Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 359 A guy with extremely bad character!

Chapter 359 A guy with extremely bad character!
After receiving the order from the king of the Ice Empire, these officials did not hesitate and immediately sent people to inquire about the news.

However, while the people of the Ice Empire had some doubts in their hearts, the people of the Blast Wind Empire would naturally have the same idea.

It was precisely because of this that the king of the Blast Wind Empire soon sent some people out to inquire about the news.

But now both sides are inquiring about whether the other party has made any moves, and they themselves have stopped all their actions.

So in this case, the final result for them to see is that the other party has no action at all.

Then when faced with this situation, the two kings were also taken aback, and felt very scared in their hearts.

Fortunately, the people under him came to remind him, otherwise he would have really fallen for the remaining schemes of the other party and the Lie Yan Empire.

Then under such circumstances, one's own losses will naturally become very large, and even the demise of the country is not impossible.

After having such an idea, the relationship between the Ice Empire and the Storm Empire suddenly became extremely tense, and the two sides were also full of hatred.

It's just that now they don't want to trouble the Flame Empire any more.

After all, the Raging Flame Empire has become the smallest of the three empires, and there is no way to pose a serious threat to them.

And now after finding a way to kill his opponent, then the Flame Empire is definitely his own dish.

So soon the spies of the Flame Empire sent back news that the two countries have now stopped their actions.

After getting the news, Qin Feng also felt a little confused, but finally nodded in relief.

Although he doesn't know why these two countries are not taking any action now, this is also good news for him.

However, after the officials of the Raging Flame Empire, who were about to make money for the country, learned the news, the expressions on their faces really became extremely ugly.

At this time, these people have all gathered together.

"What's going on here, can anyone give me an answer?"

"Could it be that the people we sent out didn't pass on the news?"

"Otherwise, why are these countries not taking any action now?"

After hearing these words, the other officials around looked at each other in blank dismay.

But after thinking for a moment, he shook his head immediately.

"That's impossible."

"If our news had not been passed on, then these countries would not have taken any action before."

"Since they have taken action before, they must have believed what we said."

"Now that they have stopped their actions again, there must be some other reason we don't know."

"Otherwise, let's send some more people to these two countries to have a good talk with them."

"Maybe in time they will be able to persuade them to hurry up and act."

After hearing these words, these officials still frowned tightly, but after thinking for a while, they all finally nodded.

Judging from the current situation, there is no other better way for them.

Since this is the case, it is best to hurry up and send people to act.

It's just that people from the other two countries have already suspected that they were caught by the scheme of the Flame Empire and another country.

Now that the Flame Empire is planning to send people to deceive them, it is of course unacceptable to them.

It is precisely for this reason that the kings of the two countries are extremely angry.

Under such circumstances, orders were issued unanimously.

"Now pull all those people out and behead them immediately."

"They didn't succeed in trying to coax us before. I didn't expect that they would not give up now."

After the two officials gave the order, the people under them naturally felt very hated for these people who came to deliver the news.

It is precisely because of this that there is no one to travel for these people who deliver the news.

When the officials of the Flame Empire knew that all the people they sent were killed, they were even more dumbfounded.

Such a situation once again exceeded their imagination, but now they are helpless in the face of such a situation.

At this time, Qin Feng has also sent people to inquire about the news.

After all, it was a little unusual for the other two countries to easily learn about the food and rice dumplings that I had just distributed.

Although Qin Feng knew that it was impossible to bury the news, it would take at least a few months for other countries to know about it.

But now that the news has been distributed in such a short period of time, someone must have leaked it on purpose.

And after Qin Feng sent some elite people to start the investigation, they naturally discovered the problem very quickly, and then came to report to Qin Feng.

Hearing that these officials under him took the initiative to leak the news, the expression on Qin Feng's face became extremely ugly at this time.

"These traitors who seek glory must be completely eliminated now."

After hearing Qin Feng's words, the guards around him naturally nodded angrily.

For them, they can only rely on Qin Feng. Only when the empire becomes stronger can they have greater rights.

It is precisely because of this that they naturally share the same hatred as Qin Feng.

However, they are also very clear in their hearts that these officials are also very powerful in the court, and they have already owned a lot of manpower and wealth for so many years.

If we deal with these officials now, it will easily cause the court's vitality to be seriously injured.

At that time, in case the other two empires come to prepare to attack again, they have no way to defend.

It is precisely because of this that the guards can only persuade the device reform, and also express their inner worries.

After hearing these words, Qin Feng suddenly felt a little surprised.

It's not that he hasn't thought about these issues, but he didn't expect that the guards under him who protect him can also consider these issues.

It seems that there are still more talents by my side.

After thinking about this question, Qin Feng really relaxed.

Before, I was afraid of disposing of these officials, and no one could take their place.

But now these guards around him are loyal to him and capable.

Then let them take these positions to solve the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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