Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 247 You Like Me So Much!Be my woman!

Chapter 247 You Like Me So Much!Be my woman!
Nangong Mingyue's fourth uncle asked: "Xiaofeng, there are so many people, why are they all so weak? What's going on?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "Fourth Uncle, have you seen the Dragon Babu that day?"

"Dragon Babu? What do you mean?" The fourth uncle was immediately stunned.

"This thing is a new kind of gas I invented. It can make people weak and weak. It's almost the same as the sad crisp breeze in Tianlong Babu!" Qin Feng explained with a smile.

"You really have a lot of ghosts!" The fourth uncle smiled, although everyone in the Nangong family knew that Qin Feng, a lot of things, came very miraculously, but to put it bluntly, they didn't know To ask more questions actively, and will not explore the secrets behind Qin Feng, they just want to enjoy the benefits brought by Qin Feng safely.I won't make Qin Feng unhappy.

Because Qin Feng didn't say anything.

They don't explore.

This will only make Qin Feng unhappy.


All those who kidnapped Qin Feng were taken away.

At this moment, Qin Feng was driving that BMW, escorted by several Zhanbu vehicles, heading towards the urban area of ​​the capital.

"You bastard, what kind of poison did you use for me! I have no strength in my whole body! Untie it for me!" Sayuri Miyazaki seemed to have exhausted all her strength at this moment to be able to say such a sentence, It's already exhausting to speak.

This poison. ,
It's really unheard of.

No matter what kind of medicine it is, it doesn't have this effect, does it?

Just like imagined in a novel.

"Yes, I can unlock the poison for you! But if it is unlocked, what if you move around?" Qin Feng held the steering wheel, looked at the road ahead, and smiled slightly.

"I won't move around, please help me untie it!" Sayuri Miyazaki couldn't stand this kind of weakness anymore, she was almost maddened to death.

"Listen up! Sayuri Miyazaki, you are the woman my brother likes. This is the first time you have been included in my team without a girl's consent." Qin Feng smiled, "But a girl like you is still Don't go back to the Empire of the Sun, it's boring."

"Stop talking nonsense, give me the antidote quickly, and I just don't move." How dare Sayuri Miyazaki provoke Qin Feng?If this guy has a lot of amazing high-tech, I'm afraid even a team can't catch it, so what can I do? ,

"Well, this thing, you smell it." After Qin Feng said, he took out a bottle the size of a thumb.

"What is this? It stinks!" Sayuri Miyazaki smelled something extremely stinky.

"It smells too bad!" Sayuri Miyazaki refused.

"Although this thing is very smelly, it is the antidote! If you don't smell it? Then don't say I won't give you the antidote!" Qin Feng smiled. In Tianlongbabu, this antidote is so smelly Wang Yuyan didn't even want to hear it.

"You won't play tricks on me, will you? Could this be the antidote?" Sayuri Miyazaki looked at Qin Feng suspiciously.

"I'm playing tricks on you? You can't move your whole body now? If I want to play tricks on you, that's all I can do, you know?" Qin Feng said, comparing with her arrogance.

It's really infinitely arrogant.

: "Is it really the antidote?" Saiduri Miyazaki also thought about it for a while, the other party didn't need to play tricks on her at all, she was already a fish on the chopping board.

"If it's really the antidote, I'd rather be poisoned than smell it anymore!" Sayuri Miyazaki said Wang Yuyan's lines in Tianlongbabu.After all, Wang Yuyan couldn't smell such a bad smell, she said she would rather be poisoned than be unstable.

"Hahaha, if you lose your strength, aren't you afraid that I will bully you now?" Qin Feng said, grinning, and glanced at that arrogant.

"Don't." Miyazaki Sayuri saw that his hand was about to reach out, she panicked all of a sudden, and shouted with all her strength, "That's fine, you smell it again, I choose to detoxify."

"Hahaha, why don't you choose to smell the smell?" Qin Feng said, picked up the bottle again, and put it on her nose.

