Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 279 Dai Yingko's Thin Waist

Chapter 279 Chiyo Sakurako's Thin Waist

Qin Feng felt sorry for Lu Yaqing.

Kissed him deeply again.

Then he raised his head reluctantly.

"Say, baby, why don't you let me peel it off?" Qin Feng said, looking at Lu Yaqing's invincibility.

"Well, it's not that Yaqing won't give it. Husband, can you take your time?" Lu Yaqing lowered her head, her husband in this life is really shy.

"Ok, take your time, husband. I will let you go today, but you must be obedient in the future. My woman, I dare not disobey me like this." Qin Feng said serious things. In the past, his first girlfriend , Luo Xiyan would occasionally get jealous and act like a spoiled child.

But with Qin Feng's own status, he became more and more powerful.

Luo Xiyan didn't dare to do this anymore.

But in fact, Qin Feng pampered her, pampered her, and liked her character.

Otherwise, she wouldn't dare.

Who told Qin Feng to have such a great global status?

"I'll give it to you tomorrow, let me make some preparations, okay?" Seeing what he said, Lu Yaqing put her arms around his neck and said in a sweet voice, as if coaxing a child.

"Are you coaxing the child?" Qin Feng also put his arms around her slender waist.

"Okay, okay, go out and deal with things quickly, that Chiyo Sakurako just now is your woman and your bodyguard, doesn't she seem to have something to report?" Lu Yaqing is definitely not the kind of guy who won't let him go after pestering him The man's hand, still on the matter, slightly pulled away the hand around his neck, and then pushed him, letting Qin Feng deal with the matter.

"Well, I'll go and have a look first. You should arrange your clothes before you come out. Don't let everyone see anything, especially your mother. My woman is nothing, and your mother, if she knows that you follow me like this A man with many women, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept it." Qin Feng is telling the truth, Fan Sisi is probably a bit old-fashioned, she won't agree to this matter, but let's talk about it when the time comes.

After Qin Feng left Lu Yaqing's bedroom, he headed towards the living room.

"Mr. Qin, Yingzi failed to complete your task." Qiandai Yingzi knelt on one knee and said apologetically.

"Get up, don't kneel and dirty the leather jacket I bought for you." Seeing this, Qin Feng immediately yelled, this woman always treats herself as a subordinate, kneeling back and forth.

Ever since she was slapped that time, and then she apologized to Qin Feng infinitely, such cute behavior has already made Qin Feng like her.

Therefore, Qin Feng has already regarded her as his own woman.

Kneeling on one knee, that was just the action of the rest of the agents reporting things.

But not my own woman.

"Tell me, what's going on, how did you miss it?" Qin Feng was very curious.

"No, Mr. Qin, it's like this. I don't have much experience. I only have a dozen knives. That black boss is gone." Chiyo Sakurako said apologetically.

"Oh my god, what else did I say? Just this? And then you said that your mission was not completed." Qin Feng was really a little speechless.

"For our agents, this is indeed a mission that has not been completed!" Chiyo Sakurako smiled wryly.

"Come here, let me hug you." Qin Feng said suddenly, hooking his fingers.

"Ah? Mr. Qin." Qiandai Yingzi was a little embarrassed, but she had never hugged Qin Feng, not even the simplest intimacy.

Nothing happened to the two of them.

There is no hand in hand.

At most, the faucet was changed in the bathroom, and then Qin Feng kissed her and was beaten by her.

It's just a skin-to-skin relationship.

"Aren't you obedient?" Qin Feng said, his eyes slightly staring.

That Chiyo Sakurako was really scared.

Walked towards Qin Feng.

Opened his arms slightly.

Hugged Qin Feng.

"That's right." Qin Feng hugged her slightly, then pulled her a few steps, and sat on the sofa by himself.

Chiyo Sakurako sat on her lap.

"Huh? This"

Chiyo Sakurako is almost dead.

I have never had such an action before.

The other party is a boy.

She has never been like this in her life.

It is very uncomfortable.

Very unnatural.

"Don't be so unnatural, okay, you will be my woman in the future, you are so afraid, how can you?" Qin Feng put his arms around her slender waist, but I have to say that Qiandai Yingzi's waist is very thin, very thin, and very soft .

It makes people feel very warm and comfortable.

Although Qin Feng's hand wanted to move up.

But just the bedroom.

Only then did I realize the invincibility.

Not so itchy.

"I" Qiandai Yingzi was very happy when Qin Feng said that she was his woman.But still very shy.

"By the way, what about my husband, I told you that you can't die if you kill that person with 100 knives. It's just casual talk. In this case, it's not like you haven't completed the task. I think you haven't completed the task, and you look very regretful. I'm very ashamed, are all your agents like this?" If Qin Feng didn't explain, she would probably be mad at herself.

It was a person she loved so much, and she didn't do well what was entrusted to her.

Even if Qin Feng doesn't punish her.

She would be ashamed too.

After all, she knew that Qin Feng hated that black boss so much, but he didn't do a good job himself.

Therefore, Qin Feng must explain it well.

After all, it can be seen that Chiyo Sakurako is different from other women, which is a bit strange.

Such a strange girl really needs to make Qin Feng pay more attention.

Girls with new and strange personalities are prone to problems if they are not handled well.

In other words, she has a more extreme personality.

As for the problem, it doesn't mean that she will betray Qin Feng.

It's a girl with such a strange and extreme personality who is easily hurt by her own thinking.

"I didn't do a good job for Mr. Qin, please punish me." Qiandai Yingzi was too embarrassed to face Qin Feng's face, anyway, only this guy's hot words were near his ears.

"Oh? Do you want me to punish you? I thought of a good way, I wonder if you can agree?" Qin Feng smiled, and immediately thought of a bad idea, and then hugged his slender waist slightly .

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(End of this chapter)

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