Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 178 The new task is very strange....

Chapter 178 The New Mission Is Strange
"Is there a new mission coming?"

"What's the mission this time?"

Qin Feng was a little bit looking forward to it.

After all, the rewards of this system are better every time.

But can't say.

In terms of tasks, it is very difficult for ordinary hackers.

But for Qin Feng who has so many big bosses to help, the task is actually not as difficult as it seems.

【Ding!Lead people with lofty ideals!Go to heaven for the kingdom!Conquer the old land of the peninsula north of Yandi! 】

[Let the queen vote. 】

"What's the matter?"

"It's time to soak again."

"Empress Goryeo?"


"What's the reward then?"

Qin Feng was helpless.

TM's system arrangement.

That was arranged by God.

God arranged the biggest.

【Ding!The reward is a mysterious substance! 】

"What kind of mysterious substance are you doing? To stimulate the appetite of labor and management, right?"

Qin Feng was speechless for a while.

If you are a novel reader.

What I hate the most is this kind of appetizing author, who just sends the blade.

in or out?
Don't play if you can't afford it!

Of course, Qin Feng received the task here, and the big guys in the world will naturally also receive the task.

As for Su Xinghe, he sat at home and watched TV without knowing anything.

He did not receive a reminder of the new mission.

Because the last system prompts.

Ten percent has been fixed.

In other words.

Su Xinghe's reward channel or loophole has been fixed.

When the system is restored to 20.00%, there will be a new boss leaving the stage.

In the future, they will not hear the voice of the system, nor will they be rewarded by the system.

But to be honest, Su Xinghe has successfully established a good relationship with Qin Feng.

In other words, if Qin Feng eats meat in the future, he can also drink soup.

If Qin Feng is rewarded with a ginseng fruit, he can live for 7000 years if he eats it.

But before Qin Feng eats it, he can also give Su Xinghe a smell. If he smells this thing, he can live an extra 360 years.

This is how Qin Feng will not forget to give Su Xinghe soup even if he eats meat.

Since he had to do the task, Qin Feng obviously investigated the situation of Goryeo first.

Found a very friendly phenomenon.

That is, Queen Goryeo has always wanted to find an opportunity to get close to the Dragon Empire.

The specific reason is not clear to Qin Feng.


Consecutive days.

Qin Feng is busy with his own weapons company.

Sell ​​various advanced weapons to various empires in Southeast Asia.

In terms of water and oil, the Dragon Empire throws most of the oil to the Sun Empire
Qin Feng's water oil was immediately announced to the public.

The whole world has attracted a big discussion
At this moment, Qin Feng has arrived in Korea by plane.

by referral
Qin Feng will soon meet the number one beauty in Korea, Sikong Xuanmei.

Although the girls in this empire are generally very beautiful, most of them have plastic surgery.

However, Empress Sikong, the number one beauty in Goryeo, must be natural. If she had undergone plastic surgery, she would not deserve to be called the number one beauty at all.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Su Xinghesu of the Dragon Empire, the gentleman you introduced! He is already waiting in room 012!"

In the hallway of a five-star hotel.

The Queen of Korea just met with a person who is not important.

At the moment, he was heading towards the box where Qin Feng was.

The one who spoke was the subordinate who was by the side.

Naturally, Qin Feng did not go to Sikong Xuanmei in the name of Mr. Nangong, but because of Su Xinghe's introduction.

"En, I see!" The queen nodded, narrowing her eyes and said, "By the way, I heard that Su Xinghe is very familiar with a person named Qin Feng?"

"It seems to be! This Qin Feng's status in their place can be described as the vast universe, except for the rare existence of the earth." The subordinate said, "In the Nangong family, it seems that the status is very high, and even the world The No. [-] arms dealer has a very close relationship! There are rumors that Su Xinghe and the world's No. [-] arms dealer are both this person's younger brother, so I don't know if it's true or not."

