Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 167 [Shoot Qin Feng!A new task is coming! 】

Chapter 167 [Shoot Qin Feng!A new task is coming! 】

in an Audi.

Nangong Mingyue rummaged through her bag, and unexpectedly took out a bag of air-dried beef, and said, "Would you like to eat?"

"Ah?" Qin Feng was taken aback.

Is there air-dried beef in this Queen's bag?

This is what Qin Feng likes to eat.

Of course, Qin Feng is rich and has not forgotten his previous hobbies.

But what I ate was the best air-dried beef, which cost thousands of yuan a pack.

If you have time, you can eat two packs casually, which is the salary of an ordinary person for a month.

"Is it specially put in the bag for me to eat?"

Qin Feng couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Ever since the empress rescued her, she was completely a little girl.

"Hey! Is this Kobe beef from Empire of the Sun?"

Qin Feng drove with one hand, took a bite, looked at the packaging bag, and recognized it.

"Well, it is indeed Kobe beef jerky! This is not something ordinary people can eat! It is a product of the diplomacy of the Sun Empire!"

Nangong Mingyue smiled slightly.

This Kobe beef.

It is a kind of black "Tajima cattle" of the Empire of the Sun, named after it is mainly produced in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture.

Kobe beef has a unique feeding method, and Kobe beef is a delicacy in the cuisine of the Empire of the Sun. It is characterized by its flexibility, tenderness and marble texture on the outside.

Yields are extremely low.

Generally, only the Emperor of the Imperial Family of the Sun Empire can enjoy it.

If Nangong Mingyue could have it, it was also given to Mr. Nangong by the Sun Empire as a diplomatic gift.

"How many more packs?"

Qin Feng licked his finger, he likes to eat this.

And it's a diplomatic treasure.

The taste is better than the 1000 pack of my own.

"Is this the end?" Nangong Mingyue disappeared in the blink of an eye. Although it was only as long as a cigarette, the hardness of the dried meat was not low.Qin Feng's teeth are really good.

“Delicious, eat fast!”

"Then eat another one." Nangong Mingyue tore it open and handed it to Qin Feng.

Finished the second one.

Qin Feng was also embarrassed to ask for it.

She saw Nangong Mingyue looking out the window.

Qin Feng's hand quietly entered her bag.

Snap it.

That soft little hand.

It hit Qin Feng's hand.

Nangong Mingyue also turned her head around, "Don't eat it? This stuff swells your stomach. You can still eat at my house later."

If Nangong Mingyue said, she would not be cold, nor would she be fierce to Qin Feng,

Her temperament is not entirely gentle, but a kind of closeness and kindness.She is the most intellectual and beautiful girl Qin Feng knows.

"That's good, don't eat." Qin Feng smiled shyly.

"Well, go to my house later, and I'll ask grandpa to give you a few catties!"

"Okay, thank you very much." Qin Feng was secretly pleased. With Mr. Nangong here, even An Yi, can you eat this kind of beef that the emperor eats?
But Qin Feng immediately had a different idea in his heart.

If you attack the Sun Empire by yourself.


Beef jerky at that place.

It's all Qin Feng's.

But if Emperor Haogong knew that Qin Feng wanted a beef jerky?About to sprout such an idea?It is estimated that a few tons will be sent over overnight.

"Qin Feng."


Nangong Mingyue called out to Qin Feng.

"hold head high?"

Qin Feng turned his head to look at her, and continued to drive seriously.

Nangong Mingyue hesitated for a moment, but still said: "I know, in fact, you don't have me at all in your heart, right?"

"Ah? This..." Qin Feng was stunned. Is this the rhythm of the future queen's confession?
"I actually don't care about you, Luo Xiyan, and Hinako Sano. My grandfather told me that you are with them because you have no choice! It's an imperial secret!" Although Nangong Mingyue didn't know what it was, The situation, but since Grandpa said so, he must not be lying.

"I'm with them? Is it an imperial secret?" Qin Feng immediately stared after hearing this.Is it true that these bosses know about my mission?
At least Mr. Nangong must know.

For being with two women.

It's all about tasks.

