Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 350 Exterminate it for me!Destroy them all!

Chapter 350 Exterminate it for me!Destroy them all!
"All kneel to me!"

When hearing the sound of the big horn in the sky,.

At the moment these dropped arms.

And the soldiers who left the vehicle.

Also looked at the sky.

It's not that Qin Feng said they were not, but that they really didn't seem to accept surrender, they were all lazy.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Get down on your knees!"

Qin Feng's majestic voice sounded again.

The leaders of the European regiment saw this.

Can only shout loudly.

"Kneel down! You all listen to Mr. Qin!"

More than a dozen marshals from the European League. ,
Now you look at me.

I look at you.

The knees were still bent.

100 years ago, they were kneeling.

Now kneel by yourself.

This is the gap.

This oriental country is still rising.

"Very good!" Qin Feng looked down, completely indifferent to these people, it is already kind to them not to be destroyed, now let them kneel down, how can you not be happy?
"Godfather!~ They are so cowardly!" Qin Yujie was like her own sister in her heart at the moment, adoring this man infinitely.

"Yes, it's very timid, and the handsome Western Tiger is a bit bloody, but he also knows that the idea of ​​sneak attacking me is his idea, and I will definitely not let him go, so I will try my best to break out, anyway. Damn." Qin Feng laughed.

"Is he going to bring the people under his banner to die for him just for himself?" Qin Yujie was sentimental.

"No one, most of these people, as long as they don't die completely, my high technology can save many of them back."

Qin Feng for ordinary soldiers.

Still very fond of it.

It doesn't matter where they are from or which empire they are from.

The bad ones are the bosses.

"Yujie, Bingqing, you two are so beautiful, today is a happy day, do you want to?"

Qin Feng looked at the two beauties on the left and the right.

A sprite is quirky and beautiful.

One is cute and cute.

If anything flies.

cough cough cough.

That's great.

"We all listen to you." Qin Bingqing already liked Qin Feng to death.

Anyway, just pull it casually.

"I will do what my sister does."

A super handsome guy like Qin Feng.

And so powerful.

Plus the charm value is full.

Simply conquered in seconds.

"Ahem, cough, okay, let's go down and accept their surrender!"

Qin Feng smiled.

What a blessing tonight.


After the helicopter goes down.

These people are still kneeling on the ground.

Hundreds of thousands of people.

It's really spectacular.

Qin Feng seems to have a great sense of courage.

Very grand.

"Listen well. Now you are already my people. When the time comes, the leaders of the European League, I will arrange for you to take up jobs in China, and the rest of the people will also follow the steps. You will not be promoted or demoted! When you arrive You can go to the country at any time, and when I take your place, I can let you go back! But I can't let you go back to your own empire."

What Qin Feng meant.

That is, for example, France, so go to Great Britain.

If you want to win the empire, go to Billy Stone and so on.

It's Europe anyway.

The climate and weather should be able to adapt.

But you can't go back to the empire.

Of course, Qin Feng will also be there, setting up a headquarters with about 50 people, so he can watch them.

"We all listen to Mr. Qin's arrangement!"

None of these people dared to refute.

Even if they heard that Qin Feng was going to trouble their home country.

They didn't even dare to beep.

"Okay! You have also seen what happened today. In the next step, I will fight against the rebellious big tiger empire first! You can also use the media to persuade your empire to submit to me as soon as possible! The one who comes first at that time will naturally benefit a lot!"

Qin Feng looked at them, and ordered Nangong Lin and Nangong Feng to say: "The warships and vehicles of these people, all of them should be taken back. I have to go and see what happened to the big western tiger."

Qin Feng paused and said again: "An Nangong Feng, you should handle the specific matters of bringing these people back. Nangong Lin will follow me."

"Yes, Mr. Qin!"

"Got it, Mr. Qin!"

Both of them responded.

Going to work soon.

As for Qin Feng's words, he boarded the helicopter again and left here with a few women.

"Is our godfather domineering? En? Sister?" Qin Bingqing held Qin Feng's arm at this moment, and looked at his sister who was across from Qin Feng.

"Well, yes sister, godfather is really nice, I think such a man is called a man." Qin Yujie also said sincerely.

"Cough cough cough, two chicks, don't give me sweet talk, do you want something? You might as well just say it." Qin Feng smiled, knowing that the two girls had something to do.

"It's nothing, but the two of us will not be able to marry you in the future, and then we want Australia, this place, my sister and I will go over there to rule."

"Ahem, ahem, I told Bingqing about this. To be honest, I will give them this place. You can just learn to manage it with peace of mind."

Qin Feng didn't care about this place at all.

After all, my own woman.

All should be.

And I want to look at the whole universe in the future.

What is this and that?

"Of course, it depends on how you two performed your "speech" that night." Qin Feng chuckled and looked at Qin Yujie's red lips.

"Ah, sister, I don't understand, speech?"

"This silly sister..." Qin Bingqing was speechless for a moment, not knowing what Qin Feng was talking about.

"Cough, cough, it's nothing, little sister. Anyway, you can follow my sister at night. You can do whatever my sister does. Don't be afraid, we will be fine." Qin Yujie comforted her sister.

And then.

The sky ahead. ,

Qin Feng can only see that many fighter jets and armed helicopters are attacking the people below.

There are not many people around the current Marshal Tiger.

"Since they are so tenacious! Give me more firepower!"

"Destroy all!"

Qin Feng was really furious.

This tiger is handsome.

So contrived.

But Qin Feng can save those ordinary people.

As long as it's not dead.

Of course, in the eyes of higher civilizations, death is no more than the death of lower civilizations today.

In the death of advanced civilization, the heart stops in many cases, which is not considered death.

The definition of death is different in many civilizations.

It is not as good as a more advanced civilization. Death must be the loss of the body, and that is the real death.

For a more advanced civilization, the electromagnetic waves in the brain dissipate, and that is the real death.

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(End of this chapter)

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