"It stinks! I can't take it anymore, I don't want to smell it anymore." Sayuri Miyazaki raised her hand and slapped her nose.


Sayuri Miyazaki said in surprise, "Can I move? Can my hands move?"

Because I smelled it twice in a row.

Natural detoxification by one-third.

"Smell it again?" Saiduri Miyazaki knew that it stinks, but she can detoxify it at this moment.

Then I don't have to be afraid.


Saiduri Miyazaki also recovered seven or eight percent of her strength.

"You guy..." After Sayuri Miyazaki gained strength, she naturally began to look at Qin Feng viciously, and even moved her arms.

"What am I? Are you trying to fight me? I'm eager to tell you. As an excellent agent of the Sun Empire, although you have a high combat effectiveness, if you want to fight me one-on-one, you can't beat me. You don't want to fight yourself." It's boring." Qin Feng chuckled, now he has not only been genetically modified, but also learned all the martial arts skills, who can beat himself?
"By the way, Sayuri, you're really nice. Just now, when you and that Chiyo Sakurako tied the rope for me, why was it so loose? But now, you're treating me like you're beating an enemy?" I really don't understand you women!" Qin Feng smiled while holding the steering wheel.

"You have been awake all this time? Did you just pretend?" Saiduri Miyazaki is not a fool, she immediately understood that the feelings of her group of people were all teased by Qin Feng.

"Isn't that always pretending? I saw what you put in the coffee at the beginning, but I have high technology, and if I drink it, it will also decompose the effect of the medicine, so I won't faint." Qin Feng smiled, "You play chemistry, you play tricks in front of me who play high technology, aren't you playing big swords in front of Guan Gong?"

"You" Sayuri Miyazaki couldn't say a word, this Qin Feng is really terrible, no wonder the Emperor sent tens of thousands of royal guards, but he couldn't catch this guy.

"However, although your rope was a little loose just now, I tied it with my own hands. Ten tigers might not be able to break free from such a rope. How did you do it?" Saiduri Miyazaki was curious. This thing is incredible.

Although it is said that Qin Feng's physical fitness is said to be very strong.

But not so outrageous?

This mysterious Qin Feng, in fact, people from the Sun Empire are also studying him. Where does this guy's high technology come from? Is it really his research and development team?
surely not.

It's that Qin Feng got it from somewhere.

Or some people began to wonder if Qin Feng was an alien.

But the Nangong family is also suspicious, but they don't take the initiative to explore Qin Feng.

As for the Sun Empire, Qin Feng can make such a condition, please go to be the emperor.

I also saw the invincibility of Qin Feng's high technology.

"Your rope, of course, was opened by using some special skills." Qin Feng smiled lightly, now that he has so many peerless martial arts in hand, he still can't untie a rope?That would be a little ridiculous.

If you use brute force to do it.Then Qin Feng, who has not learned so much martial arts, is really uncertain.

But with martial arts, there is cleverness.

"Well, Xiao Baihe, you girl, you look good, why can't you live a good life, find a boyfriend, live a normal life, fight and kill, it's not suitable for a girl with a heart like you Ah." Qin Feng was also bored, so he asked casually.

"What's the reason? Since I'm a girl of the Sun Empire, I should share the empire's worries. Don't you do the same, have you made a lot of contributions to your empire, ah?" Sayuri Miyazaki obviously didn't want to answer these questions , because she felt that this was a dream of hers, and she had dreamed of living the life of an ordinary person all her life.

But it has never been approved by the above organization.

But god pity her.

This time the emperor said that as long as Qin Feng is brought back, he can quit the secret service.

But now?Not only did he fail, but he was also arrested.

Presumably the dream can be gone.

"Looking at you, it seems that it is difficult to answer such a question. I won't ask you any more! You may have your own secret!" Qin Feng smiled and asked, "Then Sayuri , let me ask you one more thing, are you willing to follow me and be my woman in the future? You are the first girl who made me feel very excited just by looking at her appearance, or in other words, it may be that you have relaxed yourself more and more recently. It led to self-indulgence."

