Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 249 Women's Appearance Competition!Who is the king?

Chapter 249 Women's Appearance Competition!Who is the king?
"Sano, Anna, are you here?"

Qin Feng saw the two little beauties in front of him.

Recently, I have also brought myself unlimited haha.

very happy.

The two used to be the daughter of the First Financial Group of the Sun Empire.

One is the princess of the Golden Horde Khan.

Now they are obediently becoming Qin Feng's little girl.

They are the two most obedient.

"Let me introduce the person next to me, this person from the Sun Empire, named Sayuri Miyazaki, your sister from now on."

Qin Feng didn't mention the kidnapping.

After all.

how to say?

These women love themselves very much.

If you know Sayuri Miyazaki is the one who kidnapped you, you will inevitably feel a little estranged in your heart.

"Qin Feng, isn't this sister too pretty? Where did you find it?" Hinako Sano, wearing a black silk suspender, stepped forward and looked at Sayuri Miyazaki. To be honest, she was called She is the most beautiful woman in the Sun Empire, but she also thinks that, but now it seems that the other party seems to be a little more perfect.

If the peak value of human beings is 100.

Then Luo Xiyan, Nangong Mingyue and others must have 100 points of appearance.

Ke Sano Hinako, totally counted as 110 points.

Aurora Anna can also be counted as 111 points.

Luo Yu scored 98 points.

Su Meiji scored 99 points. (Su Xinghe's granddaughter)
Su Bing cleared 99 points. (manager of weapons company)
Bai Ningbing counted as 100 points. (female catcher)
Ms. Caitlin counts as 105 points (the lv daughter, who is now the lv domestic steward under Qin Feng)
Erika is 100 points

Li Zhien scored 99 points.

Sayuri Miyazaki scored 115 points.

So in calculation, Sayuri Miyazaki is really the most perfect of this group of people.

Of course, apart from Nangong Chuxue, whom Qin Feng has always liked, this woman has a score of 120.

Because Qin Feng has never taken other women with her after all.

Qin Feng slowly found out.

This Nangong Chuxue who loves to bicker with her is the one she likes the most in her heart.

Don't know why.

It felt like that from the very beginning.

But how should I put it, Qin Feng has been very busy and has no time to maintain the relationship between two people.

If possible, Qin Feng wants to take her down and treat her well for the rest of his life.

"My husband is really amazing, and now I have accepted such a beautiful woman!" Aurora Anna giggled, and also stepped forward to greet Sayuri Miyazaki.

If there are two women, it is for Qin Feng to find a new sister.

Of course I have no complaints.

Because the two little sisters knew that they couldn't handle Qin Feng at all.

What should I do if I can't bear it?
Then you can only make the base a little bigger.

After all, Qin Feng's joining is 100 points, so the larger the base number divided by, the easier it will be for them.

After all, this guy is really capable.

Although Luo Xiyan will be jealous, it is because of her personality. In fact, in her heart, she also hopes that the base number will be bigger.

"Okay, everyone, let's go into the house." At this time, Nangong Mingyue, the future empress, came out, "Qin Feng, I'm going to work, I need to take care of some things. You can take everyone to dinner."

"En." Qin Feng said, looked at Sano and Anna, and said: "You take Miyazaki Sayuri into the room first, and I will talk to Nangong Mingyue for a while."

"it is good!"

The three of them responded and quickly entered the house.

Qin Feng saw that he was gone.

He stretched out his arms and hugged Nangong Mingyue who was going to work in a tight-fitting Ol.

Then pull over.

Sitting on a chair by the garden.

And pulled her to sit on one leg.

"Mingyue, you are really busy."

Qin Feng leaned gently on her shoulder, smelling the fragrance of her hair.

"That's not true, your stinking husband is very powerful. Today's North Korea and South Korea are under the banner! The inner and outer prairie! Now they are integrated! There are many things that need to be busy with my grandfather! "

Nangong Mingyue is very clear.

Now their empire.

It's exactly like Qin Feng is fighting outside.

Then they digest the acquired territory.

"I don't work hard. Every time I go to someone else's place, there are beauties who give me it!" Qin Feng smiled, kissed her crystal clear ear, and said, "Mingyue, don't work so hard!" Already, a lot of things are left to the people below, can't we all enjoy happiness at home?"

