Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 239 Make a Billion Dollar Explosion!Thanks Super Empire Son-in-Law!

Chapter 239 Make Hundreds of Billions Explosively!Thanks Super Empire Son-in-Law!


"It's not a soft girl coin now?"

"Is it directly in dollars?"

Okada Sanho's face was a little livid at the moment, and his face was full of anger. Just now, it was probably the lion who opened his mouth, but now, it is a proper play.

This is playing tricks on them.

Complete teasing.

"Mr. Okada Sanbuki, although our price is indeed very high, have you ever thought about it? It is normal for high-end technology to be a little more expensive!"

Prince Aurora smiled slightly. ,
A little bit more expensive as I said.

It is indeed a little bit more expensive.

Really not much.

"Don't go on, such a high price can completely build a small warship. Why don't you grab 1000 million US dollars? Since you don't have the sincerity to do business, forget it!"

Okada Sanho has absolutely no interest in talking about it anymore.

The boss of the company behind this robot.

Who is it?

he does not know?
This is playing tricks on their Sun Empire.

Really hateful.

"It's fine if you don't buy it, look at this Okada Sanho's ambassador!" Qin Feng hugged the little princess Anna, leaning his head on her fragrant shoulder, and the two of them were also tired.

Anyway, Qin Feng was listening.

Just one side is greasy.

"Ah, I got it, tell him now!" Seeing this, the First Prince Aurora relayed: "Since Mr. Okada Mihoyuki despises it as too expensive, then the business cannot be negotiated."

"How else can we talk about it? Who would buy such an expensive price? It's really unprecedented!" Mr. Okada Sanbuki snorted, "Don't worry, you have humiliated our Sun Empire so much. See you at the World Consumer Organization. Unreasonable prices, you know?"

"What the hell, this dog ambassador, Okada-san, right? Go and sue! It's really funny!" Qin Feng sneered, and said, "Tell him that our company's products will never be sold to him of!"

"Dear Mr. Okada Mitsuyuki, we have always adhered to the principle that if others are willing to buy, we are willing to sell. Our products are good products, and the price is of course available. If you say that you can't produce such products, you can buy them at a high price. , Isn’t it normal? If you want to sue, then Mr. Okada Mitsuyuki, please do it.” The eldest prince Aurora said, “The boss behind this search and rescue robot said that his search and rescue robot will not be sold again. For the Sun Empire! You are not his friend now, but someone who wants to sue him."

"Hmph! If you don't sell it, you won't sell it! Let's go!" Mr. Okada Sanbuki flung his sleeves and left with a whimper.

"Walk slowly!" Prince Alfalaro also snorted coldly, turned around and looked at him.

After that Okada Sanho left here.

Immediately, he made a call to a major in China.

This major is almost the person in charge of purchasing the search and rescue robot.

As for Okada Sanho, he was just an errand runner.

"Hello, Major Kozaburo Owada, hello!" Okada Sanho made a phone call.

"How is it? Okada Sanho, have you dealt with the matter over there? How much is the price for the search and rescue robot you bought?" Owada Kosaburo asked anxiously.

"Well, Mr. Owada Kosaburo, there was an accident on my side!" Okada Mitsuyuki trembled slightly at the corner of his mouth, unable to speak.

"What's the matter? Didn't you buy it? There was an accident? Didn't I tell you? The search and rescue robot this time must be bought back. If such a high-tech, if you get it, our Solar Empire is already on the earthquake zone." , This is an earthquake-prone empire, with this thing, the search and rescue rate will increase, and the safety of the people will naturally be guaranteed, so you have to win this order no matter what.”

Mr. Kozaburo Owada talked for a long time.

Okada-san followed suit and could only listen.

After all, the other party is in charge.

"But, Mr. Kozaburo Owada, do you know? The boss behind the search and rescue robot company is humiliating our Sun Empire, a proper humiliation. Guess, what is the price he offered? I really don't It failed, but the other party was too unreasonable to make trouble." Okada Sanho said weakly.

