Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 205 Shocking the World! 1 meters!A full 1 meters!

Chapter 205 Shocking the World!Ten thousand meters!A full [-] meters!


This is the sound from the ground.

On the ground, you can't hear the sound.

But can feel it.

The earth shook.

The ground penetrating projectile penetrates into the ground, and when it explodes, it couples energy to the ground to make its destructive effect 10 to 30 times greater than that of the equivalent ground explosion.Therefore, even if the ground penetrating bomb does not penetrate deep into the ground, its explosive power will be far greater than that of ordinary conventional ammunition, so its combat effect is very significant.

Such an explosion.

It can often be compared to an earthquake within a certain range.

"What's going on?"

"Why is there such a big movement all of a sudden?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

Swinburne always turned his head and stood on the coast of Ziyue Island. Even if he was not on the island, he still felt the violent vibration.

"Is there an earthquake?"

"Is there an earthquake?"

"Why is there such a big commotion?"

Tiger soldiers on Ziyue Island.

At the moment, many people live in the base to sleep or stand guard.

Basically all exclaimed.

This movement is not usually big.

"This kind of vibration doesn't look like an earthquake." A subordinate next to Swinburne said, "Mr. Swinburne, the wave band emitted by the earthquake is continuously shaking, and this wave band feels like a bomb. "

"What? Impossible? What do you mean?" Swinburne's face was also livid, "Could it be that the ground penetrating bomb that Qin Feng dropped? It has already exploded?"

"It is likely that after the misfire, it suddenly exploded, right?"

Anyway, no one believes that this ground penetrating bomb can go down several thousand meters, which is completely unscientific.

This kind of technology is impossible for human beings to invent.

"Listen, send me someone to have a look, to investigate, how much of the penetrating bomb has gone down!" Swinburne gave the order.


Someone rushed to the scene.

Here at the scene is a deep pit about the size of a basketball.

"It's so deep!"

"You can't see the bottom at a glance!"

Two tiger soldiers.

At the moment, it is shining down with a flashlight.

But it's too deep.

Can't see below at all.

"This is at least more than 500 meters?"

Their faces were full of astonishment.

"The ground-penetrating projectile newly developed by our big tiger is at most 420 meters, and others' at least 500 meters!"

"My God, how does this compare?"

Anyway, the two of them don't know the specific depth.

Just threw a stone down.

Then lie down on the ground.

If you hear the sound later, you can naturally calculate the depth of the hole based on the acceleration of the free fall.

"Why is there no sound?"

It's been a long time.

There was no sound of stones falling to the ground at all.

Is it beyond 500 meters?
1000 meters?
"Isn't this amazing?"

"How can such a small ground-penetrating projectile have such a powerful force? This is completely unscientific."

The faces of the two of them were full of astonishment again.

"Go tell Chief Swinburne to request an echolocation device!"

"We want to measure how deep the hole is!"


Two people reported the matter here.

Swinburne on the battleship said incredulously: "What's the situation? It is estimated that the depth of this hole is at least 1000 meters? My God"

Swinburne was shocked.

Completely incomprehensible.

Thought it exploded after misfiring?
did not expect!Did it go straight down for more than 1000 meters?

"And this is not the exact depth, it's just estimated to be over 1000 meters?"

Swinburne was dull.

I'm dumbfounded.

Is this something humans can do?
To know.

How much energy is needed to go down 1000 meters?
"The two people who went to check? Are you sure there is no measurement error?" Swinburne asked again.

"Swinburne is always on top, there is indeed no possibility of measurement error! At least 1000 meters!"

When Swinburne heard the terrible news again, his face was full of embarrassment, and at first he thought that he had misfired.

Is it rubbish?
Only now know.

People are the kings?
"Okay, send them an echolocation instrument! First, let's see how deep their penetrators are." Swinburne was speechless and gave an order.


The instrument was delivered to the entrance of the cave.

A dozen people.

Started working here.

creak creak.

creak creak.

The big tiger soldier at the entrance of the cave was wearing an earphone and operating an echolocator machine.

That sizzle sound.

Naturally, it was sent by the machine.


The man who operates the machine... has his eyes bulging out.

"How is it possible, this is impossible..."

"Is the machine malfunctioning?"

"How can there be such a deep distance?"

"Ten thousand."

"800 meters?"

The man who operates the machine.

I have begun to doubt my life.

I think I'm dreaming.

This is more than 1 meters?
But it is the deepest place that can be explored in the world.

People throw a drill into the ground?

Just get it done?


Simply fantastic.

What kind of technology is this?
"More than 1 meters? You can't make a mistake, right?"

"Yes, more than 1000 meters is barely acceptable, but more than 1 meters? Isn't this too weird?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The person who operated the machine shook his head when he heard this, and said, "That's right, I checked the machine, and there is no fault at all. According to the echolocation calculation, this is indeed about 1 meters away!"


"Oh my God"

"Qin Feng's technology? Is it coming out of the solar system?"

"Is this technology really a product of our time?"

To put it simply, the water oil and anti-radar technology can still be understood.

But such a powerful penetrator. ,

Completely incomprehensible.

Moreover, this kind of ground penetrating bomb is so deep that it is completely useless, because it is basically impossible for people nowadays to go below [-] meters to build an air-raid shelter.

The air-raid shelter of a few hundred meters is already the limit.

But with the development of science and technology, the air-raid shelter will definitely become deeper and deeper.

The underground base will also get deeper and deeper.

As for Qin Feng, as for the ground penetrating bomb, it is completely possible to let go of the development, and wait until they can dig a [-]-meter air-raid shelter, and then take it out and blow it up.

In other words, any air-raid shelter in the world today is like a fake to Qin Feng.

When you can dig [-] meters, people can still bomb you.

"Scary! It's really scary!"

"Tell the news here to Chief Swinburne!"

A person who operates an echolocator.

Can only look at Guan Xing sigh.

It's terrible.


The news reached Swinburne immediately from the scene of the bombing hole.

In the conference room of the general battleship.

Immediately there was a sound of boiling.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

(End of this chapter)

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