Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 145 The Global Undercurrent Surges!The empires gather together!Target Rare Earths!

Chapter 145 The Global Undercurrent Surges!The empires gather together!Target Rare Earths!
Empire of the Sun.

Emperor's Palace.

"My lord, the rare earth materials we have used to build fighter jets have been exhausted recently! There are still many fighter jets that need to be coated with such rare earth materials to achieve anti-radar technology!"

"Last time Mr. Tian Jifu gave the over nine-year anti-radar technology rare earth formula ratio, it is really amazing! It can make the world's most advanced radar technology undetectable! Only the radar technology that has waited for them to develop for nine years Only then can we detect the existence of our fighter jets!"

The person in charge of building this batch of fighter jets.

It is very happy.

But the material is missing.

It's a big problem.

Rare earths enriched with samarium, europium and gadolinium are a weapon material that is scarce in the Solar Empire.

"I called you here to tell you something. I heard that there are no wonders and buildings in the Dragon Empire, and this thing will appear. You should inform the ambassador of the Dragon Empire over there and let him go to bid! Be sure to buy this ton of rare earth Bring it back to me!"

Emperor Haogong continued: "At that time, all the fighters of my wing can be equipped with super anti-radar technology!"

Of course.

How many fighters per wing?

It's not fixed at all.

The West is a wing system: Squadron - Wing,

The fighter squadrons of the Mi Empire generally consisted of 5-18 fighter planes, and a wing consisted of 3-10 squadrons.

Anyway, the size of a fighter wing is generally between 54 and 80.

After Emperor Haogong formed a unit, it was of great significance, and then he could conduct exercises on the border.

Show off your own strength.

Around 07:30 in the evening,
Qin Feng went to the villa area where Hinako Sano was arranged to live.

Here are nine villas.

The geographical location is close to the airport expressway, surrounded by 400 acres of virgin forest, and the building types are all single-family villas. All product styles are different from any architectural style currently on the market.Adopt the building form of 2 fronts and 3 rears, with a 2-story building in the direction of the entrance and a 3-story building in the direction of the garden.The current price starts at about 5000 million yuan/set.

Of course.

Qin Feng is not short of money.

Basically, I bought a house for Hinako Sano to live in.

"Qin Feng, has the Sun Empire put pressure on Mr. Nangong again recently? Let the Dragon Empire send me back?"

Sano Hinako sat on Qin Feng's lap.

Hooking Qin Feng's neck.

Once two people have time together.

Basically very greasy.

And Hinako Sano also seems to like hugging Qin Feng very much.

Qin Feng has an indescribable charm that attracts women very much.

Of course, none of them knew that this was the result of Qin Feng's good looks.

"It's okay, don't worry, Mr. Nangong has repeatedly stated that this is your freedom, and their Sun Empire has no right to interfere! You have joined the nationality of our empire, it's okay!" Qin Feng put his arms around her slender waist , comforted slightly.

"Then when you go out, be careful, the Sun Empire may send someone to lurk here, I'm worried about you." Hinako Sano leaned into Qin Feng's arms, rubbed her hands a few times and said, "I'm the only family member in the Dragon Empire , anyway, you can't have any problems."

"Don't worry, it's impossible for me to have any problems now." Qin Feng now has a lot of doomsday high-tech, and he can't protect his own safety, can he?

Say nothing else.

Wear a doomsday high-tech suit casually.

Basically, there is no problem with safety.

That highly intelligent little robot devil is very advanced. I am afraid that the technology on the Blue Star may not be invented in 1000 years.

"Qin Feng, I miss that. Can you stay here tonight?"

Hinako Sano is in this villa.

Every time Qin Feng came to see her.

They only stayed for a short time.

Then things got busy.

To be honest, Qin Feng has been really busy recently, after all, there are quite a lot of things about the weapon company.

Although Qin Feng is indeed like a hands-off shopkeeper, there are many things that need Qin Feng to come forward, and Su Bingqing can't handle everything.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Feng knew what she was talking about, so he started to joke.