Of course, Nangong Mingyue knew what Qin Feng's enjoyment meant. She raised her Qianqian finger, poked Qin Feng's head, and said, "Now that we have so many sisters, isn't that enough for you? Are you still thinking about me?"

"Otherwise, how can it be done? You are too busy and don't have time to rush you." Qin Feng slightly moved his hands badly.

Anyway, Nangong Mingyue snorted.

Don't care too much.

"You, it's bad. I still have to go to work. Don't worry about it." Nangong Mingyue said softly.

"Okay, go to work early, I think I have to speed up a little bit to unify the world, and then you won't be so busy." Qin Feng smiled.

"By the way, little man, well, your last mission is to have your own 15 square kilometers, and then issue your own currency. How do you do this? The reward is a planet!"

Nangong Mingyue's words.

Among Qin Feng's women.

The first person to know the system of rewards for doing tasks.

Because she is the future empress, knowing it, it is easier to do things.

"In terms of this matter, I plan to deal with the matter of the Sun Empire. Let's talk about it at that time." Qin Feng smiled slightly. Among the three empires in the east, only the Sun Empire is now.

Once you're done, you can look towards Southeast Asia.

Then there is Europe.

Finally, there is the big tiger.

"What are you doing? So busy?" Seeing that she was about to get up and leave his arms, Qin Feng pulled her slightly.

"Then what else do you want? I won't give you anything." Nangong Mingyue was bullied just now, so the little rabbit naturally rolled her eyes.

"Kiss me." Qin Feng smiled wickedly and put his arms around the back of her head.

That Nangong Mingyue was not shy either.

Slightly stagger the nose.

Just leaned over.

Two people are a fine taste again.

Ten minutes later.

Nangong Mingyue tidied up her clothes before going to work.

"It's really the most obedient, the most understanding, and the most able to take care of a daughter-in-law in the family!" Qin Feng looked at her back, a little thankful, but also a little distressed.

But here in Nangong Mingyue, among Qin Feng's women, there is only Nangong Mingyue, and Qin Feng is her man, but also her savior.

When Nangong Mingyue fell into the water, she always remembered that it was Qin Feng who saved her.

After entering the house, it must be eating at the dinner table.

Because Sayuri Miyazaki is new here.

Naturally, I won't serve food or anything.

Just sat on the sofa.

Tired and crooked with Qin Feng.

When the two saw Sano and Anna going to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

Naturally they hug each other and kiss.

When the two girls came out with the dishes, they separated again, pretending that everything was right.

"Sister Anna, look at what we men are doing? Sneaky like this?" Sano Hinako muttered as she went to the kitchen to serve dishes.

"Yeah, it's not that Qin Feng doesn't know. We don't have any opinion on him looking for a new sister. Why are you still sneaking around." Aurora Anna also pouted.

"I saw it too!" Li Zhien didn't go out to pick up Qin Feng just now, so he was naturally cooking in the kitchen.

"Hee hee, I guess, our husband probably likes to play this kind of game." Hinako Sano groaned, remembering that when he moved into the villa, Qin Feng just said it was done and he was the nanny.

And then all under one roof.

Always carrying Luo Xiyan behind her back.

Two people secretly make out.

Sometimes when Luo Xiyan was in the bathroom, the two would kiss in the living room.

as soon as it comes out.

Then there is nothing.

Qin Feng seems to like this very much.

"Qin Feng, Sister Miyazaki, it's time to eat." Hinako Sano called out and rolled her eyes.

"Oops! Sano's eyes? Didn't you see it just now?" Qin Feng smiled lightly. He likes to be sneaky and finds it very exciting.

It doesn't matter if it's discovered.

"Sayuri, let's go, my husband, I'll take you to dinner." After Qin Feng finished speaking, he took Miyazaki Sayuri's hand slightly, and the two of them went to the table and sat down.

"Come here, don't be so far away." Qin Feng smiled, and didn't intend to sneak around.

"." Saiduri Miyazaki didn't say anything, and moved the chair a bit, next to Qin Feng.

