Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 265 Private island reunion!Hire another servant!

Chapter 265 Private island reunion!Hire another servant!

Soon, Li Xuanmi naturally went to ask the members of the girl group under her banner.

Of course, in Li Xuanmei's mind, it is very clear which ones are noble people and which ones are not.

Those who are naturally beautiful, there are a few who are clean since their debut, are naturally protected by the previous top ten groups, keeping their innocence, and then there are Yangzhou skinny horses.

It means that it will be valuable to raise.

A lot, cut off some girls who are no longer nobles.

The remaining seven or eight.

Naturally, she was recruited as Qin Feng's personal concubine.

In the future, if you want to listen to songs and watch dances, you can basically enjoy them at home by yourself.

Today's yachts have more girl groups singing and dancing, which is a lot more fun.

However, there are basically no men on this yacht, except for the sailors who sail the boat, there is only one black manager.

Of course, it was too late to use some female sailors.

If there is time.

Naturally, no male will appear on such a luxury yacht in the future.

This is Qin Feng's private place. As Sayuri Miyazaki said before, in Qin Feng's villa, the core area, that is, the owner's living area, cannot have men.

After all, Qin Feng always belittles beautiful women. If there are boys, it will be bad if he sees them.

On the current deck, the music is very soothing, coupled with the ballet dance of female college students in front, and the blue sea in the distance.

Eating some Chinese food made by the cook chosen by Qin Feng himself.

There is no wine in the glass.

In Sayuri Miyazaki's arms, leaning on the softness.

And she massages the head.


It's all so fitting.

This is life.

Of course, from the Dragon Empire to the private island, it will naturally take about ten days of sailing,
However, if Qin Feng makes the sailors go faster, it will take about a week to arrive.

Of course, Qin Feng can fly, why not?That's not fun on a yacht, girls don't want to be a plane.

Therefore, without delaying time, and taking care of the girls enjoying the scenery.

I can only let the luxury yacht drive faster.

During the seven days, I personally stayed on the highest floor of my luxury yacht, which has a large area of ​​more than 2000 square meters.

It's all Qin Feng's private area.

Not even the cooks and gardeners could come up.

It is the living area of ​​Qin Feng and Hongyan, as well as female agents and female killers.

Of course, it's also a place to play games.

This week's yacht life, Qin Feng can be said to be a one-on-three, one-on-five existence.

Basically they can't beat them.

There is no way, Qin Feng is too strong, so invincible.

On the morning of the seventh day, gradually, some afterglow of the sun appeared in the sky by the sea.

There are already a few beauties of Qin Feng who have started to watch the sunrise over the sea.

What a beautiful view.

Of course, Qin Feng at this moment is still resting well with those who played games yesterday.

After all, they stayed up all night.

Naturally, I need to rest more.

Although Qin Feng's body is genetically transformed, it is usually enough to rest for a few hours, but with so many soft...
Qin Feng didn't want to get up.

More warmth for a while is a while.

After 10 o'clock.

Only then did Qin Feng open his eyes.

Pillow words.

It is the invincibility of Sayuri Miyazaki.

But when looking at the balcony of that room, Dana and Daisy got up a moment earlier.

Two little princesses.

She was wearing silk pajamas instead.

Leaning on the railing, looking out at the sea.

The long legs, stepping on the steps of the balcony, exposed most of the long legs.

It dazzles people.

"Sister, that's the Pineapple Island we're going to, right? Are we going to live on this private island for a while? I thought it was a barren land with nothing, but it's quite beautiful. "

Dana said happily.

"It's quite beautiful. It doesn't look as bad as those private islands in Great Britain. I will live here more when I think about it. It's such a big island." Dana said happily.

"Yes, these thousands of acres of small islands really feel endless."

Qin Feng naturally heard their chat.

Stand up.

Leave that invincible pillow.

Sayuri Miyazaki was naturally relieved, but she didn't open it overnight.

After Qin Feng got up, he walked quietly, so that the two little princesses who were watching the scenery on the balcony could not find him.

soon. ,

Suddenly, behind Dana.

Just got hugged by someone. ,

It directly startled Dana.

But Dana still felt slightly that there was a restless situation.
"You bastard, you let me go, good or bad." Dana opened her mouth with some embarrassment.

This Qin Feng.

Get up early in the morning.

That's how you bully people.


"Is this the private island where we will live in the future? It's really beautiful." Qin Feng leaned his head on Dana's shoulder and whispered in her ear.

And that's restless.

Also slightly.


"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as the one in the video material, you don't deceive me." Qin Feng said again.

"I mean bad guy, in this video? Is there anyone who can fake it?" Dana was quite bold, she stretched out her hand, and opened the thing, which is really bullying.

Anyway, she was hurt yesterday.

Come again?

"My little princess, you don't know how good our Dragon Empire's P-graphic technology is. After watching the video and photos, you don't believe it if you don't see the actual object." Qin Feng continued with his arms around her, "Right now in Dragon Empire, there are many girls who are not as beautiful as you, but the P-pictures are like fairies. Even old grandmas can become fairies under the P-pictures."

"What? Old people can also become fairies? What kind of technology is this?" In Dana's words, although she knows that today's technology can do it, but for Westerners, their faces are relatively three-dimensional, and they often have P pictures.

"That bad guy, give me a photo? See if I can be more beautiful?" Dana said, of course, it was a photo.

But here, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Why are you p? Wasn't it p yesterday? It's still four"

"Oh, what am I talking about, what are you talking about?" Dana was really annoyed, "You stinky bastard, I don't know what's going on in your mind all day, is it muddy?"