"You're going to die, you know it." Hinako Sano kissed Qin Feng's neck, and said, "Let me experience it, okay? Be a real woman."

Anyway, she really wanted to know.

that thing.

What is it like.

After all, girls from the Sun Empire are not as reserved as the Dragon Empire.

If you want it, speak up.

The other party does not give it.

They don't force it either.

"Tonight?" Qin Feng looked at the stunner-level beauty in his arms, and squeezed her cliff heavily.

"Otherwise? You only come to my place once in a few days? The weapon company has been busy with you recently, right?" Sano Hinako put her arms around Qin Feng's neck and said, "Let the people below do it, why do everything by yourself .”

"It's not that they do everything by themselves, but that their abilities are limited, and I have to take part in many things." Qin Feng straightened her golden ponytail, and she wanted to have a big meal today, but After all, there are things to do tonight.

That is to go to an auction.

Take a picture of that ton of rare earth.

Only in this way can it be applied to the surface of the fighter.

Create a batch of fighter jets with over 500 years of anti-radar technology.

Of course, this kind of rare earth anti-radar technology can also be applied to the surface of warships, but the surface area of ​​warships is too large, so more rare earths are needed. Basically, building one will cost astronomical prices.

The fighter jet is smaller in size, so the fighter jet is naturally the first choice.

Therefore, many anti-radar technologies are mostly installed on small fighter jets and reconnaissance planes.

The bigger the guy, the installation of anti-radar technology is too expensive.

"You haven't answered me yet, can't you stay tonight? I'm going to clean up the room?" Hinako Sano said, wanting to get up and leave Qin Feng's embrace.

But Qin Feng gently pulled the beauty into his arms again.

"Let me kiss you first!"

Qin Feng did not answer this question.

Instead, he chose to avoid it.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay.

But something.

You can't finish that in a hurry and then go to the auction, right?
For Hinako Sano's big meal, she needs to find a good time to enjoy it quietly and slowly.

But it can't be too convenient.

"Yeah. Kiss me."

Sano Hinako has also been emotional for a long time.

He raised his head slightly.

rely on the past.

After about 10 minutes.

Qin Feng and she almost wanted Barbie Q.

That's it.

"Chicken, shall I take you to my villa?" Qin Feng stood up and murmured.

"Send me to your villa? Really?" Sano Hinako stood up happily and looked straight at Qin Feng.

"Well, I told Xi Yan last time that you can stay by our side."

"That's good!" Although Sano Hinako didn't want to share Qin Feng with others, she knew that there was no way. Instead of being here and only seeing Qin Feng once in a few days, it would be better to go to Qin Feng's villa and see him every day.

"You have to get along well with Xiyan. She is a kind girl, so she won't bully you, but you can't have any conflicts. She accepts you." Qin Feng's words were only half spoken, after all, Luo Xi On Yan's side, she just agreed to let Sano Hinako be a maid.
Qin Feng also promised Luo Xiyan not to touch Sano.

"Yeah, I'm easy to get along with, and I won't make trouble." Hinako Sano nodded, still quite happy in her heart.

"However, when you go to my villa, you can't just throw yourself into my arms and ask for a kiss or something. It's better to avoid Luo Xiyan for this kind of intimacy. It's not good for her to see it." Qin Feng said.

"Didn't she accept me?" Sano Hinako didn't understand.

"It's true that I accepted you, but she still has ideas. Anyway, we don't do it in front of her, so let's just make out secretly." Qin Feng smiled and held her in his arms, "Okay, don't worry too much What do you think, you two are the same."

Anyway, Qin Feng will stabilize Luo Xiyan first, and then slowly and completely showdown after a while.

This is not a lie.

It's communication.

Sometimes, men just don't handle things well, and it's easy to make things go bad.

If planning is done to deal with it, many conflicts will disappear.

If Qin Feng told Luo Xiyan directly, the two of them would be his girlfriend together.

Then work together.

Under such circumstances, as long as it is a woman, I will be anxious with you.

And if you deal with it slowly, there will be fewer conflicts.