"If you don't know if it's true or not, don't guess! Anyway, this Qin Feng is really a person with a high status in the Nangong family!" Sikong Xuanmei mentioned Qin Feng, and his face was full of respect. Weapons companies have developed many anti-radar technologies that have been in existence for hundreds of years.

This thing seems to be real.

So many forces.

For this matter.

It's also quite scary.

After all, this thing came out?
Whose hinterland does Qin Feng's fighter jet want to go quietly?

Who can control it?

Isn't that scary?
"Yes, Your Majesty, have you heard about the recent crash? The person on the helicopter is the son of the Xu family, the head of their four major families. Some people deduce that it is probably Qin Feng who did it!" Xia Xiao smiled slightly, "It's a pity, this Xu family should know that Qin Feng has such a technology, it's really hard to be dumb. And they can't find any evidence that Qin Feng did it. What's even more weird is that the speed of the fighter jet is not It may be that fast. Some people suspect that Qin Feng has a fighter jet that is faster than 8 times the speed of sound."

"In a word, the current Qin Feng is really a figure on the cusp of the world! And now, knowing his appearance and some related knowledge is basically the secret of the Nangong family!" Sikong Xuanmei sighed. , "It would be great if I could meet this Qin Feng."

while walking.

Sikong Xuanmei arrived at the door of the box where Qin Feng was.

It's better to meet this person introduced by Su Xinghe first.

Although Su Xinghe is the number one financial group in their empire.

But now there is Qin Feng behind.

In addition, Goryeo is originally a small state,

Naturally, he is qualified to be interviewed by Sikong Xuanmei.

There was a click.

The door was slightly pushed open.

Qin Feng is sitting on the sofa watching the news.

At this moment, all he could see was a group of black-clothed bodyguards outside the door, and several female secretaries surrounded by the stunningly beautiful woman who walked in.

The temperament of a woman is that
How to describe it.

It looks like the heroine's face in an urban novel, a coexistence of elegance, nobility, and intellectual beauty.

But the figure and appearance are naturally very charming.

"What a beautiful woman! She is indeed the most beautiful woman in Korea, and I heard that she is the most long-legged girl in Korea!" Qin Feng couldn't help but secretly praised her.

"Sir, please sit down, you are welcome." Seeing Qin Feng standing up, Sikong Xuanmei walked up, shaking hands and saying.

But she also had to marvel.

This man is so handsome.

She is a queen, but she has seen the world.

But she can guarantee without hesitation that this is the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life.

And this man's appearance is not that kind of fresh meat.

It's an indescribable handsomeness.

I can't explain the good feeling.

very attractive.

"Hello, Empress Sikong." Qin Feng held her tender hand, which was slightly cold and extremely slippery.

"What's your name, Mister?" Sikong Xuanmei sat down after seeing the other party sitting down.

"My surname is Qin, you should know me." Qin Feng shook the handle of the coffee pushed by her secretary, and smiled faintly.

"The surname is Qin?" Sikong Xuanmei squinted her eyes, and said inwardly, "Could it be Qin Feng? No way?"

"That." Qin Feng looked at the people around Sikong Xuanmei.

"Xuanya, take them down." Sikong Xuanmei naturally understood Qin Feng's meaning in seconds.

"But." The female secretary was a little worried about the queen. After all, how can the queen have no one around?

"It's okay, let's go down." Sikong Xuanmei was not worried about this person's problem at all, after all, Su Xinghe introduced him, and if something went wrong, Su Xinghe would not be able to explain it internationally.

Moreover, the queen's words are secretly protected by masters.

These masters are the ones who are loyal to her.

"Mr. Qin, do you think I should know you? Dare I ask? Are you Mr. Qin Feng?" Sikong Xuanmei glanced at Qin Feng slightly, waiting anxiously for the other party's reply, after all, Qin Feng is a big shot.

Today's global presence on the cusp.

In fact, many people in the empire really want to meet this Qin Feng.

After all, he has high technology in his hands.

"Exactly!" Qin Feng nodded slightly.

But that Sikong Xuanmei stared slightly.

His expression changed immediately.

