Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 231 The little princess's playfulness!Tickle!

Chapter 231 The little princess's playfulness!Tickle!

231. The little princess's playfulness!Tickle!
"You fucking have been cursing and scolding you to the end, it's endless! Don't you just keep your mouth shut? Really!" Qin Feng evacuated these people from the building, came to the empty dam outside, and found this Flora Anna was still scolding herself endlessly.

Really angry.

Qin Feng has no temper?
He was obviously saving them.

Save them all the people in the capital.

But still being scolded here?
Although, Qin Feng knew, they didn't know that what they did was to save people.

But it's also hot right now.

"I'll scold you! What can you do? You incited our Golden Horde, the people in the capital, to evacuate, and now you have done it. Our Golden Horde must be in chaos!" Aurora Anna said, feeling worried in her heart Get up, "What you are doing is nothing more than step-by-step, just like taking down Goryeo, you also want to take down our Golden Horde, right? But you have thought about it, I will tell my mother, resist tenaciously."

"Are you resisting Nima? You still tell your mother? Believe it or not, I will kill you right now?" Qin Feng was really irritable. across her neck.

Seeing this, Grigory Alimovich immediately panicked and shouted: "Mr. Qin, please be merciful, the little princess has a bad temper, please don't take your anger out on me, something is coming to me."

"Come towards you, right? It's a pity, you didn't scold me." Qin Feng smiled lightly, then continued to look at the elf-like girl, and said, "Now tell me, can you try to scold me again?"

"Smelly shameless. You won't succeed!" Aurora Anna was not afraid, she stared wide-eyed, and cursed out.

"You..." Qin Feng was really scared. I have never seen someone who is not afraid of death like this.

"It's okay, you have a big temper, right? I'll take you back and sell you to Africa, anyway. Those old black people must like it very much.," Qin Feng looked at Aurora Anna, She smiled lightly, "After all, black and white match. At that time, the sharp contrast of colors will definitely look good."

"If you dare to do this, the world will not let you go." Aurora Anna was a little scared in her heart. If so, life would be worse than death.

"What else would I be afraid of in the world? A joke." Seeing this, Qin Feng chuckled and said, "Don't you hear how arrogant the big western tiger is? It's not the same as being a coward. You think I will worry about this ?”

"You" Aurora Anna is also speechless, Qin Feng is indeed very strong, but he has always been highly praised by the international community, how could he be such a character?

She actually worships heroes.

But it's definitely not Qin Feng's omnipotent person.

"What? Are you scared? Then stand up and be obedient! Otherwise, before I sell you to Africa." Qin Feng looked at Aurora Anna's beautiful elf face, and her fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes, It is so beautiful, said: "I have to taste it first."

"You,.,,.,. You.,..." Aurora Anna was almost pissed off, "You are a devil."

Anyway, Aurora Anna was very angry.

She was getting angrier and angrier.

That is invincible.

Also ups and downs.

Then she stepped on Qin Feng's foot hard.

"Fuck!" Qin Feng's physical fitness is very high, and his skin's surface defense is very high. After taking the improvement of high-tech genetic potion.Basic bullets can't pierce it, let alone step on it like this.

So it doesn't hurt.

But think of this little girl.

How dare you act like this.

Really very angry.

"Very good! You bastard! You are so hard on me again! Believe it or not, I really did something to you? You are such a beautiful little beauty, basically the most beautiful Western girl I have ever seen, I am to you Very interesting!" Qin Feng is not worried about the earthquake, anyway, there are still a few minutes, and this place is an empty dam, which is already safe.

So tease this little girl to play.

it is also fine.

Aurora Anna was not afraid, and stepped on Qin Feng's feet again.

But feel again.

His feet are very tortoiseshell.

I don't know why, it's like stepping on a steel plate, or, this guy's shoes are very tortoiseshell.

"Continue? Don't have the strength to step on people?" Qin Feng said, and said, "Linghu, nail her feet to the ground for me, and I will see how she steps on me."

Of course, Linghu also understood what Qin Feng meant.

