Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 165 Surprise!Finally got Luo Xiyan's cantaloupe?

Chapter 165 Surprise!Finally got Luo Xiyan's cantaloupe?



"what's the situation?"

A dozen people from the embassy got out of the Audi car.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"How? How?"

"How could this be?"

"What about rare earths?"

"what happened?"

Taikoo Ichiro rubbed his eyes hard.

Are you sure you're not dreaming?
But this is reality! ! !
"Mr. Taikoo, there is a cut circular hole at the bottom of this car!" A subordinate climbed into the car and was shocked to see such a scene.

"How come? Is there a hole? Is the rare earth stolen?" Taikoo Ichiro almost fainted, "How is this possible? How did this happen? We can't leave this big truck!"

When loading rare earths.

It was Ichiro Taiko who watched the loading.

And along the way, no one approached rare earths at all.

Besides, this cuts the hole below?

Won't it make a sound?

And this is 2 tons of rare earth. Although rare earth is not earth, it contains many elements and is not big, but it is not small, right?

That is to say, there are about 2 cubic meters of these 0.5 tons of rare earths, right?How did you get it away?
A ton of water is 1 cubic meter.

2 tons of rare earth is actually about 0.5 cubic meters.

Rare earths are much denser than water.

"Hehe, these idiots don't know yet, right? My little devil robot is a very powerful existence, and it directly uses that kind of plasma cutting machine! It makes no noise!"

Qin Feng's words also passed the intelligence ahead.

Saw the situation here.

With so much high technology, basically, it is too easy to steal these rare earths.

Taikoo is very anxious now.

This ton of rare earth, but His Majesty’s side, needs everything very much. It cost 3000 million US dollars, but now it’s good, and it’s all gone.

How to do.

How to do?
"Mr. Taikoo, did something happen here?" Mr. Duan naturally walked over to ask them as the escort.

"Mr. Duan, our rare earth has been stolen! Hurry up and call your police officers to help us investigate, what's going on!" Taikoo knew that the division of labor between the police officers and the war department was not the same. the same.

The war department basically doesn't care about these things.

But it's all about catching up fast.

"The rare earth was stolen? This..." Mr. Duan was stunned for a while, this is fine, why was it stolen?
But when I looked at the car.

The rare earth is indeed gone.

And there is a cut hole below.


It's amazing!

Even terrible!
How is this done?
In about 3 minutes, some policemen arrived here soon.

The first catcher was Huang Qiulong.

The people under the banner are called the yellow team.

"Mr. Huang, look quickly! Our rare earth is gone! This is a 2-ton system! We spent 3000 billion to buy it! You must help us find it! This was lost in your Dragon Empire, you must be complicated !" Taikoo Ichiro's emotions are a little restless, whoever he is, can't calm down when encountering such a thing.

"What? 3000 billion rare earths? What kind of earth is this?" Huang Qiulong was stunned.

"Team Huang, this should be a kind of rare earth used in anti-radar technology! The market price is about 100 billion US dollars per ton! But for some reason, the people of Empire of the Sun spent 3000 billion to buy 2 tons!" Mr. Duan walked over and said hello.

"My God! 3000 billion?" Huang Qiulong also had an incredible expression.

"Captain Huang, quickly help us find the rare earth, please!" Taikoo Ichiro continued to urge.

"Mr. Taikoo, I don't think you should get excited. Since your things were lost in our Dragon Empire, we will definitely find them for you!" Huang Qiulong's words, of course, did not mean that we must help them find them, but Just be responsible.

After all, if something is lost in any empire, the empire should be responsible for helping to find it.

But only responsible for helping to find.

rather than being directly responsible.

If they can't find it, they can't help it.

"How can I not be excited! This is something worth 3000 billion U.S. dollars! Emperor Komiya spent 3000 billion!" Taikoo Ichiro said excitedly. After he went back this time, he didn't know what he was going to face. If the rare earth is recovered, this bad luck will end, right?
Taikoo Ichiro thought of this.

The more afraid.

The spirit is about to collapse.

"That's right! You Dragon Empire must have done it, right? The person at the auction at the beginning, when I saw him leave, looked like the face of a Dragon Empire person! It must be you! It's you!"

Taikoo Ichiro is going crazy right now.

Basically, it is the state of seeing who bites whom.

