Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 229 The first step of the plan!Queen's...

Chapter 229 Plan the first step!Queen's.
229. The first step of the plan!Queen's.

Luo Yu hummed softly.

Immediately, it became quiet.

Let Qin Feng use his strengths.

About 2 hours later, Qin Feng sent Luo Yu to the airport, watched him take off and set off for the country, and Qin Feng felt relieved.

Check the time.

The current time is 11:23 in the morning, almost noon.

It was only about 6 hours before the earthquake occurred.

But this point in time.

It's not the time for Qin Feng to take action.

Still have to wait.

Some people may say, how long will this have to wait?
In case of an earthquake, you won't be able to run away later.

But what Qin Feng wants is the last few hours.

After sending Luo Yu off, Qin Feng naturally returned to the hotel.

"Linghu, come here, have things been arranged properly?" Qin Feng said, and then said, "I still believe in the ability of your good sisters to handle affairs, but this matter must be planned well, and there should be no accidents. That's good."

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, Linghu's arrangement is very proper, and Mr. Zhuyeqing is helping in secret. If I think about it, nothing will go wrong." Linghu said confidently, the nine night angels The strength is really strong, and with Zhuyeqing, this little thing can basically be done.

"Well, that's good." Qin Feng's face was a little serious, and then he looked at the watch on his left hand. The current time is around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's time to go, Linghu, the capital of the Golden Horde Khan, the population is quite large, and it will take a lot of time to evacuate." Qin Feng smiled faintly, propped himself up, and pointed Pointing to the phone on the table, "Call me, I'll call Queen Afro Rabe!"

"En.!" Linghu responded, picked up the phone on the table, and made a call first.

"Hello, Queen Rabe! Hello!" Qin Feng greeted with a slight smile.

"Mr. Qin, haven't you come out to play in the past few days? Although the scenery of our Golden Horde is not so picturesque, there are also some places of interest." Afro Rabe couldn't understand Qin Feng anyway. , What are you doing in the hotel all the time?


Qin Feng seems to have sent a woman away today.

Although this woman is not the best of the best.

But she is also a goddess. ,
And also has a seductive foxy look.

It is estimated that Mr. Qin and this woman are in the hotel these few days.
Anyway, it's very fun.

"As for not going out to play, it was because he was sleeping in the hotel, and he was in a bad state of mind, so he didn't go out." Qin Feng just said something nonsense, anyway, it doesn't matter if the other party believes it or not.

"Not in a good state of mind?" Queen Afro Rabe was a little speechless.

But soon, Qin Feng said: "I'm sorry about the last time. It seems that I don't know much about the earthquake. I think your emperor understands this very well, so I plan to pay a visit. Qin Tianjian of your empire! Learn and exchange experience!!"

Of course, the language of the Golden Horde Khan is naturally not this pronunciation.

It's just a place similar to the ancient Qin Tianjian in Huaxia.

Qin Tianjian is the signature of the official, and its functions are to observe the sky, calculate the solar terms, and formulate the calendar.From the Qin, Han to the Southern Dynasties, Taichang belonged to Taishiling, who was in charge of the Tianshi ephemeris.

The Secretary of the Sui Province belonged to the Taishi Cao, and Emperor Yangdi changed Cao into a prison.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Taishijian was changed to Taishi Bureau, and its name was changed several times to Secretary Pavilion, Huntian Supervisory Court, and Armillary Supervisor, or it belonged to Secretary Province.In the 14th year of Kaiyuan (726), it was restored to the Taishi Bureau and belonged to the Secretary Province.In the first year of Qianyuan (758), it was renamed Sitiantai.In the Five Dynasties and the early Song Dynasty, it was called Sitianjian, and after Yuanfeng restructured, it was changed to Taishi Bureau.In southern Liaoning, there is Sitianjian, which is called Sitiantai in Jin, and belongs to the secretary supervisor.In the Yuan Dynasty, there was the Taishi Academy, which was still used as the Sitianjian in the Ming Dynasty, and later changed to the Qintianjian. In the Qing Dynasty, the official position followed the Ming system, and it was still the Qintianjian.