"So. So you are Mr. Qin?" Sikong Xuanmei stood up again, stretched out her hand and said, "Mr. Qin, can you say hello first? I didn't prepare a better welcome ceremony, 18 salutes!"

As for the 18 salute.

I understand everything I understand.

That is the highest etiquette.

Although Qin Feng is not that kind of identity.

But it's pretty much the same.

"Empress Sikong, you're too polite! I'm here to see you now, so I have something to discuss!" Qin Feng could slightly feel that her tender hands were not as calm as the handshake just now, but now they were a little nervous.

After all, for such a small state.

Qin Feng's name is quite deterrent.

"Mr. Qin, sit down quickly, I really didn't expect you to come!" Sikong Xuanmei politely raised her hand to invite her to sit down.

"Then I'll get straight to the point, and I won't say those polite words." Qin Feng said something earth-shattering with an understated expression, "I think what you said was to surrender to the big western tiger. In other words, your own The war department doesn't have its own command authority, although the words are harsh."

Before Qin Feng could continue, Sikong Xuanmei said: "It's okay, Mr. Qin, you continue to talk about the current situation in Korea, isn't it the same? You are not wrong."

"So, what I want to say is that Koryo has been our territory since ancient times. One or two hundred years ago, you didn't have your own writing. You all used Chinese characters, so..." Qin Feng paused, "Empress Sikong , I never thought about it."

Please didn't say it directly.

There are things.

As long as the other party understands what it means.

words that come out.

It would hurt other people's face.

"Mr. Qin, I understand what you mean, then you guys, please lighten your conditions first!"

What Qin Feng didn't expect was that.

Sikong Xuanmei did not refuse, but directly asked for conditions.

This incidates that.

Sikong Xuanmei has a good conversation intention.

Sikong Xuanmei is willing to talk about this aspect.

"As far as the condition is concerned, there is nothing special, that is, completely become our people!"

"But you will still have the title of Empress!"

Seeing that Sikong Xuanmei remained silent, Qin Feng continued: "You also know that many advanced weapons are being researched and developed by the Dragon Empire now. It is not good for you to continue to be friendly with the big western tigers."

"Mr. Qin, I am really willing to do this myself! But the big family and the big consortium under it may not think so! In fact, our idea is very simple, who can protect me from Korea, who is the big brother...or who is the master, It doesn't matter." Sikong Xuanmei is very aware of their status in the world, and there is nothing shameful about this sentence.

"No problem, then you are unilateral here? Have we reached an agreement? Can I understand this?" Qin Feng smiled inwardly. It seems that Sikong Xuanmei is really far-sighted. She thought about a hundred years later.

"That's right! But the problem is very complicated, and it can't be solved in a short time!" Sikong Xuanmei paused and stood up, "Mr. Qin, how about it, I will arrange for you to stay at the Koryo Empire Hotel. You stay here first, and we Let’s communicate internally.”

"No problem!" Qin Feng also stood up, and the two shook hands, "I wish us a happy cooperation! Moreover, I am very pleased with Empress Sikong's straightforward attitude. I will also talk to Mr. Nangong to win more welfare of Korea State."

"It seems that Mr. Qin is bound to win?" Sikong Xuanmei was a little amused in her heart, this matter hasn't even started yet, it's just a budding, and they call Korea their state?
Of course, Sikong Xuanmei didn't have any opinion, but felt that Qin Feng's expression and words were too confident. How could such an international event be so easy?
Da da da.

Empress Sikong's silver high heels stepped on the smooth floor.

Qin Feng looked at the cliff under her uniform.

Twist away.

Really perfect body.



Sikong Xuanmei seemed to have slipped on something.

About to fall to the ground.

"Be careful." Qin Feng rushed to help her in his arms.

This bloody plot that can only be seen on TV?

Now it actually happened to me?

Of course, the moment Qin Feng saw her fall
With his perception, he sensed an energy fluctuation around him!
Could it be that Qin Feng himself was arranged again?
The Queen of Korea fell?And who secretly helped?