Not talking about hitting the soles of your feet.

It's about hitting the shoes.

"Understood Mr. Qin." Linghu nodded in response, and then walked over, with two more steel needles in his hand.

As a killer, these things are definitely necessary.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing this, Aurora Anna was a little flustered, really wanting to nail her feet to the ground?
"Are you afraid now? It's too late." Qin Feng chuckled, "Linghu, let's do it."

"En." Linghu replied again, and the steel needle was thrown on Aurora Anna's sailing shoes.

After all, this is the Qin Tianjian, which mainly observes geology.

Therefore, it is not like going to work in other places, requiring high heels.

It's a casual sneaker.

That just flew towards Aurora Anna's feet.

At this moment, Aurora Anna closed her eyes.

Waiting for that moment of excruciating pain.

But the weird thing is.

Aurora Anna opened her eyes immediately, but she didn't feel any pain.

When looking down there.
The steel needle did pierce her shoe.

But it seems to be through the gap of the toe mother.

Oh my goodness.

How did this work?
Let's not talk about it first?

The thrown steel needle can stably penetrate into the soil.

Even through the shoes like this, can Linghu know the position of his thumb?

What if I get my foot stuck?

Anyway, this is a master of masters.

"This woman? Why is she so powerful?" Grigory Alimovich was also dumbfounded. The steel needles used are so powerful and so beautiful. Could it be that she is from the Qingzhumen?
One of the nine night angels?
"Can't move now? Step on me again?" Qin Feng looked at her funny look, the shoe was nailed to the ground, how could he step on someone?

Avrola Ana is now like glue under her feet.

"Step on me?" Qin Feng walked over, chuckled, and lifted her chin, "If you still want to scold me, then I can only call Linghu and sew your mouth shut."

Qin Feng raised her chin and said.

But suddenly.

That Aurora Anna.

He directly bit Qin Feng's hand.

"Ah, my teeth!" Aurora Anna screamed for a while, the teeth did not fall off, but it felt a bit like eating a stone while eating.

When I stepped on this guy's feet just now, I was grateful that the feet were like steel plates.

But because of the shoes, Aurora Anna felt that the shoes must be hard.

But at this moment Qin Feng
Also so.
This made Aurora Anna feel strange.

"You are stupid, it's a good thing you didn't knock out your teeth!" Qin Feng was speechless.

"You are just a turtle shell, what kind of species are you?" Aurora Anna's teeth hurt, but she was angry and strange.

"Tell you, this is called Iron Bu San, the golden bell cover of our empire. You don't understand at all, this is Qigong." Qin Feng explained casually, and he would not reveal his high-tech genetic potion.

That Aurora Anna's teeth are huge, and now her hands are being pressed down.

Feet were nailed to the ground.

There is really nothing to do with Qin Feng.

Except scolding him.

Can't beat him at all.


Aurora Anna just didn't want the shoes.

After all, shoes are nailed to the ground.

But the feet can still be pulled out.

The Ferrari pulled his foot out.

A high.

It seems that he has also practiced Jeet Kune Do.

He kicked Qin Feng's waist.

"Hey, what have you learned?" Qin Feng grabbed the crystal clear little feet.

have to say.

very beautiful.

If those domestic foot fetish uncles.

It is estimated that this thing should be regarded as a treasure level.

"You, just drove me..." Aurora Anna was almost pissed off, why did this guy react so quickly, didn't he look defenseless?

Anyway, the foot was caught.

Very strange action.

"Dare to kick me." Qin Feng chuckled, looked at the crystal clear little feet, and stretched out his hands to tickle them.

"Ah ah ah ah."

"Stop tickling,"

Aurora Anna is most afraid of this.

She didn't expect it at all.

The other party can be so "shameless".

But now I have to scream.

It's too speechless.

"What? Are you ticklish?" Seeing this, Qin Feng naturally found the other party's weakness.

Keep tickling.


For grabbing her feet.

Those straight long legs.

Really invincible.

It is estimated to be around 1.2.