(The number of water words, you don’t need to read it! And it’s very dangerous to play that game directly, dizhen game!)
"Oh? Mr. Qin, do you want to go to our Qin Tianjian to learn?" Queen Afro Rabe was also confused for a while, and she wanted to talk about Qin Feng, but behind her was the empire with the most advanced technology today.

Why exchange these experiences and find their Qin Tianjian?
This is really a bit suspicious.

A few days ago, Qin Feng, didn't he suggest that the Golden Horde should evacuate everyone in the capital?

Then asked Qin Feng to come up with some evidence, but Qin Feng couldn't come up with it.

Therefore, Queen Afro Rabe didn't take this matter too seriously.

But at the beginning, she was actually quite concerned about this matter. After carefully questioning her own scientists, those scientists still said that earthquakes are something that no one can predict, and this technology is too profound.

None of the earthquakes were predicted.

At most, it was by chance that an earthquake in Haicheng, an empire, was predicted, but afterwards, the parties said that this was also a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

It's just luck.

And that forecast was 50 years ago.

Do you think he is lucky?
"Queen Afro Rabe, are you a little worried about something?" Qin Feng smiled lightly.

"No, since Mr. Qin is going to Qin Tianjian for exchange and study, of course I welcome it, and I will let the people of Qin Tianjian take good care of Mr. Qin." Queen Afro Rabe did not continue to say anything something happened.

The two chatted for a while.

They hung up the phone with each other.

But Queen Afro Rabe, in her heart, is still a little worried about whether this Qin Feng is going to do something?

Why so suddenly.

"Come on, where is my secretary, come in." Queen Afro Rabe called out.

Immediately, a big blonde beauty walked in.

This beauty is also young.

About 25 years old.

Good figure and good looks.

"An Xue, go and ask someone to watch Mr. Qin." Queen Afro Rabe said.

But An Xue had a puzzled face on her face, and said, "Master Afro Rabe, there should be nothing wrong between us and Mr. Qin."

"I know that Mr. Qin and I don't have any festivals or gaps, but..." Queen Afro Rabe paused, "I always feel that he is going to do something, so I am not monitoring it, at most it is a precautionary measure." not yet"

"Then this subordinate will do it now!" An Xue agreed, and quickly walked towards the door.

But as soon as An Xue walked to the door, she saw a man in a suit.

His hat is very low.

It seems to be Queen Afro Rabe's security team.

"Why did you come in? How dare you come in without guarding outside? How dare you do this without Queen Afro Rabe's order?" An Xue knew that Queen Afro Rabe was a girl after all, and these male security guards generally It's outside, but I dare not come in.

For example, if the eunuch protecting the emperor stepped into the emperor's room without the emperor's order, it would be a bit of a conspiracy.

But the man in the suit with the hat didn't raise his head.

She closed the door slightly.

Then a pretty face appeared.

It turned out that the man in the suit was not a man.

But a tall woman.

When An Xue saw her just now, she always felt very thin, but it's not surprising that she is a woman now.

"Who are you?" An Xue immediately became anxious, opening her mouth to shout.

But the woman covered her mouth.

"Zero, Ye Meigui, you two, tie up this woman. Remember, don't hurt her. Mr. Qin told me that we can only control these people here, and don't worry about the rest!" As the second-ranked person besides Linghu among the nine night angels, the judge naturally became the commander of the eight night angels.

At this moment, the matter of controlling Queen Afro Rabe here is naturally handed over to the judge.

Inquisitor is not her real name.

It's just a code name.


Zero and Night Rose nodded.

An Xue took care of this soon.

At this time, there was no sound, Queen Afro Rabe inside the room, and Queen Afro Rabe's security outside the house.

No abnormality was found.

