Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 386 This is not letting us live!

Chapter 386 This is not letting us live!
Now for these people, they feel that their hard days are finally over.

Not only can you fill your stomach, but your children may also have the opportunity to read books next.

And now, more and more artisan workshops have begun to appear in various places in the flame empire.

In their spare time, they can also do some simple work among craftsmen and earn some income.

Life will naturally get better and better, and many things that were unaffordable before can now be afforded.

At this time, the heads of all the families felt very happy in their hearts.

So far, with the thoughts in their hearts, many people will come to buy their books in the future.

In order to avoid the situation that their own family's books were not sold enough and all the money was transferred away by other families in the end, they also took advantage of these months to start printing frantically.

Even to a certain extent, the price of paper has also increased a lot.

Now that it's finally time to make a fortune, they certainly don't want to miss such an opportunity.

But after the first few days of school, they didn't find that their books were sold, and the heads of these families also frowned tightly, realizing that things might not be simple.

It is precisely because of this that the heads of these families did not hesitate at all, and immediately sent people to inquire about the news.

With the influence of these families, if you want to know some news, it is naturally very easy, and soon, the housekeepers also rushed over.

"Patriarch, something is wrong."

"All the textbooks used by scholars now are all new textbooks written by His Majesty himself."

"It's not at all the same as the textbooks we used before."

"And all the teaching materials are also uniformly distributed by the imperial court."

"I found some connections and finally got the textbook, so please take a look at it now."

After the butler finished speaking, a family member immediately took over the textbook and read it carefully, and his brows became tighter and tighter after seeing the textbook.

Since these textbooks were compiled by His Majesty himself, these textbooks will definitely be used in the next imperial examination.

Under such circumstances, their families are all on the same level as others, without any advantage.

Of course, it will become a very difficult thing to control the court in the future.

The most important thing is that the books they printed in the past few months are of no use, and all of them have become waste paper.

You must know that in order to grab more markets and earn more money, they also invested a lot of capital.

Letting them lose their money now is naturally a very big blow to them.

Because of this, the expressions on the faces of the heads of these families became a little ugly.

At this time, another butler suddenly ran over from outside.

"Patriarch, the Patriarch of the Li family initiated an invitation to let all the Patriarchs go to their homes to discuss matters."

After hearing that Li Kang sent people over to discuss the matter, the expression on the face of the person in charge of the family changed slightly again.

It seems that Li Kang is also aware of the changes in the current situation.

At this time, in the heart of the family leader, he naturally remembered that it was Li Kang before, and it was a good thing to tell them about this matter.

Because of this, they did not take any action, but were still supporting the court.

Now it seems that they have all become laughs.

If this is the case, Li Kang must give them an explanation for this matter.

Because of this idea, the heads of these families also came one after another. When they arrived at the Li family and saw Li Kang, their expressions were even more embarrassing.

"Li Kang, didn't you say this was a good thing before? Now that the imperial court has used new textbooks, this will have a great impact on us."

"We were just deceived by you at the time, so we didn't stop anything, let alone make any preparations."

"Now you have to give us an account of this matter."

At this time, all the heads of the family looked at Li Kang with extremely ugly faces, and Li Kang's brows were involuntarily frowned.

Regarding this matter, it was indeed somewhat beyond his imagination.

He felt extremely curious in his heart, the imperial court simply didn't have enough money to transport it, if this is the case, where did he get these new textbooks?
Although he was quite confused at this time, the most important thing now was to solve the current problem.

It is precisely because of this that although he is somewhat dissatisfied with the heads of these families at this time, he can only control his mood first.

"Now things have become like this, and I don't want to see it."

"It's useless to say these words at this time, and more importantly, we must hurry up to solve our current situation."

After hearing this, although the expressions on the faces of the other several family leaders were extremely ugly, they didn't say anything more.

From their point of view, now that things have become like this, it is impossible for them to change.

At this time, Li Kang spoke slowly.

"The imperial court suddenly changed the teaching materials, but it decided the path of all scholars."

"In this way, all their previous experience and time will be wasted."

"Then I'm afraid there are many scholars who will definitely feel unwilling."

"Although the scholars in our family account for the majority, there are also some other poor families outside."

"We directly support them to go to the capital to make this matter big."

"It will be time to see how His Majesty will respond."

After hearing this, several other family leaders thought for a moment, then nodded slightly, agreeing to such a plan.

After all, for their families, even if all the previous hard work of those scholars was in vain, the impact is not particularly great.

At that time, they can let these scholars come to work in the industry in the family, and it will also make them have no worries about food and clothing.

But it's not like that for the poor.

They regard reading as the only chance to change their destiny. Although this chance is very small, there is a glimmer of hope for them.

Now Qin Feng's decision cut off their last hope, so it's no wonder that those poor people don't rebel.

As long as this matter becomes a big deal, they are not afraid that the court will not change its decision.

(End of this chapter)

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