Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 296 The maid sent by the eldest prince of South Africa!

Chapter 296 The maid sent by the eldest prince of South Africa!

"Alright then, since Mr. Qin refuses to stay, then this is a call from His Royal Highness the First Prince of South Africa, please answer it."

After Michael's black boss dialed the phone, he didn't say anything.

After all, Qin Feng won't stay.

I have said so much myself.

Let this matter be handled by the prince himself.

And the opponent's Qin Feng, isn't he too tempered?The South African prince, or the crown prince wants to keep him for a few days, is he still willing?
Is this the confidence to know the people at the Dragon Empire War Department?It's really awesome.

If it was the Dragon Empire before, its status would not be that high.

But it's different now. ,
The Dragon Empire is amazing.

It doesn't work if you don't make people dissatisfied.



The call is connected.

"Michael, what should I say, is this gentleman willing to stay?" the eldest prince Danlin quickly asked anxiously, looking completely impatient.

"Eldest Prince, Mr. Qin said that he won't stay. You and Mr. Qin should talk on the phone first."

Michael didn't say anything.

Put the phone to your ear.

He handed it to Qin Feng and said, "Mr. Qin, you answer."

"Hello, is this the eldest prince from South Africa?" Qin Feng answered the phone with a very indifferent expression on his face, he didn't see any pressure at all, as if the other party was just a small character.

Under Putian, there was a royal patriarch of a certain empire.

And it has to be a big empire.

There are really not many people with Qin Feng's temperament.

"Mr. Qin? Hello, I am Danlin Archimedes, he is the heir to the patriarch of the royal family in South Africa, and the current eldest prince." Danlin said politely, and then said: "This time, it really needs to be done. Thank you, Mr. Qin, we seem to have only met a few weeks ago, and you have helped me so much? It really surprised me."

"I just met a few weeks ago? This..." Qin Feng paused immediately, silently thinking about what the words mean?

But as smart as Qin Feng, he quickly understood what the other party wanted to say.

The person who approached Qin Feng and then helped to get the orders for those high-tech fighter jets, isn't that the boss Michael?
Isn't the big backer behind Boss Michael the eldest prince?
Then the first prince said that the matter was performed by his father, so the things that the first prince's own people took care of?

If the eldest prince told his father that it was done by his subordinates,
Could it be that he knew Qin Feng himself and settled this matter?
Who is better between the two?
Of course, it's better to get to know Qin Feng himself, and then get it done.

"Well, that, there's nothing to say about this little thing." Qin Feng didn't question this sentence either, he can do whatever the other party wants, what he wants is just some maids who are pleasing to the eye. There is a shortage of manpower on the island. ,

"Eldest Prince, I keep asking Boss Michael how much these maids are worth, but he has never said anything and has been avoiding this question. Can I ask you now? Anyway, these maids seem to be given to you. .”

Qin Feng also lost his patience.

Asked this question again.

"Mr. Qin, what are you talking about? You have helped us settle such a big matter. Do I still charge you this little money? Although there are 25 people, it is only about 300 billion yuan, but I will give it to you." Prince Danlin knew very well that if the 300 billion was sent out, the high technology from the Dragon Empire would definitely come in a steady stream.

Don't worry about money at all.

Don't underestimate the place in South Africa.

But rich in minerals.

Many people from the Western Tiger Empire came here to make money.

This is a member of the royal family, and he is still very rich.

But it's useless to have money. If it wasn't for Qin Feng's greeting, it would be useless for them to use money to open the high-tech convenience door of the Dragon Empire.

"Since Prince Danlin is so polite, I'd rather be respectful than obedient." Qin Feng also knew very well that the other party really wanted to give him away, not just to be polite. Under such circumstances, he must accept it.

After all, the high technology they want is also the big plan of the empire.

It is to make these people in Africa compare. ,
Then you can follow the plan.

"Then Mr. Qin, I heard that you are leaving? Why don't you just stay for a few more days, and I, Prince Danlin, can do my best to be a landlord. After all, although we met a few weeks ago, we still haven't given you one." Meal!" said the First Prince.

"That's unnecessary. If I have a chance next time, I will come here to play, and it's the same if I invite you again." Qin Feng didn't want to waste his time because of something, he continued, "By the way, if other Even if you have applied for the high-tech in the Dragon Empire, if I am in the Dragon Empire, I still have some troubles, and I will take care of it for you when the time comes."

After all, they also received 300 billion worth of people.

And all of them are excellent maids.

Of course it has to give people some benefits.

There is no question about that.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Qin." The eldest prince Danlin laughed happily. He paused and asked again, "May I ask Mr. Qin, who did you know in the Dragon Empire? Why are you so It's easy to get these things done, and what do we want? Can you help us straighten our way?"

Anyway, the eldest prince thinks that the other party must not be simple.

You must have known Mr. Nangong directly in Dragon Empire, right?
Maybe you still know that Qin Feng?

Of course, now they are calling Mr. Qin one by one.

But the eldest prince didn't think the other party was Qin Feng.

How to say after all?

Who is Qin Feng?Will you call yourself?

Just like an emperor, ordinary people dare not think that the other party is the emperor.

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(End of this chapter)

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