Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 221 Set off for a mission!Queen's reception!

Chapter 221 Set off for a mission!Queen's reception!


Qin Feng is making breakfast for Sano Hinako in the kitchen.

Heard such a sentence.

He was also stunned for a moment.

"Sano, what do you say? Why did you mention this all of a sudden?" Qin Feng tugged at her little hand slightly, "Don't make a fuss, I'll make poached eggs for you, and it will be fried later."

This little girl didn't know what was wrong, so she just posted these words here.

"No, my husband, what I mean is" Sano Hinako looked at the direction of Luo Xiyan's room, and thought for a while, her character, from the very beginning, decided that she would not care how many Qin Feng found.

After all, Hinako Sano joined in as a mistress.

So what she thought was that what happened yesterday was really unbearable.

"What do you mean?" Qin Feng also understood the meaning on her face, and said in relief, "Sano, it was my husband who was wrong yesterday, but you are too charming."

Qin Feng put the fried poached eggs on the plate, turned around and said, "Look at your figure, I think that apart from the number one beauty of our Dragon Empire, that Lily, no one can beat you, right?"


Modeling like adult Xiao Mai.

Live version.

These long legs.

This thin waist.

this face.

Really don't want to be too perfect.

Anyone who meets them will really go crazy.

"Husband, it's not your fault, blame me." Seeing Qin Feng apologizing, Sano Hiniko asked curiously, "By the way, why did you call that Miss Nangong Chuxue Lily? She has knowledge about this." Question?"

"No, I just bickered with her, and then just picked a random name to humiliate her. She doesn't seem to be Lily." Qin Feng quickly helped Nangong Chuxue restore his reputation. After all, he had promised Nangong Chuxue about this matter. Do not tell others.

In the last auction, the relationship between the two changed from a fierce bickering every time they met to a joking bickering, which was considered harmonious.

"Oh?" Sano Hinako rolled her big eyes, "Then husband, tell me, I, the former No. [-] beauty in the Sun Empire, is better than Chu Xue? How is my figure?"

Hinako Sano didn't wear the tight black silk today.

After all, in the past, in order to make Qin Feng interested earlier, knowing that Qin Feng also likes black silk, she likes to wear it very much.

And her figure is basically invincible.

But today, she doesn't dare to dress like this anymore, just casual clothes at home, after all, let Qin Feng make some sense.

I'm afraid I'm going to die.

But even in home clothes, Sano Hinako's bumpy figure couldn't be concealed.

"Of course your figure is slightly better!" Qin Feng naturally made his wife happy first. In fact, in his heart, Nangong Chuxue's long legs are better-looking, and his overall figure and appearance are also the best. Maybe it's his temperament Why, Nangong Chuxue is like a queen in a fantasy novel.

"Nonsense, I think her figure looks better. She wears a red cheongsam with slits, which makes her look like a queen." Hinako Sano pouted, "You know how to make people happy."

"Really, why did I lie to you? If it's fake? Can we last that long yesterday?" Qin Feng chuckled, holding the arm of Sano Hinako, holding the fried egg and steak on the plate in one hand, "Let's go, let's Let's have breakfast first, for Xi Yan, I don't know what time it will be until I get up, so you eat first."

"You guy, I don't even have the nerve to talk about what happened yesterday." Hinako Sano didn't go on, anyway, she must be dying in three to five days.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my husband apologizes." Qin Feng smiled and pulled her, let her sit on the edge of the table, and handed her the chopsticks.

"Don't say I'm sorry, I'm just talking." Sano Hinako said softly, "I don't have any complaints about how you treat me. If it weren't for you, I would still be living in dire straits in the Empire of the Sun. life."

"Don't mention the previous things!" Qin Feng laughed when he thought of the Sun Empire, "When I go to the Golden Horde this time, that is Wukelan! I have to go back and deal with the Sun Empire. Already!"

"Husband? Are you going out again?" Hinako Sano's expression changed instantly, it's only been together for a day or two, why is her husband going out again?
"Oh, there's no way, Mr. Nangong is going to arrange a mission!" Now Qin Feng, with the help of Mr. Nangong, basically goes out to do missions, and it is easier to make excuses. Anyway, it is all arranged by Mr. Nangong. All right.

"Hey, Mr. Nangong is really too, why do you always arrange things for you, you are not a robot, are you?" Sano Hinako complained, and she, who just realized that, really didn't want to part.

It tastes really good.

Totally fairy.

"Okay! After working for a while, I must have stayed at home for a while!" Qin Feng walked over, helped her up from the chair, and then sat down by himself.

Pointing to his legs.

Sano Hinako is also very good.

Sitting in Qin Feng's arms.

"I'm holding you, hurry up and have breakfast!"

Sitting in Qin Feng's arms, Sano Hinako took a bite first, then picked up a piece of fried egg with chopsticks and handed it to Qin Feng's mouth, "Husband, you can eat a little too, there are so many, I can't finish it. "

"Okay, okay!" Qin Feng opened his mouth slightly. After all, we are going to part soon, and Qin Feng also cherishes the time with Sano.


After two people had breakfast.

We hugged each other for a while.

At noon, Luo Xiyan also got up.

After all, Qin Feng and Sano Hinako are related, and Luo Xiyan also knows about it, so there is no need to cover it up.

But Sano got up from Qin Feng's lap.

"Sister Xiyan, are you up?" Seeing this, Sano Hinako went up, "I'll help you prepare the cleaning supplies!"

"No need for Sano, what you did yesterday." Luo Xiyan didn't continue, "Let this bad guy come!" Luo Xiyan walked a few steps, but also felt a little unwell.

But it's not a big deal yet.

It's okay to come again.

For three to five days, Nangong Mingyue would come here to eat every noon and afternoon, and spend a little time alone with Qin Feng.

Kiss or hug.

It's that simple.

She still has work to do.

Four days later in the morning, Qin Feng bid farewell to the three beauties at home and boarded the plane to the Golden Horde.

Along with Qin Feng, there are of course the Nine Night Angels.

This time, Zhuyeqing had to set off again to protect Qin Feng secretly.

But she didn't say anything, she just secretly protected.

Once Qin Feng goes abroad, she will follow her.

After all, outside is no safer than inside.

The Golden Horde Khan at this moment is the capital of Uklan.

In a royal villa.

There was a western beauty in a formal suit, with fair skin, regular features, and blond hair.

She is the Queen of the Golden Horde, named Afro Labella.

The Adurola family is the royal family here.

About 39 years old.

But he looks like he's in his early thirties.

It is said that her husband died early.

"Is everything arranged?"

AfroLabela sat in the main position of the meeting room, looked at the people under the banner, and continued, "It is our honor for Mr. Qin to come to a small place like ours, and we must welcome it with great fanfare! Let The whole world knows that Qin Feng has come to our place!"

Afrolabella also has a small plan in her heart.

Their Golden Horde Khan's status in Europe is not very high. If they meet Qin Feng this time, they can get to know Qin Feng and shock those around them.

After all, with the current situation in the world, being able to know Qin Feng is really something worth bragging about.

With Qin Feng's help, even the big western tigers have to respect them a bit.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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