Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 263 Qin Feng's Order!That is the decree!

Chapter 263 Qin Feng's Order!That is the decree!
"Then, young master, shall I inform this girl group and let them come over?" Li Zhi knew that his young master liked a member of the girl group a little bit.

This person is called Li Sunmi.

Known as the No. [-] long leg in the Korean entertainment industry.

Although the height is not high.

Almost 165 or so.

But her legs are well proportioned.

Of course, Empress Sikong Xuanmei, who has a similar name, doesn't have as long legs as her.

prettier than her.

But this kind of petite figure has a special flavor.

"That's all right, Zhien will go and inform Li Xuanmei and the others to come and serve the young master Song Lezi." After Li Zhien finished speaking, he naturally left here and went to work.

Abdulkadir Grant saw that Qin Feng had dealt with the singer's affairs.

Nature continued to lead Qin Feng to visit the luxury yacht.

"Mr. Qin, take a look at this luxurious suite. It has a private terrace, luxurious bathroom and bathtub, and the area is very large. When you entertain guests, Mr. Qin, there will be a big table, and the terrace can Overlooking the bathroom."

"Hahaha, Mr. Abdulkadir Grant, this bathroom is really nice." Qin Feng smiled wickedly, of course he knew what the other party said to greet guests?This guest, of course, is Qin Feng Simmons' guest. ,

One side in the living room or on the patio.

You can even see them taking a shower.
This is very powerful.

"Let's take a look, everyone. You all choose the suite you like to live in. For me, I will choose the one on the top floor with a few hundred square meters." Qin Feng smiled and looked at the beauties behind.

They choose where they live.

I need someone to accompany me to play poker.

Then choose someone.

"Mr. Qin, these suites are basically in a retro style, which can make them both classic and trendy. The main colors are dark blue and rainbow colors. And there is an outdoor playroom outside the suites , the specific content cannot be described.”

"Abdulkadir Grant is so humorous, it's indescribable, what else can you say?" Qin Feng smiled, turned his head to look at those delicate little beauties, all of them really lowered their heads, after all I'm a little embarrassed.

"Well, Manager Abdulkadir Grant, this luxurious yacht has a very large area. I don't think we can visit it all in a while." Qin Feng said, and sat in Simmons's room. On the cushion, he couldn't help saying, "What a soft cushion."

After Qin Feng sat down, he didn't care that Abdulkadir Grant was here.

He directly pulled Dana.

"My dear daughter, come and hug me."

Qin Feng finished.

Then Dana must have rolled her eyes.

But still obediently sat in Qin Feng's arms.

Let some of his bullying that is not out of the ordinary.

After all, in front of a black manager, how could Qin Feng do any outrageous bullying.

If not.

say not necessarily
Anyway, there is Simmons here too.

It's very convenient.

"By the way, Manager Abdulkadir Grant, how big is this yacht, inside and out? And how many people can it accommodate?"

"Mr. Qin, according to the manufacturer, this yacht weighs more than 8 tons, is 123 meters long and 26 meters wide, and has more than 10 large ordinary cabins. It can accommodate more than 1000 ordinary guests, and then Mr. There are hundreds of distinguished guests and crew members."

have to say.

Such a luxury yacht is really magnificent.

There is no need for warships at all.

It was built with billions of dollars.

That's really not a joke.

"Mr. Qin, there are also various dining venues, such as barbecues, receptions, and western food. In other words, the dining venues here are completely known as the wine ponds and meat forests of the Shang Dynasty in your empire, and they are completely extravagant. pole."

Abdulkadir Grant said.

I am also envious of Qin Feng.

Owner of such a luxurious yacht.

And there are so many beautiful beauties.

Change to a fairy?

Guess Qin Feng won't do it either?

"Well, Manager Abdulkadir Grant, this yacht is too big, and I can't finish visiting it in a while. I will take my babies to see for myself. Go ahead and wait for those girls When the group arrives here, let them get up the song first, and then we can start to pull the anchor and set sail."

Qin Feng was talking.

Also pinched it.

In that arms.

The little cliff of Princess Dana.

After all, this little girl has been moving around in her arms.

Of course, she was in front of the black manager, so she couldn't let go.

"Well, Mr. Qin, then I will step back and take a look around. If there is any thin waist, I will call you next. This time you are new, and I will be the chief steward of the speedboat for you. I will wait for you After my own shipyard has been cultivated, then I will go back to the company."

Of course Abdulkadir Grant knew.

Such a luxury yacht.

Qin Feng will not let any man be the captain.

The women under her banner are needed.

Just like Qin Feng's nine night angels, as long as one of them is taught to drive a luxury yacht, she doesn't need herself.

"Well, then you go down." Qin Feng looked at Abdulkadir Grant's back, and after leaving the room, he naturally lowered his head slightly.

The red lips touched the crystal-clear swan-necked Dai Na in her arms.

"I said you are naughty, if you want to sit, just sit properly, why are you still moving around? If you are like this, it is easy to cause a big fire, you know?"

"Good father, there are sisters here, don't do this."

Dana didn't take the initiative to call this title.

But because Qin Feng belittled her swan neck in front of so many people.

She was naturally a little embarrassed.

So please beg for mercy.

I hope this bad guy can stop being like this.

There was a tickle on her neck, and she naturally struggled a bit.

"What are you embarrassed about?" Qin Feng naturally didn't mean to stop, but tilted her little head, straightened it, and faced his face, "Several of them, you all together After playing the game, what are you afraid of?"

The present time point.

Naturally it wasn't meal time.

But once Qin Feng came to the meaning.

Then try the dessert first.

In the evening, it is the main meal, and that is the real towering fire.

After a while, Qin Feng and Dai Na began to kiss deeply.

Dana was a little embarrassed at first.

