Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 237 The Little Princess Will Be Eating Cantaloupe?

Chapter 237 The Little Princess Will Be Eating Cantaloupe?
237. The little princess will be eaten with melon?

On the side of Prince Alfalaro, he quickly returned to the reception room of the western camp.

Now in the reception room.

Naturally the author is a Western man.

This man is the ambassador to the Golden Horde Khanmi Empire.

How to explain it?
That is a diplomatic leader of the Rice Empire in the Golden Horde Empire.

His name is: Siadamba Racciado.

Come over today.

Naturally, I would like to ask, where did such a high-tech search and rescue robot come from?
Peter the Great of their rice empire naturally let them come over to buy some.

Because this is something that saves people's names.

"Hello, Prince Alfalaro, I would like to ask, who owns your search and rescue robot? Or if we want to buy it, do you have the right to exercise it here? Because we, the Rice Empire, need this very much The high-tech search and rescue robot, some mine disasters and fires, can also greatly improve the efficiency!" Siedamba Lachado said politely, and gave the other party the topic.

"Respected Your Excellency Siedamba Lachado! We, the Golden Horde, can naturally provide some exercise rights. If you want to buy this search and rescue robot, you can tell me! My prince Alfalaro, Now you can fully exercise your power!" Prince Alfalaro smiled confidently, of course, this is also what Qin Feng requested, don't tell the Western Tiger that the search and rescue robot belongs to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng wants to make a good fortune, the money of the big tiger in the west.

Don't make money, don't make money.

Earn and want to earn.

"Well, since Prince Alfalaro has the right to exercise it, let's start talking!" Siedamba Racciado smiled.

"Well, I don't know, Your Excellency Ambassador Siadamba Racciado, how many search and rescue robots like this do you plan to order?" Prince Alfalaro asked.

"About 120 million units! After all, our rice empire is relatively large, and each unit is equipped with one or two of them, not many!" look.

"120 million units," Prince Alfalaro also gasped. It really is the Rice Empire. It really looks rich and powerful, and it is not short of money at all.

"His Excellency, Ambassador Siedamba Racciado, although I have the power of attorney, I have to tell the company behind me who invented the robot." Prince Alfalaro finished speaking, across the private room, Made a phone call and went out.

"Mr. Qin, people from the Rice Empire are so rich, they want an order of 120 million units!" The prince Alfalaro couldn't believe it.

If this one sells for [-]?
Isn't that a billion-dollar business?

"Oh? Do you want so much?" Qin Feng was also surprised, holding the phone while getting tired of his new favorite Aurora Anna.

While biting her crystal clear ears.

It also made the little girl itch for a while.

"Yes, there are too many, but I have to say that there are quite a lot of units under the Mi Empire. A unit can have a few units, and there can be tens of thousands of units!" The eldest prince Aurora laughed.

"It's okay, what you want to ask is the pricing issue, right? You just tell them that there is no set for 100 million!" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, and slightly pinched the cliff of Aurora Anna.

Snap it.

Aurora Anna is in pain.

Qin Feng gave Qin Feng a blank look.

Hit the wrong hand.

I am really speechless. Today, she has only known Qin Feng not long ago, but for some reason, she always wants to get tired of her.

I'm not that kind of girl either.

But it may be that Qin Feng has an invisible attraction. ,

In addition, Qin Feng wants to hold her.

She didn't refuse at all.

"One million units?" The eldest prince Aurora was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Is it yuan? Or is it US dollars?" The eldest prince Aurora felt that it should not be US dollars, if it was US dollars, it would be too expensive Yes, totally outrageous.

"Of course it's yuan! It's our soft sister coin! From now on, internationally, the soft sister coin will basically be used! When the time comes, any expensive dollars, and English, all get out!" Qin Feng laughed He smiled, this is his dream, he had this dream when there was no system, and now that there is a system, it is not just playing casually.

"One million yuan?" Prince Aurora was still a little surprised. Can this thing be so expensive?No matter how expensive the cost is, it won't be enough, right?
But anyway, it wasn't Prince Aurora who paid for it.

It is the big tiger of the west.

Who cares.

"I see, Mr. Qin, I will reply to the envoy of the Western Tiger, and see what he has to say. You can keep talking, so that you can hear my conversation with him. I use Micro earphones, you can give me orders directly." Prince Aurora said.

"No problem, you can talk to him, I'll just listen!" Qin Feng smiled lightly, and said, "Honey, hold the phone for me, I'll listen."

Qin Feng said, and gently kissed her side face.

Word of the day.

Be sure to find an opportunity to be crazy.

This little princess Aurora Anna is a popular game promotion girl all over the world.

It's so beautiful.

Anyway, starting from Sikong Xuanmei, Qin Feng basically couldn't stop the car.

I thought about a few before.

But then I couldn't control myself at all.

These girls are getting more and more enchanting one by one.

To be able to control is not to be a man.

"Ambassador Siedamba Racciado, the boss of the search and rescue robot behind me, he said that his price is around 100 million units!" Prince Aurora, quickly put Qin Feng's Pricing, said to the other party,
"Oh? Is it 100 million units? Then what is this 100 million units?" Siedamba Racado knew that if it was Japanese yen or something, it would only cost more than 9000 US dollars per unit, which is not considered at all. too expensive.

"Well, at present, most of the world, of course, use yuan as the unit. Therefore, the words of 100 million are naturally talking about 100 million soft sister coins!" The eldest prince Aurora smiled lightly. laugh.

"What? You said that this search and rescue robot is actually a 100 million soft sister coin?" Siedamba Racciado was shocked. The current soft sister coin has risen sharply.
Almost 5 yuan is 1 dollar.

