Chapter 364 How dare you arrest me?
After the general finished speaking, the people under him were not polite at all.

Then these people rushed directly towards the surrounding officials.

At this time, the eyes of these officials were still extremely shocked.

Of course, they didn't expect that what they did had already entered Qin Feng's sight.

Even if they thought of this question, they probably couldn't think that Qin Feng would directly attack them.

After all, their positions in the court are very high.

If all of them are directly taken down now, it will have a great impact on the entire court.

It may even lead to chaos within the court.

It is also because people want to arrest them when the general leads people to arrest them, so that the eyes of these people are extremely angry.

"Don't you people know who we are?"

"Now they're arresting us all."

"After His Majesty finds out about this matter, he will never let you go no matter what."

"At that time, all of you will spend time in prison."

After one of the officials finished speaking, the rest of the officials nodded angrily.

In their hearts, this time they were greatly wronged.

Although they themselves know how excessive what they have done, Qin Feng doesn't know it.

So under such circumstances, these officials were being bullied, and it was naturally very normal for Qin Feng to help them as the emperor.

In their hearts, after their words are finished, these soldiers must feel very scared.

But what they didn't expect was that the general still just snorted coldly.

Then a faint smile flashed in his eyes.

"Will His Majesty punish me because of you?"

"Since you want to file a complaint, you should file the complaint directly after meeting His Majesty."

After this sentence was finished, the general never spoke again, and still let his men take them away.

After all, he received an order from Qin Feng himself this time.

So in this case, he has the biggest backstage.

Even if it turns out that this matter was a misunderstanding in the future, Qin Feng will never come to trouble him.

Now seeing the general behave like this again, several officials were stunned again.

At the same time, there was a bad premonition in their hearts.

Judging from the current situation, it may be that His Majesty wants to arrest them.

So in this case, it will naturally become very dangerous for them.

If there is no way to do this and Qin Feng changes his mind, then for them, it is really possible that they will suffer very serious punishment.

But at this time, the official didn't expect that what he had done before was exposed.

So in their hearts, of course they don't know why Qin Feng arrested them.

It was precisely because of this that he didn't feel any fear in his heart at this time, but just started to say nothing with a cold face.

He can also see that this general will never let them go no matter what.

If that's the case, it's useless to spend a lot of time talking with him here.

Let's have a good talk with His Majesty after entering the palace.

Because these officials don't have any resistance now, they will naturally be taken away soon.

The young and strong men around were stunned at this moment.

Seeing such a situation now, of course they also feel very scared.

Fortunately, after receiving the orders from these officials, they have not taken any action yet.

Otherwise, will they be arrested next time?

It was precisely because of these thoughts in their hearts that these people froze on the spot and trembled all over.

After all, they are just ordinary people.

So of course I am very honest in my heart.

Even now I feel very scared, but I definitely don't dare to run away directly.

The general next to him saw it again, and after they looked like this, they couldn't help shouting again.

"Now you people don't hurry up and go home, are you going to be arrested here with them?"

At this time, what the general said was not polite at all, but he was relieved to fall into the ears of these common people.

Now that the general asked them to leave, this matter has nothing to do with them.

It is precisely because of this that these people at this time did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly prepared to leave this place.

After half an hour, these officials were brought before Qin Feng.

After seeing Qin Feng's expression of four smiles that were not smiles, the hearts of these officials sank slightly again.

They know Qin Feng quite well, but they have never seen Qin Feng like this before.

It is precisely because of this that I feel a little nervous in my heart, and I want to know why Qin Feng brought them here.

Then an official knelt down without the slightest hesitation, crying bitterly, looking very pitiful.

"Your Majesty, you must make the decision for us."

"We were all at home, but these soldiers arrested us directly."

"We have been working hard for the development of North Korea, and we have never done anything wrong or evil."

Following what one of the officials said, after it was over, the rest of the officials also responded, and they all knelt on the ground in the end.

"Your Majesty, you must decide for us."

"If I wait for something that is not particularly suitable, you can directly let us return to our hometown."

"But letting these people directly arrest us now will affect our reputation."

What these officials say now is more pitiful than the other, as if they have been greatly wronged.

At the same time, they looked at Qin Feng quietly, wanting to see what kind of reaction Qin Feng would have now.

It's just that Qin Feng's reaction made them a little disappointed, because after hearing what they said, Qin Feng just smiled to himself.

"Haven't you guys really done anything wrong?"

"Could it be that I have wronged you by letting you be arrested?"

After Qin Feng's words were finished, the officials' hearts suddenly skipped a beat, and the expressions on their faces became more and more ugly.

It's really Qin Feng who asked them to be arrested. It seems that this matter is a bit troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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