But seeing that the sisters were very helpful, they looked away, or pulled away.

Dai Na was grateful in her heart, and began to cater to Qin Feng's demand for kisses in her actions.

After all, it was the first time to taste the beauty of kissing.

Dana is still obsessed.

Taste it carefully.

Both are forgetful.
On the other side, this is a large gymnasium on the Jiangnan side.

The girl group with Lee Sunmi as the captain opened their first national concert since Silla opened the state uniforms here.

Of course, the national concert here.

Then it is not the original land, but there are two more places, Koryo and North Koryo.

The first stop is Shanghai, and the second stop is Guangdi.

The third stop came to Jiangnan.

Now it is the third stop of the girl group's national performance.

After all, in the Wonder Girl girl group, these Korean female stars are all hot and seductive beauties, and they also have Li Xuanmei, the pure sao, the most long-legged Korean entertainment industry.

They come to this national concert.

Naturally, it is very hot.

And this is also after the joining of Silla, these Goryeo girl groups performed in the identity of the nationality of the Dragon Empire. This is something that the people are very happy about.

So happy to spend.

In other words, the common people are very proud that these big stars will all belong to their own empire in the future.

Of course, the current treatment of these Korean girl groups is better than that of stars in this empire.

It's all because of Qin Feng's love for Wu and Wu, doting on Li Zhien and Sikong Xuanmei.

Of course, Qin Feng is not a blind favorite. After all, he is popular and has a market, so why can't he focus on traffic?

For example, why don't you promote well-written novels on the platform?
Qin Feng was going to take Gaolizhou.

Build it into the Hollywood of the East.

And there is a crucial factor, that is, if someone is new to join, good benefits must be given to stabilize the hearts of the people.

"Hey, is the other party Miss Li Xuanmei, the captain of the Wondergirls girl group?" Li Zhin naturally picked up the phone and called the captain of the girl group.

After all, what Li Zhien was in charge of was the Korean entertainment industry.

She herself is from the entertainment industry.

Leave it to her to manage.

She can naturally consider the situation of many artists, so that they can better survive in this environment without being oppressed.

"Miss? Who are you?" Li Xuanmei heard the other party's voice very well, and she didn't know where she heard it.

"I'm Mr. Qin's girl, and my name is Li Zhien, and I'm mainly in charge of your Korean entertainment circle now." Li Zhin said calmly, now she naturally wants to communicate with the world in Chinese, even if she used to Is Korean.

"Miss Li Zhien?" Li Xuanmei was excited all of a sudden, this is a big shot, and she was just a popular celebrity in Korea before, but she was lucky to meet Qin Feng and be so doted on by Qin Feng.

Speaking of which, this Li Zhi is actually a role model for all female stars in Korea.

They all hope to be loved by the "King" like Li Zhien.

"Miss Li Xuanmei, now our Mr. Qin's luxury yacht is about to set off. She said that ordinary music can't be interesting. I invite or order you to come on board and perform songs and dances." After Li Zhi finished speaking, she didn't continue. go on.

But Li Xuanmei, who was on the other side, was in a bit of trouble, and said squeakily, "Miss Li, on our side, the concert is about to start, we."

But Li Xuanmei still felt in her heart that if Mr. Qin invited her, she would definitely go, no matter what the big thing was.

All have to be put aside.

"Mr. Qin said that these people came to your concert. If you leave, I will feel sorry for the fans. Therefore, Mr. Qin will take out the money and refund their concert tickets twice, and will also give them double Double the travel expenses, all expenses are packed."

Li Zhi said in a grand manner.

A concert of 1 people.

Each person spends [-] to [-].

It's only a few hundred million.

Up to one billion.

Naturally, Qin Feng is equivalent to spending a buck for instant noodles. ,
no big deal.

"Ah? That's fine." Li Xuanmei still nodded in agreement. It's not that she doesn't want to go on the yacht.She wanted to go very much. After all, Qin Feng was young, handsome, rich, and invincible.

Everyone wants to hook up, maybe they are lucky enough to be spotted?
But that would be a shame for the fans.

However, with Qin Feng's ticket refund and all the round-trip expenses covered, naturally many fans have no complaints.

Of course, there will be some fans who are not short of money and will have some opinions.

But what if they knew that it was Qin Feng who wanted to watch the song and dance?Did you take these people away?Who dares to say no?
Or who would say no?
This man, in a short period of time, accepted Korea and North Korea for the empire.

Then the current target is facing the Sun Empire.

Overwhelm the Western Tigers.

All nations of the world come to Korea. ,

All because of this man.

Who is not grateful to Dade?
Who doesn't support it?
Even if Qin Feng didn't refund the money, and didn't cover the travel expenses and food and drink, they didn't set up any complaints.

"Hey, sisters and sisters, you are doing well. Now let's go to Tunyun Port. We have to find Mr. Qin, board Mr. Qin's luxury yacht, and we will sing and dance." Li Xuanmei was in the background , the female artists yelled in the dressing room, and said again: "Everyone remember, when you go to the yacht, you must be careful when you finish everything, don't make any mistakes, let alone make Mr. Qin unhappy, Mr. Qin What kind of mission it is, I think everyone knows it in their hearts."

Li Sunmi naturally wants to tell the girl groups under her banner.

After all, I am afraid that they will cling to Qin Feng later.

It caused people to be unhappy.

For the women's team, it is really a disaster.

Of course, they all misunderstood Qin Feng. Qin Feng is not so stingy. As long as his behavior is not too disgusting or too sinful, Qin Feng will not deal with it strictly.

After all, Qin Feng still likes the benevolent attitude towards girls.

For those in the West who think they are awesome, it is the rule of law.

But these girl groups, once they heard that they would have a chance to meet Qin Feng?

Immediately cheered up
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(End of this chapter)

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