Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 277 Lu Yaqing's Gratitude, To Qin Feng......

Chapter 277 Lu Yaqing's gratitude is for Qin Feng.
Chiyo Sakurako said, touching the phone, "By the way, I have photos, you can take a look now."

Chiyo Sakurako said, and opened the photo album.

It is full of the tragic situation after Lu Yaqing was murdered.

A nice girl.

Completely turned into a crazy woman.

Messy hair.


"Take a good look. Did you take this into consideration when you made your plan again? Or did you think about it, but you don't think it matters? A person like you is not worthy of being a human being. Our young master said, let you die like this, It's also cheap for you, so call me over and let me clean you up one by one."

After Chiyo Sakurako finished speaking.

Started the task again.

That's the left arm.

Another slash. ,
"Don't worry, it's only five knives now, and there are still 95 left!"

Chiyo Sakurako for such a demon.

No mercy at all.

But she's also good at it.

Basically no harm to the vitals.

For fear that he died prematurely.

But even Chiyo Sakurako was extremely careful.

Still in more than 10 knives.

This kid should be gone.

Lucius Waxman passed out, or was completely gone.

Chiyo Sakurako didn't know.

After checking his breath, he found that the person was gone.

Or too much blood loss.

"I really want to learn from those swordsmen in ancient China. They cost more than 1000 knives, and none of them died." Qiandai Yingzi blushed a little, and did she really know the task the young master entrusted to her? Finish.

And next thing.

Chiyo Sakurako is naturally going to find the dog-headed military adviser.

This man is a man with a bad idea.

Qin Feng also said that he cannot forgive.

After solving the two people, Qiandai Yingzi naturally returned to Qin Feng's side with more than a dozen special agents. ,
Of course, as the top secret agent.

They do things without leaving any traces. ,
And what's left?So what?

With Qin Feng's status in the world, who can do anything to him?
It doesn't mean that Qin Feng can do whatever he wants, and kill anyone he wants.

But such a big devil, I don't know how many such outrageous things have been done behind the scenes.

It's completely worth dying.

But here comes the problem, even if the black boss is guilty, the most he can do is to lock him in forever, so he won't die, right?
After all, there are many empires without death.

So is Qin Feng's actions too much?

Of course that is too much.

Not legally.

But morally, it makes sense.

Just like Monkey King in Journey to the West, who killed some robbers who committed crimes?Tang Seng said that he should not kill indiscriminately?
Of course, the first point is that since Sun Wukong is a member of Tang Seng's sect, he should learn not to kill, and not to kill, of course, includes mortals, not monsters.

Monsters are not organized, they are not considered ordinary people.

So if a monk kills someone, no matter how reasonable he is, it is still wrong.

As a monk, and the other party can't hurt Sun Wukong, he should influence them, there is no need to kill them.

The second point is that it hurts the harmony of heaven when immortals kill mortals.

In other words, have you ever seen a real god who kills people at every turn?
The third point is that Sun Wukong cannot kill mortals, because he is not a law enforcer of society.

What if everyone in society can be a law enforcement officer?So the world is not messed up?

As long as you have strength, you can be a law enforcer?Is this reasonable?

The law enforcers of mortals will always be the government, and it has nothing to do with Sun Wukong.

From any point of view, it is wrong for him to kill mortals, but he is indiscriminate.

Of course, if the monster is killed, then the opponent is not prepared by a mortal, and the law enforcement officer of the monster is a god.

In such a situation, only the gods can make a move.

For mortals, there is no reason for any god to intervene. Only the Jade Emperor or the ancient gods can punish some disasters.

On the other side, Qin Feng's place naturally cured Lu Yaqing's addiction.

She also packed up and dressed up.

"Mr. Qin, my mother, can you let her go? She misunderstood you just now and thought you were the ones who harmed me. She was too emotional and a little confused." Lu Yaqing said with some guilt For a moment, after all, the other party came to save me, and my mother kept scolding him, I'm a little sorry.

"Xiao Baihe, let her go. I can also see that she is indeed a little delirious after going through such a big incident with her daughter. If she wants to reason, she may not be able to explain clearly, so she will forcefully control it first." Qin Feng He smiled and gave an order.


Fan Sisi was released.

"You guys."

Fan Sisi hadn't spoken yet.

Lu Yaqing stepped forward and hugged her mother, saying: "Mom, stop scolding them. They are not the bad people you think. They are here to save me. Calm down. Your daughter is fine now."

Fan Sisi looked at her daughter who was now dressed up brightly and beautifully.

It's like dressing up for the man you love.

The makeup is exquisite.

I was also confused for a while.

"Daughter, what did you say? Are you alright? Could it be that they ate it for you?" Fan Sisi could only think so, after all, the thing has come to hide, how can it be better if you don't eat it?

"No, Mom, Mr. Luo helped me completely solve the hidden danger of that thing, and now I'm completely fine." Lu Yaqing explained.

"What? Can that thing be completely resolved? No way?"

"Mom, I was also puzzled, but they just helped me solve it." Lu Yaqing comforted her mother for a while.

Fan Sisi finally calmed down.

At this time, she also put on a smiling face.

And keep thanking Qin Feng and others.

When I almost got down on my knees to thank you.

He was helped up by Qin Feng.

It can be seen that both mother and daughter are good people.


At this time, Lu Yaqing called Qin Feng to her room alone, slightly embarrassed.

"Miss Lu, what do you need to call me?"


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(End of this chapter)

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