Pursuing the school beauty and being together is also a task, it is impossible to be together, and we will break up after getting the reward.

This is not allowed by the system.

The same is true for bringing back the crown prince and concubine as a slave.

It is impossible for the system to let you get stuck with bugs.

Anyway, the current Qin Feng is 90.00% sure that Mr. Nangong must know his mission, but he does not know through what medium.After all, Qin Feng didn't tell anyone.

"Qin Feng, do you think I'm stupid? For a person like me, the master of the entire empire in the future, there is no need to like a boy so that he is so humble and so obsessed with girls. But after you save me, you Zong Zong on your body, I feel very attractive and want to be with you. I don't know what's going on with this strong feeling!" Nangong Mingyue said, adding, "Maybe it's because you are handsome. "

"." Qin Feng was speechless, what the hell is causing trouble with his 85-point appearance.

Basically, anyone who sees Qin Feng will be moved.

Then after socializing for a while, you can basically fall in love with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's charm value is as simple as that for a girl to fall in love with him.

"Let's talk about this matter later!" Qin Feng had a bit of a headache, he hadn't explained the matter of Sano Hinako to Luo Xiyan, and now there is another one?What to do?
In fact, Nangong Mingyue's temperament belongs to the pleasing type, Qin Feng really thinks she is good.

It just has no emotional basis.

"Let's talk about it later?" Seeing that Qin Feng avoided the question, Nangong Mingyue naturally couldn't ask again shamelessly.

Anyway, in Nangong Mingyue's heart, Qin Feng is the first person to walk into her heart, she will not give up, and she does not believe that Qin Feng has always disliked her.

"I guess this guy likes girls with black silk?"

"I've been peeking at me so many times today!"

Nangong Mingyue made up her mind.

Be a sexy black silk queen from now on!

Although as a queen, wearing black silk is a bit out of place.

But Nangong Mingyue didn't care about that much anymore.

She really used to be all dignified professional suits, and she wore black silk for the first time today.

Two people are driving an Audi.

Soon entered the xx road in the capital.

The range here is about 15 kilometers away from the Royal Villa, where the old man lives.

Beijing is still quite big.

"500 meters ahead is Zilan Community, there are many vehicles coming and going! Please slow down!"

The voice of the navigation sounded.

Qin Feng also slowed down the speed of the car.

And at the same time.

At the gate of Zilan Community, there is a "murderous" silver van parked here.

Not that the van is murderous.

It was the men in the van who looked fierce.

They wear sunglasses.

They all look like strong men.

"Second child, third child, fourth child. As soon as Qin Feng's car arrives at the gate of the Zilan community, we will drive out! We will hit Qin Feng who is in the main driver!"

It was a scarred face who spoke.

He is the eldest of the four.

"Boss, Master Xu seems to have said that Nangong Mingyue's Audi car has bulletproof glass. What if they close the windows later? What should we do?" asked the third child.

"Don't be afraid, if the car window is closed later, we will rush out and hit their car! It will cause a car accident! Since there is a car accident, Qin Feng must get out of the car, and then he can be shot down! "The boss said solemnly, "Remember, there are hidden guards around Nangong Mingyue, we have to catch you by surprise! Hurry up and take down Qin Feng, and then run away. Afterwards, Young Master Xu will arrange for us to go abroad."

The boss's face became cold for a moment, and he added again: "And you have to remember to me, what Master Xu told me is that if this Qin Feng is destroyed, Nangong Mingyue will not be able to move! If you hurt Nangong Mingyue If there is even a single hair, then we can't eat it and walk around, to the ends of the earth, Young Master Xu will catch us!"

"Brother, don't worry, don't you believe my marksmanship?" The second child is the one who is responsible for shooting, he smiled confidently, and then said: "I don't know what this Young Master Xu thinks, as long as he is ?The young master of the direct line of the head of the four major families in the empire? Why do you have to marry Nangong Mingyue? To take care of those little stars, and young models, three a day. Isn't he fragrant? Even if you marry Nangong Mingyue, you can strengthen your body. The overall strength of the Xu family doesn't make it worth paying so much attention to, right? After marrying Nangong Mingyue, can she still date those other women? Although Nangong Mingyue does have a deadly body and face."