"Oh? Then tell me, how much price did they pay before you say yes, they are playing with our Sun Empire?" Owada Kozaburo was curious, how high is this price?
"1000 million!" Okada Sanho sneered.

"What? 1000 million? Yen? Is it a soft girl coin? Or is it a dollar?" Owada Kozaburo didn't understand. Yen is not high, is it?Is it a soft sister currency?

After all, the yen is only 50 yuan.

"No, it's U.S. dollars! A total of 1000 million U.S. dollars! They only sold one to us. This price is really too windy to talk about! It's a good joke! Of course, I also know that the other party doesn't want such a one." The price is just to play with us!" Okada Sanbongyuki continued, "As far as I know, their company sold 12 search and rescue robots to Western Big Tiger, but the price was only 100 million yuan, and they were sold to us. , let’s raise the price to 1000 million units, at this price, he’ll play tricks on us from the very beginning! After all, if he wants to sell 1000 million units, he will pay Western Tigers this price from the very beginning!”

That's probably what Okada-san Bongjo meant.

How much was it sold to the Western Tigers.

Basically, that's their pricing.

After all, no matter how good the other party is, they will not say that they are selling them internationally.

Because once the price of the commodity is not uniform, many things are easy to happen.

If you buy cheap ones, you will feel that you have benefited, and you will tell others about it.

Buy expensive ones, and then see that others are so cheap, you will lower the price next time, or directly get second-hand exchanged goods from cheap people.

Anyway, the price will be unified.

Therefore, since Qin Feng sold 100 million units to the Western Tiger, it must be 100 million units to be sold to any empire.

Even if it is your own empire, it is the same.

However, in the case of your own empire, you can pay money openly, but you don't have to do this secretly.

Anyway, it's all a family, it doesn't matter.

"I know that such a high price is impossible, but why do people play tricks on you? Don't you find your own reasons? Are you a person who looks down on other people's Golden Horde Khan, and then in others Is the Golden Horde Khan putting on airs? That’s why the boss behind him deliberately set a high price, right?”

How could Mr. Kozaburo Owada not know, Your Excellency the Ambassador.

Always had this bug.

That is to go to the empire of the big western tiger, just a pug.

And went to a relatively weak empire.

Then it becomes a completely different look.

Anyway, he is very good at putting on airs.

Very arrogant.

Of course, on this point, Owada Kosaburo was really right.

The same big western tiger.Qin Feng is also very annoying.

Why did Qin Feng just pay a high price without playing tricks on them?
Of course it's because I can't get used to this bullshit ambassador.

It's really too much to pretend.

"Mr. Owada Kosaburo, I really didn't offend the other party. For such a weak country, didn't I want to show the strength of our Sun Empire? You can't embarrass the Sun Empire, right?"

Okada Miho has just said this.

Mr. Owada Kosaburo over there interrupted: "Stop talking, it's all up to you, now they won't sell it, you can figure it out yourself!"

"Mr. Kozaburo Owada, I have an idea."

"you say!"

"Well, Mr. Yukisaburo Owada, this thing is certainly high-tech, but I think the people of our Sun Empire, the scientific research team, as long as they can get one and study it carefully, maybe they can imitate this thing? We won't beg them when the time comes!" Okada Sanho laughed, if his own empire could be built, why would he spend so much money, is he sick?
"I said! Okada Sanho, what is in your head?" Mr. Owada Kosaburo was almost pissed off by this anger, "Do you know? The technology of this search and rescue robot, our staff at the Empire of the Sun The personnel also looked at it! But after seeing it, they knew that this thing cannot be imitated at all, because the technological content is too high! Therefore, even if you get one, we can’t imitate it! If it can be imitated, we will come to you What are you buying for?"


