Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 128 Good guy!A new task is coming!

Chapter 128 Good guy!A new task is coming!
"Chuan Guo Yuxi? How is it possible?" Nangong Chuxue called out immediately.

"Why is it impossible for you again?" Qin Feng was speechless, but in his heart, he also felt that it was impossible, right?After all, he is not stupid, he knows what Chuan Guo Yuxi is like.

But think of what the bosses sent?
It looks like it should be a national treasure, right?
Qin Feng was still firm.

It must be true, right?

"Skull, even if everything in front of you is real, I don't think it's possible to pass on the jade seal of the country!"

Nangong Chuxue didn't think it was real.

Because it is too mysterious.

There is a saying called.

The jade seal passed down to the country is a common treasure of the world.

In the antique industry, there are no antiques that are more precious than Chuan Guo Yuxi.

This thing is a piece of top-quality jade obtained during the Qin Dynasty, called Heshibi.

Then after Qin Shihuang founded the country, he used it to make jade seals.

After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, there is indeed a record that it was Prince Qin Ying who gave the Jade Seal of Chuanguo to Liu Bang.

But is this document necessarily true?
In other words, after the fall of the Qin Dynasty, whether the Chuanguo Yuxi fell into the hands of the Han Dynasty is a question mark.

Not to mention the later Tang, Song, and Qing dynasties that passed on their national jade seals.

Historically, Emperor Qianlong pointed out that the jade seal of the Song Dynasty was a fake, not that of Qin Shihuang.

But is what they said about the Qing Dynasty true?
It may not be the piece of Qin Shihuang, right?

Basically build it yourself.

That is to say, the one in the Han Dynasty has the highest credibility, but who knows if the one behind it is true?
After all, there is no picture of the emperor's seal.

Its appearance is only recorded in literature: it has a radius of four inches, and there are five dragons in Shanghai. On the front, there are eight seal characters written by Li Si, "Ordered by the sky, longevity and eternal prosperity", as a token of "imperial power granted by heaven, orthodox and legal".

It is precisely because of the Jade Seal of Chuanguo that the dynasty is orthodox, so many emperors will create fake Jade Seals of Chuanguo.

But in fact, this thing is a symbol.

Because the real Jade Seal of Chuanguo has been lost.

"Why can't it be true?" Qin Feng refused to accept.

"Because even if it's true! No one can tell for sure!" Nangong Chuxue said it well, just like Dayu's Dinghaishenzhen needle for water control, you took out this thing, and then who can judge whether it is true or not?Can't identify it at all.


Nangong Chuxue opened his eyes immediately, "I remember that there was an unearthed imperial decree of the Qin Dynasty, with a seal on it! Then type out the pattern of this seal! Then compare it, and you will know it?"

As Nangong Chuxue said, she immediately stared at Chuan Guo Yuxi in a daze.

"Wait. Why is there a corner on this Chuan Guo Yuxi that is black?"

Nangong Chuxue scraped with gloves on.

"Is this gold?"

"Could it be."

"It is said that at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang seized power and went to the Empress Dowager's Palace to ask for the imperial jade seal. Then the Empress Dowager was furious and smashed the jade seal on the ground, breaking a corner. Then Wang Mang asked someone to replace it with gold!"

"And the Jade Seal of the Han Dynasty is the most reliable!"

"No way!"

Nangong Chuxue immediately scraped off a little black (gold oxidation) powder with a piece of paper.

This thing just needs to be viewed under a microscope.

By analyzing surface air bubbles.

can determine the age.

When Nangong Chuxue came to appraise the cultural relics, he would naturally bring the microscope with him.

"This gold is indeed from the Western Han Dynasty! It's about 2000 years old!"

Nangong Chuxue began to believe it a little bit.

This jade seal can't be real, can it?

But everything depends on the fit of the seal.

"Old man Li, send me the imperial decree of the Qin Dynasty! I want the seal on it!"

After all, the jade seal is stamped.

Just find the stamped seal.

Then use Qin Feng to build one out.

Compare together.

Don't you know?

Next to Qin Feng's fax machine.

Nangong Chuxue started to get busy.

The two printed texts were analyzed by computer.

"The coincidence rate is actually 100%?"

"Is this jade seal real?"

Nangong Chuxue was a little numb.

The jade seal of the country?

How can this thing be found?
But there is nothing wrong with that.

The material and cutting method of this jade are indeed the tangent method of the Qin Dynasty.

And under the X-ray, it was also the era of the Qin Dynasty.

And that piece of inlaid gold is also from the late Western Han Dynasty.

The matter of Chuanguo Yuxi came to an end!


