Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 134 Big Boss Appears Frequently!Qin Feng's company!The order is 130 billion US dollars!

Chapter 134 Big Boss Appears Frequently!Qin Feng's company!The order is 130 billion US dollars!
"By the way, the people in Lantian Daying, didn't they say what they were doing?" Su Bingqing asked the most critical question.

"Su Dong, they haven't come in yet, and now they're probably at the door."

The subordinates just came to report in advance.

Naturally, I haven't contacted anyone from the Blue Sky Camp yet.

"It's a happy event! It's a happy event!"


One of the subordinates yelled.

"A happy event! Su Dong! President Gao! What a happy event!"

A small manager under his banner.

He ran over panting.

There was an indescribable excitement on his face.

Damn, this company is going bankrupt.

Fortunately, he didn't run away.

Now the great thing is coming.

"Xiao Wang, why are you yelling? What's the happy event? So excited? There's no rules." Gao Kang stared at him, but he was also curious, "Tell me quickly if you have something to say."

"Su Dong! President Gao, look at this order catalog!"

"Order catalogue?" Su Bingqing stared slightly, took the thick document, and began to read it.

C-130 Hercules transport aircraft: 100 vehicles.


NGSW-AR automatic guns: 3000 pieces.

ICTC Carbines: 2500 pieces.

(Independent production)
Various launch equipment:

XM-25 grenade launcher units: 100 pcs

LA-9/P, made by BE Meyers Laser pointer: 150 pcs.

Various daily necessities:

C, K, D and E, 4 kinds of compressed biscuits: 20 tons.

QGF03 helmets: 9 pieces.

Type 07 combat boots: 3 pairs.

Bedding, raincoats, spare shoes and socks, engineering shovels, etc., should be packed into daily carrying equipment: several.

(Independent production)
Su Bingqing had a stiff expression on his face.

Gradually looking at these orders, he smiled.

"Great, these orders! There is a full price of 20 billion US dollars!" Su Bingqing said happily. She really did not expect that the Lantian Camp of the Dragon Empire would send such a large order as soon as it came.

Could it be because of the joining of the Su Group?

Otherwise, people will be in Lantian Camp.

Why not choose another weapon company?
And choose them?
"Su Dong, what's the matter? Let me see? How much is the order?" Although Gao Kang is not a thing, he has something to make money, why doesn't he care?

"An order worth 20 billion US dollars! Lantian Daying is really generous!" Su Bingqing said with a smile, "It must be the joining of the Su Group that brought us such a good opportunity!"

"A $20 billion order? My God."

Gao Kang stared, took a look at the order catalog, and smiled on his face.

"Good guy! Something is coming! It's the biggest order for our company in the future!"

"If we have the backing of the Su Group in the future, we really won't be afraid of anything!"

"Just wait to make money!"

Gao Kang now.

I don't think it's a bad thing for the Su Group to rob the largest shareholding of the company that the three shareholders combined.

Anyway, as long as you can make money, why not do it?

Doesn't forcing Su Bingqing to play for this Taikoo Yihui mean that he is interested in the 1 million US dollar order in his hand?

"Why do you need so much all of a sudden? The Lantian camp over there in the capital? Can you eat so much military supplies at once?" Taikoo Yihui couldn't believe it. This is something that at least a few camps can eat, right?Because it is impossible for a big camp to lack so many things, otherwise how would they maintain their daily life?

"Mr. Taigu, this is definitely not something that the Lantian camp can eat, it must be something that at least five or ten camps need!" Gao Kang said excitedly.

But the next moment.

Another subordinate came to report.

"Su Dong, President Gao, here comes another order!"

"Oh? Who's here?" Su Bingqing's eyes lit up.

"It's the Green Bamboo Company in the Mountain!"

"The Green Bamboo Company in the Mountain? This isn't it." Su Bingqing didn't continue. This is the world's number one killer organization. She still knows that the "Blue Bamboo in the Mountain" company is just a pseudonym.

"All they want are some high-quality special agent knives, high-quality sniper rifles, high-quality body armor and other equipment."

The words of the Green Bamboo Gate.

Don't look at them stabbing people with short knives all the time.

They will also use modern weapons.

But it is because the technology is so advanced now that many cars and glass are bulletproof, so guns and other things are not popular.

Stealth and short-distance combat can greatly increase the efficiency of assassination.