"Mr. Taikoo, I have the right to warn you, don't talk nonsense, and the evidence has not been found yet, why do you say that it was done by our Dragon Empire? If it was done by people from other empires, why do you say all this shit? Put it on us?" Huang Qiulong didn't hesitate, his empire cannot be slandered.

"Captain Huang, it's useless to talk too much, hurry up and see what's going on at the scene!" Mr. Duan came out to speak, "I'm also confused, how did this get stolen? We have been escorting the outside, and there is no one who can close here."

"En! Investigate immediately!" Huang Qiulong nodded, and began to order: "Give me all the surveillance videos here and nearby! Collect them and find suspicious people!"


Surveillance video was also found.

"Team Huang, checked the surveillance video on the street! There was no vehicle approaching this rare earth truck along the way!" the subordinate reported.

"This is strange! What happened?" Huang Qiulong was completely at a loss for this matter.

"However, the truck stopped at eight places along the way! One place stopped the longest, and that was on the manhole cover on Southwest Road!"

"Oh? Could it be someone who stole and used the manhole cover? The surveillance under the car couldn't capture it?" Huang Qiulong thought he was about to solve the case.

"Impossible! Not to mention that we have already seen the manhole cover, there is no sign of looseness at all, and there is no sign of any activity inside!" The subordinate said, "And the thief, how would they know that they are going to stop here? What about the manhole cover?"

"It's true!" Huang Qiulong fell into the fog again.

Anyway, a high-tech intelligent robot sent a few robots to be helpers.

Basically, you can simply get a seamless one.

this time.

It can be said that it was a theft that shocked the world.

Because it's amazing, it's scary.

In the days that followed, some people began to rumor that it was made by aliens, that it was the theory of ghosts and gods, and so on.But that's all for later.

There is a saying that the end of science is theology. Isn’t it theology for something that can’t be explained clearly?
"Damn it! Damn it! Taikoo Ichiro is an idiot! I'm going to kill him!"

In the villa of Emperor Haogong.

At this moment, Hao Gongben was already so angry that he smashed the table and slapped the chair.

"This good 2 tons of stuff? How could it disappear?"

"Didn't you apply for the power of the Dragon Empire?"

Hao Gongben said angrily: "Could it be a good thing that the Dragon Empire did?"

"If we can't find evidence, let's not talk nonsense! Besides, I don't think the Dragon Empire can do this! The Dragon Empire wants these 2 tons of rare earth, and Nangong Chuxue is the granddaughter of Mr. Nangong. Take it out and shoot it! It went directly into the Dragon Empire's material library! Why bother?" Emperor Haogong analyzed.

"Then we paid 3000 billion US dollars! It is likely that they deliberately raised the price for us! Then they stole the rare earth?"

"This analysis is not unreasonable! But it's still the same sentence, there is no evidence! This rare earth was escorted by people from our Sun Empire! I don't know how to get it away! Anyway, cutting the bottom of the car Sometimes, there will be voices, right?" Emperor Haogong couldn't figure it out either.

"I guess that Chinese monkey Qin Feng did this! He and the Dragon Empire joined forces to do it!" Hao Miyamoto made a wild guess, "Father, we must find this Qin Feng and arrest him! "

Hao Gongben thought of the princess.

The hatred for Qin Feng is that the torrential river is endless.

"Okay! I will send people to the Dragon Empire to assist them in this matter, and then investigate the loss of rare earth. As long as it is found that this matter is related to their Dragon Empire." Let's see what the Dragon Empire has to say then!"

If the actual evidence is found.

Dragon Empire will give an explanation.

"Hahahaha! Little devil! You are so amazing!"

"This kind of perfect theft plan, I didn't expect you to analyze it after only three seconds?"

"It was amazing!"

Qin Feng is in his repair shop.

Looking at the little dwarf robot in front of him.

Just the thought of rushing up to kiss her. ,
After thousands of years, ten thousand years of technological level, it is really invincible.

"So, the end of science is theology! Your method of calculating the butterfly effect is a bit like the gods who know 500 years before and know 500 years later, right?"

[Master, in theory, 500 years before and after can be calculated!But I can only calculate the butterfly effect in this small area!And in a large area, there are more interference factors!Only more advanced technology can calculate it!With that kind of technology, it is not an exaggeration to be called a god! 】

"By the way, little devil, that broken high-tech plane? Has it been repaired?" Qin Feng asked.

