Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 348 Chase and Intercept!Don't even think about leaving when you come!

Chapter 348 Chase and Intercept!Don't even think about leaving when you come!

"Listen, you will not be prisoners of war unless you escape. If you want to surrender, stay here. I am the tiger commander. After you escape, even if Qin Feng's troops are at the gates, I will lead everyone to surrender. , then the treatment must be much better."

The Tiger Emperor didn't say anything.

Just left them. ,

Choose to bring your own.

Heading northwest.

Break through the mountain entrance.

Entering the mountains, the fighter jets in the sky that day would not be able to take advantage of the sky too much.

And they can only be approached by tanks and vehicles on land.

In that case, it will be much slower.

"Godfather, you look at the video data coming from ahead. It seems that the Western Tiger and Ou Tuan have a difference of opinion."

Of course.

Qin Feng has a lot of fighter jets here, and will invest in the investigation ahead.

A lot of video materials were taken back.

It will be passed to Qin Feng's office.

"Hehe, these people, just fly separately when the disaster is imminent." Qin Feng looked at the previous information, although it was not very clear.
Of course, this is not very clear, and that is relative to high-definition TV.

In fact, in the battlefield, bring back such video materials.

It is already clear.

After all, the reconnaissance plane can only bring back video with a super high-tech camera at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Ordinary technology is really invisible.

"Then Mr. Qin, what should we do now?" Nan Gonglin asked.

"Now you give your fighter squadron and give me orders." Qin Feng looked at the screen above and said, "Didn't the commander under Tiger Emperor want to flee into the mountains with 10,000+ people? Just give I intercepted them fiercely, and let those Outuan people know that they can't make it through. Hehe, the more than 20 people in this Outuan will be my people in the future. If you can fight less, you will be less let's hit."

Qin Feng now claims that these people are his own people.

Basically, it has the meaning of proclaiming the emperor.

That is the Nangong family.

Probably won't say anything now.

Or, it won't be long before the Nangong family is willing to give up the throne.

Then Qin Feng went up.

Or Qin Feng himself is the actual person in power, and the Nangong family is just the royal family in the front.

Anyway, Qin Feng's current strength is the best.

No one dared to object.

"That's fine. I'll give them a death order. They must be careful over there, and no one can break out." Nangong Lin paused. Let's cut it off."

"Well, let's do it." Qin Feng looked at the information on the video, slightly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, "I think back then, we were treated like this more than 100 years ago, but today, all the hatred, But they’re all back, and now it’s not you who are in charge.”

In the sky at the moment.

On Tiger King and Outuan's side, more and more fighter jets gradually came to support them.

It's completely blocking out the sun.

"Oh my god! Did they ignore the front? Why are they all here to surround us!"

To know.

Tiger King and Ou Tuan.

It was a group of death squads left behind, who had been holding down Nangonglin's land soldiers in front.

Now they don't deal with them first.

Instead, they came to surround us.

"I can see it! I can see it! They really won't let us go today! This is peeing and blowing our noses, we have to take both ends, not only the ones in the front, but also those who want to retreat in the back!"

"This Qin Feng is not something to mess with, this damned Western Tiger Commander! I am Cao!"

Many people began to complain again.

But at the moment it can only be seen.

The tiger commander retreating towards the mountains.

Being hit by tight cannon fodder.

Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom.

bang bang bang. ,

in the sky.

Bullets kept coming down.

And shells were dropped.

The black smoke was also floating in bursts, and now they suffered heavy casualties.

"Erlang, come on, risking the cannon fodder in the sky, we must rush into the mountains. If we are on this plain, we have nothing to do with their superiority in the sky!"

"As long as we break through ten kilometers ahead, we can go back safely!"

In fact, Marshal Tiger is talking shit.

Even into the mountains.

Not bad.

In the mountains, the sky has the advantage of being in the woods and you can't see people.

They can let Qin Feng's pursuit waste some time.

But that's just a waste of time.

As long as there is enough time in the follow-up, they can also catch up with them.

But after entering the mountains, there was a delay, and the tiger commander was protected, so he might not be able to escape back.

Marshal Tiger is actually using the lives and deaths of these people to protect himself from leaving here.

Because Marshal Tiger knew that if a person like him became a prisoner of war, the other party would imprison him for the rest of his life.

It is impossible to let him go back to the empire. ,
Because once there are powerful people in the war department, they will not let you be free.

For example, in Jiangdong in the Three Kingdoms of China, why did those civil servants and officials all surrender?Because they surrendered, they can manage states and counties, they can be a scholar-bureaucrat or something, and they can make suggestions.

But why didn't the generals surrender?
This is not because the generals have hard bones, but some generals and civil servants have hard bones.

The most fundamental reason is that Zhou Yu and other generals, after surrendering, cannot keep them, because they are too good at leading troops to fight, which makes the superiors very afraid.

The world is united.

If you are a civil servant, you can keep you to manage the world.

There is no need for generals.

It can only find a way to get rid of you.

"Master! What we are now facing is the continuous bombing of more than 120 fighter jets. Our advance speed is very slow! If we continue to advance like this! Before we reach the mountains, we will be wiped out!"

Such a high-tech fighter.

The bullets in the plane seemed endless.

And the shells in the large gunship were thrown down for free.

so speechless
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(End of this chapter)

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