This energy fluctuation is not like the killers under Zhuyeqing's banner can do it.
"It smells so good. This girl is born to be seductive, I didn't expect it to be so fragrant."

Qin Feng said silently, feeling a little bit lost.

But it's okay.

I have seen too many beauties.

"Empress Sikong, are you alright, why are you so careless?" Qin Feng looked down at the ecstatic face, held her slender waist tightly, and did not make any frivolous movements.

"I, I'm fine." Sikong Xuanmei was born as a princess, and recently inherited the position of queen. It can be said that this is the first time she has been hugged by a boy since she grew up.

For a moment, Sikong Xuanmei felt that the man holding her was more handsome and attractive to her.

Of course.

The two didn't continue this action too much.

She stood up quickly.

"Mr. Qin, I made you laugh. I don't know why, but I suddenly fell down. Did I trip over something on my heel, or did I slip?" Sikong Xuanmei didn't know in her heart, anyway, she fell for no reason. , logically speaking, the floor is not slippery.

And Sikong Xuanmei has also watched Goryeo dramas, there are too many such bloody dramas on TV.

"The other party won't think that I fell on purpose? To seduce him?"

Sikong Xuanmei was a little worried immediately, because in this case, the other party might misunderstand that she was that kind of woman.

But I really didn't know anything, so I fell a bit inexplicably.

"It's okay, be careful." Qin Feng smiled slightly, and then said, "Wait for you to deal with something first, after you've dealt with it, can I invite you to have dinner together?"

"Of course! It's exactly what I want! I have more things to discuss with Mr. Qin."

Two people can shoot at once.

Sikong Xuanmei really wants to fight with Qin Feng for the benefits after recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan.

And Qin Feng also wanted to finish the task quickly.


Sikong Xuanmei twisted her invincible back figure again, and left the box.

Qin Feng smelled the sleeves, and there was still a trace of her scent, the scent of jasmine.

A perfume that mature women like.

"My Lady Queen? Why are you so red? Are you feeling unwell?"

When the subordinates saw Sikong Xuanmei coming out of the box, they felt something strange.

"No, I was blown by the wind!" Sikong Xuanmei immediately adjusted her emotions, and said: "Call the big families, chaebols, and senior personnel of Korea, I have an important meeting, everyone must be present. "

"Yes, Her Majesty the Empress." The subordinate said respectfully.

Soon, in about half an hour, Sikong Xuanmei arrived at the Korea Conference Hall.

Here is the place where some important things are notified.

And the participants.

They are all very important people in Goryeo.

The 10 men sitting at the forefront at the moment are the top ten chaebol families in Korea:

Samsung, LG, Sun Kyung.

and many more
Their chaebols are almost equivalent to the economy of the entire empire. Just one Samsung accounted for 20% of Korea's GDP, while the combined total of several chaebols accounted for as much as 75%.

Together, the top ten chaebols basically covered 90.00% of the empire's economy.

The Queen of Korea, in the final analysis, is just the product of these chaebols.

Although the status is honorable.

But there is not much real power.

To put it simply, the empire is too small for a few chaebols to be so awesome.

In fact, in Sikong Xuanmei's heart, although she is the empress of the empire, she cannot have as much power as other imperial families in the empire. Instead, everything is restricted by the chaebol
She is close to the Dragon Empire, in fact, she just wants to change this status quo.

Even if the time comes to become a state of the Dragon Empire, it will still be better than being a puppet, right?
Sikong Sunmi has had enough of these chaebols' faces, she doesn't want to be bullied.

Sikong Xuanmei has thought about breaking out of this relationship from a very early age!
Therefore, the appearance of Qin Feng today is something she could never have imagined in her dreams.

[Hello everyone, readers who see here, I wish you a happy new year!Secretly ask for recommendation tickets?Not too much, right?If the author writes about the Chinese New Year for a few days, naturally he doesn't have time to write much. After the Chinese New Year is over, he will recover [-] a day! 】

(End of this chapter)

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