But if they can use long-distance, they still use sniper rifles.

"Su Dong, although the things they want are not many, they are all high-quality products! The prices are usually very expensive! Often such expensive things will bring greater profits! An order worth 3000 million US dollars."

Su Bingqing nodded happily, and secretly said: "As long as such high-quality weapons are sold, the profit will be at least 2000 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to a profit of 1 million U.S. dollars for ordinary weapons orders."

Just like cigarettes, the purchase price of popular cigarettes is often very expensive. A pack of 10 yuan costs 9 yuan.

And those 100 yuan a pack of cigarettes, the purchase price is actually only seventy or eighty.

The more expensive cigarettes, the more profitable they are sold.

Of course, these forces or empires that do not belong to the Dragon Empire come to buy weapons, and they can naturally sell them, but they must be monitored by the Dragon Empire, and the Dragon Empire can count how many things are produced.

After all, you need to pay taxes.

They won't be allowed to smuggle.

"Su Dong! Another super big order! This one is even stronger!"

The little manager went out for a while.

He hurried back again.

"Another super big order? How big is it?" Su Bingqing asked.

"This needs a full 100 billion US dollars!"

"It is simply the largest order in the world!"

As soon as the little manager's words came out.

The people in the audience were immediately stunned.

"100 billion U.S. dollars? Who needs so much? How is it possible?" Su Bingqing couldn't believe it. The Dragon Empire only ate 20 billion U.S. dollars once, right?
"It's the world's number one arms dealer! It's from Stephen Martin! They said yes, they recently lost a guard in the Pacific, and they need a lot of equipment! And they have a lot of orders in their hands. If they can't do it, they will leave it to us to do it." !"

"Why? Why?" Su Bingqing was stunned. Is there such a good thing?Give them an order that the world's No. [-] weapons company can't make?

"Xiao Wang, how do they divide the profits?" Su Bingqing continued to ask.

"They said that the profit of these orders is 28!"

"Two of us? Eight of them?" Su Bingqing frowned slightly, and didn't dare to ask for more. After all, it was an order from someone else, so it would be nice to have a drink of soup.

"No, it's eight of us and two of them." Xiao Wang stammered.

"." Su Bingqing is already stupid, what's going on?Does the Su Group have that much energy?

At this time, Taikoo Yihui said slightly: "President Gao! My order of 1 million?" (Just like Chu Yunfei speaking to Li Yunlong: "Brother Yunlong, which battalion of equipment do I have?")
"I'm sorry, Mr. Taikoo, we have too many orders now, and we must be busy for a while! We can't do anything about your order!" Although Su Bingqing accepted it, he felt so good at the moment. This guy took advantage of others If you are in danger, come and threaten yourself to sleep with me.Really disgusting.

"Don't be like this, Mr. Su!" Gao Kang was speechless, this is an order of [-] million US dollars, "Mr. Swire, let me introduce you to a weapon company, which is very good."

As long as Gao Kang introduces him, won't he get a fortune from that weapon company?
"No need! I will look for it myself!" Taikoo Yihui couldn't find a seller?It's just to catch Su Bingqing's attention.

Now that people's orders are too busy.

Why are you still here?
"Mr. Taikoo, walk slowly!" Su Bingqing has never had a moment as good as this, just like a novel's pretense and slap in the face!

At first, I was wronged for a long time because of the 1 million order.

Now come directly to an order of nearly 130 billion US dollars?

these orders.

Enough to keep them busy for several years.

And the time specified above is very lenient, which is a minimum of 3 years.

That is, delivery within three years is enough.

Such a good thing is really rare.

But Su Bingqing can only take these things as the credit of the Su Group.

Although she suspects that the Su Group does not have this ability, is it not the Su Group?Who is it?
"Hmph! Smelly boy!" Taikoo Yihui cursed secretly, and was about to leave with his assistant, but at this moment.

His phone rang.


"It's actually Tian Jifu calling?"

Taikoo Ikki suddenly became serious.

This is the minister in the main cabinet.

Although his position as the head of the cabinet minister was recently removed.

But why is it also one of the four heavenly kings.

He, the person who purchased weapons for the Sun Empire, is really far behind his level.

[Kneeling for a monthly pass!Kowtow bang bang bang!Three ringing heads: ▄██●▄██●▄██●Please!Beg! 】

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Thank you very much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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