"Of course it's paste, and it's the kind we had yesterday." Qin Feng moved a little, and said with a smirk.

"Hmph, go and harm Daisy, really." Dana acted coquettishly, but didn't open it.

But this time.

Because Qin Feng got up.

Sayuri Miyazaki and Hinako Sano walked over.

Looking at the beautiful private island in the distance, I feel very relaxed and happy.

But although the island can be seen, according to the speed of the yacht, it takes about 10 minutes to get there.

However, Qin Feng ordered the sailors to slow down a little, and it will take about 50 minutes to reach the island.

After all, Qin Feng still needs to practice his morning broadcast.

"Oh, go find Sano." Seeing Qin Feng, Sayuri Miyazaki wanted her again.

Immediately he gave in.

Don't be humble.

Both have a chance.

After a while, the game starts here.

The agreed five 10 minutes. ,

But plus eating breakfast, changing clothes and so on.

About 2 hours or so, this began to land.

Hinako Sano and Sayuri Miyazaki helped Qin Feng, put on a decent casual suit, and then started to land on the island.

Of course, the female agents under Qin Feng's banner, as well as the female bodyguards of the Nine Heavens Saint Ji, naturally came to Pineapple Island first, and placed all those weapons and equipment on the private island.

The current private island has a defense system, which is very advanced and basically invincible.

It is impossible for anyone, or any empire, to make mistakes.

Of course, if there is something wrong with the big western tiger next door, if it dares to come over and beep something, or if it is a fighter jet UFO, if it dares to approach Qin Feng's island, just shoot it down.

Of course, the female agents who installed the defense system drove some cars from the small island to pick up Qin Feng.

As for the female stars who came to perform, as well as the ballet troupe, if they want to stay and visit the island, they will naturally stay. If they want to leave, Qin Feng will find someone to take them away.

And it will also give a not cheap appearance fee.

Of course, they didn't make money at all. The key point was that it was a rare opportunity to perform for Qin Feng.

But in the face of such a beautiful island, except for a few people who were in a hurry, they basically stayed and continued to visit.

Qin Feng is currently sitting in a Rolls Royce that goes to work at home, with two "good girls" on the left and right.

Qiaosheng put her arms around Qin Feng.

Chatting about the scenery of the island outside.

Walking along a straight road on the island, after a while, I saw a large castle.

This place will definitely be Qin Feng's "bedroom" in the future, after all, he is the master of the island.

In terms of this castle, it is much larger than Qin Feng's villa in the capital, with an area of ​​about 100 to [-] square meters, which is about [-] suites of [-] square meters.

Really invincible existence.

A private island has always been a man's dream, not to mention that there are so many beauties on it.

If it is a god, it will not be changed.

Qin Feng looked at the plaque on the castle, it was an English word, and he was very unhappy: "Listen to me, let the craftsmen immediately create another plaque, and call it Qinwang Palace!"

In the case of Qin Feng, his surname is Qin, and he has long been crowned king by Mr. Qin.

Although it's just a title.

But Qin Feng is still willing to spread rumors.

That's the style. ,
"The royal palace? It's the kind of place where the ancient princes of our Dragon Empire lived?" Dai Na giggled, she said that our Dragon Empire is, in her heart, she must have decided that the Dragon Empire is her home.

After entering this newly renamed Qin Palace.

A servant reported to Qin Feng.

It is said that there are more than 100 rooms here.

There are 41 bedrooms in total.

There are 18 in the living room.

There are 35 bathrooms.


swimming pool.

and so on.

Of course it is readily available.

Of course, it is said that the original owner spent billions of dollars on the construction of the building above, which is really unusual.

"A residence of [-] to [-] square meters? Is this the actual area of ​​the house?" Sayuri Miyazaki took Qin Feng's hand and exclaimed for a moment. You must know that although the villa where Qin Feng lived in the past was also [-] to [-] square meters, that was a plus. The total area of ​​some gardens, dams and so on.

The current [-] to [-] square meters are all occupied by houses.

The two concepts are different.

This is exactly the place where rich families lived in ancient times.

"Xiao Baihe, take these female agents, female bodyguards, and female cooks first, and choose their own single-person houses first. If they can't live in them temporarily, they will be two people. After all, there are only more than 100 large and small houses. It’s still a bit hard to live in, but it’s okay, I will find someone to expand it for us as soon as possible.”

Qin Feng knew.

This island has a house area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters.

Each person should have a single room or private area of ​​about [-] square meters.

Still not enough.

After all, there are at least 200 cooks, gardeners and so on.

Qin Feng and his concubines basically occupied two-thirds of the territory. How could there be enough to live in?
That's why I moved here from before.

"Well, husband, Sayuri will inform them right away." Sayuri Miyazaki paused, and then said: "But my husband, this small island is still quite big, and when the time comes, my husband will have to expand again. Maid, but we can’t manage such a big island, we still have to recruit people, don’t we?”

"Of course I have thought about this question too." Qin Feng looked at Sayuri Miyazaki, and said again: "But for me, I only choose girls who are pleasing to the eye, and they must be"

Qin Feng didn't go on.

That must be what the Qing Dynasty people meant.

Qin Feng is rich, why doesn't he find a clean one?
Although not to eat.

But if there is an infection, there is a lump in my heart.

"If the husband wants to find a large number of maids, who also need good character and good looks, then..." Sayuri Miyazaki thought for a while and said, "Filipino maids are pretty good. It is more famous in the world, so it is very suitable for consideration.”

"Filipino maid?" Qin Feng paused, this brand of maid is really famous all over the world.

Why is it famous?

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(End of this chapter)

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