Nangong Chuxue discovered something good again.

"What is this? A five-stringed pipa made of mother-of-pearl and red sandalwood?"

Nangong Chuxue saw a corner of the wall.

Standing a lute?
"Didn't this thing end up in the Museum of the Sun Empire?"

This pipa is an out-and-out masterpiece. Pipas are generally four-stringed, but this is the only five-stringed pipa handed down from generation to generation.

To be precise, this instrument and the four-stringed pipa are not the same instrument. The four-stringed pipa is a "quxiang" and this five-stringed pipa is a "straight item", that is, the Qin Zhen, the phase and the surface of the piano are on the same plane.

This kind of five-stringed pipa has been lost, but Feitian can often be seen playing this kind of instrument in Dunhuang murals.On this surviving five-stringed pipa, the mother-of-pearl inlay technique of the Tang Dynasty was brought into full play on this pipa, showing the prosperity of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

This musical instrument was originally collected by Emperor Shomu. After his death, he dedicated the treasures he used during his lifetime to the Shosoin of Todaiji Temple in Nara. No one has disturbed them for more than 1000 years. I don’t know how many rare treasures are left in the warehouse. There are as many as four or five pieces of rare musical instruments, and this one is No.1 among them.

"Is this a tiger cannibal?"

"Excellent Shang and Zhou Bronze Wares!"

"Tiger cannibal is a treasure of bronze wares from the late Shang Dynasty of the Dragon Empire. It is richly decorated, with the theme of humans and animals, and expresses weird ideas. In modern times, it entered the Empire of the Sun and is collected in the Izumi House Museum in Kyoto."

Wang Xizhi's "Sangluan Post"?
Master Muxi's "Avalokitesvara Ape and Crane Picture"?
Yaobian Tianmu tea bowl?

Five stickers of "Bodhisattva in the Womb Sutra"?
"What? The golden seal of the Hanwonu king? Are they all here? What's going on?"

Nangong Chuxue was beyond shocked.

How come all the national treasures lost in the Sun Empire have been found now?
The value of this "Golden Seal of the Hanwonu King" is very high.

This thing can clearly show that the Wa Kingdom is a subsidiary of the Han Dynasty, and it is the most precious cultural relic in the diplomatic history of the two empires.

"The Book of Emperor Guangwu of the Later Han Dynasty" and "The Biography of Dongyi in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty" record "In the second year of Jianwu Zhongyuan (AD 57), the Japanese slave kingdom paid tribute to the congratulations, making people call themselves doctors, and Guangwu granted a seal."

The gold seal was missing until 1784, when two tenant farmers named Hideji and Kihei accidentally discovered it while digging ditches in Fukuoka, Kyushu.The surface of the gold seal is square, with a side length of 2.3 cm. The height of the printing pad is about 0.9 cm. There is a serpentine button on the pad. The whole body is about 2.2 cm high.Collection place: Fukuoka City Museum.

"This thing is very powerful! It fully proves that the Sun Empire was a vassal country before!" Qin Feng grinned, but he couldn't help but wonder in his heart, why are all the cultural relics that flowed into the Sun Empire in this pile?
But what Qin Feng didn't know was that these cultural relics were all obtained by Tian Jifu from the Sun Empire.

After all, it is self-stealing.

Naturally easy.

And at this moment, the Sun Empire has already turned upside down.

In the museum, everything belonging to the Dragon Empire was stolen.

"Eh? The one in the corner here?"

"A Jade Pig Dragon from the Hongshan Culture in the Neolithic Age?"

"Jade Cong from Liangzhu Culture in the Neolithic Age?"

"Shang Dynasty Bronze Double Goat Zun?"

"Western Zhou Kanghou bronze gui?"

"Xinghou Gui?"

"Eastern Zhou golden sword hilt?"

"A Tang Dynasty copy of "Nv Shi Zhen (zhēn) Picture"?"

"The engraving of the title page of the Diamond Sutra of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Tang dynasty mother-of-pearl intarsia bronze mirror?"

"The Tang version of the Diamond Sutra?"

"Blue and white Ruyi holding the moon bottle?"

"Clark china bowl?"

"A gilded bronze mandala?"

People are numb.

People are numb.

These all TMs are cultural relics lost to Great Britain?

It seems that the order of stacking is piles of piles.

"Shang-Western Zhou Bronze Sacrifice Set! Looks like it's in the Metropolitan Museum of New York!"

"How did you get here?"

"Ming-Tang Yin "Chang'e Holding Osmanthus Picture"! Collected in the Metropolitan Museum of New York"

"Wang Xizhi's "Wang Goose Picture" is collected in the Metropolitan Museum of New York!"

