Chapter 281 It's just awesome!

"Good guy! Can you know it!"

"Are you gnawing bones?"

"So crazy?"

After ten minutes of passionate kissing.

Qin Feng also made fun of Chiyo Sakurako who tidied up her coat in her arms.

It was a really nice kiss.

After all, what Qin Feng said before.

Whether it's Luo Xiyan or Sano.

Kiss them for the first time.

They are all dull.

At most, it is a slight response after being emotional.

Only this Chiyo Sakurako.

That rascal.

Simply crazy response.

It's like a person who hasn't eaten for a long time, and then suddenly has a delicious meal in front of him, so he has to eat a lot, and then put food into his mouth frantically.

"Did I hurt you? Master." After Qiandai Yingzi finished, she just looked at Qin Feng worriedly, would she bite the corner of someone else's lips or something?

"It's not true, it's just a little too fierce." Qin Feng smiled bitterly, recalling the wonderful moment just now.

Don't say it yet.

What a thrill.

But Qin Feng thought about it, could it be because of his relationship?This Chiyo Sakurako is like this?
Think about it, this Chiyo Sakurako has been arranged to guard the door by herself, and she has done good things for herself and other women many times.

Under such circumstances, this girl must be in a panic.

Now that he has succeeded in being so intimate with his beloved man?
Isn't that crazy?

"I'm sorry, young master. I must have hurt you. I'll be gentle next time." Qiandai Yingzi said weakly.

"That doesn't need to be too gentle. I can do whatever I want. The kind just now, I feel very strange." Qin Feng laughed, hugged her, and pulled her on the sofa.

Qin Feng sat down first.

Then he took her in his arms.

sat on his lap.

"Come on, put your arms around my neck, the intensity just now, come again, it's really good."

"Come back."

Chiyo Sakurako was a little speechless.

I don't dare to be so fierce anymore.

But Qiandai Yingzi still hugged Qin Feng's neck obediently.

Looking at Qin Feng's face affectionately.

Did not continue to move.

But on Qin Feng's side, he must have leaned his face against it,

The two started kissing again.

"Why are you so gentle this time, I want the kind just now"

After a few minutes.

Qin Feng raised his head.

Rubbing her long legs in agent leather pants.

Open your mouth slightly.


"What are you, what the young master wants, why can't you let go this time?" Qin Feng snorted.

"Well, this is what you said, young master. I hurt you, so don't blame me."

"Come on, come on, I'm fine." Qin Feng laughed and leaned back immediately.

Chiyo Sakurako who has been affirmed by her young master.

It must have been violent again.

It is not necessary to kiss the other party.

ten minutes later.

Chiyo Sakurako was originally sitting on Qin Feng's lap.

But now, he was completely tyrannized by Qin Feng in his arms.

Lie on your side.

And Qin Feng naturally didn't let anyone go.
That is the bad guy.

Already went to the best place.

"Okay, okay, Yingzi, husband, you guys are finished." Sayuri Miyazaki rolled her eyes at the two of them, and said: "Now Miss Lu Yaqing's mother has cooked the meal, thank you, you still Why don't you go out here?"

"Ah?" Chiyo Sakurako heard her good sister's voice, and immediately stood up.


Shame to death.

What should I do?

Actually, my good sister Sayuri Miyazaki saw me like this.

She immediately began to lift the young master's hand.

He actually arrived at his own place.

I didn't even feel it. ,
This is too much.

Sakurako Chiyo, who got up in a hurry, just greeted Sayuri Miyazaki superficially at this moment: "Since the food is ready, I'll take a few sisters to inspect the food first."

Chiyo Sakurako finished speaking.

Immediately tidied up the clothes.

Blinked out of the room.

Of course, every time Qin Feng eats, there will be a special person to check whether there is any problem with these meals.

This is a necessary test.

Although, neither Lu Yaqing's mother Fan Sisi nor Lu Yaqing would do this.

But Qin Feng's safety issue is so important that no matter who invites Qin Feng to dinner, it must be checked.

Even if Mr. Nangong invites you to dinner, it must be inspected.

This was suggested by Sayuri Miyazaki.

Because if Mr. Nangong didn't know there was a problem with his food, wouldn't it be bad?
Those who intend to poison, use Qin Feng's belief in the food of Mr. Nangong's house, and then poison them?

"This Chiyo Sakurako is not ashamed to be here and kiss you for so long? The food has already been cooked, and I don't want to disturb you, but I am afraid that the food will be cold and you will lose your appetite. Lu Yaqing My mother, Fan Sisi, also urged me several times outside, and I had no choice but to come in and disturb your good affairs." Sayuri Miyazaki explained naturally, she is not the kind of person who does not take care of Qin Feng's feelings.

"Well, since the food is ready, let's start eating." Qin Feng looked at Sayuri Miyazaki and smiled, and said: "I have to say, this Chiyo Sakurako is really interesting, the first kiss just now, she It was so fierce."

"Ah? Too fierce? What the hell?" Sayuri Miyazaki asked puzzled.

"You can tell by the skin of my mouth." Qin Feng walked a few steps over.

"Mouth skin?" Saiduri Miyazaki was not shy, after all, she was an old couple, so she leaned over and took a good look at Qin Feng's lips.

"Ah? Why did you break the skin? You..." Saiduri Miyazaki didn't continue, but just smiled wryly. Could it be that fierce?

Just a kiss?

Can actually break the skin?

Of course, Qin Feng said it was okay and let her continue, but in fact, he was bitten to the skin.

"Even you don't believe it? This Chiyo Sakurako is so fierce. I really"

Qin Feng hasn't finished speaking yet.

Saiduri Miyazaki rolled her eyes: "You really like it so much, don't you?"

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(End of this chapter)

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