Chapter 331 Continue the attack!

"Hello, respected Mr. Qin Feng, this is Marshal Bros of the Frankish Empire, who is in charge of this time. It is a matter of persuading a fight, and he is jealous of the peace of the whole world."

The other party spoke in a tone of green tea.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Hi, Commander Bros."

"Mr. Qin, we also have a preliminary understanding of the matter here. The South African Emperor is very sincere. They want to call out your sister, but they have no choice but to snatch your sister away. The South African Emperor's side is very sincere. Said that there must be their enemies in South Africa who wanted to use your hand to attack them. That's why Qin Yujie was taken away. The South African Emperor hopes that you can clearly understand this."

Of course.

The opponent's South African emperor is not a fool.

Ou Tuan is not a fool.

The person who took Qin Yujie away must have been sent by Qin Feng.

But if you can't get the evidence, you can't directly bring it up to the other side, right?
In that case, not only will there be no good results, but it will also intensify the relationship between the two parties.

This is what they don't want to see.

"Hehe, as I said, as long as my sister is released, nothing will happen, but now they are just playing tricks and delaying time? Are they trying to delay you all?" Qin Feng said dissatisfied.

"It's reasonable, Mr. Qin, the South African emperor can't afford to provoke you. He doesn't have to keep holding on to Qin Yujie, right?"

"Hehe, of course I know this truth, but the person was lost in his hands. I don't care about the others. If you don't hand me over, I will still fight." Qin Feng didn't want to beep too much, "Now you also Knowing my attitude, if you want to intervene, I'm sorry, I won't be polite here. If you don't just watch the excitement, it's not impossible, but you have to stay away, so that my plane cannon won't have eyes , accidentally hurt you, then you can’t blame me.”

As soon as Qin Feng said these words.

The other side's handsome face is even more livid.

This time to persuade.


Qin Feng still doesn't give face.

"Damn Dragon Empire people! I, Marshal Boros, will one day suppress your arrogance! The development of science and technology has always been forced out. Don't think that it's great if you make some achievements. These hundreds of Over the past few years, the West has been too comfortable, if there is another Western Renaissance and the development of science and technology, will your Dragon Empire be able to sit back and relax?"

His words.

Not even added.

In the past few hundred years, the West has considered itself a strong empire and advanced technology. These things lead the world, and the development span is not fast.

Now Qin Feng's Dragon Empire is so powerful that it can just stimulate those ordinary people, scientists, and even the empire to develop their own technology and no longer just focus on economic development.

Technology is the last word.

The fist thing.

Far more intuitive than wealth.

In this world, as long as you have fists, you can have everything.

Talent, economy, land, population can have everything. ,

But in fact, these earthlings don't know yet. It's not that the West has completed its development for hundreds of years, and now it's slack and doesn't develop. ,
But in the place of Blue Star, there is actually an invisible person who has been secretly controlling everything.

how to say?

Humans are not native to Earth.

In fact, the earth is a prison.

Humans are just creatures kept in captivity by alien civilizations.

this point of view.

In fact, some people have been proposing it all these years, not those who wrote novels, let alone netizens, but some scientists.

Is this how we humans appeared?Regarding this issue, there are many theories in the scientific community, the main three are the theory of creation, evolution, and alien creation.

Among these three theories, people believe in the theory of evolution more. In the hundred years since the theory of evolution was put forward, it has been proved by a large amount of evidence from various scientific fields.

However, as people's exploration of the universe gradually deepened, scientists gradually began to pay attention to the theory of alien creation and began to study it. They suggested that perhaps human beings are not really a product of the earth.Then why do you say that?

In the study of human physiology, scientists have found four prominent physiological characteristics that indicate that humans have not been able to adapt to the earth until now:

Four Physiological Characteristics
[-]. Only Humans Feel Low Back Pain
Low back pain can be said to be one of the diseases that have always plagued human health. Why do we feel low back pain?

It is believed in the scientific community that human beings need to walk upright. When maintaining this movement, the spine will be affected by gravity, which will cause back pain easily.

In our lives, other animals do not feel low back pain because most of these animals walk on their stomachs, so they will not be affected by gravity and have low back pain.

According to the theory of evolution, we evolved from apes, which originally walked on all fours, and in the process of evolution, we overcame the gravity of the earth.

Scientists believe that this is a loophole, that is, our close relatives apes are still using their upper limbs to crawl. It can be seen that the gravity of the earth is not small.

And if human beings can survive under this gravitational force, it can be assumed that the planet where human beings lived before has less gravitational force than the current earth.Therefore, today's human beings still cannot adapt to the gravity of the earth and feel low back pain.

(You can check the information yourself, there is not much water here)

Wait too much for the details.

All undoubtedly proved.

There is indeed a problem with the evolution of human beings, and the speed of civilization development is too fast. ,

Almost just those few million years.

Or in the case of middle and higher civilizations, it is only a few thousand years.

In the past tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, why did it develop so slowly?
Why has it developed like this for thousands of years?
What's more, the development of science and technology in the West for hundreds of years in modern times seems to be a development that cannot be achieved in tens of thousands of years.

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(End of this chapter)

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