Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 245 Mission Complete!Heaven-defying rewards have arrived!

Chapter 245 Mission Complete!Heaven-defying rewards have arrived!

"Sayuri Miyazaki, it's fine if you say so!" Kyotaro Abe said lightly, "It's best not to have any disagreements. Go, Sayuri Miyazaki, wake up Mr. Qin first, and now he's fainted, but get him After waking up, I heard that Mr. Qin is very powerful and has a lot of tricks. I guess there will be a lot of high technology on him! Clean up everything!"

"What the fuck? What is this for?" Qin Feng was still flustered when he heard that they wanted to search his belongings. After all, in Qin Feng's words, many things depend on the high technology. After all, it can't be like In fantasy novels, weapons are summoned directly.

If these weapons are gone.

Then Qin Feng is likely to screw up.

But then.

Before they found their own weapons, Qin Feng could stand up immediately, and then take out high-tech weapons to kill these people.

At this moment, Qin Feng was about to take out the highly lethal "Hail of Bullets" tracking gun.

This thing is a high-tech firearm.

One shot.

Just dozens of bullets.

Can track all nearby enemies except yourself.

In other words, after Qin Feng used it, they had no hope of living.

But if this is done, Miyazaki Sayuri and Chiyo Sakurako will have to die.

Anyway, these two girls, and another one, were all talking for themselves just now, Qin Feng couldn't bear it either.

But now, once you are searched and you don't have a weapon, it will be bad.

Just when Qin Feng was having a hard time making a choice.

Here comes the system.

【Ding!The host has completed the task of learning Chinese for 30 billion people around the world! 】

"Has this mission been completed?"

Qin Feng was a little surprised.

In the case of this task, I actually received it very early.

Because it is indeed difficult.

But because of the recent days, Qin Feng's empire is too powerful.

People all over the world know the general trend of the world in the future, so they all abandon English and learn Chinese.

In many empires, Chinese is taught and learned as a second language in the country.

It is not surprising that the number of people who can use Chinese simply has reached 30 billion.

【Ding!The host gets all the rewards of martial arts, elixir, poison, treasure, etc. under Jin Yong's banner! 】

[And the host can get it once!An opportunity to learn all martial arts with one click! 】

"Fuck! There is such a good thing! Learn it for me!"

Qin Feng was excited.

Learned all these martial arts?

Isn't that invincible?

Although this is martial arts, but if you have learned all the martial arts, then you can reach the realm of cultivating immortals, right?
Of course, maybe according to the setting of some novels, martial arts are always martial arts, and they cannot be fantasy at all. The two types, no matter how powerful martial arts are, they are still rookies.

"Now I have completely learned all the martial arts skills, plus I have three times the genes of ordinary people! The combination of technology and martial arts is really going to a higher level!"

Although Qin Feng's communication with the system is a bit long.

But basically.

That's just telepathy.

Therefore, it takes less than a second.

"Now labor and management are free to search for the weapons on my body! Anyway, I have peerless martial arts in my hands, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Go ahead and check them out.

what to do.


Sayuri Miyazaki put Qin Feng, who was pretending to be fainted, into her soft embrace, and then she didn't know what she took, so she dangled around Qin Feng's nose.

Qin Feng could only feel that it was a scent of flowers, which should be an antidote for knocking Qin Feng into a coma.

"Sayuri Miyazaki, Mr. Qin is about to wake up, first tie up Mr. Qin! Tighten up!" Abe Kyotaro ordered, this Qin Feng has a saying about the value of force, if you tie a tiger, can you not tie it up tighter? ?


Qin Feng heard them say that Qin Feng would wake up in about 3 minutes.

Not to mention, if Qin Feng hadn't heard them say that he could wake up in 3 minutes, he would have been thinking, should he wake up immediately, or every few minutes?

If so.

It's really worn out.

I can't go on acting.

Just right.

Qin Feng pretended for 3 minutes, and woke up, very nice.

The current Qin Feng is still pretending to lower his head, and pretending to be mixed, but he naturally saw Sayuri Miyazaki who was bending over and tying himself up with a rope.

And that leather jacket.

career line.

It was also seen by Qin Feng.

Can't say.

This woman's figure.

Totally exploded.

Qin Feng also got a little interesting.

Just look at a business.

It basically makes sense.

It can be seen how powerful this woman is.

Totally overwhelmed.

