Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 214 The world is shocked!Unlimited energy!

Chapter 214 The world is shocked!Unlimited energy!
"The system is huge!"

"Stop moaning and chirping!"

"Quickly tell me!"

"What material did you reward this time!"

"What the hell is it?"

"It's so mysterious every time!"

"Is there still cooling time?"

(Actually, it’s not the system’s whining, it’s just that the author wanted to add a few more words. Yes, I added a few more words. System: I won’t take the blame for it!)
【Ding!Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 1000 tons of helium-3! 】

"What's the matter?"

"1000 tons of helium-3?"

"What is this thing?"

Even if Qin Feng was a graduate student before, but at this moment, he has never heard of this thing at all.

1000 tons?
Is this a lot?

Still very little?

But Qin Feng knew that this must be a kind of gas.

After all, he is a graduate student.

You can tell by the name.

"Damn it, system, you're silent again!"


Qin Feng was helpless.

The system is so cold every time.

Sometimes explain.

Sometimes without explanation.

Qin Feng can only look up the information directly.

But looking up information is not as easy as asking people.

With a random phone call, Qin Feng called an old guy in the scientific community.

It can be said that he is also a disciple of the Nangong family.

Basically, it's an existence that doesn't talk about big things.

That's why Qin Feng would consider asking him.

Because there are things that are not necessarily on Du Niang.

And if you ask the scientist, he can explain it in more detail.

"Hey! Old man Yang! I am Qin Feng."

Old man Yang on the opposite side.

It's called Yang Xuebin.

Born in 1955.

It is about 66 years old now.

He is the president of the First Academy of Sciences.

"Mr. Qin? You called me? What a rare visitor!" Old man Yang smiled happily. The man on the opposite side is amazing. Qin Feng's scientific research team can be said to be very powerful, and they have invented many awesome things for the empire. , is completely the existence of Wushu Wushuang.

And in the past few days, I heard that Goryeo has done such a big thing.

That's even more amazing.

Although old man Yang has a high status among scientists, he is completely incomparable with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's random invention completely beat him up.

"Don't be shabby! Let me get straight to the point! I want to test you! Do you know something like helium-3?" Qin Feng didn't say that he didn't know.

"Ah? What? Helium-3?" Old man Yang's face immediately showed consternation, "Isn't this a mysterious substance on the surface of the moon? Helium-3 is a gas."

Speaking of helium-3, let’s first talk about the satellite launched by the Empire.

It successfully completed the "digging" work in the lunar exploration mission and returned triumphantly. What makes people even more excited is that there is a rare substance in the soil it brought back.

These lunar soils are very ancient, with an age of 31.6 to 46 billion years.

Among them, helium-3 extracted by researchers from lunar soil is an extremely precious substance.

You know, 1 ton of helium is worth as much as 3 trillion US dollars.

The substance helium is very rare on the earth, but it is everywhere on the moon, and many empires are already ready to move on this substance on the moon.

But so what?

It is completely difficult to mine.

It is completely impossible to collect such gas on the moon, and only a little bit can be brought back, that is, the trace amount in the soil.

What is helium-3?After in-depth research on the lunar soil, the data show that there are many chemical substances in the lunar soil, such as silver, iron, copper, calcium, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, tin, lead and other chemical minerals, which also contain many rare gases. The variety is very rich.

Among them, helium-3 is an isotope of helium. Although its nucleus is not the most stable among helium isotopes, it is also a very stable one. The most stable helium-4 has one more neutron than helium-3, and helium -3 contains a neutron and two protons.

Helium-3 is a colorless and odorless gas, and is recognized worldwide as one of the most ideal raw materials for nuclear fusion reactions. It has the advantages of cleanliness, safety, strong controllability, and high efficiency.

Most of the helium-3 on the moon comes from the solar wind, because the moon has no atmosphere, so the helium-3-rich solar wind bombards the surface of the moon for a lot of time. During the 45 billion years of vicissitudes, the moon's crust About 120 million tons of helium-3 are stored in the shallow layer.

[According to the statistics of scientists, 10 tons of helium-3 can meet all the energy needs of our empire for a year, you really heard it right!That's all the energy you need for a year!All abilities!Including automobiles, electrical appliances, coal, natural gas and other artificially produced energy sources!Of course, solar energy is impossible, this is too huge! 】

"That's right, it's indeed a gas! Then tell me what it is." Qin Feng didn't know it himself, so he naturally asked the other party.

Old man Yang is also very straightforward.

Immediately told Qin Feng everything.

"My God, 10 tons of this material can last a whole year for our empire? And then all the energy is saved? How much money does this need to save?"

Qin Feng dare not imagine.

The figure that can be found is that around 2015, our empire’s coal consumption was 39.65 billion tons, accounting for half of the world’s coal consumption.

It is conceivable that the consumption of coal in our empire is still astonishing.

And with this substance.

There is no need to burn coal at all.


In our empire, for basically three months, we have to consume 15878 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity.

