Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 333 The Western Tiger's Strategy?

Chapter 333 The Western Tiger's Strategy?
"Everyone, look!"

"It's the Great Western Tiger Empire! Their warships and fighter jets are coming!"

"This is Emperor Tiger's Royal Naval War Department, and the ace sea commander Brando Bowman!"

"What? The Tiger Emperor actually sent Brando Bowman over?"

"Brando Bowman is the trump card commander of the tiger empire!"

"The Tiger Emperor sent such an important person here, and brought so many people with him, what is his intention?"

"You don't really want to take us to fight Qin Feng, do you?"

People from these European groups.

There is joy at the moment.

Because they saw a savior.

I saw my brother.

But at the same time, they are also afraid, because in fact they don't want to start a war with Qin Feng, after all, the opponent is too powerful.

soon. ,
Outuan directly contacted Marshal Brando Bowman on Tiger King's side.

"Marshal Brando Bowman, the Tiger Emperor sent you here today. Do you have any instructions for this matter? Since you are here, the leader of our European Tiger League is naturally you."

"The Tiger Emperor sent me over there, but he didn't give you any instructions, but everyone still wants peace! You can't do this, we are here to persuade you." Brando Bowman can't reveal too much at the moment Naturally, he said modestly.

"Is it persuasion?"

"Okay! Persuading the fight!"

These Outuan people guard their little space, so they have no choice but to fight.

Because once they fight, they are all afraid of their own soldiers, who can't stand the toss.

Now all the commanders of the Tiger Empire have come. Although Qin Feng is very strong, he still has to sell some face, right?
Otherwise, he underestimated Outuan's smallness, this big tiger and Outuan together.

That is not a simple power.

"Mr. Qin, look quickly. To the west, Marshal Brando Bowman sent by Emperor Tiger seems to have formed an alliance with the European regiment." Nan Gonglin stood in the conference room of the battleship commander.

The current Qin Feng.

was also invited here.

And sit in the primary position.

"Hehe." Qin Feng held Qin Bingqing in his arms, although in such a conference room, having a woman in his arms was indeed a bit indecent.

But everyone is used to it.

It seems that in Qin Feng's arms, every time there is no engraving, there will be a beautiful woman missing.

Qin Feng took a sip of tea and said, "This is the Western Tiger Empire. In fact, they are the most insidious ones. Other empires, such as Outuan, are timid. What they want is that their own empire will not be attacked. Overthrow. As for the Rice Empire, what they want is for us to disappear."

"Let us disappear? Where did their Tiger Empire have the guts?" Nangong Lin said angrily.

"Of course, they are not our opponents at all now. The former overlords of the Tiger Empire are now at the level of sons, but they must be ambitious. If they want to protect themselves, they will not be the big brother today. Because being a big brother will make us hate this big brother, if they want to protect themselves, they will just push out a member of Outuan as a big brother, and make Qin Feng hate this big brother."

Qin Feng is very clear.

Tiger Empire has not completely given up.

They probably still want to have a chance to assassinate Qin Feng.

There is a chance to completely solve Qin Feng.

In this way, their hegemony can continue.

If they can get Qin Feng's high technology, they will start to unify the world.

Because the Tiger Empire has been too peaceful during this time, and it also tolerates Qin Feng in every way.

In such a situation, it is to hide our strength and bide our time.

Such an empire, once it finds an opportunity, will bite hard.

"Then what should we do now?" Nangong Lin asked.

"Let's take a look at the newly joined Tiger Empire. How about negotiating with us? Let's be on guard. When we enter South Africa, we must assign some people in the rear to look after these people who persuade us to fight."

Qin Feng smiled and looked at the projector in the meeting room. Right in front of him, 10,000+ people started to enter South Africa.

And the speed of advancement is very fast.

About ten kilometers away, we will arrive at the capital of South Africa.

Compared with the economy, they set the capital on the coast.

Once the coast is guarded, the situation is actually very bad.

"These people are really tenacious! Although our fighting power is strong, there are still about 100 to 1 casualties!" Nan Gonglin looked at the meeting room. After all, their soldiers are flesh and blood. Even if they are well equipped, they cannot fight alone. Immortal.

Just die less.

"Hehe, their tenacity is just that now that the Western Tiger Empire has joined, and the Outuan people are by their side, they are still waiting. These people have given them hope. If they can't give them hope, then the South African emperor probably surrendered long ago. "Qin Feng smiled, and said in a disdainful tone, "And the Western Tiger Empire doesn't tell us whether it's here to persuade us to fight, or to help, or to watch the excitement, they just keep dragging it, and then give us The South African Great wants to let the South African Great grind our shells, let them play out our strength, and let them consume our military supplies."

Qin Feng had to say. ,
To call it mean.

There really isn't any empire that can compare to the Great Western Tiger.

Sometimes, for a little profit, they can make a small empire worse than death.

And some younger brothers, who have been sold themselves, are still counting the money for others.

It's just outrageous.

"The tiger empire in the west has always used tricks, isn't it just like this? Use others as cannon fodder? Sow discord, and then take advantage of the fisherman in the middle." Nan Gonglin said unhappily, "Sooner or later, I will carry a strong army and go to the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. .”

"Good ambition! But I think this day is not far away." Qin Feng smiled and kissed Qin Bingqing's ear, "Why don't you drink some tea? It seems that you have lost too much water in a day, and you need to replenish it Make it up."

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(End of this chapter)

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