Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 354 Go to the reward planet!Backward economy!

Chapter 354 Go to the reward planet!Backward economy!
Before Qin Feng really came to Planet Alpha, he was full of expectations for this place.

After all, this planet now belongs to him.

So if this planet can be developed better, it will naturally have a lot of benefits for him.

Although the system is now saying that this planet is still relatively backward, Qin Feng is still full of expectations.

It's just that when Qin Feng really came to this planet, he was suddenly stunned.

Looking at the antique buildings on the street and the vendors Qin Feng's eyes were full of surprise.

This planet does not mean that technology is very backward, it simply does not have any technology.

Because the current state on this planet is no different from the ancient times on Blue Star.

So under such circumstances, if he wants to develop this place, I'm afraid it will definitely not be an easy task.

When facing this situation, Qin Feng suddenly felt a little headache.

But suddenly a flash of light flashed through his mind.

Before, didn't the system say that he would become the master of this planet?
So in this case, how should I control the people on this planet?

If everyone's power can be gathered together, it will naturally make his power stronger.

In this way, it is not impossible to develop technology quickly.

It is precisely because of such an idea that Qin Feng immediately prepared to ask the system.

However, it seems that the system has predicted the thoughts in Qin Feng's mind, and before he can speak, he has already opened his mouth to answer.

"Although this planet now belongs to the host, the host must be recognized by the original inhabitants through its own ability."

"Only in this way can we establish our own power here and resist foreign invasion."

After hearing these words, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and felt a little helpless in his heart.

"If you say that, doesn't it mean that you just provided me with a place."

"Are all the rest of the things still need to be solved by myself?"

When Qin Feng asked this question, there was also a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

I hope the system can refute him at this time, so as to bring him greater hope.

But what he didn't expect was that after he finished speaking, the system fell silent.

After a while, the system spoke silently.

"According to what the host said now, it's not wrong."

"But now the host has become the king of the Flame Empire."

"So it's not like nothing now."

After hearing these words, Qin Feng suddenly felt very helpless.

But now that things have become like this, there is no room for him to change.

What's more, as the system said, at least now I still have the status of a king, and I can control a country to help me do things.

So in this case, naturally it is not nothing.

Now he is located in the capital of the Raging Flame Empire.

After thinking about this question, Qin Feng didn't continue wasting time with the system, but walked directly towards the palace.

"Your Majesty, now the officials have sorted out the problems that our Raging Flame Empire has encountered."

"Didn't you say you wanted to see it before? Do you want me to take it back now?"

Immediately after Qin Feng arrived at the palace, a eunuch came over to look at Qin Feng, and asked respectfully.

After hearing what the eunuch said, Qin Feng searched for a while and nodded immediately.

After all, he doesn't know anything about this flame empire and this planet now.

Only after understanding the situation here can we know how to develop this country.

Only in this way can this country become stronger.

After seeing Qin Feng's attitude, he didn't hesitate at all for this characteristic, and quickly sent the information over.

But after Qin Feng finished reading these materials, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Originally, he thought that the Flame Empire given to him by the system should be the most powerful country in the world.

So in this case, for him, it will naturally save a certain amount of time.

After all now those alien technologies are coming to this place soon.

If he wastes too much time in this place, it will naturally have a certain impact on future development.

But what he didn't expect was that this Raging Flame Empire turned out to be the most backward country.

On this planet, there are mainly three empires, namely the Flame Empire, the Ice Empire and the Storm Empire.

Among these three countries, the Ice Empire and the Blizzard Empire are the most powerful, but the Love Empire is the least powerful, and can only survive in the cracks between these two empires.

After realizing this problem, the corner of Qin Feng's mouth involuntarily revealed a wry smile.

Facing such a situation now, it would naturally become more difficult for him to solve the problem.

The most important thing is that the combined tax revenue of the Flame Empire last year was not even half of that of the other two empires.

Then in this case, it will become impossible to develop or have more weapons and equipment.

After realizing this problem, Qin Feng couldn't help sighing again.

For him now, the first thing to do is to quickly develop the economy of the flame empire.

It's just that this matter is very simple to say, but if you want to realize it, it is definitely not that easy.

Corruption has become rife in this flame empire, and it is still unknown how many of these officials in the court are willing to help the court.

What's more, the Leah Empire has been oppressed by the other two empires in the past few decades.

It is precisely because of this that many people have lost confidence long ago, and now they have become confused.

So under such circumstances, it is naturally not an easy task to improve the fighting spirit of all the people.

Although it will be difficult for Qin Feng if he wants to develop the flame empire now, but Qin Feng has absolutely no intention of giving up.

After all, in his system, there are countless materials, and he has more advanced ideas.

If you can't even do this well, then you are really useless.

After thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately walked in the upward direction, now let's see how to solve the current problem.

(End of this chapter)

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