So in this way, the price of a search and rescue robot is 20 US dollars?
"Ambassador Siedamba Racado, this price? Do you accept it? I have to wait for a reply from the company behind us!" Prince Aurora was also amused in his heart. Tiger, there is nothing good. Back then, they supported the Golden Horde Khan, but once something happened, they didn't care about it.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

"If it's 100 million soft sister coins, I need to think about this matter!" Siedamba Lachado said, and asked, "Can this price be lower? You know, the amount we want , that is huge, I believe that there is no empire in the whole world that can ask for such a large quantity, right?"

"Tell him, we don't bargain!" Qin Feng listened to their conversation on the phone, and naturally began to talk.

"His Excellency, Ambassador Siedamba Rachado, the boss of the robot company behind us, he said that this price is only based on the fact that your rice empire buys a lot, otherwise the price will not be reduced. ! So there is no discount!" said the First Prince Aurora.

"This" Siedamba Racciado was speechless, and it was too much.

Immediately, Siedamba Lachado said: "I am not in charge of this matter. How about this? I need to call the headquarters of our Rice Empire for this matter. I have to ask before I can give you an answer reply."

"Then Mr. Siedamba Lachado, you can call now!" Prince Aurora smiled, "Do you need to provide a mobile phone?"

"I have it myself!" Siedamba Lachado coughed and smiled, and secretly said: "Is the other party afraid that I will make excuses to run away? Didn't you buy it? Are you kidding me? Did you shrink back when the price was more expensive? This It's not the style of the Western Tigers, who are very rich."

About ten minutes or so.

The envoy of the big western tiger came back directly, but at this moment, Siedamba Lachado's face did not have the look of the original rich man at all.

Now it looks very low-key.

Siedamba Lachado said shallowly: "Your Excellency, Prince Aurora, our empire's headquarters has called back. The price is too expensive. We plan to order only 12 units!"

"What? Is it only 12 units?" Prince Aurora couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. This number has dropped tenfold in a short time.

It seems that the price is really too high.

However, Prince Aurora, as Qin Feng's uncle, already knows the selling price of the search and rescue robot.

That is as long as the cost price of about 5000 yuan.

Then sell one million yuan.

It's all blood money.

Pretty much earn it all.

It's just too violent.

But there is no way. ,
Qin Feng has technology in his hands.

If the envoy of Siedamba Lachado wants to buy it, he can only pay a high price.

"Hahahaha, this guy only needs 12 units, it's ridiculous!" Qin Feng hugged Aurora Anna, and now he also laughed.

What about the boldness of 120 million too at the beginning?

It's gone now, right?
Of course.

Some people will say, anyway, the cost of Qin Feng's robot is not high, why not give a discount, and then buy a few more?

Then you don't understand.

This is called hunger marketing.

Anyway, just get a high price, but the feeling of slow delivery.

Let everyone fight.

Not necessarily, the price can go up.

"Uncle, then you can tell them that you will pay me half of the deposit. After we have delivered half of the goods, we will start the mode of delivery and payment!" Qin Feng quickly gave the payment to the other party. Way.

The eldest prince Aurora over there also immediately sent a message.

"What? You want to pay half of the money?" Siedamba Lachado was also speechless. Where was such a deposit?To pay so much money?
"Sorry, Mr. Ambassador Siedamba Racciado, this is the attitude of the boss of the company behind us. You only need to pay half of the deposit, then you can get the goods within three months! And, if you If you are willing to pay in full, then the time to get the goods will be half the time sooner or later, that is, 1.5 months."

Prince Aurora also wanted to laugh.

Really technology is the last word.

Whatever you want, don't forget.

Qin Feng didn't beep with them at all.

"Uh, this, this." Siedamba Lachado couldn't make up his mind, so he could only run out again, and then called the headquarters of the Western Tiger to ask;

But not surprisingly, the attitude of the Western Tiger's headquarters still agreed, and said that no one would dare to blame them for the Western Tiger.

Of course, there is nothing to be afraid of for the half of the deposit that was handed over.

"Prince Aurora, our headquarters called and said that they agreed to pay half of the deposit!" Siedamba Lachado said bitterly. People's technology, is it still like this?
"Okay then!" Prince Aurora also smiled, "12 units, each with a price of 100 million yuan, the total amount of money that needs to be paid is 1200 billion yuan! Now you can pay 600 billion yuan , then our order will be completed!"

"No problem! Get the order! Let's find an opportunity to sign in the embassy!" Siedamba Racciado said hello without saying anything, and left naturally.

Really aggrieved.

I don't know who is the company behind this?

Why do so many high technologies suddenly appear in the world recently?
Could this person selling search and rescue robots be that Qin Feng not long ago?

Of course, they don't know all this, so they can only guess slowly.

"Hahahaha, baby Anna, have you seen it? This is the Mi Empire, and this is the mighty western tiger!" Qin Feng smiled lightly and continued, "I think back then, when we were poor, It’s like using tens of thousands of people’s weaving cloth for a month, and then replacing it with other people’s advanced aircraft, but now it’s good, they have a lot of money to buy our worthless things, this thing is only 5000 yuan The cost, as expected, technology is the last word!”

"You're so bad." Aurora Anna said playfully, "It's a shame that you don't become a profiteer."

"There are worse ones, do you want to try it?" Qin Feng smiled harmlessly, "Anyway, we are full, shall we?"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much!

The content of these few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after these few days, the content will get better, because the author is sick!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve!Thank you for your support!Thank you so much everyone! 】

(End of this chapter)

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