Almost 4.5 million kWh a year.

These are huge expenses.

With this 1000 tons of matter.

10 tons can last my empire for a year.

So 1000 tons?
Then it can only be used for a full 100 years.

All energy can be saved.

"Old man Yang, I want to say, I artificially produced this gas, do you believe it?" Qin Feng smiled lightly.

"I believe it! Why don't I believe it?" Old man Yang immediately became excited. This Qin Feng even invented that unbelievable ground penetrator. What is impossible?
"You really believe it?" Qin Feng pouted and smiled, "Okay, let me tell you the truth, I am inventing this substance now, and I can produce about 10 tons every year! About 1800 catties per month look!"

Qin Feng will not say that he has 1000 tons of such things all at once.

I can only say that I take my time.

"My God, then? Ten tons per year? Just enough to meet the entire energy demand of my empire?" Old man Yang was shocked again. How much energy will be saved?These are all money.

"I don't think there's any need to be too happy, right?" Qin Feng smiled speechlessly, "It's not sure, I can directly carry people to the moon one day, and then mine such gas?"

"Mr. Qin, I know that your scientific research team is very good, and I believe there is no problem with the manned moon landing you mentioned, but even if this gas is mined on the earth, it is a big project. After all, it is purified in the soil! Moreover, if it is operated on the moon, it is a huge project, and it is really difficult to send a lot of equipment and a lot of manpower and material resources up there!"

"Oh? Really?" Qin Feng was speechless for a while, and immediately contacted his little devil robot, typing and asking: "Little devil robot, is this really so difficult?"

"Returning to the master, it is indeed difficult for them, but for the little devil's original world, it is not easy to go to other planets to mine resources!" The little devil continued, "But to build a space battleship, and send It takes a lot of time to go up a lot of mining equipment! On my side, I need a lot of materials from you, the master, to build spaceships and mining equipment!"

"That's fine! You start to think about this for me now! I don't have enough materials, I will find a way!" Qin Feng's thinking has long stopped staying on the earth, but an alien.

"By the way, old man Yang, then we have this thing, so if we have water and oil, we won't need to use it too much?" Qin Feng felt a little regretful. Wasn't the water and oil used last time useless?
"Mr. Qin, you are wrong."

"Ah? I was wrong?" Qin Feng was confused, "Isn't it this thing, can 10 tons satisfy all the energy resources of our empire for a year?"

"That's true. But have you ever thought about it? You can use this to generate electricity, and you can burn it! But now there are many cars and machines, and the function he invented is to burn oil! In other words, now the world, cars The number of vehicles has reached 8 million! Most of them burn oil! So simply speaking, you can’t throw away all these things, right? You can only innovate and invent new gas-burning cars! In that case, it will take more than ten years or more It will take 20 years for all these cars to be eliminated!"

Qin Feng heard this.

I also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then water and oil, there are still more than ten years of money to be made.

"Okay! I got it!" Qin Feng happily hung up the phone.

But the next second.

His phone was almost blown off the hook.

From Mr. Nangong's side, there were only three or five calls.

Stephen Sun also called a few.

Zhuyeqing called a few more.

Qin Feng guessed that he had received rewards here, and these bosses might also receive rewards randomly, and they knew about the rewards.

"Xiaofeng, have you gotten on the plane yet?" Mr. Nangong was in a good mood, and he spoke with a smile.

"Well, yes, I'm going back to China soon! I'm on the plane, the plane is about to take off!" Qin Feng smiled, "But it's okay, if I answer the phone, they can delay the departure, you can chat slowly! "

Of course, Qin Feng's business alone has delayed a flight of Korean passengers.

I'm really sorry.

But who is Qin Feng?It has a detached position in Goryeo.

Besides, what did Qin Feng call?That's a big deal for your own empire.

Who dares to say that Qin Feng wasted time?
Even if all the people in Korea are waiting for Qin Feng, they dare not say that Qin Feng is wasting time.

"Well, let them wait first, let me talk to you about this new reward!" Grandpa Nangong smiled heartily, "This time the reward is not bad! I got 100 tons of gas here! This thing is very Damn, do you know what this is?"

"I know, I just called the old man Yang Xuebin to ask about it." Qin Feng said with a smile, "From now on, our empire doesn't need any energy at all! But I have a thousand tons in my hand! You randomly rewarded 100 tons! Just enough for our empire to use for more than 100 years! After more than 100 years, we must have the strength to mine such things on the moon!"

"Then, does your little devil robot have some space mining technology?" Mr. Nangong naturally knows about Qin Feng's little devil robot. After all, he is his own family, so there is no need to hide anything.

"It has said, give it time, and find the materials that are in short supply! Spaceships can be produced! But if you want to mine resources, it is a bit of a hassle! The technology of the little devil robot is also limited! In fact, we still have to wait for the system to be released. Rewards! The rewards issued by the system are the ones that can shock people every time." Qin Feng said.