"Portrait of Emperor Qianlong and Eleven Concubines by Lang Shining of the Qing Dynasty is in the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art!"

"Amber snuff bottle with clear coral cap! In the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of New York?"

Again people are stupid.

All of these are national treasures?

And they were all lost to the empires?

"You not only stole Cixi's tomb, you even stole all the museums of the Empire of the Sun, the Empire of Rice, and the Empire of Great Britain, right?" .

"Mingyue, if you talk about these things, I'll make a museum out of them? I'm afraid the business is so good that it explodes?"

Although Qin Feng is rich.

But I also want to make some money.

After all, there is a wife Xiyan.

There is a Sano girl who is obedient.

No more petty money.

How to raise it?

"Uh, it should be fine." Nangong Mingyue mentioned, "But if you want to open such a museum, the security work must be thoughtful. If you need help, please let me know."

"Third sister? You?" Nangong Chuxue was dumbfounded, "So many cultural relics, are you sure you don't want to give them to grandpa?"

"Your grandfather is my father!" Qin Feng was really speechless, what should he give to his grandfather?
It's not that Qin Feng refuses to pay.

It's because this woman cares too much, right?

"You dare to say that about my grandpa?" Nangong Chuxue raised his eyebrows coldly.

But I have the final say.

Isn't Qin Feng taking advantage?

Is Mr. Nangong his father?

I can't be his daughter anymore?

"I don't mean anything else, what is my own, I decide for myself!" Qin Feng naturally thought about handing it over to Mr. Nangong, after all, this thing?Why keep it?It's better to give it to improve your social status.

Do collection?
I am sorry.

Qin Feng doesn't have that hobby.

Keep them?You have to spend money to watch it, which is uncomfortable.

"Can you keep these things? Can you tell me the origin?" Nangong Chuxue really wanted Qin Feng to donate them.

"I don't know, why don't I take it out? What's the matter? Why should I donate it to your grandfather?" Although Qin Feng considered giving it to Mr. Nangong, he would never follow her.

"I said skull, can you not be so stingy, I was really impulsive at first, I apologize, but these cultural relics"

"I accept the apology, but can you stop calling people nicknames? Does that skull have anything to do with me?" Qin Feng groaned.

"Then you call me Lily? I have something to do with that thing?" Nangong Chuxue said sharply, but she was out of breath.

"Yes, yes, it's okay with you. Didn't you say that you have played with more men than I have seen with women? How would you describe you? Wife→concubine" Qin Feng paused, "What's behind, I I don’t remember, you can pick it up yourself.”

"How dare you call me a prostitute? You..." Nangong Chuxue is the second princess of the empire, and now people say this?What she said just now has played with countless men, but she was just angry.

"Okay, stop arguing, just like a child!" Nangong Mingyue had a big head, and vowed not to let the two meet together in the future. If the ghosts can't fight, they are completely enemies.

Nangong Mingyue just finished speaking.

Looks like the phone rang.

It's Mr. Nangong calling.

"Will grandpa know what's going on here?" Nangong Mingyue looked at Qin Feng worriedly, "If he asks about what's going on here, how should I answer?"

"Don't ask him, I'll tell him myself." Qin Feng didn't intend to keep these things, it's just a burden, he might as well improve his social status.Not to mention anything else, who the hell wants to keep the stolen goods sent by those big bosses?
I don't know where it was stolen or snatched.

Anyway, just leave it to the old man. ,
And gain fame.

"Good." Seeing that Qin Feng agreed, Nangong Mingyue immediately answered the phone.

"Hey, Mingyue? I heard from Chuxue that she transferred people from Lantian Daying? To Qin Feng's villa? What is this for?" Nangong was a little worried, it wouldn't be Chuxue girl, transferred to kill Qin Feng ?

This girl has a bad temper.

But in fact, the old man didn't know that Qin Feng had already subdued him.

Or the vigor is gone.

"Grandpa, let me tell you something. Qin Feng's place is full of national treasure-level cultural relics, all of which are exiled national treasures!" Nangong Mingyue said excitedly.

"What? They're all national treasures?" Mr. Nangong blurted out, pretending to be surprised, but actually knew everything.

Although he didn't know why Chuxue's granddaughter was dispatching troops.

But at least know that Qin Feng has 105 national treasures.

Because the system will prompt that the task is completed.

Isn't the psychic phone he got after completing this mission?

"Well, yes Grandpa, there are too many, it's unbelievable."

"Ah? Really? How did you come here?" Mr. Nangong continued to pretend to be shocked, "Call me, and I'll tell Xiaofeng."

