Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 153 Nangong Chuxue is angry!Sky-high price snapping up!

Chapter 153 Nangong Chuxue is angry!Sky-high price snapping up!

"5000 dollars!"

"All of a sudden, there is an extra $900 million!"

"The three limited edition Ferraris are gone!"

Since the pearl that Qin Feng wanted to buy was given to Miss Caitlin, now Qin Feng has to buy a new one and give it to Luo Xiyan, in order to achieve the achievement of the first blood.

"Oh my god! The guest in the special box! He...he made another move! Just raised 900 million?"

"Could it be that this distinguished guest is going to book the venue today?"

Monica said excitedly.

This Qin Feng made her a lot of extra money.

"Damn it? Play with a hammer! The people in the special box want everything!"

"Yeah, he won't really want to book the venue, will he?"

"As soon as this boss makes a move, let's stop joining in the fun! Let's wait for the next item!"

"It's unlucky!"

A few guests in the junior VIP box cursed a few words.

Monica knew that once the boss in the special box made a move, everyone would stay away and would not bid again.

But the process that should be followed still needs to be followed.

"5000 million dollars once!"

"Twice for $5000 million!"

"$5000 million three times"

Monica was about to announce the deal.

the first 1 minutes.

Those six floors upstairs.

Nangong Chuxue crossed Queen Erlang's legs, eyes slightly closed, "This guy, took two pieces of jewelry in a row? Who was it for? For my sister? Or his two little girlfriends?"


"This guy has so many women!"

"Find a chance and make sure he leaves those two women!"

"Yes, it's just for Third Sister."

Just when Nangong Chuxue was full of thoughts.

Qiuyue told Nangong Chuxue the news from the people below, and said, "Second Miss, Mr. Qin, gave the pearls he took to that LV's daughter!"


She was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed and her eyes closed.

Get up suddenly.

The machete-like brows were deeply pressed.

"Didn't he compete with that Caitlinna just now? Why is the photo taken upside down and given away to someone else?" Nangong Chuxue is the owner of everything, so naturally she knows everyone's identity.

But there are no surprises, and the identity of the bidder will always be protected.

This is the iron rule.

"This subordinate won't know about it!" Qiuyue said, then said weakly, "Miss Caitlin is also known as the number one beauty in the country, isn't it?"

Qiuyue didn't go on.

Nangong Chuxue was yelled softly: "He is the person my sister likes, no!"

And now he wants to bid for the second auction item?

Are you going to give it to that bitch again?
Nangong Chuxue yelled lightly: "Qiuyue, show me the placard! Hurry up! The deal is about to start! Bid directly for 1 million U.S. dollars!"

"Second Miss, what are you doing? Are you sure you want to raise your sign?" Qiuyue was dumbfounded, what kind of operation is this?

Second Miss is the owner of the auction.

If you like something.

Wouldn't it be better to communicate directly with the sender?
Why do you want to shoot now?
"I'm very sure, show me the sign quickly!" Nangong Chuxue said firmly, and then murmured: "I won't let you get what you want, how dare you not take a picture and give it to me."

"Send you off??" Qiuyue's big eyes opened wider.

"What I'm saying is, if you don't give it to my third sister, you can give it to another woman. I won't let him succeed!" Nangong Chuxue said sharply, "Hurry up and put up a bid!"

"Yes, Second Miss." Qiuyue had no choice but to put up a bid.

As soon as Nangong Chuxue made a bid, the people below were full of voices.

"What's the situation? Why are all the beauties bidding?"

"No way? The host came to the auction site here in person today. Could it be that he came here for this colorful jadeite?"

"How is that possible? The landlord wants this thing, and it's better to discuss it with the original owner in private. Why wait for the auction to bid?"

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense!"

"And the people in the special box are not distinguished guests with all kinds of surprises? Why are the two still robbing each other?"

The people below really don't understand.

Even the auctioneer at the moment, Avril Monica, was dumbfounded. She secretly said: "What is the landlord doing? If you like this colorful emerald, I asked her when I sent it for auction. I bought it for the original owner, but she said she didn't like it."

"$1 million!"

"Monica is really surprised! Today, my lord, actually made a bid!"

"And the price has been raised so much at once! It's an extra 5000 million US dollars."

But Monica still has to follow the normal procedure.

After all, there is no rule that the landlord cannot bid.

Sitting in the premium box, Qin Feng couldn't understand it either. He immediately called and said with an inquiring attitude: "I said Nangong Chuxue, what's wrong with you? I'm taking pictures, why are you making trouble?"

"I can't bid?" Nangong Chuxue said angrily.

"Uh, you can, but if you want it, you should have said it earlier! To be reasonable, even if you are the owner of the auction, you have to charge 50.00% of the handling fee, but isn't it a waste of money to set such a high price for this thing? The owner is happy!"

"I have money, you don't care about it!" Nangong Chuxue said sharply, wanting to continue to say something.

But Qin Feng said: "Okay, okay, I don't care, so you don't care about my affairs in the future."

Qin Feng was really convinced.


Seeing that the other party was still angry, Nangong Chuxue became even more upset, and said aggressively: "Qin Feng, what do you mean? Are you still here to teach me? What did you do? Don't you know?"

"What did I do? Tell me clearly!"

"You gave the things you took to Caitlin Anna, what do you mean?" Nangong Chuxue asked.

"Oh? This matter? What's wrong with me? I paid for the things I photographed, so I can't give them away?" Qin Feng was speechless, TM is not his girlfriend, why care about so many things?

"You are my sister's favorite! I forbid you to do this!" Nangong Chuxue said firmly, "Go and get it back! I order you!"

"You still order me?" Qin Feng chuckled, "I refuse! And about your third sister and me, we are just ordinary friends, right? Why are you so angry?"

Qin Feng also knows.

After Nangong Mingyue, the future queen, was rescued by herself, she began to like Qin Feng silently.

And Nangong Mingyue didn't hide her liking, she was very kind to Qin Feng, and sent fruit and breakfast to Qin Feng's villa every three days.

It's called repaying kindness.

But she hasn't confessed to Qin Feng yet.

"Hehe..." Nangong Chuxue could say that she was even more angry at this moment than Qin Feng's Do Not Disturb news just now.

A Luo Xiyan.

A Sano Hinako.

There is also the ambiguous Erika.

You guy, how many are you looking for?

"Qin Feng! People like you, seeing that foreign girl looks good? Just spend [-] million to buy it and give it to her? How shameless you are!" Nangong Chuxue scolded angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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