Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 306 The South African Emperor's new strategy!

Chapter 306 The South African Emperor's new strategy!

After some challenges.

Fortunately, Sayuri Miyazaki won something wonderful.

eat it.

Then she came first.

Qin Feng's side is indeed a little happy, but on the other side is the mansion of the South African emperor.

That's not the case at the moment.

"What's the matter? Old housekeeper, did Mr. Qin accept the presents?"

The South African king saw his old steward return.

Still concerned about asking.

How to say after all?

No matter how you say it, Mr. Qin is someone who can talk to the Dragon Empire War Department, so he can't be treated normally.

It's not enough to ask the opponent's strength.

The South African emperor would not send any gifts at all.

"Your Majesty, this Mr. Qin really doesn't know what's good." The old butler said dissatisfied, "When I sent these gifts, this person just didn't accept them, and said that we will regret it, and we will look good at that time." What."

"This..." The South African Emperor was speechless for a while, and then asked, "Old butler, is it because your attitude is not very good, which made people angry? Didn't I tell you to persuade you with good words, and you must send the gift. "

"Your Majesty, this old slave is already low enough. Although I am very humble and nothing, I am also the steward of the South African Emperor, right? This Mr. Qin actually sent a concubine by his side to talk to me The old butler knew that he had been with the South African emperor for so many years, even the prince of the family would be polite on the surface when he met him.

But this Mr. Qin, relying on his knowledge of the war department of the Dragon Empire, was able to produce high technology for many empires.

So arrogant.

Not really something.

"Since I have persuaded you with good words and said good things, is the other party still planning to let this matter go?" The South African emperor thought for a while, "What exactly does the other party want to do?"

"This old slave knows what His Majesty is thinking. In fact, such a small person is very difficult to deal with. If you want to ignore it, the other party has a little strength. If you want to please him directly, you will lose your emperor's power." Face is a very difficult thing to deal with."

The old butler finished.

The South African Emperor also nodded fiercely, "You have been with me for so many years, and you deserve to know me well, so this matter is very difficult. The other party did not express any attitude, and it is really difficult for me to leave such a cruel word." choice."

"Well, Your Majesty, in the opinion of this old slave, you might as well just do this." The old housekeeper said, "Is this Qin Feng really just caring about such idle things?"

"You mean, it's a lie that she saved the two Dragon Empire girls, and she actually has other plans?" The South African emperor thought for a while, and he was also the same, but he heard two Chinese girls calling for help on the other party's phone?Do you have to spend a lot of time?Let him be released by a South African emperor?
"Old butler, what do you mean, she is showing the beauty of two girls?" the South African emperor guessed.

"It should be. Although not many people know about the two young ladies Bingqing and Yujie's appearance, but the other party's strong request to prevent these two people from being released is enough to show that the other party must have known through some channels that this is a natural beauty. Two women." The old housekeeper said, "Anyway, this old servant will not believe that this Mr. Qin will make things difficult for His Majesty just because of two strangers."

Of course.

They guessed everything wrong.

Qin Feng himself is invincible. He heard a girl from his own empire beg for help on the phone, and then he helped.

It's all a matter of little effort.

But if Qin Feng's status is only average, then their analysis is really correct.

Don't want to look at other people's beauty?
What is the picture?

"So, you just say, what do you want to do?" asked the South African emperor.

"This old slave's suggestion, Your Majesty, you still have to give up one of the two."

The old butler hadn't finished speaking.

The South African emperor's face turned pale, and he said, "No, no, what I want is two together. I will not let go of such peerless beauties. There will never be two such beautiful people in the world again. twin."

"Your Majesty, you also know that Mr. Qin has something to do with the Dragon Empire. As long as he exposes this matter and strongly asks the Dragon Empire to condemn this matter, it will be difficult to handle at that time. Give something to the other party, but the other party ignores it, so you can only prescribe the right medicine, doesn’t he want a beauty? Your South African emperor gave him one, what else can he say?” said the old housekeeper.

"But." The South African emperor thought of two beauties, one innocent and cute, a little silly.

It's fun to cheat.

Especially if one day.

This sister Yujie is stupid.

Then squat down. ,

With those silly eyes, he raised his head and looked at himself.

How beautiful it is.

And if my sister Bingqing, I like it even more, she is simply a rebellious wild horse.

Clever and full of tricks.

Little temper.

But the person is so invincible and beautiful against the sky.

One day, the South African emperor asked her to obey him and to serve him willingly.

Such a conquering feeling.

It is what the South African emperor wanted most.

So the two girls, the South African emperor was reluctant to part with either.

"Your Majesty, I have already told you the solution. You can just think about it yourself. Anyway, Mr. Qin is a hidden danger, and it is difficult to get rid of it, unless we directly mobilize the army and destroy him. But if the news gets out, the Dragon Empire It will be difficult to handle over there. Today's Dragon Empire, Bingfeng is strong and powerful, and it is already so powerful. It may not be true, this empire will start to conquer the world by force in the next step! Under such circumstances Well, this empire will definitely find some triggers, for example, a certain empire killed their soldiers at the border, or bullied people from their empire, which is the reason for sending troops. At this juncture, the matter of imprisoning these two girls cannot Let the Dragon Empire know!"

After the old housekeeper finished speaking.

The South African Emperor also patted his head at this moment, "Yes, I am confused! Why am I so confused? At this juncture, we must not let the Dragon Empire find any excuses for our South Africa! Although their goal is not We must be number one here, but we absolutely cannot leave any excuses for the other party to beat us."