"My dear daughter-in-law, later on, you want to bring me food!" Qin Feng giggled, he was at home, and a girl sitting next to him would definitely help with these tasks.

But it's not just the vegetables, there are also all kinds of harassment from Qin Feng.

Anyway, the girl who sits next to Qin Feng every time.

It was all very speechless.

But they love Qin Feng very much, so there won't be any complaints.

The meal hasn't been eaten yet.

But at this time, a soldier from the war department who was guarding outside the villa walked in.

is a woman.

There are no men in Qin Feng's villa.

The woman in a hot dark green suit whispered in her ear: "Mr. Qin, there is news from Lantian Daying. It is said that those female agents are unwilling to go back. They kidnapped you and failed. No After completing the task, if they go back, they will be severely punished by Emperor Haogong, so they want to stay with us and become a nationality. About this matter, Lantian Daying asked Mr. Nangong, but Mr. Nangong said, this matter Leave it to you to handle."

"Aren't these agents going back?" Qin Feng murmured.

"What's wrong? Husband" Seeing this, Miyazaki Sayuri asked slightly.

"Well, come here with your ear." Qin Feng naturally wouldn't tell his women about Sayuri Miyazaki's kidnapping of him. After all, as I said before, he was afraid that women would have opinions on Sayuri Miyazaki.

"Xiao Baihe, your sisters can't go back. They don't want to go back. They say they can't complete the task, and they will be punished!"

"Why did I forget about this!" Sayuri Miyazaki was also taken aback, and quickly asked in a low voice: "Then what should I do?"

"I guess what this old man Nangong means." Qin Feng smiled. This old man Nangong left this matter to himself, which means, whether Qin Feng should accept the secret service team and protect himself.

After all, the worst thing around Qin Feng.

That is a woman with force value.

Qin Feng is surrounded by beautiful daughters-in-law.

There can be no boys.

That's why.

Although the angels of the previous nine days of darkness have been in the dark.

But on the bright side, it's still bad.

The old man Nangong meant to give Qin Feng all the money.

In other words, the Sun Empire kidnapped Qin Feng, didn't he make Qin Feng treat him like an emperor?
Grandpa Nangong also played like this.

That is all beauties are sent.

"Oh, this old man Nangong is really considerate!" Qin Feng smiled helplessly, and called out to Linghu who was opposite him, saying: "Linghu, you go and bring these people back to me. It will be fine under your banner in the future.”

Qin Feng also knew it in his heart.

Grandpa Nangong treated him like this.

That is the fear of losing Qin Feng.

Because Qin Feng is really too important.

I can only continue to give benefits, to beautiful and big beauties.

Only in this way can we be stable.

"Linghu, listen, the words of these female agents are masters, and they are not inferior to you at all! You nine night angels can protect you in the dark in the future, and they can be my female bodyguards on the bright side. , in this case, the safety issue is not bad."

Qin Feng smiled, now, there are more protective forces around.

Like making out in the car.

If there is a male driver in front.

Not very good.

After all, when there are not enough people, male drivers will be used.

"Linghu knows, Linghu will do it now." After Linghu finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

But Qin Feng said: "Come here, I will give you a piece of meat first, otherwise how can you have the strength to do things?"

As Qin Feng said, some nasty smiles floated on his face.

"Ah?" Linghu walked over with a half understanding.

Then I saw Qin Feng picking up a piece of pork belly.

Linghu opened his mouth.

But Qin Feng put it in his mouth.

"Little head, come here." Qin Feng smiled slightly, hooked his fingers, and there was something in his mouth, so his speech was vague.

"Oh." Linghu was slightly embarrassed, knowing that Qin Feng was going to be a demon again, so he could only lean over.


Two people in front of so many people.

printed together.

Then Qin Feng crossed the pork belly.

And tasted her for 3 minutes.

Because of the contact with Qin Feng, this spirit fox can be said to be the most among the nine dark night angels.

Naturally, not long ago, Qin Feng had already treated him lightly.

But it's just affectionate.

Not that far.

"Go to work!" Qin Feng took all the advantages he should have, and naturally let her go.

Linghu got up, tidied up the lace clothes,

Only then did he head towards the door, and walked over in a daze.

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(End of this chapter)

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