The little devil replied: "Master, the repair is complete! The anti-radar technology of this aircraft is about 400 years ahead of the current world! There is no need to smear rare earth on the surface, it can be used directly!"

"Okay, let's go and see!"

Qin Feng said it.

Just walk ahead.

Went to the factory where the fighter jets were parked.

This is the place where the Great Wall Arms Company used to repair fighter jets, so it is naturally a very spacious place.

In that factory building, there is a silver-white plane lying quietly at the moment.

"Master, this plane is called the L-11 "Raptor" fighter!"

"In terms of our planet, it is known for its speed!"

"Speed ​​is Mach 10.5/160900 km/h
Range: about 20 kilometers (full of "fuel", how far can you fly at a time! And the word "oil" is in quotation marks, which means that energy is not necessarily oil.)
Practical ceiling: 190000 meters (that is, how high you can fly)

Combat radius: 1500 nautical miles to 3000 kilometers
Engine thrust: 2×104 kN, afterburner 2×156 kN! (nuclear power)
Anti-radar cross-sectional area: 0.12 square millimeters.

It belongs to the fast stealth fighter! !
Other configuration:

2 people

Length 18.90 meters

Wingspan 13.56 meters

Height 5.08 meters

The wing area is 78.04 square meters

Empty weight 19700kg
The maximum take-off weight is 9 kg! "

Qin Feng listened quietly to the data of the fighter.

Simply not too good.

Especially speed.

It's actually 160900 km/h?

You must know that the fastest fighter jet in the world is only more than 1 kilometers per hour.

This plane is ten times faster?
How terrifying is 16 kilometers per hour?In other words, the speed of this plane can travel from Beijing to New York in 36 minutes.

For ordinary fighter jets, or supersonic fighter jets, it takes 6 hours.

The world's most advanced fighter jet is also 8 times the speed of sound.

That is 8 times faster than the speed of sound.

The speed of Qin Feng's fighter jet is 80 times the speed of sound, which is about to break through a hundred times.

It was too fierce.

But the speed of sound is not fast, only a few hundred meters per second.

Still too slow compared to the speed of light.

"This plane can rise to an altitude of 19 meters? That's all."

The atmosphere is divided into troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere and exosphere.

five stages.

And the altitude of 19 meters.

Obviously, it is already the middle layer.

No plane on Earth can get there.

Only Qin Feng's fighter can overcome it.

Just flew off the earth.

Of course, this is just a fighter jet built on the planet, not aviation, so naturally it cannot fly out of the planet.

"Little devil, do you have the production materials in your big database for a fighter jet of this level?"

[Master, yes, this fighter jet is actually not high-tech on our planet!As long as it is not the most advanced weapon, I have information in my big database! 】

【In other words, you should be able to understand!Now Blue Star's most advanced weapons are nuclear weapons, and this kind of technology will only be in the hands of the empire!And those bows and arrows, cannons, backward or not top-notch firearms production methods!Someone can know! 】

"I understand, that is, in your big database, there is no information about the most high-tech weapons on your planet. Other weapons have information and can be produced, right!" Qin Feng laughed, this feeling is good.

【Yes Master! 】

"Very good! Now my weapon company depends entirely on the information in your big database!" Qin Feng grinned, "And I plan to buy LV, a luxury product! You have to design dozens of sets of earth aesthetics for me. Out of the clothes! We use the clothes made of high-tech "fabric" to hit the whole world!"

The little devil robot said, "No problem master, this kind of clothing material is called ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber! It is multi-functional and completely suitable for human beings. It is waterproof, oil-proof, knife-proof, waterproof, and soft. And it can transmit data, which is equivalent to a computer panel! It can change the temperature according to the temperature of the owner! Wear warm in winter and cool in summer!"

"That's good! Let's make a few sets of black silk first! I also need some interesting little clothes." Qin Feng smiled wickedly.

Luo Xiyan, don't you really like black silk suspenders?
Make a few for her first.

"Rare earths are also needed. Hurry up and prepare the formula for me based on my over 500-year anti-radar technology! Then I will take them and apply them directly on my fighter jet!"

