Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 158 It's Crazy!Direct bid price 2000 billion!

Chapter 158 It's Crazy!Direct bid price 2000 billion!
"Fuck, is this too exciting? 250 billion US dollars? How many Huaxia coins is this?"

"I think the bidder must be 250! Although this rare earth is rare and precious, there may not be nowhere to buy it? Wait a year or so, maybe there will be a source of supply! Why rush to buy it? ?”

"Yeah! It's already far beyond the market price! It's not worth it at all!"

"Maybe it's a secret competition between the two empires! Let's just watch the show quietly!"

Obviously, this competition caused the representatives sent by Su Xinghe to panic.

He immediately notified Su Xinghe of the incident here.

"Mr. Su, this time, it seems that the demand for rare earths is very high! Many unknown snobs are rushing to buy it, and now it has exceeded your expected price by 250 billion US dollars!"

"What? Someone wants 250 billion US dollars? Impossible! Although this thing is very precious, it's not that hot, right?" Su Xinghe didn't understand. "Is someone messing with my Su Group? Knowing about this thing We want? Just keep grabbing?"

"Well, Mr. Su, there are more than one family competing for this thing today! It looks like four or five families."

"What?" Su Xinghe was shocked again, "Has the price reached 250 billion U.S. dollars? Is there still competition? And more than one?"


Su Xinghe can say.

It's just numb.

what happened?Why is this thing so popular?
The price of 250 billion US dollars is much higher than the market price, right?

But how could Su Xinghe know that not only he has won the anti-radar technology award for more than 20 years, but others have also won it.

Su Xinghe: More than 20 years.

Zhuyeqing: Over 80 years.

Stephen: Over 100 years.

Grandpa Nangong: More than 291 years.

Minister of the Sun Empire: Over 9 years.

Qin Feng: Over 500 years! ! ! !

Therefore, these forces really want to fight to the death. They all need rare earths to build a large number of fighter jets to deter the world or seek desired benefits.

But obviously, Mr. Nangong didn't participate, because the Dragon Empire still had enough rare earths and had them in stock.

"In the recent period, the Sun Empire's industry has basically been wiped out by the Haogong Royal Family! So now the Su Group can't produce much cash flow." Su Xinghe was also very aggrieved. As soon as Qin Feng left the Sun Empire, It seems that the families behind him will not help Su Xinghe support the industry in the Sun Empire.

Therefore, the industries of the Empire of the Sun withered.

Let Su Xinghe's current company, let alone bankruptcy, be considered a small problem.

Therefore, the cash flow is actually not that much.

Anyway, Su Xinghe hated the people of the Sun Empire very much, and Qin Feng also said that he, Qin Feng, would help Su Xinghe find this hatred!

Now Su Xinghe has to invest a lot of money in the mass production of mobile phones. The last time he got the mobile phone chip reward, he has already started to increase equipment and put it into production.

Anyway, just lose sight of the other.

There are so many places to spend your money.

Now there are so many people competing for this rare earth.

Su Xinghe was really tired.

"Let's see later, if the price does not exceed 300 billion US dollars, we will take this rare earth! If the price is too outrageous, forget it! I will find a way to buy it through other channels!" Su Xinghe was also very helpless. The fighter jets were produced, and they were all sold to the Dragon Empire to increase their status.

But now it seems that the plan has to be postponed a lot.

Without rare earths as raw materials, anti-radar technology cannot be produced.

"I know Mr. Su, so let's see the situation! Maybe no matter how high the price is, they won't want it?"

This person's words are almost a kind of comfort.

He knew that now that four or five people were at war, how could it be won for less than 300 billion U.S. dollars?

It's impossible.

The representatives sent by Zhuyeqing also notified their boss, Zhuyeqing.
Zhuyeqing was also very surprised, at this price, there are still people who want it?
auction table.

"$250 million!"

"Break the transaction record of this rare earth in history!"