"Fool, this matter is all because of your arrogance, which made people unhappy. Now you go back to me, talk to people, and intercede to people! I said before that 1000 million yuan, whether it is soft Sister coins or US dollars are the prices that people play with you, about 100 million, they should sell it! If this matter is not handled well, your ambassador position should also be changed!"

Mr. Kozaburo Owada finished speaking.

Just hung up the phone.

He froze for a moment. ,
I really didn't expect it to be like this.

"Could it be that the ambassador of my Sun Empire is going to beg a prince from the Golden Horde? It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous./"

But Okada Sanhoyo thought of the task that Owada Kosaburo had entrusted to him.

Be sure to buy this search and rescue robot, his arrogant heart will not wake up.

"Really fucked!"

"The boss behind this search and rescue robot!"

"I don't think it's from the dragon's own country? I think it's very likely to be them!"

Okada Sanho made a guess.

Now, only the people of this empire hate them very much.

And the technology of their empire is also very powerful.

Either this person is Qin Feng, or he is a friendly person.

It must be so.

But even if Okada Sanho knew all this and guessed this thing, there is nothing he can do now. He still has to go back and beg his father to sue his grandmother to buy this batch of search and rescue robots.

"Oh? Mr. Okada Sanbuki, why are you back again?" Seeing this, the eldest prince Aurora also stood up and smiled.

"Dear Prince Aurora, it's like this." Okada-san followed the attitude of speaking, and immediately began to change drastically, and now he completely respects the First Prince.

"Oh? How is it?" The eldest prince Aurora was also amused in his heart, and now he knows how to speak properly?What about the arrogant one just now?Arrogant just now?As expected, the man who was his sister was so domineering, and he took care of these arrogant ambassadors of the developed empire in a short while, as if they were a different person.

They are the Golden Horde, because they are too poor, so they are looked down upon by many European powers.

Even many empires in Asia are looked down upon.

There is no way, whether it is society or an international empire, the strong are respected, and the strong among the strong can dominate, such as the big western tiger.

But now, the eldest son of the big western tiger, who was so awesome before, is now talking to himself in a low voice.

It was so cool.

But the eldest prince Aurora knew that everything was brought by her sister's man.

Mother is really too smart.

Send Anna out.

Benefits brought back.

It's too much.

Totally unbearable.

"Dear Prince Aurora, what happened just now is because I was a little impulsive in my words. I hope that Prince Aurora doesn't mind, and the boss of the search and rescue robot company behind you, we also ask for forgiveness."

Okada Sanbongyuki finished speaking.

Qin Feng obviously knew about this.

Hahaha laughed too.

"This ambassador Okada Sanbuki, isn't it a bit too fucking funny? I knew it was like this? Why did you do it at the beginning? Don't be so arrogant at the beginning, and the labor and management will not talk to you? When you come, you will act like God is the biggest, you The expression of the second child, labor and capital are not fooling you, who are you fooling?" Qin Feng smiled, he naturally planned to sell 100 million units to all empires, and this price is his own pricing.

1000 million units, but just playing the opposite.

Because the price is too high.

No one will buy it at all.

No matter how high-tech it is.

"Uncle, tell this person that if you want to buy one, you will pay an extra 10 yuan for one, which is 110 million. The excuse is that because the Western Big Tiger ordered 12 units, there are many materials for making robots. But there is a shortage, and we need to buy at a high price. Anyway, this is the consequence of their offending us, and they should also know in their hearts that if they are willing to bid more, then they will pay! If they don’t want it, forget it.”

Qin Feng chuckled.

Get things done.

"Remember, whoever buys it for you from other empires, it will be 100 million, and you don't need to inform me! Do they want it or not!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking.

He looked at little princess Anna in his arms.

"My little princess, let's go together, what are you playing in the water?"

"En." Aurora Anna nodded shyly, hooked Qin Feng's neck, and the two of them went in
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The content of these few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after these few days, the content will get better, because the author is sick!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve!Thank you for your support!Thank you so much everyone! 】

(End of this chapter)

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