"An Xue, why haven't you come back yet? Where are you?" Queen Afro Rabe shouted, didn't she tell An Xue to order the people below to stare at Mr. Qin?There is no malice, just a precautionary measure.

It's been a few minutes since An Xue hasn't come back.

Is it so long to say hello?
Just when Queen Afro Rabe was worried.

Several women jumped into here.

Some seemed to jump in from the ceiling.

Some seem to have jumped in from the window.

Anyway, I don't know how long I have been lurking here, but Queen Afro Rabe didn't even notice.


Queen Afro Rabe panicked for a moment.

What's going on here?

To be honest, in a place like the Golden Horde, the security team of Queen Afro Rabe, in the eyes of the nine night angels, security is like a fake.

Whether it's high technology or masters, they don't have much.

Didn't you hear that last time in the Sun Empire, the Nine Night Angels were the ones who could sneak into the residence of the Emperor Haogong of the Sun Empire.

In other words, the cooperation of the nine night angels can assassinate Emperor Haogong.

Such a Khan of the Golden Horde is naturally a no-brainer.

"Queen Afro Rabe, don't worry about who we are!"

"All I want to say is, I advise you, it's best not to bark!"

"Because we don't want to knock you out!"

"So you'd better be obedient and obedient."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, our identities are gone, we are the Nine Night Angels under Master Zhuyeqing's banner!"

After the judge revealed his identity.


Queen Afro Rabe was shocked.

The name of the Green Bamboo Sect is not just at the level that makes those small entrepreneurs and small bosses frightened, but it is an existence that even many people in the empire will not easily provoke.

Because of this organization, lurking and killing people is too powerful. Who wants to live in fear every day?

Now that the nine night angels came here in unison, Queen Afro Rabe is not surprised, they have the ability to lurk here.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Queen Afro Rabe looked at these people, "Why are you missing one, isn't it the Nine Night Angels?"

Queen Afro Rabe said, guessing in her heart.

Since there are eight of the nine night angels.

That must be something very important.

"I don't know if Queen Afro Rabe has heard of it. In fact, the words of our green bamboos are now under the command of Mr. Qin!" The judge smiled lightly and said: "As for our nine night angels, why are there so few?" One, of course, is the head of our Nine Night Angels, who is now by Mr. Qin's side."

"Mr. Qin..." Queen Afro Rabe understood a little when she heard this person's name, and asked, "Mr. Qin is going to the Qin Tianjian of our empire today, must it be related to this matter?"

"Queen Afro Rabe is very smart, so of course she is, so you should obediently cooperate with us!" said the judge, "Really, Mr. Qin has no malicious intentions, it's just that you are too pedantic! You don't believe it!" That earthquake thing!"

Although, the judge himself did not believe [-]% that there would be an earthquake.

But she believes in Qin Feng.

Also listen to Qin Feng's words.

"I'm pedantic?" Queen Afro Rabe smiled, "Would you joke with 100 million people? Our 100 million people withdrew from the capital, and the Golden Horde is still in chaos! The empire's economy is gone. What? Earthquakes, no one can explain clearly! With today's technology, no one can guess the probability of an earthquake in a certain place accurately!"

"Having said that, Mr. Qin is different after all. Don't go on talking, Your Majesty, I am not a person who likes to explain." The judge never talks nonsense, but Qin Feng asked her to come here today, not to hurt these people.

That's all the judge said.

And on the other side.

The current Qin Feng has naturally come to the Qin Tianjian in the capital of the Golden Horde Khan
At this moment, Qin Tianjian will naturally start to get off work. After all, the time is around four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

But at this point in time, the people who went to work naturally did not leave the unit.

This is a relatively small place with only about 3500 square meters.

There are only a few dozen people who go to work.

Why is there such a small number of people in such a unit?

That's very simple, because the earthquake is not clear anyway, so why spend too much time, too much manpower and material resources?
So it's just a simple precaution.

say they don't work, but they do a little bit
Anyway, a place like this is weird and embarrassing.
[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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