"Well, since it can't be exploited, why don't you just stop mining? Don't worry, the combination of water, oil and this gas can save an immeasurable amount of money every year! It can be invested in other productions in large quantities!" Mr. Nangong said. After a pause, "So from now on, we can start building gas-burning cars and phase out all oil-burning machines! After all, these gases are enough for us to use for 100 years! And after 100 years are used up, there is a system With the existence of the little devil, we should be able to go to other planets to mine this gas and use it!"

"That's right! Maybe it won't take 100 years!" Qin Feng smiled lightly. It is indeed a bit difficult for the little devil to conquer outer space. We still have to wait for the system father to speak.

Small odds and ends, the little devil can indeed get them out quickly.

But things like outer space are short of a lot of materials.

If it is now, then the water and oil will be sold out more quickly, and other empires will sell as much as they want to buy, and increase production.

Anyway, this thing will have to be eliminated after ten years.

Your own empire is useless at all.

There is no need to store much.

But Qin Feng can't completely trust the system. After all, he can't trust the system with the affairs of the empire, because the reward behind this thing, what if there is no technology that can conquer outer space?

After finishing the phone call with Mr. Nangong, Qin Feng yelled, "Flight attendant!"

"Mr. Qin"

An extremely beautiful stewardess walked up to Wei Wei, speaking politely.

But Qin Feng didn't look at her beauty at all.

Because there are too many beautiful women for Qin Feng. ,
"The plane can take off! I apologize to everyone for wasting everyone's time!" Qin Feng smiled apologetically.

"It's okay Mr. Qin, everyone has said that after you reported your identity, they all said that your phone number is a big event in the world, and they will give you time!" The flight attendant said politely, also to Qin Feng The energy of worship is indescribable.

It would be great if there was such a man.

I am willing to promise him anything
any action.

any way.

As long as he is good.

Just fine.

I really like this kind of man, handsome and charming, and so awesome.

Prince Charming's description of such a man is a bit demeaning.

"Miss Stewardess, I'm fine, are you in a daze?" Qin Feng swayed in front of her eyes, and saw her invincible figure, she was indeed fine.

Goryeo beauty.

But it should be cosmetic.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin." The stewardess apologized, and left reluctantly after speaking.

This kind of man is really awesome.

Just a top stewardess like herself.

It also doesn't allow people to take a second look.

For about 2 hours, Qin Feng fell asleep on the plane for a while.

"Mr. Qin, we're at the airport."

Linghu sat in the back row to protect.

After arriving at the station.

Just lightly touched Qin Feng's arm, Qin Feng seemed to be asleep.

"Xiyan, don't make trouble, let me sleep more!" Qin Feng gently pulled Linghu's hand, put it in the palm of his hand, and stroked it.

But the spirit fox immediately raised his hand, "Mr. Qin, I'm not Miss Luo, I'm a spirit fox."

"Ah? Linghu." Qin Feng woke up slightly, looked at this sexy person, and said, "Excuse me, have you arrived yet?"

"Well, we've arrived! It looks like all the ladies are here to pick you up!" Linghu looked under the plane, there was a row of beautiful beauties wearing masks, and all of them were so tall that they exploded. A landscape.

A lot of guests came and went, all guessing.

What girl group is this?

Or a big star?

This figure is simply against the sky.

Even an extremely ugly face can have infinite interest.
"Xiyan! Sano Hinako! Nangong Mingyue, Nangong Chuxue? Are you all here?" Qin Feng has good eyesight and has been close to these girls, so he can tell that he is wearing a mask.

But what Qin Feng didn't know was that these women came to pick them up aboveboard.

In the dark, Su Meiji, Su Bingqing, E Liyi, and Luo Yu also came, and they were also wearing sunglasses and hats in four or five directions in the dark.

And that Miss Caitlin who is in China is the number one beauty in France I met in previous auctions. She is also in China now. After all, her lv world famous brand store has been bought by Qin Feng. She is helping the new owner Qin Feng. Wind, build LV's headquarters, build in Dragon Empire.

And that Bai Ningbing, of course, was the female catcher that Qin Feng helped at the beginning, and she was known as the number one beauty catcher in the capital.

It also came secretly.

Because Qin Feng's action is too big this time.

Totally let a lot of people know.

Therefore, his return to China is naturally known to all.

However, Qin Feng's plane is basically under strict protection.

And the airport is also protected by about a hundred pretenders.

There are nine night angels on the plane.

Linghu helped to salute on the bright side, while the others sat in other seats on the plane, pretending to be passers-by.

It can be said that completeness is the protection of the inner three layers and the outer layer.

No one will be allowed to threaten Qin Feng at all.

"My wife is here!"

Qin Feng looked at the beauty under the plane, and said, "Go, Linghu, Lingbao, get off the plane!"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down. 】

[The author's update is a bit slow these days!Sorry everyone!But it's been a few days!I will update soon!Don't worry, everyone!But make a bottom of 4000 words every day!That is the content of Chapter 2!But the authors are all published together! 】

(End of this chapter)

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