Qin Feng turned his head slightly and looked at her invincible figure.

It's truly stunning.

All women are incomparably perfect.

"Do you want to get me?" Sayuri Miyazaki chuckled, "Then you can join our Sun Empire. You heard what the major said just now. As long as you join, I can become your wife. At that time, I I will have a good time with you forever."

"What are you thinking? How could I join your Sun Empire?" Qin Feng said with disdain, "What kind of girl does Qin Feng want, do I still need the Sun Empire? I just ask you because I am soft-hearted. You have to know, now that you are my defeated opponent, whatever I want to do to you is my right."

"Then why do you ask? If you want to occupy me, you can do whatever you want." Miyazaki Sayuri said angrily, turned her head away, and looked out the window.

"Well, since you don't agree to follow me, I don't want to force you to stay either! How about this, I'll let you go back after the matter here is over!" Qin Feng said lightly, but still made such a decision, look Come to think of it, even if my looks and charm are against the sky, if I want a girl to follow me completely, I still can't do it.

It can only be that the other party likes it silently in his heart.

Sayuri Miyazaki was not overly happy when she heard Qin Feng's answer, but looked at Qin Feng, and said suddenly, "You are not as good as that kind of beast?"

"I said Xiao Baihe?" Qin Feng was speechless when he heard this sentence, "You don't want to be my woman, now I let you go back to China to marry, is it my fault?"

Could it be that?
Is this a woman's mouth?
Not only can people be happy.

It is also a deceiving ghost.

"Mr. Qin, if you insist on not joining our Sun Empire, I won't say anything to you!" Sayuri Miyazaki also said, "But if you want me to be your girlfriend and join your empire, that's absolutely impossible." Yes, I will not be sorry for the Empire of the Sun."

Qin Feng was a little unhappy when he heard the other party's words, and said, "What do you mean by being your boyfriend? Now you have to figure out your own situation, you are in our hands. I face this kind of kidnapping My woman, I can let the Nangong family lock you up directly, what else can you say about the empire behind you?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

see it.

This is Sayuri Miyazaki.

I still like myself a little bit.

Qin Feng also thought that such a high charm value of his own would have no effect on this woman.

"I've thought about it, and I know your attitude. You just want to follow me, and then you can't get rid of your patriotic thoughts?" Qin Feng smiled, "Now that I know your attitude, you will be steadfast in the future. Follow me, anyway, your Sun Empire will not be preserved for long, and will be merged sooner or later!"

"You, Qin Feng and the Nangong family, really want to unify." Miyazaki Sayuri didn't go on, isn't this too scary?
"Why not? I, Qin Feng Xi'an Azi, have so many powerful high-tech weapons, and no one can compete with them. Naturally, what I want is the whole world! If I don't want the whole world, how can I be worthy of my so many high-tech weapons?" Qin The wind laughed.

"Then I won't be your daughter. If you pity me, let me go back to the country. I never liked you!"

"Based on your tone of voice, you have already betrayed you. Since you like me, stay and be my woman."

"I don't like you! Don't be narcissistic!" Sayuri Miyazaki said incredulously.

"No, join us!" Qin Feng said.

"I don't! I won't be your wife!" Sayuri Miyazaki said.

"Bibi again, let's go to the bridal chamber tonight!" Qin Feng snorted.

The two of them were like this anyway, arguing like children.

a strong one.

But one was speaking incoherently.

The two of them soon arrived at Daying in Lantian, the capital city.

After all, these people will all be brought here for interrogation.

But for Miyazaki Sayuri, there should be a special reason. If Qin Feng likes it, she will naturally send it here alone. But once Qin Feng likes it, then Lantian Daying naturally has no right to interrogate Miyazaki Sayuri.

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(End of this chapter)

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