Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 368 The new weapon is so powerful?

Chapter 368 The new weapon is so powerful?

At the beginning, these officials did not believe what Qin Feng said.

According to their inner thoughts, no matter how powerful these new weapons are, they will never exceed their imagination.

But when Qin Feng really started the experiment, everyone was stunned.

The soldiers defending this yard have naturally become more familiar with these weapons.

It is precisely because of this that after receiving Qin Feng's order, they all picked up their guns, and then came to a place far away, aiming at a target far away.

After seeing this appearance, many officials couldn't help but sigh again.

These officials are naturally relatively well-informed. Seeing the appearance of these soldiers, one can guess that they must be planning to use this weapon for long-range attacks.

It's just that they don't know exactly what kind of effect this weapon can have.

But now the distance these soldiers stand has exceeded the effective distance that normal bows and arrows can attack.

It is precisely because of this that in the eyes of many people, even if these weapons are used, it may be difficult to achieve better results.

When faced with this situation, naturally, he is not particularly concerned.

But with Qin Feng's order, all the soldiers fired directly, and then everyone was stunned.

Although there are many soldiers whose marksmanship is not particularly accurate, with so many people shooting at the same time, there are still several targets that are directly knocked down.

After seeing this appearance, many officials showed disbelief in their eyes.

"how can that be?"

"How could this weapon have such a long attack range?"

"You have to know that even if the workpiece is within the normal attack distance, there is no way to knock down these targets, but now it is really possible to knock down the target."

"If you hit an ordinary person with such an attack."


After the official finished speaking, the other officials around couldn't help but gasped after hearing these words.

You must know that even after ordinary bows and arrows are shot at people, the lethality produced is relatively large.

But I didn't expect these guns to be more powerful and farther away after they were fired.

If this is the case, then on the battlefield they can attack the enemy, but the enemy cannot attack them.

Under such circumstances, the effect will naturally become more prominent.

After seeing the expressions of the officials around him, the corners of Qin Feng's mouth slightly raised again.

From the eyes of these people, he can naturally see that these officials already know the benefits of doing so.

It was precisely because of this that he nodded slightly again.

"I believe that all of you are now aware of the power of these weapons."

"If we equip all these weapons to the anti-American troops, and train everyone to be more spiritual."

"So under such circumstances, are you afraid that those two countries will come to trouble us?"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, all the officials fell silent, but they really felt a lot more relaxed in their hearts.

Especially those generals who followed, they felt extremely excited in their hearts.

For people like them, of course they hope to have a better attack effect and let them have more powerful weapons.

In this way, their combat effectiveness on the battlefield will become stronger, and their chances of surviving will also increase a lot.

The reason why the Flame Empire was so powerful was because there was enough food to support the army to train for a long time, and the number of the army was also very large.

It is precisely because of this that when facing those two empires, he will not feel afraid.

But later, with the gradual decline of the flame empire, the number of troops continued to decrease, and the training situation became lower and lower.

Especially because of the lack of food in recent years, most people in these three empires have to reclaim more land to grow food, and there is no way for all the troops to train regularly.

So under this circumstance, the combat effectiveness of the three major empires will all decline to a certain extent, and under this circumstance, the Raging Flame Empire will naturally be the most affected.

It's just that if there is such a new type of weapon, then the problem will naturally be properly resolved.

But soon there was still a hint of hesitation on the face of an official, and there was also some worry in his heart.

"Your Majesty, such a powerful weapon may not be so easy to obtain."

"If the number of these weapons we have is relatively small, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve better results."

"In this way, it will be difficult to hand over a large amount to the army."

After finishing these words, the smiles on the faces of other officials also began to slowly disappear.

If a weapon is very powerful, it can indeed change the situation on the battlefield.

But there is also a prerequisite for this, that is, this weapon must have a certain scale.

If you have a very small number of people with this weapon, but you have a very large number of enemies, then in the end, people will be able to wipe you out with crowd tactics.

So under such circumstances, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve results in the end.

Hearing these words, Qin Feng still had a faint smile on his mouth, and then shook his head.

"You don't need to worry too much about this issue."

"Now we have only been producing for more than half a month, and we already have nearly [-] guns and hundreds of thousands of bullets."

"Now these weapons can be transported to the border area immediately."

"So under such circumstances, it is definitely not so easy for the enemy to attack."

Although Qin Feng said he was full of confidence, there was still a look of worry on the faces of these officials.

You must know that among the three major empires, even the army of the Raging Flame Empire has the smallest number, probably more than 20 people.

The combined number of armies of the other two empires may reach nearly 100 million.

So under such circumstances, they only have tens of thousands of guns, and it may be difficult to achieve better results.

So if there is no way to produce these weapons in a short period of time, it may be difficult to defeat the two empires.

The final result will not change in any way.

(End of this chapter)

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