For these people.

Naturally, they can't understand the operations of rich people.

For example, in many big families, why would a man marry an ordinary-looking female daughter?
Everyone knows that this is a political marriage, and it's all for the sake of strengthening.

But these little people will think: "They are so rich, why do they need to be stronger? They still have long legs, and the young lady is comfortable."

Therefore, with such a pattern, he is a small person.

"What are you talking about! If the Xu family can marry Nangong Mingyue, their strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, not to mention that they can compete with Nangong's family 3.5-6.5! But at least they have a strength of [-] to [-]! Slowly infiltrate! At that time, they will fight against each other! It is not impossible for this country to change hands!"

It is the boss who speaks.

Of course, he was just guessing. After all, the Xu family is under one person and over ten thousand people. If you don't want to go further, why bother?

"Then the boss? Didn't the Nangong family know that the Xu family had such an idea?" the second child asked.

"So what if you know? As a king, there is naturally a way to deal with it. The purpose of marrying the Xu family is to stabilize one's royal status. But when the time comes, if the Xu family threatens the status of the royal family, they must start to do it! Anyway, this kind of game is very difficult. Complicated! It will take ten years or even decades of planning! Let's not worry about that!"

"What the boss said is that we just need to manage our own affairs and solve Qin Feng! At that time, it will cost 100 million US dollars per person!" The second child was very happy when he said this. The money was obtained. After he went abroad, Soak a few more tender molds.

Specifically looking for five.

Then have a good refreshment.

"Remember, this task is not easy. We need to make it quick so that Nangong Mingyue's hidden guards can't react! When the time comes, just leave!" the boss reminded again.

"No problem boss!"

"This task is not difficult!"

"I think 100 million US dollars, the 600 million soft sister coins, have already beckoned to me!"

And at this time.

There was a voice from the walkie-talkie in the boss's hand.

It's the fifth scout who has something to report.

Several people naturally work together in a division of labor.

"Boss, Qin Feng's Audi is almost at the gate of the community! The distance is almost 500 meters! Their windows are closed! But I'm not sure if they will open the windows during the 500 meters!"


"Everyone get ready!"

The boss's face was full of viciousness.

He started warming up the van.

All he was waiting for was the moment to rush out.

"Remember! If the car window opens later! Just shoot!"

"If it's closed! Bullets won't be able to penetrate the bulletproof glass! Let's smash it out! Cause a car accident and let Qin Feng get out of the car!"

The boss said.


The van groaned.

This is the warm-up phase.

It's not the sound of a sports car, but the unique hum of a van.

"Boss, pay attention! I count down to 10! Qin Feng is about to pass the gate of the community!"

"And their windows are closed! It's impossible to open them in ten seconds! Let's implement the second plan!"

The fifth child acts as an investigator.

It was the news that came over.






The countdown is over.

The silver van rushed out of the community at super fast speed.

Of course.

To kill Qin Feng, it is possible to cause a car accident, but Nangong Mingyue is in the car, and Xu Fengnian confessed that Nangong Mingyue should not be injured, so naturally this method cannot be used.

And if it is an ordinary rich man, dare to do this in the capital?That would definitely not escape the capital.

But Xu Fengnian, as the son of the Xu family's direct line, is different.

He can arrange for several people to go out.


Qin Feng's Audi car passed the gate of this community, and the speed was already very slow.

However, the silver van that rushed out of the neighborhood directly hit the vehicle on the left.

Luckily both were wearing seat belts.

It's not a problem.

But at this moment, the hidden guards protecting Qin Feng naturally began to concentrate their strength. If there is any problem on Qin Feng's side, they will catch up immediately.

But they also know that Qin Feng's force value is very high.

Although I don't know how Qin Feng has such a powerful force.

But it seems that ordinary bullets hit Qin Feng, and Qin Feng can quickly dodge it.

And I also know that Qin Feng has a kind of inner armor on his body. Anyway, bullets can't penetrate it.

The last time Qin Feng was assassinated by people sent by the Sun Empire, there was a fight.

