has anything to do with her.

"Qiuyue, how about Mingyue falling into the water?"

The beauty in the best cheongsam still had her eyes closed.

Her voice is very royal.

A perfect female voice.

But the voice is a bit lazy.

Just like the Queen Mother in the TV series.

The sound is soft and drags on for a long time.

"Back to Pavilion Master, Miss Nangong was discharged from the hospital this morning, and returned to the villa area with Qin Feng." Qiuyue replied.

"Understood, let's go down." The top-notch beauty didn't seem to like to talk, and it seemed like she was struggling to say one more word.


The mobile phone placed on the antique bed table buzzed.

"Pavilion Master, Miss Nangong Mingyue is calling!"

"Mingyue?" The beautiful woman opened her eyes slightly, "Go."


The phone is connected.

Qiuyue opened the curtains.

The glamorous beauty lying on the side of the stunning beauty, and the overlapping long legs made Qiuyue, a girl, take a second look.

"Hey, Mingyue, I heard that you fell into the water yesterday, and my second sister was also very worried."

"But because I fell asleep, the servants didn't dare to disturb me, and I didn't visit you last night."

"But I also punished them severely, are you okay now?"

The stunningly beautiful woman is the second sister of Nangong Mingyue.

It's called Nangong Chuxue.

Although she is usually reticent.

But for the sister here.

Naturally, I also said a few words.

"It's okay, sister, little problem, why bother with the servants? They just don't dare to disturb you." The servants Nangong Mingyue said were not the slaves of ancient times, but a lifelong maid or housekeeper who followed the big family. some type of.

This kind of people will not be free, but they will definitely follow the master for the rest of their lives.

Because as long as they are faithful, their wages are higher than that of white-collar workers.

"By the way, sister, I have the original Yongle Canon here, are you interested in taking a look?"

"What? The original Yongle Canon?" Nangong Chuxue stared slightly, this is a good thing.

"And there are many more copies, estimated to be tens of thousands."

"Heh, why are you happy with my sister? How come there are tens of thousands of copies?" Nangong Chuxue naturally didn't believe it. Although there were more than 1 copies of this thing in Zhu Di's time, they were all lost later.

"Sister, just come here. The address is Villa No. 88 in Beihai Villa District."

"Okay, I just came to see you too." Nangong Chuxue hung up the phone, and stretched out her hand slightly, and the maids naturally stretched out their hands to help.

Just like those queen mothers in the palace get up.

Anyway, she looks soft.

Feels like an invertebrate.

"Prepare the car, Beihai villa area."

On the other side, Qin Feng and Nangong Mingyue were observing these antiques in the living room.

Anyway, they don't quite understand.

Just take a look.


Nangong Mingyue opened a 25 cm wide wooden box.


She just screamed.

"Qin Feng. In this box"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here! 】

(End of this chapter)

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