Chapter 366
At this time, the faces of these officials have become extremely ugly.

Even at this time, there are still people whose faces have become extremely pale.

At this time, they can finally be sure that Qin Feng is really going to deal with them.

So under such circumstances, there is probably only a dead end for them.

But now, although they already felt some regret in their hearts, there was nothing they could do.

If you are prepared to beg for mercy under such circumstances, then of course it will have no effect.

So they can only pin their hopes on the Ice Empire and the Storm Empire, these two empires can suddenly launch an attack on the Flame Empire.

And if such a situation occurs, Qin Feng must be ready to solve the external affairs.

So in this case, naturally they don't care about them.

Although the thoughts in the hearts of these officials are indeed very good, but everything will definitely not happen according to the thoughts in their hearts.

After Qin Feng gave the order, all the officials under him also took action immediately.

After receiving the news, many people also felt extremely shocked.

It even made them feel a little unbelievable.

You must know that in the previous period of time, their Majesty did not pay attention to the affairs of the court at all.

It is precisely because of this that these officials have such courage.

Now that His Majesty suddenly started to deal with these matters again, of course it was a little uncomfortable for them.

But for those who were loyal to the emperor, there were also smiles on their faces.

Of course, they knew in their hearts that the previous events had indeed had some impact on the court.

But as long as His Majesty starts to pay attention to this matter, everything will be settled soon.

In this way, their Flame Empire will become very powerful again.

And after the people got the news, they felt extremely surprised.

In their view, the officials in the imperial court are all high-ranking elders.

It has been a long time since I heard that any official will be punished and dealt with.

Now that there is such a news suddenly, is it true or false?

For this reason, many people are talking about it.

But no matter how they talk about what Qin Feng has already made up his mind to, then naturally nothing will change.

It was precisely because of this that the officials of the Ministry of Penalties soon began to conduct public trials on these people in the vegetable market.

After all the people got the news, of course they felt extremely excited in their hearts.

In recent years, their life has become worse and worse.

Of course, many of them knew that this was related to the officials in the imperial court.

It's just that even if he knew the news before, he didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction.

Otherwise, if it arouses the anger of those high-ranking lords in the court, then they will only have a dead end.

And now that His Majesty has come to handle these matters personally, of course it also makes them feel very happy.

At least in the future, those officials will not dare to oppress them openly, and they will be able to live a more comfortable life.

It is precisely because of this that on the day when the trial began, an unknown number of people gathered in these places.

Since the people sent by Qin Feng have found enough evidence, the overall trial process is also very simple.

Now, for these arrested officials, there is naturally no way to quibble.

The only thing they can do is to honestly and clearly explain what they have done.

Then the imperial court began to issue them.

It wasn't until this time that these people knew what these officials had done.

Then they felt even more anger in their hearts.

After the officials of the Ministry of Punishments issued an order to directly impose the death penalty, cheers arose.

According to normal circumstances, after seeing someone being killed, these people would of course feel very scared.

But this time, everyone did not have the slightest fear, and instead cheered.

After seeing this, all the officials of the Ministry of Punishment felt shocked in their hearts after handling this matter.

Now in their hearts, they also feel a little scared.

It can also be seen from the performance of these people that these people have been suppressed for a long time.

Fortunately, His Majesty has seized the time to resolve this matter.

If you don't seize the time to solve this matter, then I am afraid that it will not take long for these people to completely explode their anger in their hearts.

By that time, there may be civil strife in the Flame Empire.

In this case, not to mention whether their current position can be kept, even whether their own lives can be kept is an unknown number.

After realizing the seriousness of this matter, many officials have made up their minds in their hearts.

It seems that the management of these officials under him will become stricter in the future.

Otherwise, if His Majesty is dissatisfied and contacted, it is not acceptable for them to be tired.

Qin Feng also didn't expect that the court would become more peaceful immediately through this incident.

Originally, he thought that after dealing with this matter, it would be good to keep everyone from doing something wrong with this food planting.

But judging from the current situation, some surprises can still be obtained.

And as Qin Feng began to rectify the situation with the power of the Raging Flame Empire, the kings of the Frost Ice Empire and the Blizzard Empire naturally got the news.

After getting the news, the expressions on their faces became extremely ugly.

According to their thoughts, the emperor of the Raging Flame Empire had been subdued through that battle before.

It was also at that time that the emperor of the Raging Flame Empire began to enjoy life, and no longer managed the affairs of the court.

But now the emperor has started to cheer up again, so under this situation, there will be some threats to them.

After all, the position of Flame Empire is very good.

Although the development of the Flame Empire has been affected to some extent, if it only needs to work hard, it will be able to develop again in more than ten years.

It was precisely because of this that the two kings simultaneously issued orders to launch an attack on the Raging Flame Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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