They all know Qin Feng's ability.

(There is no description in the article that Qin Feng was assassinated by the Sun Empire! But people who have been mentioning the Sun Empire did send people here! Don’t feel awkward!)
"Fuck! How did you drive this car?" Qin Feng complained, "Laozi drives so slowly? Can he also hit him?"

Qin Feng was about to open his mouth to talk to the driver of the other party.

But the driver of that car jumped down. He was the eldest among several people and cursed angrily: "You son of a bitch, how do you drive? You drive so slowly? You can't go faster when you see the boss coming? It won't hit you, will it?"

"Damn it!" Qin Feng immediately became upset, what kind of ghosts are these?Hit someone by yourself and start swearing?

I'm afraid he came from a mental hospital?

"Give labor and capital down! Cao Nima's!" The boss kept yelling.

"I gave you a face, didn't I?" Qin Feng became angry, what's the reason?
Of course, Qin Feng got out of the car, and he didn't say that Qin Feng was an idiot. After all, Qin Feng didn't know that the other party asked him to get out of the car on purpose.

Qin Feng got out of the car while opening the car door, and said, "What kind of shit are you, you drove so fast and hit labor and capital, and you still scolded me?"

On the other side, Nangong Mingyue also got off the co-pilot.

The driver is on the left.

When Qin Feng got out of the car, he was naturally facing the silver van.


The moment Qin Feng got off the car.

A muffled sound.

It was the sound of bullets.

"Fuck!" Qin Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately dodged it with his own body skills.


The bullet hit the Audi behind Qin Feng, leaving a deep bullet mark.



"Someone shot!"

"Someone shot!"

The pedestrians around, as well as the driver, were startled immediately and started running around.

"This man is so agile!" The second child who shoots the gun is now stunned, the speed of the bullet is so fast, if it is said that it has been aimed, it is impossible to appear and be dodged, right?
But he didn't know, Qin Feng added 100 force points for the first time, and then his own little robot devil found a genetic potion.

The strength has been greatly increased.

How could he be injured by a mere bullet?
The 100 force points rewarded by the system last time did improve Qin Feng's physical quality a lot.

It's no problem to beat 10 strong men with one player.

And the gene potion behind it.

It is to make Qin Feng's sprinting speed have the speed of a cheetah.

And let Qin Feng's nerve response be as agile as a "tiger gnat" insect.

This is the animal with the fastest neural response in the world.

Of course, some people don't know the difference between sprint speed and nerve response.

One is running speed, and the other is the speed at which the brain receives information and reacts.

Often those who can dodge bullets are specially trained for neural reaction speed.

Moreover, Qin Feng's superficial skin, after taking the gene potion, has reached the level of a very hard tortoise shell, which cannot be pierced by ordinary bullets, and is just a skin trauma.

Qin Feng has always attached great importance to his own safety. After all, he has been assassinated several times by people sent by the Sun Empire. Although Qin Feng is not sure it is the people sent by the Sun Empire, he only has a grudge against the Sun. empire.

This is the person sent by those big bosses to protect Qin Feng, who said that Qin Feng reacted very quickly and seemed to be wearing inner armor
Hence some small troubles.

None of them made a move.

"How. How. This man's reaction is so fast! And his body is also agile! Did he just dodge it?" The second child was still quite shocked for a moment. He is a sharpshooter, and he basically didn't make many mistakes.

"Qin Feng, get in the car! The person who shot was the person in the van!" After Nangong Mingyue got out of the car, she was also startled when she heard the gunshot. She immediately stepped forward to give Qin Feng a hand.

"The reaction speed is fast, isn't it? Laozi sees how many times you can hide! Cao!" said the second child, and then pulled the trigger again, and the second bullet was fired again, "Die Laozi! My 100 million Dollars!"


There was another muffled sound.

The bullet hit Qin Feng again.

"Qin Feng, be careful!"

Nangong Mingyue was startled again when she heard this muffled sound.


A very bloody thing happened
It doesn't matter if this bloody thing happened.

And it was accompanied by a prompt sound in Qin Feng's mind
It's a new mission!


[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here! 】

(End of this chapter)

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