Qin Feng has rarely been so unpromising.

I have seen more and more beauties, it would not be like this at all, but today it is because of her.
But to Qin Feng's surprise, Sayuri Miyazaki, who tied him up, didn't tie it up a little tighter as Kyotaro Abe said.

And it's loose.

Are they too scared?Are you strangling Qin Feng?
These two female agents of the Sun Empire are really too kind. Although they are hostile, they always think of themselves. Is this the charm value is infinitely high?Should the enemy's woman also be instigated?

3 minutes or so.

Qin Feng finally woke up.

Qin Feng looked around pretendingly, "Where is this? Who are you? Why are you tied up?"

Qin Feng's expression was very confused.

As if you really don't know anything.

"Miss Ximen, didn't we talk in the hotel just now? Could it be you?" Qin Feng pretended to look at him with disgust.

"Mr. Qin, I..." Sayuri Miyazaki felt a pain in her heart. She felt that making Qin Feng disgusted was the happiest thing in the world, and she was very guilty of doing this task.

"I'm sorry, as a member of the Sun Empire, I naturally have to work for the Sun Empire! I'm sorry, Mr. Qin!" Sayuri Miyazaki did not say this, but apologized slightly in her heart.

Seeing this, Abe Kyotaro stood up with a smile, and said, "Dear Mr. Qin Feng, I am Abe Kyotaro. In the Sun Empire, his rank is not high, he is only a major! But this time I am negotiating with you, so it is my main task." Responsible!"

Abe Kyotaro is very polite to Qin Feng.

Because although they are binding Qin Feng, they are just afraid that he will run away. After all, they need Qin Feng's high technology very much. As long as Qin Feng joins the Sun Empire, then the Sun Empire will be able to dominate the world.

"Want to negotiate something?" Qin Feng sneered, "Is this the attitude of you guys to negotiate things? You tied me up? What does that mean? Negotiate things? Is there any one who is bound to talk?"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he also pretended to struggle, but in fact the rope was tied so loosely that it was not tight at all.

Miyazaki Sayuri and Chiyo Sakurako are really kind to Qin Feng.

These two women, if Qin Feng wants to fight later, he will also pay attention to them, so as not to hurt them.

But Qin Feng still opened his mouth and said: "Why are you tied so tightly? Can you loosen it up for me? It's hard, okay?"

Sayuri Miyazaki saw that Qin Feng was so unruly, and immediately felt puzzled, "It's obviously very loose, why did Mr. Qin say that it was tied tightly? What's going on?"

"Hahaha, respected Mr. Qin Feng, you are a tiger! There is no reason to tie a tiger! I heard that your force value is very high! So I am sorry!" Abe Kyotaro said respectfully, not too much polite.

"Abe Kyotaro, right? You brought me here, what's the matter, you can tell it directly, don't make some useless things, save everyone some time, okay?" Qin Feng sneered and growled past,.

And even if Qin Feng yells at them.

The whole house of people.

No one thinks that Qin Feng's actions are inappropriate, and no one will be dissatisfied with Qin Feng.

Abe Kyotaro said: "Mr. Qin, our Sun Empire cherishes talents. Our Sun Empire welcomes ancient geniuses like Mr. Qin, so we hope you can join us!"

"Haha? Abe Kyotaro? Are you stupid? Do you think I can agree to such a thing?" Qin Feng sneered, "Even if I die in your hands, I won't make any weapons for you."

Qin Feng said, looked at the invincible Miyazaki Sayuri, and shouted: "You are Miss Ximen, right? Pretend to be a friend of my little lover Luo Yu? Then come to kidnap me? Coffee in the hotel? Inside Strange smell? You must have ordered it, right?"

Qin Feng ordered: "Get a glass of water for labor and management, labor and management are very thirsty, you know?"

Qin Feng is really thirsty.

I didn't drink much water along the way.

Just smelling the clear body fragrance of Sayuri Miyazaki.

Anyway, I felt very uncomfortable along the way, my mouth was dry, and I understood everything,
Of course, Qin Feng wanted to drink water, but Miyazaki Sayuri did not agree, but looked at Abe Kyotaro, waiting for his meaning.

"Sayuri Miyazaki, go, pour water for Mr. Qin!" Abe Kyotaro ordered.