"Yeah." Nangong Mingyue handed over the phone, "Grandpa asked you to answer."

"Old man, I miss you so much." As soon as Qin Feng answered the phone, someone Feng made some opening remarks.

"You little brat!" Old Man Nangong grinned, "You still tell me about cross talk?"

"Let's talk, whether to hand over these things or not! Of course, it's up to you, I won't force it!" Although Mr. Nangong wanted these national treasures very much, but Qin Feng's value was [-] times higher than these national treasures, so he naturally wouldn't Because of these things, Qin Feng will not like it.

"Pay it, of course, why not?"

Qin Feng answered decisively.

It also made Nangong Chuxue on the other side grit her teeth angrily, "How dare you keep playing with me? Are you planning to hand it over?"

"Old man, on the side of the Sun Empire, although they have never been able to find out who burned it, they will find out one day! If you want to protect me, Mr. Nangong, you have to give the people below some excuses, right? If I donate it this time, isn't it the best excuse for you?"

"That's right, young man, you are very enlightened. You also know that I will be under pressure when I work for you, right?" Mr. Nangong smiled kindly, "Then it's settled, I will send someone over to take over these things. !"

"But old man, the origin of many things is not very legitimate! When you sent people to follow me secretly, you also know that the forces behind me exist, and they do things by stealing or robbing them. These things are in your hands Here, are you going to keep it secret, or make it public?"

"What you said is a very important question." Mr. Nangong thought for a while.

"I think it's okay to disclose it directly, don't be afraid! Our own things were originally taken by them, so there is no need to coax!" Qin Feng supported the old man to disclose these things directly.

"Hahaha! Well said! With your support! I think it's feasible!" Mr. Nangong laughed three times.

"What does it mean to have Qin Feng's support? Is it feasible?"

"What does grandpa mean by that?"

two sisters.

No one can understand.

"Then it's settled, I'll watch the old man's big news tomorrow!" Qin Feng paused and said, "Then you can send someone over to take it away. If you don't dare to make it public, then I won't give it to you. It's a secret collection. ,Really boring."

"What you think is what I think!" Mr. Nangong liked Qin Feng more and more. It could be seen that he was a patriotic and bloody man.

And Mr. Nangong doesn't need to worry about international pressure at all now.

He has more than 291 years of anti-radar technology in his hand.

This technology has been sent to the War Department.

Soon a batch of powerful fighter jets or warships.

Coming soon.

Strength is the last word.

Who dares to beep at that time?
The two hung up the phone.


Qin Feng found out.

The two beauties looked straight at Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, what kind of existence are you?" Nangong Mingyue was still thinking about her grandfather's words, did Qin Feng support her?Then dare?

"I am me, different fireworks!"

Qin Feng roughly understood in his heart that the old man probably knew something about his system.

But Qin Feng didn't guess how the old man knew.

"Lily, there are still dozens of cultural relics that you need to identify. Thank you for your hard work. Then I will treat you to supper!" Qin Feng looked at the living room, there were so many, and he was also curious about the identities of these objects.

And this Nangong Chuxue is simply an encyclopedia.

The big guys sent it over in one go.

Qin Feng didn't know what kind of banana stick hammer it was.

But Lily knew it so clearly.

"Yes! Give me some appraisal fee, and give me that Cixi Ye Mingzhu! I'll identify all of them in one night!" Nangong Chuxue glanced at Qin Feng with big eyes, and secretly smiled wickedly.

"What the hell do you want? A Cixi night pearl? Appraisal fee? Forget it, please! My one is worth tens of billions! It's too expensive!" Qin Feng couldn't complain.

"You're so stingy, don't donate everything, let me keep one?" Nangong Chuxue was slightly disturbed.

"Talk to your grandfather!" Qin Feng was not used to it.

"Grandpa." How could Nangong Chuxue not know, how could grandpa know?

"I apologize, so don't be stingy, will you give it or not?" Nangong Chuxue's tone was soft but wanted face.

"Threat?" Qin Feng chuckled.


"I've already given it to your grandfather, and I can't help it!" Qin Feng shrugged.

"Forget it if you don't give it away!" Although Nangong Chuxue really wanted to own one, but she couldn't do it if he wanted to humiliate Qin Feng.

At twelve o'clock at night.

Nangong Chuxue was exhausted to death.

Only then did all the cultural relics be identified.

But she also enjoys it.

After all, no one can have such a blessing to see so many national treasures.

Because the old man wanted to send a company to deliver the things here, Qin Feng went out, drove the Spyker, and went to Luo Xiyan's house to rest.

But at this time.

The system prompt is coming.

Is there a new mission?

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Thank you very much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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