Chapter 289
Today's dollar, of course, has been falling again.

And international status doesn't matter that much anymore.

Dominance of the dollar.

Really lost the aura of the year.

For example, in the past, if any empire wanted to trade, it was settled in US dollars, but now, most of the empires must have changed the US dollar to RMB.

This is the power of the empire, which led to the appreciation and status of the currency.

The current soft sister coin is about 3.9 soft sister coins and can be exchanged for 1 dollar.

Qin Feng can boldly predict that in another 20 years, the exchange rate will definitely get closer and closer as the domestic economy takes off.

Of course, there is a point of knowledge that everyone probably doesn't know, right?

Why is the U.S. dollar also called the U.S. dollar?

To put it simply, at the beginning, the world needed trade, and each empire had its own currency, and no one recognized anyone else's currency.

Trade like this?

Isn't it just too much trouble?

Then at this time, the big western tiger came out and said, you store all the gold of your empire with me, the big western tiger.

The Western tiger is powerful, so such an expert is reassuring.

If these empires have deposited 100 grams of gold with the Western Tigers, they will be exchanged for an equivalent dollar bill.

This is the original meaning of the dollar.

All empire transactions can be settled with this dollar.

Then the U.S. dollar can go to the big tiger in the West to exchange for gold.

The birth of the U.S. dollar has made transactions around the world much more convenient, but there is an important problem. The U.S. dollar belongs to the big tigers in the West.

In such a case.

The Western Big Tiger has a great advantage in its position in global transactions.

Later, the U.S. dollar disappeared and evolved into the currency of the big Western tiger.

This is why the dollar is so bullish.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fact that the Western Tiger was very powerful at the time. If it was not strong, how could the whole world recognize this banker?
It is almost a big tiger in the West, setting up a game for the whole world.

In order to facilitate transactions, it is the whole world that pushes the dollar to a supreme position.

"2 soft sister coins?"

"My God, isn't this rich man too generous?"

"2 soft sister coins, according to the current exchange rate, isn't it more than 5000 US dollars?"

"Oh my god, it's really not easy for a rich man from the Dragon Empire."

"Let's go, sir. Although you are not short of beauties, you are not familiar with the hotel. Do you want a tour guide? I can speak Chinese,"

The beautiful woman from the Tsarist Empire who could speak Chinese chased after her a few steps and shouted a few times.

However, Judit Dragneel, the head of the teeth, stopped him and said, "You young model, let's go, we, Mr. Qin, are here to buy expenses, and we don't have time to come here to play." Romance, Mr. Qin is here to find Mr. Michael."

As for Mr. Michael, of course he is a rich man with a large number of Filipino maids.

"It turns out that this rich man is here to purchase expenses. Even so, he can also drop by to have fun."

"We have everything here."

"Accompanying wine or other things are all okay."

The beauty of the Tsarist Empire in Chinese at that time did not explain it clearly.

But I understand everything.

What she meant was that she could do anything.

Only rich.

Now Qin Feng can see that people like them are not much different from the street girls on the side of the Dragon Empire.

What is Qin Feng's status, how could he favor such a person.

"Mr. Qin, don't pay attention to these people, let's go." Judit Dragneel can naturally tell from Qin Feng's travels and the beautiful women around him that he must be the super rich of the Dragon Empire, the Dragon Empire People generally don't like to do such things. If they want to pick up girls, they have to pursue them by themselves.

Most of the wealthy people in the Dragon Empire generally have this kind of virtue.

And soon.

Led by Judit Dragneel, Qin Feng came to the 12th floor of the hotel.

Here, there is a rectangular corridor. It seems that here are some hotel single rooms, which are specially provided for the rich to rest.

The 11th floor below is full of various fun venues, such as bars, ktv and other facilities.

Here is the rest area.

It probably means, that is to come here to play, if you like any beautiful women, you can bring them.

Of course, there are also people who open private rooms and come in to talk business with someone.

The purpose is different.

But in a word, here is not to spend money, but to make money.

After entering the private room
Qin Feng immediately saw a bad picture.

A middle-aged man with a black face is.
There is a very blonde beauty below.

eat cigars.

Then the black boss himself was playing with the little rabbit.

such a picture.

If Qin Feng saw it at the beginning, he really felt a little uncomfortable, and he would definitely avoid it immediately.

But for Qin Feng now, such a scene can only be called a small scene.

Don't you smell yourself at home.
Sometimes, there are seven or eight girls around.

Then various positions.

But there are not many such opportunities, Qin Feng has to coax them to agree, so that he can enjoy it once.

Otherwise, most girls would not be able to accept so many people.

After all, they are good people,
It's no better than the girls in these romances.

The black boss, who was enjoying himself, saw Qin Feng bringing a few women over, so naturally he didn't feel any embarrassment, and Wei Wei called out the two women under his flag
Immediately after tidying up his clothes, he stood up and shouted, "You are Judit Dragneel? Are you the Dragon Empire rich man you introduced?"

Of course, this person is Mr. Michael, a black boss.

his banner.

There are a lot of personal expenses.

He just heard from Judit Dragneel that a man from the Dragon Empire is very rich and wants to buy a lot of high-quality Filipino maids.

But he's not too dog-licking either.

After all, he himself is a billionaire.

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(End of this chapter)

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