Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 298 Serving Boys!They are the best!

Chapter 298 Serving Boys!They are the best!

"Let me go! We're going out! We're going back to our empire!"

Lin Bingqing and Lin Yujie.

Got caught at the moment.

Nature began to struggle unconvinced in the yard.

They traveled here with their parents many years ago, but they were stolen by bad guys and left the protection of their parents.

Although it is said that the South African emperor did not catch them.

But he's the one who bought them.

As long as the emperor decides to let the two of them go, they will be able to leave here.

"You two little ancestors, please don't make such a fuss about running away again, can you? In recent days, it's your 20th birthday. In addition, in the past few days, it seems that the emperor has made friends with the big shots from the Dragon Empire. Got a lot of good weapons, the emperor should be very happy. The day when you are favored is not far away. It’s just a matter of these few days. At this juncture of dismissal, if you run away, the emperor will not treat us as servants Punishment to death?"

Anyway, the old butler didn't dare to offend the two of them.

After all, he knew that the emperor liked her very much.

"Since your great emperor is the great emperor, is he not afraid of such a thing, being known internationally? He actually detained us and asked him to release us!"

The reason why the two sisters Bingqing and Yujie escaped these days.

It's not because I know I'm 20 years old.

That means starting to serve the Emperor.

Those things that were forced to learn to serve men in the past have to be used now.

But there is nothing they can do if they don't learn. If they don't learn, they will have nothing to eat, just to survive.

"My two little ancestors, look at your figures and appearances. In the Dragon Empire, I'm afraid you will never find such beauties again. How could the emperor let you go? Don't think too much about it. Be good!" Serving the Emperor, your good life will be unlimited, why bother?"

The old housekeeper persuaded him.

But Bingqing Yujie didn't listen at all.

They will not serve that old man in his 60s.

Although his position is indeed very good. ,
But still can't accept it.

"Let us go! You shameless things! Let us go to the Dragon Empire, I miss my parents!"

"Let us go!"

Bingqing Yujie was still shouting in the yard.

And the fairy tales of Qin Feng and the South African emperor.
Then pass on these voices.

"What are these servants arguing about? Could it be that those two girls ran away and were arrested again?" the South African emperor frowned and muttered to himself.

"Well, Mr. Emperor, I seem to hear our Huaxia girl talking? And do you mean to run away?" Qin Feng said slightly.

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The content of the past few days is a bit stretched, the author apologizes to everyone here, but after this month, the content will be better, because the author's home is being renovated!I'm really sorry everyone!Believe me, the quality will improve!Thank you for your support!Thank you so much everyone!Everyone, please help to vote!Thank you everyone! !Thanks!

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Please don't give up!Don't give up!real!The author begs!Everyone must continue to support the author!Thank you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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