Soon, Sayuri Miyazaki poured a glass of water and held it in her hand, and said apologetically, "Mr. Qin, please forgive me for kidnapping you to come here. I had no choice but to put something in your coffee, yes For the Sun Empire. I also hope that you can join us!"

Sayuri Miyazaki persuaded her, after all, if Qin Feng disagreed, he would be really dangerous.

Such a person, Sun Empire will either put him under house arrest for the rest of his life, or kill him.

After all, Qin Feng cannot be allowed to help other empires anymore.

"Little bitch, labor and management want to drink water, why are you still talking nonsense here! I'm thirsty!" Qin Feng growled directly at Abe Kyotaro, and Qin Feng was naturally not polite to Abe Kyotaro.

But for Sayuri Miyazaki, Qin Feng didn't intend to kill her, but just put on a show.

Anyway, even if it is a negotiation, you must have enough momentum. Even if you are kidnapped, you can't lose the face of the empire.

"Mr. Qin, open your mouth." Abe Kyotaro put a glass of water next to Qin Feng's mouth, and said congratulatoryly.

"You people, won't you let labor and capital go? There are so many of you, are you still afraid of me alone? It's so funny!" Qin Feng laughed.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, you can't let go now!" Abe Kyotaro laughed.

"Kyotaro Abe? Are you a man? I need you to feed me water?" Qin Feng didn't want him, but glanced at Sayuri Miyazaki, "This invincible girl, come and feed me water!"

Qin Feng said, and continued: "Also, your name is Sayuri Miyazaki, right? Have you ever learned how to serve men? Don't spill water on my clothes then!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Qin, don't worry, Sayuri Miyazaki is our excellent agent, of course it's no problem to serve men! They have learned how to seduce men and serve men since they were young!" Abe Kyotaro smiled and put the water Handed it to Sayuri Miyazaki.

"Have you learned it since you were a child?" Qin Feng couldn't help being surprised, as expected, all female agents need to learn this.

Just the nine night angels under Qin Feng's banner.

It seems that everyone is very good at hooking up men and serving them. ,

At least Linghu's words.

I have been crazy with Qin Feng.

She is really good at it.

But Qin Feng didn't tell Luo Xiyan.

This girl is jealous.

"Sayuri Miyazaki, I really want labor and capital! In the hands of the Sun Empire, it is really a waste! Why don't you use it for me!" Qin Feng made up his mind. This Sayuri Miyazaki is not a bad person, but a little Just nationalism.


Sayuri Miyazaki is also very gentle.

Just a piece of toilet paper.

Slightly thinking about Qin Feng's chin.

Then he put the cup by Qin Feng's mouth and tilted it slightly.

Don't say it yet.

This very gentle movement completely made Qin Feng feel comfortable drinking water.

Worthy of having been in elementary school.

It would be great if such a beauty could wait around every day.

"Sayuri Miyazaki, right? You are really invincible!" Qin Feng naturally admired her development while drinking water.

And look at it openly.

After all, she wants to feed Qin Feng to drink water.

It is natural to bend slightly.

It also feasted Qin Feng's eyes.

Seeing this, Abe Kyotaro immediately laughed three times, and said, "Mr. Qin, I have heard of you for a long time, and you can be described as a vagabond! The beautiful wife at home has a top-quality black silk school girl Luo Xiyan! And this tie Hinako Sano, known as the most beautiful woman in our Sun Empire, who left? The queen of the Nangong family? And Nangong Chuxue, who seems to have something to do with you! Luo Yu, the princess of the Golden Horde Khan, is a great beauty! You The spirit fox beside you is also like you! And Li Zhien, the big star of Goryeo, you are also like that. Finally, there is the empress of Goryeo, Sakong Sunmi!"

"I said you dogs! I'm so clear about the investigation, right?" Qin Feng chuckled, "If you have any intentions, just say it! Don't tell me any more!"

[Everyone sees the readers here, can you vote for the author with a recommendation and a monthly ticket?I really need it. With your monthly pass, the author can enter the top ten and have money. I hope you can give me some. The author is begging here!Please, big boys.Kneel down.I beg you to fight, thank you so much!

The content of the past few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after this month, the content will be better, because the author's home is being renovated!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve!Thank you for your support!Thank you so much everyone!Everyone, please help to vote!Thank you everyone! !Thanks!

I beg everyone!Please don't give up!Don't give up!real!The author begs! 】

(End of this chapter)

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