"Is there anyone else with a higher price now?"

After Monica's voice fell.

The scene was very quiet.

Those in the ordinary guest seats were all looking up at the people on the second, third, and fourth floors, waiting to see if there would be any more bids from them.

Of course, they didn't go to see the people on the fifth floor, because the guests in the special box on the fifth floor seemed to have never bid, so they probably didn't need this thing.


The scene exploded in an instant.

"$300 million!"

"My God!"

"The guests in this high-end box? Directly 300 billion dollars?"

"Fuck! Fuck! It's crazy!"

"How much do you need this rare earth? So much so that the price is so high? You have to get it!"

This price was naturally offered by Taikoo Ichiro.

After he took the shot, he said sternly: "Now those scumbags lurking in the low-level boxes, can you get out? Let me and the representative of the arms dealer have a good fight!"

Taikoo Ichiro has the backing of 500 billion U.S. dollars from the Sun Empire.

He is naturally confident.

Apart from the world's number one arms dealer, what kind of financial resources do those little miscellaneous fish have?
Giving a price of more than 250 billion is already their limit, right?

"300 billion U.S. dollars! Monica said she was frightened for a moment!"

"50 billion U.S. dollars! 300 billion Huaxia coins, so much more in one go?"

"It seems that the gentleman in the high-end box is the one who needs rare earths the most!"

Monica looked towards the other room of the high-end box, which was the representative of the arms dealer.

"Presumably the guests in another high-end box also need this thing? Does this gentleman want to bid?"

But unexpectedly.

The arms dealer representative of the high-end box did not bid.

The representative of Zhuyeqing raised a placard of 310 billion US dollars.

Su Xinghe's representative no longer intends to compete. As I said before, 300 billion US dollars is the limit. Su Xinghe spends too much money now.

"Damn! Who is the person lurking in this low-level box? Why is it more than 300 billion? Are you still bidding?"

"This person? Why don't you go to the high-end box? Do you have to lurk in the low-level box?"

"I don't want that, it doesn't matter where you sit, as long as you don't sit in an open-air ordinary seat!"

"I think the people in this low-level box are probably the kings, right? After all, I believe that low-key people must be capable."

But in fact, the representative sent by Zhuyeqing was already sweating down his back.

After all, Zhuyeqing explained that if it exceeds 400 billion US dollars, just give up, because there is really no way to produce that much cash flow.

Zhuyeqing's organization of the world's number one killer is not those super big consortiums, her company's cash flow can only come up with 500 billion US dollars.

But it's impossible to take them all out, right?The internal organization still has to run, doesn't it?Therefore, spending 400 billion U.S. dollars is the limit, and 100 billion U.S. dollars must be kept.

"What the hell is this? Who are these people? Why is it getting worse and worse?" Qin Feng was speechless. He originally thought this way: wait for these miscellaneous fish to bite each other first, and then attack by himself. The final word.

But why is the price so high?

However, Qin Feng knew that one of these people must be a representative of the Sun Empire.

Because Qin Feng saw it at the door.

Analyzed by high technology.

The other one appears to be a Westerner, but his identity is unknown.

"Chuxue." Qin Feng immediately sent a message.

"Ang?" Nangong Chuxue was also watching this wonderful auction. To be honest, she was beginning to be interested in seeing such a price.

And Qin Feng suddenly called him a kind name.

It made her feel warm again.


But she immediately felt that something was wrong. Qin Feng, when he usually speaks well, must have something to ask himself.

I used to call her Lily, but it suddenly snowed for the first time.

There is nothing to be courteous about, either that or that.

"That! I want to ask you, who are the guests in the boxes that bid?" Qin Feng smiled and said, "I know, your auction must protect the privacy of the guests, but come on, look at us The relationship is like this, can you just talk about it?"

Qin Feng really wanted to know who they were, before calling attention to his precious rare earth.

(End of this chapter)

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