This girl basically has 175. ,

It belongs to the slightly higher existence of Western girls.

Really golden ratio figure.

She deserves to be the most beautiful elf girl on the Internet.

The sprite photo in the game promotion is really beautiful.

"I was wrong, Mr. Qin, don't do this." Aurora Anna immediately begged for mercy, and the beautiful toe was also constantly twisting and turning, it was too itchy.

"Do you know it's wrong now? This is not okay." Qin Feng ignored him and continued to tickle.

"Wrong, wrong. Mr. Qin, I don't dare anymore. Just pass me." Aurora Anna was about to cry, she had never seen such a man.

"Ahhh! You bastard, don't use it, Qin Feng, you will die in the next life." Seeing that begging for mercy didn't work, Anna Afro smiled wryly and scolded at the same time.

"You still dare to scold her?" Qin Feng originally planned to forgive her, but unexpectedly, would the other party dare to provoke her?
Another tickle.

Anyway, Aurora Anna really couldn't bear it anymore.

He begged for mercy again: "Mr. Qin, Uncle Qin, I don't dare anymore. I won't scold you anymore. It's really hard. Don't scratch me."

"Apologize, be sincere. Don't be so perfunctory." Qin Feng stopped for a while, let's see what she said, if you want to stop by yourself, she starts to scold again, then Qin Feng doesn't suggest to come again.

"Mr. Qin, don't dare, I was wrong." Aurora Anna didn't dare to play tricks anymore, if she came back later, she would never want to experience it again.

"Very good, you are sensible." Qin Feng looked at Aurora Anna's pretty face, there were some tears, and he didn't want to bully her, mainly because she kept swearing here.

I am really annoying.

"You..." Aurora Anna saw that Qin Feng was still holding on to her feet, kicked her, and said, "Don't you let me go? Are all the boys in the Dragon Empire like this?"

At this moment, in Aurora Anna's heart, she actually knew that Qin Feng was a "big villain", but because of the tickling just now, she didn't know why, but she had a special feeling for Qin Feng.

Maybe this is the reason why Zhao Min fell in love with Zhang Wuji in Yitian Tulongji.

Anyway, it's weird.

"Let go of you. If you dare to scold me again, I won't be a small punishment like tickling. Treat me with respect in the future." Qin Feng smiled lightly, and let go of the hand that was holding his foot.


Qin Feng winked.

Linghu brought some bottles of mineral water and handkerchiefs.

Cleaned up Qin Feng's hands.

Although, the crystal clear little feet are completely free of impurities.

But Qin Feng's hand will have to eat in the future.

Qin Feng still loves to be clean.

"What? Do my feet stink? Did you wash them specially?" Seeing this, Aurora Anna was also angry again. She felt that the other party was deliberately humiliating herself.

I wash my feet several times a day.

So clean.

"It's not smelly, but milky and milky." Qin Feng laughed and made a joke.Although he didn't get close to smell it, his sense of smell, after taking the genetic potion, plus the previous system rewards, was invincible.

Natural smell.

"This guy didn't even smell it, what's wrong with him?" Aurora Anna was immediately surprised again. She soaked her feet in milk and flower petals every day, and her skin was very good.

Naturally, the feet have a milky fragrance.

"Don't be so weird, I have a lot of abilities, what you are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg." Qin Feng smiled, picked up his watch and looked at it, and now the time before the earthquake is less than a few days away Ten seconds.

"No matter what skills you have, now you have caused more than one million people in my Golden Horde to evacuate, causing chaos! You are responsible. Our Aurora family is at odds with you!"

Anna Aurora just finished speaking.

Start now.
In the sky that was about to darken in Jinzhanghan, a very bright aurora appeared on the horizon of the colorful clouds at this moment.

The aurora is a few seconds before the earthquake, or tens of seconds before the will happen.

But many people say that this is the aurora, but in fact it is the earth's light.

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much!

The content of these few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after these few days, the content will get better, because the author is sick!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve! 】

(End of this chapter)

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