"Let's go, Hina, I'll take you to my villa to meet Xiyan!" Qin Feng kissed her forehead.

"You carry me." Hinako Sano acted coquettishly, and jumped on Qin Feng.

Hanging on Qin Feng's neck.

Like an octopus.

"Okay, hold on tight."

Qin Feng reached out and hugged her cliff.

The two walked side by side.

One also kissed.

Just don't get too tired.


Qin Feng took Sano Hinako and set off. If there is no one to live in this villa in the future.

Let's deal with it at that time.

But what Qin Feng didn't think of was.

Luo Xiyan and Sano Hinako seem to hit it off?
He can speak the language of Empire of the Sun, so it is very convenient to communicate.

But Hinako Sano has been learning Chinese recently, and will live with Qin Feng in the Dragon Empire in the future, so how can she not learn Chinese.

The matter between Luo Xiyan and Sano was half settled.

There are two beauties in the family.

It is indeed a bit difficult.

If you look for a chance, you must first win at least one.

eight pm!Qin Feng drove a BMW and set off from home.

The car Qin Feng drives is naturally not his own car, and he can't reveal his identity when he goes to the auction to bid for rare earth.

"Hehe, there are so many people sent by these bosses to protect them!"

"At least in all directions? Are there six or seven people following secretly? And they all seem to be women?"

Qin Feng has all-round cameras installed on buttons, belts, brooches, etc. by the little devil robot. ,

The secret guards sent by the big bosses who followed Qin Feng.

They were all discovered.

Because this high-tech will collect all the pictures taken around Qin Feng, find out those pictures that have been repeated many times, and analyze the people who are following.

And the earphones plugged into Qin Feng's ears will also remind him where the hidden guards are.

No matter how awesome it is.

Can you have high-tech T?
Qin Feng found that among the people following him, there was actually a big beauty, whose appearance and figure were basically at the level of Luo Xiyan.

And the body is hotter.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a fox spirit in Cross Fire.

"This woman in strong clothes, such a beautiful hot girl, could it be that the boss at the Green Bamboo Gate sent me to protect me?" Qin Feng muttered for a while.

After all, I know their location.

It is much easier to get rid of them.

Qin Feng wanted to go to the auction by himself, but he didn't want them to know, so he naturally wanted to get rid of them.

There are no surprises without buildings!
Qin Feng wore a mask, looked at the big characters on the sign, and murmured: "It's really impressive!!"

"Hey! Why are there a few people over there, like from the Empire of the Sun? Mustache?"

Qin Feng looked at a man who looked like a man from the Empire of the Sun who got out of the Audi car seven or eight meters away. The man looked like he was on the phone.

"Mr. Honda, don't worry, I will be able to successfully bid for rare earths this time!"

"You should do your job well! This rare earth is very important to our Sun Empire at this juncture!"

After the man finished the call.

Wearing sunglasses.

Entered the gate of the auction house.

And soon, another Mercedes-Benz business car came, and a western man in a suit got out of it.

He was also plausibly giving his subordinates some instructions.

"Smart butler, can you analyze which empires those people are from?"

The miniature camera button and belt worn by Qin Feng.

It's all high tech.

For example, when going out, they will help analyze the weather, what clothes to wear, or if you have any problems, you can ask them.

[Through the analysis, 90.00% of the facial features and attire of the man with the mustache are from the Sun Empire!And by analyzing the lip language, this person also speaks the language of the Empire of the Sun!This person mentioned the word rare earth many times. 】

[For Western men, 80.00% of them are from the Rice Empire through the analysis of language and clothing, and they have mentioned the word rare earth to his subordinates many times! 】

"Oh? So? These people? It seems that they are all here for rare earth?"

Qin Feng knew it.

Once such a good thing comes out, there must be many people coming to bid for it.

And the people who come to bid for this thing are probably sent by the empire, right?
"These gringos want to bid to build fighter jets again?"

"Wait and see!"

Qin Feng didn't think too much, put on a mask, and walked into the auction of all kinds of buildings.

———————off topic———————————————

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Thank you very much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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