After Qin Feng finished dealing with the matter here.

Just leave here.

Not afraid of being followed or anything.

Because of the existence of high technology.

Those hidden guards have long been thrown off.


"What are you doing?"

Qin Feng returned to his villa.

Immediately saw a wonderful scene.

two girls

so close?
Anyway, I saw Hinako Sano hugging Luo Xiyan, two people?watch TV?

It will not develop into a lily.

This will not work.

This kind of thing should be stopped soon.

"Qin Feng, you're back?" Seeing this, Luo Xiyan quickly got up from Sano Hinako.

"Qin Feng." Seeing Qin Feng coming, Sano Hinako wanted to jump into his arms immediately under inertia, but thought that Qin Feng had said not to be too intimate with Luo Xiyan, so he didn't go up.

"What time is it, you guy just came back?" Luo Xiaohua looked at the time, and it was past one o'clock, "By the way, the auction sent two packages, and they are on the table. What did you take?"

"Of course it's a gift for you!" Qin Feng said, ignoring Sano Hinako, and dragging Luo Xiaohua over.

Open the package.

A transparent box immediately appeared inside.

"My God! Is this a colorful jadeite bracelet?"

Luo Xiyan was stunned.

This thing is not easy to produce in nature.

The material for making a pair of bracelets should be ridiculously expensive, right?

"You know the goods! Come here, I'll put it on for you!" Qin Feng smiled wickedly and patted his thigh.

"Thank you, Qin Feng!" Luo Xiyan knew that Qin Feng wanted to sit on his lap, but with Sano Hinako around, how could she be ashamed?

But Qin Feng pulled gently.

Beauty in arms.

Immediately, he picked up the seven-colored jadeite bracelet, grabbed Luo Xiaohua's wrist with the other hand, and helped her put it on.

"Does it look good?"

"Looks good, it's just you. Don't" Luo Xiyan twisted a bit, with Sano around, she really couldn't let go.

"It's awkward! Something bad is going to happen!" Qin Feng said in his ear, breathing in her ear.

On the other side, Sano Hinako looked at the two of them with a bit of sourness.

It's not that Qin Feng and Luo Xiyan are intimate.

But didn't Qin Feng buy a gift for himself?

"Oh, don't kiss me, we'll talk about it later." Seeing that Qin Feng was about to kiss her, Luo Xiyan looked at Sano beside her, and was naturally embarrassed.

But Qin Feng wasn't used to it either.

Get used to this scene early.

Good for everyone.

He kissed directly.

That Sano Hinako could only watch from the side, very aggrieved.

Luo Xiyan refused at first, but fell into it after a while.

Responding to Qin Feng.

But after all, there are people around, so it is impossible to have a 5-minute long kiss.

After a few tens of seconds, Qin Feng patted her cliff, "Let's go and make some supper! I'm hungry! For the sake of my gift? Are you cooking today?"

"That's fine! If you're not afraid of being unpalatable, I'll do it!" Luo Xiyan got up, happy in her heart, and naturally she wouldn't have any trouble with Qin Feng, and obediently went to the kitchen.

As for Qin Feng, he picked up another package on the table.

He walked to the balcony by himself, and whispered to Hinako Sano: "Come on, let's go to the balcony."

"Huh?" Hinako Sano was puzzled when he saw him calling her.

What are you doing?
Sano Hinako followed, and this place had left Luo Xiyan's perspective.

Qin Feng stopped her slender waist, smelled the fragrance slightly, and said, "You thought I didn't bring you a gift, did you? You just kept looking at me resentfully?"

Qin Feng gently pinched her face.

"This is the pink diamond necklace I photographed for you! Put it away carefully! Take it out in a few days and say that you bought it yourself!" Naturally, Qin Feng had to find time to bring this matter up for Luo Xiyan, Anyway, take your time, it's too fast, I'm afraid Luo Xiyan won't be able to accept it.

half an hour.

Three people had supper.

Hinako Sano went to sleep in the room arranged for her.

Qin Feng naturally tiptoed to Luo Xiyan's bedroom.

"Qin Feng? Or Sano?" Luo Xiyan asked in the darkness, wanting to turn on the light.

"It's me, don't turn on the light! If you accept my colorful jade today, won't you show it?" Qin Feng immediately stepped up and murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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