The South African emperor knew the seriousness of the matter.

I thought about it.

Who are we going to send there?

Is it Bingqing?
Or Yujie?

Anyway, the current South African emperor agreed, and sent one of them out to stabilize Qin Feng.

It's a good thing if one can stay.

Leave both.

This is absolutely impossible.

"Bingqing's words are indeed a bit disobedient, but if Bingqing is sent there, wouldn't Yujie, a silly little sister, be easily deceived?"

And the South African emperor thought about it.

People like Mr. Qin don't necessarily like Yujie's cuteness.

You must like the weird Bingqing, right?
At that time, this girl will make him happy, saying that she may not be able to turn the fight with Mr. Qin into friendship.

Such a situation is also not certain.

After all, in ancient China, there was a Princess Wencheng who married Songtsen Gampo.

It was because Songtsen Gampo liked this woman very much after she married, so that the Tang Dynasty was at peace with that border area for many years.

In the history of China, the diplomatic act of "political marriage" has always existed.Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, countries have often used the intermarriage of princes and princes to maintain long-term friendship. Not only in China, but also among European nobles.In addition to maintaining peace, there are also purposes such as expanding power and exchanging interests.

Since the Han Dynasty, because foreign invasions were very frequent, such political marriages appeared more often. Later, the party with a weaker military tended to make compromises in order to ask the foreign aggression to stop. The married princess or concubine was just a treasure. accessories only.

Looking at the political marriages in the history of China, most of the recorded events are the friendly relations between countries, and the benefits they gained from each other later, or how long the peace was exchanged. The married princess did not play more history Value, only some historical anecdotes, or some opera legends.

Among them, Princess Wencheng is the most valuable marriage.

The significance and influence of Princess Wencheng's entry into Tibet is obviously more far-reaching than that of Zhaojun's departure from the fortress.

While maintaining the stability of the Han Dynasty, she introduced Han culture into XZ, which played a linking role for XZ to become a national culture exchange center.

The princess's entry into Tibet was based on the needs of the development of the Tang Dynasty. Her marriage was appreciated by the ministers of XZ and played a certain role in the unification of the Tang Dynasty. However, after the gradual decline of the Han Dynasty, Zhaojun's marriage was only a short-term relative to the Han Dynasty. stable exchange.These two points of view show that one is the Han Dynasty's strategy of unification, the other is to win over the surrounding ethnic groups, and the other is to endure humiliation.

"Okay, the emperor has decided to give this sister Bingqing to Mr. Qin. I just want to keep my sister. Presumably this Mr. Qin will also be a person who knows how to advance and retreat when the time comes. After getting a beauty like my sister, I will also give it to Mr. Qin." I am willing."

Although the South African emperor had a lot of unbearable heart.

But still have to reluctantly give up.

He swears.

If this Yujie said, no one else would know her existence again.

Really troublesome.

Answering a call by myself, how could these two people come out and yell.

As a result, Mr. Qin listened.

Still the same sentence, there is no reason for him to detain the two women of the Dragon Empire in the world, and he has the upper hand.

"Since His Majesty the Great has made a decision on your side, the old slave will arrange a meal, and then you will send the person to Mr. Qin in person. In this case, the relationship between you and Mr. Qin will definitely get better When the time comes, Mr. Qin will have such a good relationship with the war department of the Dragon Empire, so you will have quite a few advanced high-tech weapons."

In fact, the old butler had long wanted to persuade the South African emperor to let out a beauty.

But he never dared to speak.

The old butler knew about the South Africa's passion for the two women.

But now, after sending more than one billion gifts, Mr. Qin disagrees, so that's the only way to do it.

"Okay, old housekeeper, you can go and make arrangements for the specific matters. I want to have a grand dinner at that time, and I want to make friends with Mr. Qin again." The South African emperor smiled and waved his hand, saying The old butler went down.

At this moment, the South African emperor had to go to the room of his two goddaughters.

Then tell this sister Bingqing.

Let her go back to the Dragon Empire, and whether the matter of her sister's stay can be persuaded successfully.

"But, according to this Bing Qing's character, I'm afraid she won't agree?"

"So, I can't tell Bingqing about this, I can only lie to her, and then attend a dinner or something, leaving Yujie at home?"


I really want to send Bingqing away.

direct force
Anyway, what the South African emperor said was a little bit unwilling and a little disappointed, but there was no way, if it was sent over, it would not be perfect.

It is estimated that Mr. Qin will not appreciate it.

The more noble a person is, the one who says he doesn't care about girls on the surface, but in fact, everyone in the upper circle knows that a man with such a status hopes that a woman will be the only man from the beginning to the end.

"Bing Qing Yu Jie, my two good daughters."

The South African emperor said it.

I have come to the clean room.

Found two people muttering something.

I can't really hear it.



Bing Qing's words, although he hates the South African emperor.

But it's always been called that.

She also felt that it didn't matter.

You can't just call each other's name, or something, right?

If you hate someone, you won't swear indiscriminately.

It's pointless. ,
"What are you doing here?" Sister Bingqing looked at the South African Emperor coldly. She was still very worried. In recent days, she and her younger sister have grown older and matured.

Already an adult.

The South African emperor is probably going to pick the fruit a long time ago.

"My dear daughter, why are you always doing this to your godfather? I'm here to inform you of a good news." The South African Emperor smiled, with a kind look on his face, but under that kind look, his eyes were full of astringency. Always staring at the beautiful body of the two sisters.

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(End of this chapter)

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